Department Department of Law

A vibrant academic community

All members of the faculty are multilingual experts in their areas with experience in various legal systems. Our research output is considerable and the ideas discussed resonate in various language groups and publications.

Sharing our expertise in Law

Fundamental and theoretical research with real-life applications

Junior and senior members of our faculty publish at the highest level, developing innovative paths in research, receiving recognition through grants, prizes, citations. They act as advisors regularly consulted by national governmental bodies and European institutions.

The Department of law is very active in the organisation and hosting of conferences, workshops and seminars.

Research partnerships create a world-spanning network. Collaboration with colleagues from various disciplines enriches the research output while the Department benefits from a number of institutionally and privately funded chairs.

Research stays at the Department of Law

Our research visiting-programme welcomes applications for research stays at the Department of Law of the University of Luxembourg. Senior researchers (who received their PhD at least five years ago) and researchers (post-doctoral researchers who received their PhD less than 5 years ago) can conduct their research here for a period within six months, with the possibility to exceptionally extend this period to up to one year.