Information and experience gained at the Scottish Crop Research Institute (Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland (DD2 5DA) has been used to produce the following series of web documents, as a free service to scientists and students everywhere. |
This website is sponsored by Mylnefield Lipid Analysis. Consult them for all your analytical needs. |
- All about lipids
Definitions, structures, composition, occurrence, biochemistry and functions of most types of fatty acids and lipids. W.W. Christie
- Mass spectrometry of fatty acid derivatives
This section contains over 550 mass spectra together with a commentary on each, an extensive bibliography, and practical advice on methods in convenient sections. Archive pages contain more than 1640 (mainly unpublished) spectra. W.W. Christie.
- Selected topics in the analysis of lipids
A number of short articles on those aspects of analysis that have particularly interested us for the journal 'Lipid Technology', with longer articles from 'Advances in Lipid Methodology - One and Two' (P.J. Barnes & Associates -
chemical shifts for fatty acids and their derivatives
These articles by guest authors Frank Gunstone and Gerhard Knothe are concerned with the chemical shifts that have been reported for a wide range of fatty acids and their derivatives.
- Literature surveys of analytical methodology
Lists of references, by year and topic, culled from our frequent surveys and comprehensive data base, including a current awareness service. For the most recent references, click here.
- What's new?
Summary of recent changes to the site, items of general interest, a Calendar of appropriate conferences, etc., e.g. the Symposium we are organizing on omega-3 fatty acids. We also have a page of Links to useful sites.
- Courses - we assist with those run by MRS Lipid Analysis on "Lipid Chemistry and Analysis".
These pages have been produced by Dr William W. Christie MBE, former head of the Chemistry Department at The Scottish Crop Research Institute and now a consultant to Mylnefield Lipid Analysis, part of the commercial arm of the Institute, MRS Ltd (Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland (DD2 5DA)). For information on his latest book - Lipid Analysis - 3rd Edition (2003), click here. Please let him know of any corrections/additions that may be necessary to the site. He can be contacted by e-mail - |
Check these pages again soon. All our pages are updated as new information becomes available. |
Most topics are available here both as html and Adobe pdf files via a link at the top of web pages. Files are designed to print out on European A4 (210 x 297 mm), but save paper by saving files to your hard disk. |
Our site is recommended by ISI as we are "publishing important, high-quality material on the Web". |
Website updated: 12/4/2006 |