News 2012
Dec 20, 2012 | EmpaNews 39 published
Industrialized countries face two problems: noise and airborne pollution. Empa researchers use facilities such as comprehensive 3D computer models and simulations to detect noise sources. The resulting noise maps then...
Dec 18, 2012 | TREASORES EU research project led by Empa
The EU research project, “TREASORES”, got under way on 1 November. The 14 project partners will receive some nine million euros over the next three years for the development of favourably priced production technologies...
14.12.2012 | Empa-Innovationspreis 2012 verliehen
Bereits zum 6. Mal verlieh die Empa kürzlich ihren mit 5000 Franken dotierten Innovationspreis. Die Preisträger - ein Team der Abteilung «Gebäudetechnologien» - Thomas Stahl, Samuel Brunner, Mark Zimmermann und Matthias...
Dec 8, 2012 | HITTEC – from waste heat to electricity
To convert waste heat from solid oxide fuel cells into electricity is the goal of the “HITTEC” project. Researchers from Empa, in a strategic partnership with Hexis AG, are developing a thermoelectric converter to make...
3 déc. 2012 | 47e Apéro scientifique sur le changement climatique en Suisse
Le climat est depuis des années un thème qui occupe les milieux politiques, économiques et scientifiques. A Doha, la conférence de l’ONU sur le climat qui vient de s’achever s’est efforcée de fixer des directives et des...
Nov 12, 2012 | EmpaNews 38 published
Solar modules made from silicon are too rigid for many applications – and they are often too expensive. Solar cells on flexible film are the solution, and are capable of generating power from sunlight much more cheaply....
Oct 26, 2012 | A molecular glance on solar water splitting
Hydrogen production by solar water splitting in photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) has long been considered the holy grail of sustainable energy research. Iron oxide is a promising electrode material. An international team...
22.10.2012 | Baufachtagung in Dübendorf
Die Jahrestagung Bauchemie beschäftigte sich dieses Jahr mit nachhaltigen Baustoffen der Zukunft. Mitte Oktober traf sich die Fachgruppe Bauchemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz,...
22.10.2012 | Langjährige Schadstoffmessung auf dem Jungfraujoch
Seit 40 Jahren misst die Empa im Sphinx-Observatorium auf dem Jungfraujoch Luftschadstoffe und hilft damit, die Luftqualität europaweit zu bestimmen und zu verbessern. Denn was auf dem Jungfraujoch detektiert wird,...
Oct 18, 2012 | International medical technology conference
Around 3,200 visitors from all over Europe were in Lucerne from 25 to 27 September for the successful premiere of the "World Medtech Forum". Empa was represented by two special "employees" and more than 20 exhibits from...
8 oct. 2012 | La balayeuse à hydrogène part de St-Gall pour se rendre à Berne
Depuis le printemps 2012 cette balayeuse est en action dans les rues de St-Gall – à l’entière satisfaction du service de la voierie de la ville. Maintenant ce véhicule s’est déplacé pour trois mois à Berne où le...
Oct 1, 2012 | Tuning the surface to accomodate future neighbouring cells
Cell biologists at Empa want to “tune” implants such that they can better carry out their tasks in the human body. The surface of the implant is the key to success. Together with the Fraunhofer Institute IFAM, the Empa...
Sep 24, 2012 | Textile pressure ulcer prevention
Immobile patients are in constant danger of developing pressure ulcers on the skin. Empa, Schoeller Medical and the Swiss Paraplegic Centre have worked together to develop a special sheet that is gentle on the skin and...
Sep 23, 2012 | New data on the biofuel ecobalance
First tops, then flops. That is one way of summing up the history of biofuels so far. A new study led by Empa gives an up-to-date picture of the ecobalance of various biofuels and their production processes. Only a few...
Sep 21, 2012 | VELUX FOUNDATION supports Empa research
All over the world the concept of artificial photosynthesis –the conversion of solar energy into a chemical energy storage medium such as hydrogen – is currently a hot research topic. The process involves the use of...
14.09.2012 | ETH-Bereich nennt Forschungsthemen für Energiewende
Der politisch beschlossene Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie und die Klimaziele der Schweiz erfordern einen grundlegenden Umbau des Schweizer Energiesystems. An der Empa werden deshalb zwei Forschungs- und...
11 sept. 2012 | Swiss Texnet «Innovation Day 2012» à l’Empa
Comment créer des innovations de manière ciblée? C’est à cette question qu’était consacré l’«Innovation Day» de Swiss Texnet, le réseau d’innovation textile suisse qui s’est déroulé à l’Empa.
Sep 5, 2012 | European elite support for Empa researcher
The European Research Council (ERC) recently awarded its ERC Starting Grants for the fifth time. One of the recipients is a young Empa scientist, Maksym Kovalenko, who also holds a professorship at the ETH Zürich. He has...
Sep 3, 2012 | Recognized expert on air pollution and environmental science
On 1st September, 2012, Dr. Brigitte Buchmann, takes over as newly appointed head of Empa’s Mobility, Energy and Environment Department. At the same time she also assumes her new role as new Member of the Board of...
Sep 3, 2012 | All-rounder with broad experience in support services
On September 1st Dr. Urs Leemann took over from Roland Knechtle as the head of Empa’s Support Department. His professional experience provides the optimal background to manage this multifaceted group.
Showing 1 to 20 of 51 entries.