Research Interests
Economics of Migration, Labour Economics, Applied Microeconometrics and Program Evaluation
Adrij Chakraborty is a Ph.D. candidate with the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Luxembourg (together with the Luxembourg Institute of Socio‑Economic Research), focusing on migrant integration and immigration policy. He is interested in migrant effects on and as a result of factors over and above labor market indicators like wage and employment levels, such as labor institutions, entrepreneurial tendencies, and climate consciousness. He is also keen to learn machine learning algorithms for their usage in causal inferencing strategies.
About him
Dissertation (prospective): Immigration Policy and Migrant Assimilation
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Tatsiramos
Adrij attended the University of Calcutta for his bachelor’s degree in Economics and went to Edinburgh University for his master’s degree in Economics and Finance. In 2018, he was deputed by the University of Mumbai (Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy) to work on an agricultural and labor development project in a rural stretch of eastern Maharashtra (the Vidarbha area). The project was jointly funded and supervised by the Vidarbha Irrigation Development Corporation and the State Government of Maharashtra. In 2019, Adrij returned to academia and pursued a degree in Economics and Public Policy at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena. While in Jena, he served as a research assistant at the Chair of Economic Policy and as a tutor for the DAAD-funded Integra Project. Adrij joined the University of Luxembourg in the 2022-23 session as a member of the ACROSS doctoral training unit.