Ann's faith serves as her moral compass. She is a practicing Catholic and has been married to her husband Tim for over 30 years. They have three millennial age sons who are all proud graduates of Brighton High School.
Ann believes government’s role should be limited and the Constitution should be upheld and she supports Michigan First, America Always efforts. Financial decisions need to be made with a strong sense that each dollar being spent belongs to the taxpayer. The government’s money is the taxpayer’s money – not an expense account.
She is active as our state representative, in the community, and at her church.
Her involvement includes serving on the Livingston County Catholic Services Board of Directors, the Livingston County Community Alliance Marijuana Committee advancing substance abuse prevention, and education and is a member of the Holy Spirit Parish Council Finance Committee. She was awarded a fellowship to the Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership sponsored by the Midwest Council of Governments in her first year as a legislator. In 2022, she was selected as GOPAC’s Emergent Leader for the Michigan House of Representatives.
Prior to serving as a legislator, Ann was the longtime Clerk in Brighton Township and served on the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Holy Spirit Parish Council, Michigan Townships Association Board of Directors, the Livingston County Municipal Clerks Association as Treasurer and past president, and the Michigan Municipal Clerks Association Legislative Committee and Council of Elections Officials. She also served on the Livingston Community Water Authority and she and husband Tim are also associate members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Ann continues to be involved in her community and is as an active volunteer for community events and causes.
Ann is known for being approachable. She is respected for her keen ability to sift through the details and see the big picture.
While dealing with COVID-19, Ann not only worked with her constituents, local communities, the business community and law enforcement professionals to resolve issues and provide a steady hand during these most challenging times; she was looking ahead to find ways to move us through the pandemic. Focusing on the impact on the budget, combing through the data, and finding solutions. She has been a real fighter for her district.
During her years as a local Clerk and member of the Board of Trustees, Ann spearheaded a financial transparency initiative, pushed for cost-saving measures to reduce expenses and limit long-term liabilities, fought for policies to ensure long-standing debt obligations be met, championed efforts to pay off debt early, and administered clean elections year in and year out and she has taken that experience to Lansing.
She has been a strong voice for election integrity and is seen as a leading expert on Michigan elections. She has been a regular speaker on Michigan elections advocating to ensure that all eligible voters can vote freely, secretly, independently, safely, and securely.
She has earned the respect of many and was enrolled in the Brighton Women’s Honor Roll and was a nominee for Township Clerk of the Year.
“I want to go to Lansing to do something - not be something.”