Interdisciplinary Centre Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)

Concurrent Design Facility

Enabling Concurrent Engineering for State-of-the-Art Spacecraft Design

The ISM’s Concurrent Design Facility is a dedicated space for concurrent engineering, a work methodology that is replacing the traditional sequential design practices. Due to its proven advantages in cost, schedule and accuracy, the concurrent approach is being adopted and applied in space agencies like ESA and NASA, and private companies such as Airbus. Instead of having engineers work on their own and in consecutive steps on the same project, concurrent engineering calls for a collaborative and agile approach.

Teamwork is fostered through the use of modern, connected workstations and a flexible lab design, which will be adapted to suit applications such as space system design, strategic forecasting, space architecture, and feasibility studies. No matter the task, ISM students use the CDF to create tomorrow’s space access vehicles, satellites, space manoeuvring systems and extra-terrestrial mobility vehicles, all while learning to work under this new, collaborative engineering approach to be prepared for the space industry.

Services Offered

Collaborative Research Projects – SnT Partnership Programme
We co-invest 50-50 in collaborative research projects with public and private partners through our Partnership Programme.

Key benefits for partners:

• Gain access to world-class research and talent
• Leverage our state-of-the-art infrastructure
• Get 50-50 co-financing for our joint project
• Qualify for additional funding opportunities for public/private partnerships

Learn more about our Partnership Programme.

Other Collaboration Opportunities
Our facilities have hosted a number of initiatives, from conferences to ESA challenges and hackathons. In fact, several of them have been designed to adapt to different applications. Get in touch with our staff to enquire about collaboration opportunities.