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Online Chat
Colchester Middle School
May 6, 1998

[PatLeahy]  Nick I do like my job because every day it is something different ranging from education to the control of nuclear weapons in Russia.

[heather]  Why did you decide to take this job.

[nick]  What sports or sport do you like?

[Michelle]  If you could do anything for our school what would you do?

[heather]  Hi Jennifer

[PatLeahy]  Lynsi it is very important that you develop good reading and writing skills and good math skills. It is going to be a very competitive world when you go in the work force.

[PatLeahy]  Heather I ran for the Senate because, as a notive Vermonter I felt the Senate was the best place for Vermont's voice to be heard and for Vermont to be in a position to stand with the other 49 states. my favorite subject is math.I like working on computers the most. why does education interest you?

[nick]  What occupation did you want to do when you were little?

[PatLeahy]  Justin keep working on those computers - it will help you in the long run. Of course the basic skills you learn are essential.

[heather]  What do you like most about your job?

[Michelle]  What school like for you in the seventh grade?

[Michelle]  excuse me what was What brought you into being so interested in childrens education?

[nick]  What is your favorite food and color? Can you slow down with the questions. We're a little behind down here and Senator Leahy wants to anwer some of the questions you've already asked. why does education interest you?

[PatLeahy]  Nick I like cross country skiing and scuba diving. When I was young I worked in my parent's printing business in Montpelier where I grew up. Had a paper route too.

[Michelle]  fine with us

[nick]  ok we'll slow down thanks. your welcome

[PatLeahy]  Lynsi and Justin children's education interests me a great deal. I have two advanced degrees but could not have gotten them without a good education as a child. There is where you learn the basics and that is why your teaachers tell you the basics are so important. They are right! nick changed nick name to Ryanb justin changed nick name to Josh

[PatLeahy]  Michelle when I was in the 7th grade we did not have computers or even calculators. I went thru a lot of paper and made a lot of mistakes. Fortunately I had access to a good library and that helped a lot.

[Michelle]  It must be hard being a senator I don't think I would want to be one

[PatLeahy]  Nick asked about my favorite food - Italian food. Color:blue

[heather]  I think you are doing a good job representing Vermont. Have you ever met the president?

[heather]  My favorite color is blue to

[Michelle]  If you could do anything for our school what would you do? Lynsi changed nick name to Elan What is your favoritekind of music

[Elan]  hi

[Josh]  Mr Leahy how were your school skills when you were in school

[PatLeahy]  Heather I appreciate that very much. Ryanb I meet with the President very often and my wife and I are going to a dinner with him , the Prime Minister of Italy and others at the White House tonight.

[Michelle]  you are so lucky

[heather]  What do you like most about your job

[heather]  cool

[Elan]  How long have you been doing your job?

[heather]  Who is the prime minister of italy

[PatLeahy]  Michelle if I could do anything for your school it would be to quarantee that you could always have the best teachers. In the long run a good teacher is the most valuable help you can have to learn.

[Josh]  Mr Leahy is there any room for the rest of the class to go with you tonight?

[PatLeahy]  Ryan my favorite music is music by the Grateful Dead but I also like classical piano. Ryanb changed nick name to nick

[PatLeahy]  Josh I would like to take you all but I am afraid the Secret Service already has the list!

[Michelle]  darn

[PatLeahy]  Heather the Prime Minister is Romano Prodi.

[Michelle]  that would've been fun!

[nick]  Have you ever been to a greatful dead concert?

[heather]  maybe sometime in the future???

[Elan]  Do you have any kids.

[Michelle]  I think our school deserves better what can the students do.

[PatLeahy]  Elan I have been a Senator for 23 years and nick I have been to a lot of Grateful Dead concerts. They used to let me sit on stage for them.

[nick]  cool

[Michelle]  oh my

[Elan]  cool

[Michelle]  What do you think about kids and drugs

[heather]  Can we come to dinner sometime in the future???

[Elan]  wh

[PatLeahy]  Elan I have three children all grown. My wife and I now have our first grandchild who is 2 months old. Our son sends us pictures of him every few days on the internet.

[Elan]  how many times have you had dinner with the president?

[Josh]  Mr Leahy can you mail a piece of paper with the presidents autograph

[nick]  What do you do all day? Please slow down a little.

[nick]  I want a autograph to

[Elan]  ok

[PatLeahy]  Michelle I wish all young people would never experiment with drugs or even spend time with those who do. The consequences are just not worth it. An arrest will bar a lot of employment possibilities and the possible health damage can be horrendous.

[Michelle]  sorry, we got excited

[PatLeahy]  Josh and Nick I have a lot of papers with the signatures of the 5 Presidents I have worked with. Some day I will probably give them to a college or University.

[nick]  What is your favorite movie, mine is scream?

[heather]  But can you send us one

[Michelle]  What do you think about the scandal between Monica and Bill

[PatLeahy]  Elan I have had dinner with several President's many times. The most fun is when you have dinner with them on Air Force One.

[Elan]  cool

[Michelle]  Sorry Bill Clinton

[PatLeahy]  Nick you might want to check the video store for Princess Bride of a few years ago. Good movie.

[Josh]  Have you been on any big movies?

[Elan]  Who the goverment of Washington D.C

[nick]  Do you like air force one

[Michelle]  We have to go to another class now, it was nice to talk to you

[Michelle]  Thank you for answering our questions

[heather]  Thanks for your time it was fun BYE Bye thank you from Nick and Ryan

[PatLeahy]  Josh I had a small part in the last two Batman movies with my son Mark who is an actor. Enjoyed doing it becase I than gave the money to the children's library in Montpelier where I had my first library card when I was around 4 years old. heather left(total 7)

[Elan]  bye thanks for taking to use

[PatLeahy]  Great being with you - enjoy the day. nick left(total 6)

[Josh]  thank you for your time with us maybe we can do this some time again Michelle left(total 5) bye Elan left(total 4)

[Josh]  This is Mike Weinberg. Thanks for your time. Paul, I'll check with you later. Thanks for arranging this.

[Josh]  Goodbye Josh left(total 3)


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