Home Accents Today Staff //News & Commentary//October 19, 2004
Home Accents Today Staff //News & Commentary//October 19, 2004
Shown below are the current editorial invitations from Home Accents Today for company and product introduction information for our various issues.
Please be sure to read the directions closely and follow them exactly to ensure that your information is listed correctly and your product information and artwork are in the correct formats.
For instructions on how to use labels, please click here.
If you are responding to a portfolio and need help describing your style niche, consult our Style List.
Current Invitations
Permanent Botanicals Portfolio |
Garden Decor Invitation
We are preparing for the December 2004/January 2005 issue of Garden Decor. Please send us images of your new and popular products for consideration in these issues. The following topics will be covered:
* Lotions, Garden Apparel, Door Mats & Flags
Please be sure to attach a label to any product images submitted.
Deadline for all materials: Monday, November 1
Click here for a label for your image submissions
Click here for directions on submitting images
Attention home accent vendors!
It is time to update our exclusive Universe Study and we need your help. Please take a few minutes to answer our 2004 Universe Study questionnaire.
All forms are due by Friday, October 8th. You may access the online form by clicking the link below.
Click here to go to the online form.
As always, the information you provide will remain strictly confidential and no individual company data will be published.
We need every home accents vendor, regardless of size, to participate. Universal participation is the only way to ensure an accurate picture of the market.
If you have questions, please call Senior Research Specialist Dana French (336) 605-1091.
To: ALL Lamps & Lighting Vendors
From: Tracy Bulla, product editor
Phone: 336-605-3794
E-mail: [email protected]
Kara Cox, product editor
Phone: 336-605-1043
Email: [email protected]
Please accept our invitation to participate in the Home Accents Today 2004 Lamps & Lighting Portfolio, appearing in the November issue. The Portfolio features a Registry of Sources (a directory of companies, product categories and contact information), images of best-selling product and a business overview. To be considered for the portfolio, please submit a Registry of Sources form and product photography. The Registry of Sources form has been redesigned to streamline product categories and retail pricing (indicate high, medium, low). To help you describe style trends, consult our Style List.
Important: A Registry of Sources form must be submitted for product photography to be considered. A complete label must be attached to each image submitted.
Products and Styles Showcased
Accent lamps, table lamps, desk lamps, floor lamps, task lighting, sconces, chandeliers, pendants and torchieres are welcome. We ask that you submit only your newest products or current best-sellers. Selection will be based on the product’s design merit and style significance, as well as image quality. Please submit a label with each image.
Click here to go to the online form
Click here for a label for your image submissions
Click here for directions on submitting images
Deadline for all materials: Monday, October 18, 2004
To: ALL permanent botanical VENDORS
October 6, 2004
From: Kara Cox, product editor
Phone: 336-605-1043
E-mail: [email protected]
Please accept our invitation to participate in the Home Accents Today 2004 Permanent Botanical Portfolio, appearing in the December issue. The Portfolio features a Registry of Sources (a directory of companies, product categories and contact information), images of best-selling product and a business overview. To be considered for the portfolio, please submit a Registry of Sources form and product photography. The Registry of Sources form has been redesigned to streamline product categories and retail pricing (indicate high, medium, low). To help you describe style trends, consult our style list.
Important: A Registry of Sources form must be submitted for product photography to be considered. A complete label must be attached to each image submitted.
Products and Styles Showcased
Permanent botanical floral and greenery arrangements as well as trees, potted plants, wreaths and topiaries. We ask that you submit only your newest products or current best-sellers. Selection will be based on the product’s design merit and style significance, as well as image quality.
Click here to go to the online form
Click here for a label for your image submissions
Click here for directions on submitting images
Deadline for all materials: Monday, October 25, 2004
Image Requirements
We need high-quality images for publication. We can accept transparencies, prints, slides or digital images. Digital images must have a resolution of 300 DPI or higher and be at least 3×4 inches in size. Please send printouts of any digital images. We prefer images that have not been, or will be, used in advertising. If you want photos, art or disks returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Submission Instructions
So that we can accurately identify and describe your product, we require that a completed label be attached to EVERY image submitted. We can receive your images and information in various ways. Below are detailed instructions for submissions via e-mail or regular mail.
To FTP product images to us, click here for directions
If sending by e-mail:
Copy the online label (Tip: Select all label copy with your cursor, then hit Control+C)
Paste the label into an email (Tip: Put your cursor in the email, then hit Control+V)
Fill out the label completely
Attach your image to the email
Send to our product editor Tracy Bulla at [email protected].
If sending by mail:
Cut out the printed label you received from us or print out the online label (Tip: To print, select File, then Print on your browser menu)
Fill out the label completely
Package the label and the image together
Send to the attention of our product editor Tracy Bulla at 7025 Albert Pick Road, Suite 200, Greensboro, N.C. 27409
If sending by fax:
Fill out the form completely
Fax to 336-605-1158, attn: Product Editor Tracy Bulla
If you still have questions about sending images and/or information to Home Accents Today, call product editor Tracy Bulla at 336-605-3794.