Quantum what?
Breaking boundaries: the promise of quantum technology
In our everyday world, things follow predictable physics rules – a ball can only be in one place at a time, and it can’t affect another ball without touching it. But when we look at the tiniest pieces of matter – atoms and smaller particles – these rules no longer work. In this quantum world, particles can be in many places at once and can affect each other instantly even when far apart. Scientists are learning to use these special properties to build new types of technology. It’s not just about making our current technology better – quantum allows us to do things that were previously thought impossible.
12Research groups
Latest news about quantum
ERC Grant Powers the next wave of Quantum Security
ResearchComputer Science & ICT, CybersecurityLearn more -
Our key quantum projects
Physics & Materials Science
Quantum Open Mesoscopic Physics for Emergent Technologies (QOMPET)
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