Department Department of Law

Law at the University of Luxembourg with a European, transnational and international outlook

Group photo, Department of Law

Embedded in one of world’s most international Universities and of Europe’s leading research environments, the Department of Law is home to a remarkable and a distinctive body of academics, staff and students.

The Department at a glance

Faculty members and graduates of our programmes are at the forefront of developing transformative answers to legal challenges in Luxembourg, Europe and abroad.
At the Department of Law, we seek to be a welcoming and open, intellectually rigorous academic community of internationally renowned professors, post-docs, researchers and PhDs.


  • 32
  • 545
    Bachelor and Master students
  • 86
    Doctoral students
  • 9
    Study programmes
  • 22
    Externally funded projects


  • Prof. Herwig Hofmann and Dr. Felix Pflücke present their book “Governance of Automated Decision-Making and EU Law” published with Oxford University Press

    Law, Research
    Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation, EU Law
    Learn more
  • Prof. Dirk A. Zetzsche joins IMF and ESRB advisory groups

    Law, Outreach, Research
    Cryptoassets, Inclusive Finance
    Learn more



    The Department of Law published its Activity report 2023. The report showcases some of the major activities and achievements helping the University of Luxembourg and it’s FDEF to achieve high recognition internationally, on the European level and nationally.