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Welcome to Global Frontier Missions

Global Frontier Missions (GFM) is a movement of Christ-centered communities dedicated to mobilizingtraining, and multiplying disciples and churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the least reached people groups of the earth.

We pray that this GFM website expands your knowledge of the missionary task and encourages you to discover your part in fulfilling the Great Commission. The Missions 101 videos offered on this page cast the powerful vision of God’s contemporary work among the world’s people groups. The Habits of a Global Christian videos describe how to strategically get involved in missions. Together, these videos reveal ways for you to Join Us as we make disciples of all nations among those who have never heard.

unreached people group, upg pic

What is a UPG? – a brief explanation of unreached people groups and why they are important to Great Commission involvement.

biblical basis of missions image

The Biblical Basis of Missions – a bird's eye view of “the story of God’s glory” from Genesis to Revelation.

state of the world image

The State of the World – a stark graphic showing the great imbalance of where our missionaries and finances are going compared to the need around the world.

God's heart for the foreigner

God’s Heart for the Foreigner – see what the Bible has to say about foreigners living in our communities.

3d gospel

3D Gospel – an overview of guilt/innocence, honor/shame, and fear/power worldviews that informs us how to better minister to people from those cultures.

Christian community development

Christian Community Development – an overview of community development based on the principles of Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett’s When Helping Hurts.

power of multiplication

The Power of Multiplication – a multiplication, disciple-making strategy that explores the possibility of the reamining task being completed in this generation.

power of multiplication

The Kingdom of God – this is a good overview of Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God and how that is the message that is going to be preached to all nations before the end comes..

Cultivate the Habits of a Global Christian

habits of a global christian

The Missions 101 resources focused on the “why” of missions. Now, we invite you to discover the personal habits necessary for every believer to become a Global Christian, someone actively participating in the Great Commission. The five essential habits are: pray for the nations, welcome internationals, go to the unreached, send the goers, and mobilize more people to missions involvement. Until all have heard!

Join Us

Now that you have caught the Great Commission vision through Missions 101 and learned about the Habits of a Global Christian, please Join Us for more equipping geared toward your specific missions journey. We are dedicated to helping individuals and churches improve their skills in reaching out to internationals in our communities and going to the ends of the earth making disciples of all nations.

step in study

Step In Study – Lead or co-lead a small group through our 5 week Bible study highlighting our Missions 101 lessons. Help other believers find their role in the Great Commission and do your part in mobilizing other Christians into missions involvement!

missionary training school

Missionary Training School – Are you considering working long-term among the unreached either at home or abroad? Equip yourself to be more fruitful and to last longer in ministry through our training school program, either in person or online.

slice program

SLICE Program – Do you have a heart for the unreached people of South Asia? Learn Strategy, Language, Identity, Culture, and Exalting Jesus, to prepare yourself for long-term health and fruitfulness in that part of the world.

join ur staff

Join Our Staff – Why not consider coming on staff with us in AtlantaSouth Asia, or Thailand as we mobilize, train, and multiply more laborers to serve among the unreached?

give to missions

Give – Partner with us as we mobilize, train, and multiply disciples and churches to serve among the least-reached people groups of the earth.

Feel free to check out our story, the history of GFM and our future vision, as well as our statement of faith and core values. You may also want to glace at our ministry overviewannual reportfinancials, board of directors, and endorsements.

Want to learn more?

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