Interdisciplinary Centre Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)


Testing Satellite and Terrestrial Communication Systems

The Communication Laboratory (CommLab) is used for research and testing of signal processing techniques for both satellite and terrestrial communication systems. Activities carried out in this facility are mostly focused on wireless communication systems to test and validate digital signal processing algorithms, while facing real implementation issues and constraints on real-time hardware platforms.

The aim is to develop proof-of-concepts through real-time wireless communication testbeds used to model, design and test the digital signal processing algorithms studied by the SIGCOM research group for satellite/terrestrial systems. The applications under development vary from interference management techniques for satellite communication, emulation of satellite communication systems, spectrum sensing for cognitive radio (CR) technologies, spectrum monitoring and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems.

Services offered

Collaborative Research Projects – SnT Partnership Programme
We co-invest 50-50 in collaborative research projects with public and private partners through our Partnership Programme.

Key benefits for partners:

• Gain access to world-class research and talent
• Leverage our state-of-the-art infrastructure
• Get 50-50 co-financing for our joint project
• Qualify for additional funding opportunities for public/private partnerships

Learn more about our Partnership Programme.

Other collaboration opportunities
Our facilities have hosted a number of initiatives, from conferences to ESA challenges and hackathons. In fact, several of them have been designed to adapt to different applications. Get in touch with our staff to enquire about collaboration opportunities.

Head of Laboratory

Dr. Juan Carlos Merlano Duncan

Research Scientist at SIGCOM Research Group