from the archives
April 2014

Why the Civil Case Against O.J. Simpson Would Never Be Enough

Despite a $33.5 million judgment the saga was still far from over, as Dominick Dunne wrote in our April 1997 issue.
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O.J. Simpson walks impassively out of the Santa Monica Courthouse after a day of testifying in his civil trial.By BROWN FREDERICK/SIPA.

Finally, 32 months after the double murders, the Simpson case was over. The truth was outed. Twelve jurors who understood that their responsibility was to justice and not to settling past personal grievances with the Los Angeles Police Department combed through the evidence during their deliberations, discussed it among themselves for five days, asked for read-backs and video playbacks, and came up with the verdict that the evidence has always pointed to: they found Orenthal James Simpson liable for the deaths of his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman. They punished him accordingly, to the tune of $33.5 million in damages. It happened not a moment too soon. The saturation point with O. J. Simpson had been reached.

Right up to the end, when his world came crashing down around him, the sheer stardom of Simpson prevailed. It didn’t seem to matter if he was being cheered or jeered as he arrived at the courthouse each day in a black Chevy Suburban with tinted windows and a bodyguard who looked just like Sylvester Stallone, complete with attitude. Simpson’s ever loyal sister Shirley Baker and her husband, Benny, would precede him. He was always in character, demanding our attention, sometimes waving, sometimes not, sometimes limping, sometimes not, knowing exactly how much of himself to share with the public on any given day.

National interest in the outcome of the civil trial was so intense that Simpson very nearly upstaged the president of the United States on the occasion of his State of the Union address. When that night is written about in years to come, it will be Simpson’s verdict, not President Clinton’s words, that will be remembered—the picture of Simpson leaving the courthouse with head held at a defiant angle as people screamed “Killer!” at him.

The person who certainly was upstaged that night was Republican congressman J. C. Watts Jr. of Oklahoma, who gave his party’s reply to the president’s speech. The event should have forged his political career in the national spotlight. Instead, it turned into an ironic moment of Americana: an African-American Republican representative, associate pastor, and former college athlete, at the top of his form, competing for airtime with an African-American former sports star, at the bottom of his form, having just been branded a killer by a civil jury. In Santa Monica, there were shouts of joy and roars of anger as the cast of characters that has held our country enthralled for almost three years—the Goldmans, the Browns, and the Simpsons—left the courthouse.

There is a messenger in this case you cannot trust, and that is O. J. Simpson. He has lied and lied and lied about every important fact of this case.

—Plaintiff’s attorney Daniel Petrocelli in his closing rebuttal argument.

I never thought that the Menendez brothers, Lyle and Erik, who are currently doing life without parole at two different California penal institutions, could be beat as world-class liars, but I must tip my hat to O. J. Simpson for besting even them in that department. He lied like a man who was used to lying and having his lies accepted as truth. He may have been a lousy actor in films, but he’s a brilliant one in life. He’s bad at learned lines, however. He sounded very unconvincing when he said he was “Absolutely 100 percent not guilty” during the criminal trial. That line was given to Simpson by his lawyer Johnnie Cochran, which explains the awkwardness of his delivery. On his own in the civil trial, lying from his heart, he was altogether different. “He’d rather lie than eat,” wrote Steve Dunleavy in the New York Post. Sitting in the courtroom watching him lie hour after hour was an experience I won’t forget. Not an iota of shame or embarrassment emanated from him. As Daniel Petrocelli pounded away at him with his questions, sometimes standing only inches from his face, Simpson maintained confidence, assurance, even dignity during a cross-examination that would have felled a lesser mortal. Even in the face of irrefutable proof that he was lying, such as the 31 photographs of him wearing the Bruno Magli shoes that he had sworn he never owned, he continued to lie with his kind of total conviction, as if it were his God-given right to get away with murder.

In the criminal trial, Simpson’s Dream Team had made much of his demeanor during the flight to Chicago on the night of the murders—signing autographs with the word “Peace,” being charming—as if that were an indication of his innocence. But that’s exactly what he’s so good at. Of course he didn’t look suspicious to those who encountered him that night. Of course he wasn’t giving off signals that he had just slit the throats of two people. He has been a public personality for most of his life. He is used to being stared at, and he knows how to present his public persona no matter what is going on in his private life. Image is a thing he understands perfectly.

In the corridor outside the courtroom during a break, Petrocelli said to me, “Look what they did to Mark Fuhrman for denying he said the n-word 10 years ago. He’s a felon for life. He can’t ever be a cop again. He can’t ever get a permit for a gun. Now look at this guy. I’m showing him 30 photographs of him wearing the Bruno Magli shoes, one of which was published six months before the murders, and he says they’re not his. You know what that’s like? That’s like saying you’re not standing here talking to me. He’s denying the undeniable.”

Simpson had won an acquittal in the criminal trial. He had won his children back in the custody trial. But his luck finally ran out in the civil trial. To a man, the jury didn’t buy his lies and denials. One juror said to Larry King after the verdict, “O.J. insulted us on the stand.”

There’s nothing a lawyer hates more than being made to look like a liar in front of the jury.

—Jeffrey Toobin, author of The Run of His Life, commenting on a coolness between defense attorney Robert Baker and O. J. Simpson after the photographs of Simpson wearing the Bruno Magli shoes turned up.

To my way of thinking, one of the worst things a defense attorney can do is mock the dead victim his client is on trial for killing. Simpson’s lead defense attorney, Robert Baker, whom I always thought of as a class act in what has become an unclassy trade, shocked me utterly with the cruelty of his remark about Ron Goldman, who had fought with Simpson for his life and—as Dan Petrocelli pointed out in his eloquent closing argument—had died trying to help Nicole, the mother of Simpson’s two children. In attempting to minimize Ron Goldman’s ambition of one day owning a restaurant, Baker said, “Let’s examine reality. Ron Goldman wouldn’t have a restaurant now. He would be lucky to have a credit card.” The tone of his voice matched the ugliness of his words. A chill went through the courtroom, and groans indicating a low blow went through the hearing room, where reporters and journalists who didn’t have courtroom seats listened to the trial.

Stranger bedfellows I cannot imagine than O. J. Simpson and Robert Baker. Surprisingly, Baker was recommended for the job by Johnnie Cochran. The Waspy, witty, and very skillful Baker moves in high social circles in Los Angeles and belongs to the exclusive Los Angeles Country Club, where show folk, even those of a conservative nature, need not apply. So deep are the feelings of some members against O. J. Simpson that Baker and his wife have faced certain social penalties for their legal association with him, as has their son, Phillip, 28, who was also a member of the Simpson defense team. I do not know if Baker and Simpson had any sort of personal camaraderie outside the courtroom. Inside, the relationship of Baker’s team with Simpson was very different from that in the criminal trial, where Simpson was constantly coddled and comforted by Cochran’s team. In the civil trial no one seemed to jump to every time Simpson spoke. As for those times during the trial when Baker hit below the belt—when he denigrated Nicole and said she hung out with prostitutes, or when he minimized what the future might have been for Ron Goldman—a person who knew Simpson very well told me, “I bet O.J. insisted he say that.”

Each time Simpson left the stand, there was no sense that he was ready to collapse into his lawyers’ arms for solace, like a fighter at the end of a round, needing pats on his back and water on his face until he can regain himself. He stopped to speak to this person and that person, smiling, jovial, seemingly carefree. Then he spotted me. I was a latecomer to the civil trial. It was the first time we had seen each other eyeball-to-eyeball since the day of the verdict in the criminal trial. Quite rightly, Simpson is not fond of me. I have never made any bones about my feelings regarding his guilt, either in print or on television, and he in turn has let me have it on several occasions.

“Ohhhh,” he said now, breaking into a dazzling smile and putting me on, “look, Dominick’s here.” He raised his hands in an exaggerated gesture, walked toward me with a big smile on his face, and began to raise his hand to shake mine. The power of his charisma is so overwhelming that for an instant I feared I would actually shake his hand. But in a hundredth of a second I remembered that the blood of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson had been on his hands. I put mine behind my back. Undeterred by this snub, he came right up to me, still with a smile on his face, and said, “Well, Dominick, at least you can’t say I didn’t say hello to you.” Then he moved on to join his lawyers before returning calmly to the stand to take more pummeling from Petrocelli.

I want you to meet this comedy-writer friend of mine. He’s the guy who wrote the original line—“If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit”—for Johnnie Cochran.

—A stranger at the opening of painter Sacha Newley’s star-studded vernissage in the lobby of the Chateau Marmont, given by his mother, the actress Joan Collins.

The revelation of Simpson’s civil trial was the emergence of lead plaintiff attorney Daniel Petrocelli, of the firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp in Los Angeles, into the big time. Articulate, passionate, and very tough, he was nothing short of magnificent. I happened to be in the lobby of the Doubletree hotel talking to Petrocelli after his closing argument when the renowned defense attorney Gerry Spence came up and said, “You have brought honor back to the profession, sir,” and shook his hand. It was a very moving moment between the two men—one famous, one about to be. Petrocelli took the trial back to what it was really about: two murders. Johnnie Cochran, who ran Judge Ito’s courtroom in the criminal trial, did what a lawyer does when he knows his client is guilty. He veered the focus away from the defendant. He put Detective Mark Fuhrman on trial. He made it appear that saying the n-word was a worse offense than killing two people. In his rabble-rousing closing argument, he exhorted the 12 jurors he understood so well to give a message to the Los Angeles Police Department. They did what he told them to do. The killer walked, and Johnnie Cochran got his own television show and moved to New York.

Dan Petrocelli is not looking for a television show. He loves the law. Petrocelli was a match for Simpson in a way that Marcia Clark and Chris Darden never were. Simpson was contemptuous of Darden, and he didn’t fear Marcia Clark. Too many of her mistakes had been pointed out to him. Once, during the criminal trial, I discussed the defense strategy with Larry Schiller, author of American Tragedy, the best-selling book about Simpson. “Very simple,” Schiller explained. “The defense strategy is Marcia’s mistakes.” Petrocelli did not treat Simpson with kid gloves as some sort of fallen hero because of his celebrity. He treated him as if he were just another defendant on trial for a couple of murders. He called him a liar over and over again. As he pointed a finger at him, he said to the jury, “There is a killer in this courtroom.”

You ain’t gonna get a dime!

—A heckler screaming at Fred Goldman outside the courthouse the day before the verdict in the civil trial.


—A sign carried by a woman outside the courthouse, referring to the condominium in San Francisco that Simpson had bought for his mother, which is listed as one of his assets.

Paula Barbieri, Simpson’s erstwhile girlfriend, has reportedly signed a $3 million book deal with Little, Brown. Since Barbieri never achieved the star status of Cindy Crawford or Naomi Campbell in the modeling profession, it seems highly unlikely that any publisher would pay such a sum for her life story unless there were a clear understanding that she had something very salable to write, or have written for her, about her former lover. Their sexual union was said to be extraordinary. The sounds of their lovemaking in Robert Kardashian’s house on the night before Nicole’s funeral, according to an inside source, woke up the household. Barbieri’s real value to the overall story, however, is that she knows what Simpson thought and said about Nicole in the weeks and days before he killed her. Just the night before, they went to a black-tie party in Bel Air together. She broke up with him the next morning, the day of the murders, and went to Las Vegas, as a guest of the singer Michael Bolton. But after the news of the murders, she returned immediately and stayed in Kardashian’s house with O.J. She was present during the crucial four days between the murders and the freeway chase.

I can understand Paula getting that kind of money. She’s got all the sex to talk about, which sells, and she was there when the lawyers talked to O.J., both at the house and in jail. She was always reading the Bible or writing her Christmas cards—and listening. She knows a lot, and she’s not bound by the attorney-client privilege.

—Larry Schiller, writer.

Larry Schiller, who was a rather mysterious character during the criminal trial, when he seemed to be part of the defense team following the publication of Simpson’s book, I Want to Tell You, which he co-wrote, emerged as the visionary of the civil trial. The enormous success of American Tragedy turned him into a talk-show personality and trial historian. Of all the books about this case, his was the one that gave information no one else had access to. With the help of Simpson’s former close friend Robert Kardashian, who will always be remembered as the man who carried the Louis Vuitton bag away from the Rockingham estate, Schiller told for the first time the story of what went on in Simpson’s life in the days after the murders and up to the freeway chase, as well as fascinating backstage tales about the defense team.

Hardly a day went by during the criminal trial when Johnnie Cochran didn’t say to Judge Ito, “Your Honor, this trial is a search for truth.” In a recent newspaper interview for his new Court TV show, Cochran & Grace, on which he partners with prosecutor Nancy Grace, Cochran was quoted as saying, “Justice must be served.” Was justice being served when Cochran’s team-as described in Schiller’s book—altered Simpson’s house before the jury was taken through it by removing pictures of white people and replacing them with pictures of black people, and by hanging a Norman Rockwell poster of a black child entering a no-longer-segregated school which had hung in Cochran’s office at the top of Simpson’s staircase? Cochran has dismissed this as “an absolute lie.” I can understand replacing a nude photograph of Paula Barbieri with a photograph of O.J.’s mother on the table next to his bed for propriety’s sake, but the rest of the redress of the house seems to be pure deceit.

Day after day, Schiller would sit in the corridor outside the Santa Monica courtroom in an overcoat with a fur collar, receiving people, looking like a cardinal hearing confessions as he dispensed the latest news and gossip of the trial. In the dining room of the Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel, next to the courthouse, where all the important people connected to the trial went to lunch—lawyers, reporters, and sometimes Simpson himself—Schiller’s table was the one to be asked to sit at. Greta Van Susteren of CNN’s Burden of Proof Gerry Spence, and former L.A. district attorney Ira Reiner were often guests at the table. Schiller is generous with his information, but he qualifies how you can use it. “You can use this in Vanity Fair, or in your book,” he’d say to me, “but you can’t use it on Larry King tonight, because it would be traced to me.”

Five of the guards O.J. had in the county jail come to visit him in the house on Rockingham. They’re so at home in his house that, if they’re hungry, they go in the kitchen and make themselves a sandwich.

—Larry Schiller during a lunch break at the Doubletree.

In the course of my career, I have appeared in public with many famous people, including movie stars, but I have rarely been with one who drew more attention than former L.A.P.D. detective Mark Fuhrman, who is invariably referred to in print as “racist cop,” when I took him and his agent, Lucienne Goldberg, to lunch in the Grill Room of the Four Seasons, that noontime bastion of the movers and shakers of New York. The kind of people who normally don’t stare were leaning out of their banquettes to get a better look at him.

Fuhrman walked into the restaurant the way he had walked into court the first time he took the stand, looking like the lead in a TV series. Good blazer, good flannels, good-looking. Not a sign of I’m-from-Idaho-visiting-the-big-city.

“Are you aware you’re causing a bit of a commotion?” I asked.

He shrugged and smiled; he has become used to that by now. He was in New York making preparations for the publication of his book, Murder in Brentwood. He had met with Geraldo Rivera, who had flown him to New York in a private plane so that he could avoid airport hassles. He was going to be interviewed for a second time by Diane Sawyer. Larry King and Oprah had also lined him up for interviews. He speaks in a very low voice; you have to lean forward to hear everything he says. His conversation is riveting, particularly about Judge Ito’s wife, Captain Margaret York, the highest-ranking woman in the L.A.P.D. He suggested in no uncertain terms that if the truth about his volatile past relations with her in the police department had come out, Ito would have had to recuse himself from the Simpson murder trial. (Captain York declined to comment.)

Fuhrman claimed to have had a “casual” sexual relationship with Laura Hart McKinny, who provided the defense with the tapes on which he says the n-word 41 times after he had testified on the stand that he had not said the word in the last 10 years. “I’m sorry I said that word. I’m sorry I lied about saying it,” he told me. As he pointed out, though, it had nothing to do with the murders. No one in the courtroom, after all, screamed “Racist!” when Robert Shapiro did a Charlie Chan imitation of criminalist Dennis Fung as he held out a box of fortune cookies, or when Johnnie Cochran skipped down the corridor to the men’s room singing “We’re having Fung” during the time Fung was on the stand.

Fuhrman is harsh in his criticism of prosecutor Marcia Clark and Detective Phil Vanatter. “I am a great detective; Vanatter’s only a good one,” he said at one point. He said that he had told Clark he found an empty Swiss Army knife box in Simpson’s bathroom on the night of the murders. For reasons unknown, this was ignored by the prosecution in the criminal trial and never brought into evidence—along with the freeway chase, the suicide note, and the taped police interview with Simpson.

Cochran had a very narrow and clear agenda. He was going to get his client off no matter what it took, no matter who he hurt or even ruined, no matter how far he had to twist or even disregard the truth.

—Mark Fuhrman in his book, Murder in Brentwood.

‘It’s like rubbing salt in the wound to see certain people attain great success following the greatest debacle in the history of the world,” said reporter Betsy Streisand of U.S. News & World Report in the courthouse corridor. She was referring to those in the legal profession at the criminal trial who have now given up law, or put it on a back burner for a while, to go into show business. Johnnie Cochran has his Court TV show. Marcia Clark, who received a bonus from Los Angeles district attorney Gil Garcetti after losing the criminal case, has left the office and is about to appear on her new syndicated television show, LadyLaw. Chris Darden has also left the district attorney’s office, to teach; during the Simpson civil trial, he was a regular legal commentator, along with Alan Dershowitz, of Simpson’s Dream Team, on Rivera Live. And there’s Greta Van Susteren, and Roger Cossack, and on and on.

Leslie Abramson has a book out. Outside of a small group in Los Angeles legal circles, Abramson was relatively unknown until I began writing about her for this magazine during my coverage of the Menendez brothers’ first trial, in which she defended Erik, and which ended, triumphantly for her, with a hung jury. Because of her bombastic personality, the presence of a television camera in the courtroom, and her zealous affection for her killer client, she caught on with the public as the judicial version of Alexis Carrington, the character played by Joan Collins on Dynasty—a woman you loved to hate, because she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. Following the current trend of Los Angeles lawyers preferring to be in show business, she was a regular with Ted Koppel on Nightline during the Simpson trial. Wanting to have her own chat show, she made a half-hour pilot, and then she made another one. Neither sold. “She’s a five-minute segment, she’s not half an hour,” a famous lady of television said to me about her. One Saturday morning, I happened to run into one of her producers on the escalator at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills. “What happened?” I asked. “Let’s just say she wasn’t camera-friendly,” he replied, stepping by me.

During the penalty phase of the second Menendez brothers trial, which she lost hands down, her own expert witness, psychiatrist William Vicary, testified on the stand in the presence of the jury and media that he had changed his notes on Erik at her request. Abramson became front-page news when she took the Fifth Amendment twice. In February, her book came out. When the deal for it was made, after the first trial, for a reported $500,000, the title was My Life in Crime, but the book was released as The Defense Is Ready: Life in the Trenches of Criminal Law, and the planned initial printing was slenderized. In it, she deals with me in a lengthy but not unexpected manner, while she dismisses taking the Fifth, usually a refuge for gangsters and the guilty, in a few paragraphs, as if it were of no moment. But it is. As Harvey Levin, the television reporter for KCBS in Los Angeles, said, “No one’s ever going to be afraid of Leslie anymore.”

The only breaking-news anecdote in her book concerns her participation in the previously unreported wedding ceremony of Lyle Menendez—who was still in the Los Angeles County Jail, as was Erik, before they were shipped off to separate prisons for life—and Anna Eriksson, who had once posed nude for Playboy. The wedding was performed on a three-way conference call. Lyle was on the telephone in the jail. Erik, who was best man, was on a telephone in a different part of the jail. The bride and the performing judge, Nancy Brown, were on a speakerphone in Abramson’s office. Abramson acted as surrogate groom and placed the ring on the bride’s finger. Then Lyle and the bride made kissing sounds. Personally, I would be too embarrassed to admit that I had participated in such a charade, but the story was clearly meant to move readers with the beauty of the moment. Hello? In the California prison system, murderers serving life without parole are not allowed conjugal visits.

Star Jones, a former homicide prosecutor in the Brooklyn district attorney’s office who is now senior correspondent and chief legal analyst for the tabloid TV show Inside Edition, emerged as a media star during the Simpson civil trial. Jones, a rather exotic African-American woman, wears inch-long false eyelashes and dresses in a theatrical manner. “This is my Audrey Hepburn look. Audrey Hepburn was my favorite actress,” she said to me one day when I sat next to her in court and commented on her hairstyle. She seemed to have closer access to Simpson than any other journalist. During breaks, she was often in conversation with him, and she was a guest in his house the night the custody case was won, celebrating the happy turn of events along with Greta Van Susteren and Linda Deutsch of the Associated Press. “I’m plugged in, I’ll tell you that,” Jones told me.

One of the least written about but major background figures in the Simpson saga is Don Ohlmeyer, the president of NBC West Coast. A longtime friend of Simpson’s, he has been an outspoken advocate for him almost from the day following the murders. He was a constant visitor at the Los Angeles County Jail from the time of Simpson’s incarceration after the freeway chase until his acquittal. He attended the much-criticized champagne victory party at Simpson’s house on Rockingham following the acquittal. Shortly thereafter, as journalists camped outside the house reported that Simpson was a virtual prisoner inside, Simpson wasn’t even there. He had been spirited away to Ohlmeyer’s house off Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills, which, incidentally, Ohlmeyer had purchased from Simpson’s former great friend Robert Kardashian only three weeks before the murders.

One of the most engrossing tales of the days following the acquittal was that a makeup artist who had worked with Simpson several times went to Ohlmeyer’s house and gave Simpson a new look. She cut and shaped a mustache and goatee on his face and taught him how to apply it. The wife of one of his New York golfing friends, who had flown out to Los Angeles the day after the acquittal, selected a pair of glasses for him in Beverly Hills. So convincing and distinguished was the new look the makeup artist gave Simpson that he became unrecognizable in it. A person who saw the transformation described him to me as looking like a Cuban diplomat. Within days of his acquittal, he dined, unrecognized, with his New York friends at the Palm, a popular steak-and-lobster house catering to the sports and movie crowd. One day he drove himself in this disguise to the Beverly Hills Hotel to meet up with his friend Bobby Bender, a New York garment-industry figure. When he stopped at the light on Sunset Boulevard before making the turn into the hotel’s driveway, a car pulled up beside him in the next lane. In the car was Kim Goldman, the sister of the man he had just been acquitted of killing. Their eyes met, and he, of course, recognized her, but she did not recognize him. At the time, Simpson told the story to several people. When I heard it, I told it to Kim Goldman during lunch one day at the Doubletree. She stared at me, aghast, and realized for the first time that it had been he.

Following the first trial, Ohlmeyer hired Jason Simpson, Simpson’s son by his first marriage, to be the chef in his home. Before that, Jason had been the sous-chef at Jackson’s restaurant on Beverly Drive.

Subsequently, Ohlmeyer, in his role of advocate, caused a bit of an industry stir when he departed from his prepared text at the Radio-Television News Directors Association Conference and, in an emotional outburst, chastised his own network for what he felt was unfair coverage of the Simpson trial. People I know who were present and heard the speech were dumb-founded. Although the incident was reported, it was handled gently because of Ohlmeyer’s position of power. Sometime after the speech, his network announced that he had entered the Betty Ford Clinic in Palm Springs for the requisite 28-day stay.

That sort of symbolizes the defense right now.

—Laurie Levenson, CBS trial commentator who teaches law at Loyola, remarking on the arrival at the courthouse of Simpson defense attorney Robert Blasier in a wheelchair, in obvious pain from a recent disc operation, being pushed through security by his wife.

Running concurrently with O. J. Simpson’s civil trial was the custody trial over his and Nicole’s children, Sydney, 11, and Justin, 8, who had been living with their grandparents Juditha and Lou Brown since Simpson’s incarceration in 1994. The custody trial was closed to the public, and rumors flew that ugly personal charges were made by both sides in the fight for the children. Simpson juggled the two trials, moving back and forth between them. As predicted by all the legal pundits, the children were awarded to their biological father by Judge Nancy Weiben Stock, who announced the verdict while the civil trial was still going on. During his closing argument, Robert Baker reminded the jury that Simpson had been given custody of his children.

The children were returned to their father’s house on Rockingham from their grandparents’ house in Dana Point, 90 miles away in Orange County. They were enrolled in new schools. For reasons of economy, two of their father’s defense lawyers were being billeted on the property. Dan Leonard, from F. Lee Bailey’s office in Florida, was living in Kato Kaelin’s old room, and Robert Blasier and his wife were in Simpson’s daughter Arnelle’s old room.

What must the atmosphere in the house have been like for the children on the night after Petrocelli’s closing argument, or after Petrocelli’s rebuttal, when every lie Simpson had told and every character flaw he possessed were pointed out to the jury? What must it have been like after the verdict, when the jury found Simpson liable for the death of their mother? What must it have been like for them on those days in school, where they were still the new kids? “Sydney has a computer. She’s on-line,” a person close to the family told me. “She spends hours talking to people around the world. They’re her friends.”

Judge Weiben Stock has been criticized for her decision in the Simpson case, as well as for an earlier judgment, in 1991, when she gave custody of two young children to their biological mother, even though the woman had battered her husband. At the time, the judge noted that there was no evidence that the mother had abused the children. This past January, that mother shot and killed the two children, her lover, and herself. What ever happened to common sense, Judge Weiben Stock?

Although the Brown family continues to seek custody, the chances are slim that Sydney and Justin will be returned to them.

You must send him a message as loud as humanly possible, so he can hear it on whatever golf course he is hiding out on right now…. You cannot kill two people and get away with it, no matter how much money you have, no matter how many lies you tell.

—Daniel Petrocelli in his closing argument for punitive damages.

Disgraced and defeated, O. J. Simpson watched the penalty verdict while eating a chiliburger in the clubhouse of a public golf course. The next day he issued a defiant statement. “This is far from over.”

Will this be the end? Of course not. The trials are over, but O. J. Simpson will be among us forever. He’s way up there now, in another category of fame. This man is not going quietly into the night. He’s going to be making news for as long as he’s around. Only days after the verdict, he was caught on videotape swinging two golf clubs like a baseball bat in the direction of an Inside Edition cameraman named Dan Hardy. “I looked into his eyes, and the look I saw scared the holy shit out of me,” said Hardy, who has since brought charges. “It was like looking into the eyes of a killer.”