Subtitle A—Department of Defense > CHAPTER I—OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE > SUBCHAPTER D—PERSONNEL, MILITARY AND CIVILIAN > PART 145—COOPERATION WITH THE OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL OF THE MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD > § 145.6 Procedures." /> 32 CFR § 145.6 - Procedures. | Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
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32 CFR § 145.6 - Procedures.

§ 145.6 Procedures.

(a) Allegations of improper or illegal conduct received from the OSC under 5 U.S.C. 1206(b)(2), (3), or (c)(3).

(1) Allegations of improper or illegal conduct referred by the OSC to the Secretary of Defense or to a Defense agency (other than the DLA) shall be forwarded to the IG, DoD.

(2) Allegations of improper or illegal conduct referred to a Military Department or to the DLA by the OSC shall be forwarded to the General Counsel of that Component.

(3) Upon receipt of a referral under paragraph (a) (1) or (2) of this section IG, DoD, or the GC of the Component concerned, as appropriate, shall ensure compliance with the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 by obtaining a suitable investigation of an allegation, including compliance with time limits for reporting results of the investigation and personal review of the report by the head of the Component when required.

(4) Copies of each allegation referred under paragraph (a)(2) shall be forwarded by the General Counsel concerned to the IG, DoD.

(b) OSC Investigations of Prohibited Personnel Practices.

(1) The head of each DoD Component shall designate a Senior Management Official to:

(i) Serve as a point of contact in providing assistance to the OSC in conducting investigations of alleged prohibited activities before any designation of an attorney of record for the Component or individual respondent for matters in litigation.

(ii) Monitor those investigations.

(iii) Ensure that appropriate Component personnel are fully apprised of the nature and basis for an OSC investigation, as well as the rights and duties of Component personnel in regard to such investigations.

(iv) Ensure that any corrective or disciplinary action considered appropriate because of facts disclosed by such an investigation is accomplished under paragraph (b)(2), in a timely manner.

(2) The designated Senior Management Official shall have authority to:

(i) Refer to responsible officials recommendations by the OSC for corrective action.

(ii) Seek OSC approval of proposed disciplinary action against an employee for an alleged prohibited personnel practice or illegal or improper act under investigation by the OSC when it is determined that such discipline is warranted.

(iii) Ensure that disciplinary action against an employee adjudged at fault following completion of an OSC investigation has been considered to avoid the need for a proceeding before the MSPB.

(iv) Ensure that information concerning members of the Armed Forces who are found by the Component to have committed a prohibited personnel practice or other violation of this Directive in the exercise of authority over civilian personnel is referred to appropriate military authority.

(3) The Senior Management Official shall:

(i) Establish a system under which an employee is identified to serve as the Liaison Officer for any OSC investigator who may initiate an investigation at a facility, base, or installation for which the employee is assigned liaison duties. It shall be the responsibility of the Liaison Officer to:

(A) Assist the OSC investigator.

(B) Ensure that all OSC requests for documents are in writing.

(C) Process such requests, as well as all requests for interviews.

(ii) Determine, to the extent practicable, whether an investigation is being, or has been, conducted that replicates in whole or in part the proposed or incomplete investigation by the OSC, and convey that information to the OSC whenever this might avoid redundant investigative effort.

(iii) Inform the General Counsel of the Component concerned of any OSC investigation and consult with the General Counsel on any legal issue related to an OSC investigation.

(iv) Ensure that Component personnel involved are given timely legal and policy advice, through arrangements effected by the Liaison Officer, on the nature and basis for an OSC investigation, the authority of the OSC, and the rights and duties of Component personnel, including those set forth in Appendix.

(v) Inform the IG, DoD, of any OSC investigation of an alleged prohibited personnel practice that is identified as having resulted from a whistleblower complaint or involves an allegation of otherwise illegal or improper conduct.

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