Oatcakes, Ready to Eat |
A truly traditional Scottish recipe, oatcakes are very versatile. They can be served as part of a sweet or savoury snack, with cheese, pâte, cold meat, fish, or jam and marmalade.
(Serves two)
» 60g/2oz/one quarter cup medium
oatmeal, plus extra for sprinkling in step 6.
» 60g//2oz/one quarter cup wholemeal (whole wheat)
» ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate
of soda.
» A pinch of salt.
» A tablespoon of lard.
» 5 tablespoons of boiling water.
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C or 400°F or Gas Mark 6.
2. Grease a baking tray and line with greaseproof paper.
3. Melt a tablespoon of lard over a medium heat until it has completely melted.
4. Place all the dry ingredients into a bowl and add a tablespoon of melted lard and five tablespoons of boiling water.
5. Mix together using a round bladed knife until a dough forms.
6. Sprinkle a surface with oatmeal and place the dough on it.
7. Cut the dough in two and place one piece aside.
8. Shape the half into a round and roll it out using a rolling pin until it is about half a centimetre thick.
9. Cut as many oatcakes as the shape allows and place them on the baking tray.
10. Place the offcuts aside and repeat steps 8 and 9 with the other half.
11. Mould all the offcuts into a ball and repeat steps 8 and 9 once more.
12. Place the oatcakes into the hot oven for 10 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.
13. Remove the oatcakes from the oven and place them on a cooling rack.