Of course, this shouldn’t be too much of a surprise since Robert Downey, Jr.'s Stark designed and built the suit for the Tom Holland Spider-Man. But still, it certainly is a new direction for the wallcrawler to take on the big screen.
Carroll explained to the visiting press that the AI (unnamed at the time of our visit) is a voice “inside” Peter Parker’s head (or his helmet, or actually his mask for that matter). This surprises Peter at first, since he isn’t fully aware of all of the functions of the suit. Humorously, he starts asking the AI for help, but he’s not used to working with an artificial intelligence the way Tony Stark is, so when Peter asks for directions on how to get somewhere, for example, the AI responds by wanting to know if he’ll be driving, or walking. (No word yet on who will play the voice of the AI.)
The Stark Spider suit was inspired by the comics, which have often featured Peter using a variety of tools and gizmos. The trailers have already established that it has a bunch of gadgets built into it, but Homecoming will reveal that Stark actually has something called the “training wheels” protocol installed in it which keeps Peter from accessing all the features. This is not something that Peter is too happy about, and as the film progresses he’ll do his best to crack that protocol.We’ve already seen the web wings and the holographic map emitter and the roaming spider symbol (which transmits surveillance data back to Peter) in those trailers, but some other options that the costume offers include a parachute, a tracking device (so Iron Man can find Peter at all times), a heater (!), an airbag (!!), and its ability to light up for some reason. “We tried to go through the comics and pull out all the sort of fun and wacky things the suit did,” Carroll said. “Which is even harder to explain when he built it in his own bedroom.” Not so much when it’s built by a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
The holographic interface for Peter’s webshooters that was first seen in the Civil War end-credits stinger will also be fleshed out in Homecoming. Spidey can just manipulate it with a squeeze of his fingers or a rotation of his wrist to scroll through different settings for the webs he generates, adjusting the spread and type like the swinging web, web ball, ricochet web, a web that functions like a Taser, one that shoots multiple webs at the same time, and so on.
Holland also talked about one of his favorite aspects of the costume.
“My favorite gizmo that the suit has -- there's a very funny sequence in the movie because of something that he can do with his vision in the suit,” said the actor. “He can sort of alter what he sees and how he sees things, and it's really funny to see. It's almost like the first time that you play a video game and the controls are all funny, and it's really funny seeing him look like a bada$$, but inside panic and really … not know what to do.”
Basically, the Homecoming Spider-Man costume is seriously tricked out. Talk to Senior Editor Scott Collura on Twitter at @ScottCollura.