Research project QOMPET

Quantum Open Mesoscopic Physics for Emergent Technologies (QOMPET)

QOMPET is an ATTRACT project to develop new ideas in quantum dynamics and many-body systems, embracing the noise inherent to any experiment as an advantage.

The project at a glance

  • Start date:
    01 Oct 2021
  • Duration in months:
  • Funding:
    FNR – Luxembourg National Research Fund
  • Principal Investigator(s):
    Aurélia Chenu


Research in quantum science and technologies is finding emerging applications in quantum computation and efficient, solar-powered energy conversion systems. In the race for quantum technologies, noise and decoherence—the loss of quantum correlations—are currently seen as essential challenges to overcome. Efficient energy harvesting from light requires tuning energy transfer against dissipation, while implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms for quantum computation calls for systems isolated from an environment. This project proposes a disruptive approach based on harnessing dissipation and decoherence to unleash novel horizons for quantum technologies. Realistic quantum systems are open, as they interact with a surrounding environment that leads to dissipation, decoherence, and entanglement. Through the study and characterization of open quantum dynamics, the QOMPET project will design control protocols to generate target quantum dynamics and states. This will be achieved considering dissipative processes including interaction with an environment, stochastic fields, or the presence of gain and loss. State conditioning and post-selection in non- Hermitian and open systems will be used to introduce novel quantum dynamics, described by equations of motion that are non-linear and stochastic. Harnessing these unexplored dynamics will open new avenues in fundamental research and technological applications.

Organisation and Partners

  • Department of Physics and Materials Science
  • Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM)
  • Quantum Dynamics and Control

Project team


  • Open quantum systems
  • Non-equilibrium dynamics
  • Non-Hermitian physics
  • Stochastic processes
  • Quantum control
  • Quantum computing
  • Energy harvesting systems