More than studies Classes and workshops

Jay Dance

Jay dance Fitness est un cours collectif chorégraphié, mi-chemin entre la danse et le fitness, basé sur musique actuelles aux rythmes : Pop, Hip-pop, Electro-pop, Electro, Pop-rock.                                            

Objectif est de s’amuser en dansant, souhaitant faire une activité physique de renforcement musculaire et de développement cardio-vasculaire tout en apprenant à bouger, et ne nécessite aucun niveau de base, ni de danse ni fitness.   

Jay dance Fitness is a choreographed group class, halfway between dance and fitness, based on current music with rhythms: Pop, Hip-pop, Electro-pop, Electro, Pop-rock.                                           

The objective is to have fun while dancing, wishing to do a physical activity of muscle strengthening and cardiovascular development while learning to move, and does not require any basic level of dance or fitness.

  • When

    Thursdays, from 18:00 to 19:00

    No classes during the spring holidays from the 14 April until the 19 April and on public holidays.

  • Where

    Unival I, Belval

  • Available places


  • Registration

    Registration is mandatory for each session via Affluences 7 days prior to the session.

  • Equipment

    Sports equipment and some water

  • Contact

  • Languages of instruction

    English – French

  • Organised by

    Student Life