Abbo Floracensis, Passio Sancti Edmundi Regis et Martyris - the story of Edmund King in East England written c. 985, purporting to be a record of the story as told to Abbo of Fleury, who had heard it directly from Edmund's sword-bearer. Submitted by Paolo Paoletti (Perugia, Italy) from an unidentified edition.
Heloysae Epistola ad Abeldarum - submited by Juan José Marcos García, Profesor de Latín y Griego, Plasencia, España, from an unidentified edition.
Dialogus inter Philosophum, Iudaeum et Christianum - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
Addison, Joseph - submitted by Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine). For an English translation and notes, visit his site: The Latin Prose and Poetry of Joseph Addison.
Albertano of Brescia, submitted from the Albertano of Brescia resource site of Angus Graham:
Sermo Januensis from Luigi F[rancesco] Fè d'Ostiani (1874), Sermone inedito di Albertano giudice di Brescia, Brescia: Favoni; Oscar Nuccio (1994).
Liber consolationis et consilii from Thor Sundby's second edition (1884).
Ars loquendi et tacendi from Thor Sundby, Albertani Brixiensis Liber Consolationis et Consilii, ex quo hausta est fabula gallica de Melibeo et Prudentia, quam, anglice redditam et "The Tale of Melibe" inscriptam, Galfridus Chaucer inter "Canterbury Tales" recepit (London 1873).
Alanus de Insulis, de Planctu Naturae - from the edition of J.P. Migne.
Alcuin, Carimina et Epitaphium- submitted by Sally Winchester from the Dummler edition.
Alfonsi, Peter, Disciplina clericalis- submitted by Angus Graham from Alfons Hilka & Werner Sderhjelm (eds.), 'Petri Alfonsi Disciplina Clericalis,' I: Lateinischer Text, in Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicæ 38/4 (1911). The original may be found at his Petrus Alphonsus page.
Ammianus Marcellinus, Historiae- from an unidentified e-text of David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
Ambrose, de Principio Individuationis - from an unidentified e-text.
Epistulae Variae - submitted by Oscar Cismarius from an unidentified e-text.
Andreas of Bergamo, Chronicon - from the edition of Georg Waitz (Hannover 1878).
Anonymous, Carmen in Victoriam Pisanorum - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of G. Scalia (Padova, 1971).
Anonymous, Historia Apollonis Regis Tyri - submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari.
Anonymus Neveleti - posted by Jim Marchand of the University of Illinois (Urbana).
Epistula ad Urbanum Papam- from an unknown edition.
Proslogion - submitted by Jason Hare.
Apicius, De Re Coquinaria submitted by José Pablo Barragán Nieto (Spain).
Cupid and Psycheposted by Konrad Schroder from L. C. Purser, Cupido et Psyche (London 1913).
Apologia - original posting by Andy Wiesner, reformatted and posted here with his permission.
Archipoeta, - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of W. Stapel (Hamburg, 1927).
Aquinas, St. Thomas
Summa Theologica, Prima Pars, Quaestio LXXXII: De voluntate, Quaestio LXXXIII: De libero arbitrio, Quaestio LXXXIV: Quomodo anima coniuncta intelligat corporalia quae sunt infra ipsam, Quaestio LXXXV: De modo et ordine intelligendi. - submitted by Sally Winchester.
Epistola de Modo Studendi, De Ente et Essentia, & De Principio Individuationis - submitted by Andre Alonso, Professor of Philosophy and Latin, Brasilia.
Arnobius, Adversus Nationes Libri VII- from the homepage of Blasii Amata, the Latinitas Romana Salesiana, where this original edition, with critical appartus, may be found.
Arnulf of Lisieux (Lexoniensis, d.1184), De Nativitate Domini from WagnerBSB. It is taken from the Patrologia Latina (201, 195), with some corrections from the edition by Hermann Hagen, Carmina medii aevi maximam partem inedita (Bern 1877), pp. 188-189 no. 110.
Asserius, de rebus gestis Alfredi - submitted by Sally Winchester.
Augsburg Confession - from F. Bente and W. H. T. Dau Triglot Concordia: The Symbolical Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church. (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921), pp. 37-95.
Confessions - formatted by Chris Mitchell and posted by Jim O'Donnell from an unknown source (he believes it may be Knöll's edition of 1898).
de Civitate Dei- from an unidentified edition at the Workshop for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Japan) with the kind permission of its webmaster Sumio Nakagawa.
de Catechizandis Rudibus- from an unidentified e-text courtesy of Brian M. Kleeman, webmaster of The Society for Ancient Languages.
de Trinitate- from an unidentified edition at the Workshop for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Japan) with the kind permission of its webmaster Sumio Nakagawa.
de Dialectica - text provided by Jim Marchand of the University of Illinois (Urbana) from W. Crecelius' edition, S. Aurelii Augustini de dialecta liber, Jahresbericht ueber das Gymnasium zu Elberfeld, Schuljahr 1856-57 (Elberfeld: Lucas, 1857), formatted and posted by Jim O'Donnell at the University of Pennsylvania.
Regula Sancti Augustini - from Die deutschen Augustiner.
Sermones - from The Works of St. Augustine at Villanova University maintained by Fr. Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A.
de Fide et Symbolo- from an unidentified edition at Finis Africae, part of the homepage of David Voprada.
Epistula - submitted by Roger Pearse from the original publication in C. Lambot, Lettre inédite de S. Augustin relative au "De civitate dei",
Revue Bénédictine 51 (1939) 109-121.
Augustus, Res Gestae I - posted by William L. Carey from a compliation of texts, primarily the Mommsen edition. Res Gestae II - posted by John P. Adams from the Riccobono text of 1943.
Ausonius, Mosella - posted by Konrad Schroder from C. Hosius, Die Mosella Des Decimus Magnus Ausonius (Marburg, 1894).
Avianus, Fabulae - scanned and formatted by James Marchand from L. Hervieux, Les fabulistes latins, vol. 3, Avianus et ses anciens imitateurs (Paris, 1895).
Avienus, Ora Maritima & Periegesis seu Descriptio Orbis Terrarum - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of A. Schulten in Fontes Hispaniae Antiquae, Vol. I. (Barcelona 1922).
Bacon, Francis, Novum Organum - submitted by Sally Winchester from the 1878 edition (Clarendon Press).
Balbus, Expositio et Ratio Omnium Formarum - from an unknown edition. (August 3, 2004)
Baldo, Novus Aesopus
- submitted by Angus Graham from Alfons Hilka, Beiträge zur lateinischen Erzählungsliteratur des Mittelalters, Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Neue Folge XXI/3, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1928, pp. 21-58. The original may be found at his Baldo page.
Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica - submitted by David Mimno (Perseus Project) from Charles Plummer's edition of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People (1898).
Biblia Sacra Vulgata - submitted by Angel Naydenov (Sofia, Bulgaria) from an unidentified edition.
Boethius de Dacia, de Summo Bono - submitted by Angus Graham from N. J. Green-Pedersen (ed.), Opera, vol. VI/2, pp. 369-377 (Copenhagen 1976).
St. Bonaventure, Itinerarium Mentis in Deum- courtesy of Jerónimo Bórmida.
Borbonii, Nicolai, Vandoperani Ferraria - submitted by Prof. Mauro Cavallini (Roma) from the Basel edition of 1533.
Boym, Description of Mozambique (1644) - from an original edition posted at the Michal Boym Page. Full credits are listed there.
Breve Chronicon Northmannicum, - from an unknown edition.
de Bury, Ricardi, Philobiblon- from an e-text courtesy of The Later Latin Society in Tasmania.
Bellum Gallicum, Books I-IV posted by Konrad Schroder from T. Rice Holmes, C. Iuli Caesaris Commentarii Rerum in Gallia Gestarum VII A. Hirti Commentarius VIII (Oxford University Press, 1914)
Bellum Gallicum, Books V-VIII posted by William D. Carey and William L. Carey from the Loeb edition of 1919. The text is that of Nipperdey (1847) and R. du Pontet with corrections from T. Rice Holmes (1914).
Bellum Civile, posted by William L. Carey from the A.G. Peskett's Loeb edition of 1914.
de bello Alexandrino and de bello Hispaniensi, posted by William L. Carey from du Pontet's edition of 1901.
Campion, Thomas , Operae - Submitted by Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine). For an English translation, notes and textual errata of Campion's Latin poetry, visit his site: Thw Philological Museum.
Capellanus, Andreas, de Amore - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
Carmen Arvale - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from C.I.L. I 2.2 (Berlin 1893).
Carmen Saliare, - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from C.I.L. I 2.2 (Berlin 1893).
Cassiodorus, Variae submitted by Angus Graham from Theodor Mommsen, Cassiodori Senatoris Variae, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctorum Antiquissimorum Tomus XII, Berlin, Weidmann, 1894.
de Musica submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of J.W. Halporn.
de Anima submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of J.W. Halporn.
Cato Censor, de Agri Cultura - submited by Juan José Marcos García, Profesor de Latín y Griego, Plasencia. España, from the editon of F. Speranza, in Scriptorum Romanorum De Re Rustica Reliquiae, Vol. 1.
Catullus - posted from the Whitman College Classics Department from a revised version of Mynors' Oxford text of 1958.
Censorinus, De Die Natali Liber - from the Lacus Curtius of Bill Thayer.
In Caecilium Oratio submitted by Stephen Elliott from an unidentified text.
Pro Cluentio- from W. Peterson, M. Tulli Ciceronis: Pro A. Cluentio Oratio (London, 1920), posted by Brian M. Kleeman, webmaster of The Society for Ancient Languages.
Pro Archia, Pro Ligario, Pro Manilia, and Pro Marcello, In Verrem I posted by Nicholas Koenig from J. B. Greenough, Select Orations of Cicero (Boston: Ginn & Co., 1896).
In Verrem II,1 submitted by Arno Au of Manheim, Germany.
In Verrem II.2 submitted by Stephen Elliott from an unidentified text.
In Verrem II,3 submitted by Stephen Elliott from an unidentified text.
In Verrem II,4 submitted by Stephen Elliott from an unidentified text.
In Verrem II,5 submitted by Stephen Elliott from an unidentified text.
In Catilinam I-IV converted by Chris Mitchell and posted by Konrad Schroeder from Müller's edition.
Pro Caelio posted by William L. Carey, primarily from the Loeb edition of 1958, which in turn is taken from Müller's Teubner edition of 1904.
Pro Milone- from J. B. Greenough & G. L. Kittredge, eds. Select Orations of Cicero (Boston, 1896), posted by Brian M. Kleeman, webmaster of The Society for Ancient Languages.
Philippics submitted by Michele Baldrati from C.F. Mueller, M.Tulli Ciceronis, Orationes selectae, XXI (Teubner, Lipsia, 1907-09)
Pro Rege Deiotaro posted by William L. Carey, primarily from the Loeb edition of 1931, which is the text of Baiter and Kayser of 1862.
Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino oratio submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari in Luzern, Switzerland. The text is from A.C. Clark, M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes, vol. 1, Oxford 1905 (repr. 1908) with a few emendations.
Brutus posted by Andrew M. Riggsby at The Cicero Homepage from a text provided by Emanuele Narducci (Universita di Firenze).
Somnium Scipionis posted by an unknown hand at The White Trash Scriptorium from an unspecified text (it looks like the Loeb edition).
Laelius de Amicitia posted by an unknown hand at The White Trash Scriptorium from a conflation of two texts: M. Tulli Ciceronis Laelius De Amicitia, ed. Clifton Price, 1902; and M. Tulli Ciceronis Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnia, Part 4, Vol. 3, ed. C.F.W. Mueller, 1890.
de Divinatione- submitted by Vittorio Todisco. The original posting, and much more related to things Latin, may be found at his homepage.
De Natura Deorum submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari in Luzern, Switzerland. The text is that of W. Ax (post O. Plasberg), 2nd ed., Stuttgart 1933 (Teubner).
De Finibus, Liber I submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari from the Teubner edition of Th. Schiche, M. Tulli Ciceronis de finibus bonorum et malorum liber primus (Stuttgart 1915).
de Divinatione- submitted by Vittorio Todisco. The original posting, and much more related to things Latin, may be found at his homepage.
Tusculanarum Disputationum Liber I - submitted by Tomokazu Hanafusa, Japan.
Tusculanarum Disputationum Liber II submitted by Umberto La Torraca from an unidentified text.
de Officiis - posted by William L. Carey from W. Miller's Loeb edition of 1913.
de Fato - based on H. Rackham's Loeb edition of 1942, in turn taken largely from Nobbe's complete edition of Cicero (Leipzig 1827).
Academica submitted by Michael Bradtke from an unidentified edition.
de Re Publica - submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition.
Epistulae ad Atticum posted by William L. Carey, from E.O. Winstedt, Letters to Atticus, Books I-VI (Harvard University Press, 1912).
Epistularum ad Familiares- from The Society of Ancient Languages with the kind permission of its webmaster, Brian M. Kleeman. The text is D. Albert Wesenberg's Teubner edition of 1885.
Epistularum ad Quintum Fratrem Libri Tres- from The Society of Ancient Languages with the kind permission of its webmaster, Brian M. Kleeman. The text is D. Albert Wesenberg's Teubner edition of 1885.
Post Reditum in Senatu Oratio- submitted by Guenter Breu (Frontenhausen, Germany) from an unidentified edition.
de Legibus Libri Secundus et Tertius- submitted by Vittorio Todisco. The original posting, and much more related to Latin, may be found at his homepage.
de Consulatu Suo Fragmenta- submitted by Laszlo Pinter (Budapest, Hungary) from an unidentified edition.
Cinna Helvius, Carminum Fragmenta - submitted by Marco Molinelli (Docente di Latino e Greco, Liceo Classico di Forli, Italia).
Panegyricus Dictus Olybrio et Probino Consulibus - from an unidentified text posted at the Claudian Homepage, with the permission of its webmaster Angelo Luceri (Dipartimento di Filologia greca e latina, Universit "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy).
In Rufinum Liber Primus - from an unidentified e-text (which appears to be the Platnauer edition of 1922).
De Raptu Proserpinae Libri Tres - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of M. Heguin de Guerle (Paris 1865).
Claudius Germanicus Caesar, Aratea - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of A. Breysig (1899).
Clement V, Exivi de paradiso (1312), - from the Annalibus Minorum de Wadding, vol 6, pp. 202-211.
Columbus, Christopher, Christophori Columbi epistola de insulis nuper repertis - from Ulrich Harsch's Bibliotecha Augustana.
Columella, de Re Rustica submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of V. Lundström (1902-1917).
Constitutum Constantini, - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
Conradus Celtis, Oratio in gymnasio in Ingelstadio publice recitata, August 31, 1492 from the site of Joachim Gruber in Munich, which contains also a German translation and further information on this work.
Cornelius Nepos, submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition.
Cotta (1480-1510), Carmina - submitted by Alexander Smarius from Giovanni Cotta Carmina, Torino, 1991 (Edizioni RES).
Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni Liber Tertius - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain).
Epistulae from the website Dante Alighieri, with the permission of its webmaster Carlo Alberto Furia. The original posting, and much else, may be found at Liber Liber.
de Vulgari Eloquentia Libri Duo posted from La Biblioteca Telematica (the Manuzio Project) in Rome, Italy. Scanned by Roberto Galiardi and corrected by Tiziana D'Errico from De vulgari eloquentia ridotto a miglior lezione, commentato e tradotto da Aristide Marigo, con introduzione, analisi metrica della canzone, studio della lingua e glossario, 2d ed. (Florence 1948).
Monarchia, Libri Tres - from the edition of Pier Giorgio Ricci posted at Liber Liber.
Descartes, Meditations - posted by David B. Manley and Charles S. Taylor at The Philosophy Department of Wright State University from the original Latin text of 1641.
Decretum Gelasianum, submitted by Roger Pearse from his Tertullian Homepage. The text is from Ernst von Dobschutz, Das 'Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis,' Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur 38.4 (1912).
Disticha Catonis - posted by Jim Marchand.
Duodecim Tabularum Leges, submited by Juan José Marcos García, Profesor de Latín y Griego, Plasencia. España, from the edition of Bruns-Gradenwitz Fontes Iuris Romani Antiqui.
Egeria, Itinerarium Partes Prima et Secunda - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of W. Heraeus (Heidelberg 1908).
Einhard, Life of Charlemagne - posted by Ulrich Harsch at the Bibliotheca Augustana.
Ennius - Submitted by Charles Relle, London, U.K. The text is from Wordsworth's Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin. The numbering is from E.H. Warmington'd Loeb edition of 1935.
Ennodius, Panegyricus Regi Theoderico - submitted by Daniel Abosso (Westerly, Rhode Island) from the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, AA, vol. v.7.
Moriae Encomium Erasmi, from the Erasmus Text Project, (with the kind permission of its webmaster). Additional texts and information on Erasmus may be found there.
Scripta Selecta, posted from the White Trash Scriptorium (courtesy of its webmaster). The text is from P. S. Allen, Selections from Erasmus, (Oxford, 1918).
Institutio Principis Christiani - from an unknown edition.
Querela pacis - submitted by Angus Graham. The original posting may be found here.
Erchempert, Historia Langabardorum Beneventarnorum - from Georg Waitz (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Hannover 1878). Additional information on the text may be found at Quellen zur Langobardengeschichte.
Eucherius of Arles, De laude eremi - courtesy of Todd Wilson, of the University of Kansas.
Eutropius, Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita - submitted by Kirk Lougheed from the 1887 Teubner edition by F. Ruehl.
Faba, Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus - submitted by Angus Graham from Virgilio Pini, La Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus de Guido Faba, Traditio 23 (1967) 41-152.
Falcandus, Liber de regno Sicilie - from G.B. Siragusa (ed.), Fonti per la Storia d'Italia (Rome 1897).
Fletcher, Phineas, Locustae - Submitted by Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine). For the text, translation and notes, visit his site: Phineas Fletcher.
Florus - from an unidentified e-text of David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
Foedus Aeternum Fratrum, The Origins of Switzerland in the covenant between the Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden cantons, August 1291. From the EuroDoc Archive with the permission of its Webmaster Richard Hacken.
Forsett, Edward , Pedantius (1581) - from the site of Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine): The Philological Museum.
de Aquaeductu Urbis Romae - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of F. Krohn (Leipzig 1922).
Stratagemata- submitted by David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
De limitibus, De arte mensoria, De controversiis, De arte mensoria, De agrorum qualitate - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain).
Fronto, Epistulae - from the site of George Hinge, with his permission.
Gaius, Gai Institutionum Commentarii Quattuor submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari from the Teubner edition of E. Seckel and B. Kuebler (Leipzig 1913).
Garcilaso de la Vega, Carmina - submitted by José Pablo Barragán Nieto (Spain).
Gaudeamus Igitur, from Calvin S. Brown (ed.), Latin Songs, Classical, Medieval, and Modern (London 1914).
Germanicus Caesar, Aratea - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of A. Breysig (1899).
Gesta Romanorum (Excerpta), posted by Dr. Waiblinger at the University of Munich. The text is the 1872 edition reworked into classical Latin.
Gioacchino da Fiore (c. 1130-1202), Adversus Iudeos - submitted by Angus Graham from the edition of A. Frugoni, Fonti per la Storia d'Italia, 95, Rome, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 1957, pp. 3-101.
Godfrey of Winchester, Epigrammata & Epigrammata Historica- submitted by Angus Graham from Thomas Wright (ed.), The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth Century, Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, no. 59, vol. 2, London: Longman & Co., 1872, pp. 103-155.
Grattius, Cynegeticon Liber - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of P. J. Enk (1918).
Gregorius, Magistri Gregorii narratio de mirabilibus urbis Romae - submitted by Leo Nellissen from his homepage, where the text, commentary and translation may be found.
Gregory of Tours, Historiae, Libri X - from an unidentified e-text.
Gregory IX, Decretalium Compilatio, - submitted by Angus Graham from Emil Ludwig Richter & Emil Friedberg, eds., Corpus Iuris Canonici, Pars Secunda: Decretalium Collectiones (Leipzig 1881).
Gwinne, Matthew, Nero - Submitted by Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine). For an English translation, notes and textual errata of this work, visit his site: The Philological Museum.
Henry of Settimello, Elegia - submitted by Angus Graham from the edition of Giovanni Cremaschi, Orbis Christianus I (Bergamo 1949).
Historia Apollonii regis Tyri - from Historia Apollonii regis Tyri/Die Geschichte vom König Apollonius. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Franz Peter Waiblinger. München 1994, with the permission of Franz Peter Waiblinger. For more information on this text, visit his homepage Forum Didacticum.
Historia Septem Sapientum, submitted by Jose M. Cozar of Barcelona. The work belongs to an anonymous French author of the 12th or 13th century and is a Latin translation of a Jewish collection of tales called Mischle Sendabar. The work stems ultimately from Indian fables transmitted to Europe through the Arabs and Jews. The text was edited by Alfons Hilka in Sammlung Mittellateinischer Texte Nr. 4 (Heidelberg 1912).
Sermones and Epodes posted by Konrad Schroder from F. Vollmer, Q. Horati Flacci Carmina (Leipzig: Teubner, 1912).
Carmina, Epistulae and Ars Poetica posted by Jose Dejalma Dezotti.
Hugo of St. Victor, Didascalicon- submitted by Angus Graham from Charles Henry Buttimer, Hugonis de Sancto Victore Didascalicon de Studio Legendi, a critical text, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin X, Washington: The Catholic University Press (1939).
Hyginus, Fabulae- from Hyginus: Fabulae. Sagen der Antike, Ausgewählt und übersetzt von Franz Peter Waiblinger. München (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag) 1996.
Hymni et cantica - formatted and posted by Eleanor Irwin.
Iacobus de Voragine, - submitted by Paoletti Paolo.
Ilias Latina - from an unidentified e-text of David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
Iordanes, de Origine Actibusque Getarum- submitted by Andrei V. Kitashov from an unidentified edition.
Isidore of Seville
Etymologiarum sive Originum Libri XX- submitted by Angus Graham from the edition of W. M. Lindsay, Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (Oxford 1911).
Sententiae Liber Tertius - submitted by Angus Graham from Cazier's edition (1998).
Iulius Paris, de Nominibus Epitome - from an unidentified e-text.
Janus Secundus, Basia - submitted by Alexander Smarius from J.P. Guepin, De Kunst van Janus Secundus, Amsterdam 1991.
Junillus, Instituta regularia divinae legis, - from Jim O'Donnell's Worlds of Late Antiquity site. The text was prepared and formatted by John F. Collins, who also provides an introductory essay and an English translation.
Justin, Historiae- from an unidentified e-text courtesy of David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
Digestae- submitted by Alexandr Koptev from his site Ancient Rome & Law History.
Institutes- submitted by Richard Laird Cole.
Juvenal - posted by William Carey, from Bucheler's text of 1893.
Kepler, Strena seu de nive sexagula - submitted by Yury Semenov (Odessa, Ukraine).
Landor Poems - Submitted by Titus Bicknell from his Archive of Landor's works.
Laurentius Corvinus, ad Famam & Epithalamium in nuptiis Sigismundi, Regis Poloniae et Bonae Sphorciae - submitted by Jakub Niedzwiedz from the edition of Ioannem Haller (1518).
Legenda Maior Sancti Regis Stephani, from the collection of texts of Gyula Mayer of the Catholic University of Hungary. The text is from the Script. rer. Hung. II, 377-392.
Leo of Naples, Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni, Libri Tres - submitted by John Lawless (Providence College, Rhode Island) from Friedrich Pfister's edition, Der Alexanderroman des Archipresbyters Leo (Heidelberg, 1913).
Lhomond, Charles François
De viris illustribus Urbis Romae a Romulo ad Augustum and Epitome historiae sacrae submitted by José Manuel Ruiz Vila from the Paris edition of 1779.
Epitome Historiae Sacrae - submitted by J. Y. Donne from A. Pressart (ed.) Epitome historiae sacrae (Paris 1877).
Liber Kalilae et Dimnae - submitted by Angus Graham from Alfons Hilka, Beiträge zur lateinischen Erzählungsliteratur des Mittelalters, Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Neue Folge XXI/3, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1928, pp. 69-155. The original may be found at his Kalilae et Dimnae page.
Praefatio and Liber I posted by Konrad Schroder from R. Conway, & C. Walters, Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita (Oxford University Press, 1914).
Liber II - posted from an unidentified text, conformed in large part to B.O. Foster's Loeb edition of 1919.
Liber III - posted from an unidentified text, conformed in large part to B.O. Foster's Loeb edition of 1919.
Liber V & VI - posted by William Carey from the Walters-Conway edition of 1919.
Liber VIII - posted by William Carey from the Walters-Conway edition of 1919 and the B.O. Foster edition of 1924.
Liber XXII - posted by William Carey from a number of texts, primarily the Loeb edition of B.O. Foster (1929), which is based on the edition of August Luchs (Berlin 1888) and the Weissenborn-Müller edition of 1905; but also with readings from the Walters-Conway edition of 1929.
Liber XXI - posted by William Carey from a compilation of texts, primarily the Loeb edition of B.O. Foster (1929), in turn based chiefly on the edition of August Luchs (Berlin 1888) and the Weissenborn-Müller edition of 1905.
Periochae submitted by Alain Canu from an unspecified text.
Livius Andronicus, submited by Juan José Marcos García, Profesor de Latín y Griego, Plasencia. España, from the edition of E.H. Warmington, Remains of Old Latin Vol II. (London 1926).
Lotario dei Segni (Innocent III), Liber de Miseria Condicionis Humane - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
Luther, 95 Theses - posted by an unknown hand at the Project Wittenberg.
Magna Carta submitted by Marc Baronnet of Nancy, France. The text is from Charles Bémont, Chartes des libertés anglaises (1100-1305), Alphonse Picard publisher, Paris, 1892.
Maidstone, Clement, Martyrium Ricardi Archiepiscopi - from the pages of Stephen K. Wright on The Martyrdom of Archbishop Richard Scrope, which contain (in addition to the Latin text) an English translation and commentary. The text is from James Raine, Historians of the Church of York, Rolls Series 71 (London, 1886), II, 304-311.
Manilius, Astronomica submitted by Raymond T. Anderson from M. Manili Astonomica, ed. Iacobus van Wageningen (Teubner 1915).
Macarius, Apophthegmata- submitted by Angus Graham from D. A. B. Caillau & D. M. N. S. Guillon
(eds.), Collectio Selecta SS. Ecclesæ Patrum, complectens exquisitissima
opera tum dogmatica et moralia tum apologetica et oratoria, vol. 48,
(Paris 1836), pp. 419-438.
Macarius of Alexandria, Regula ad Monachos - submitted by Angus Graham.
Marcellinus Comes, Chronicon - from an unknown edition.
Martin of Braga, submitted by Angus Graham from Claude W. Barlow (ed.), Martini Episcopi Bracarensis Opera Omnia, Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, XII, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1950. The original posts may be found here.
May, Thomas, Supplementum - a 7 book supplement to Lucan's Pharsalia by Thomas May (1595-1650), posted with permission from the Little-known Latin and Greek Texts website of Trevor Jennings, where biographical information on Thomas May is found, as well as additional Latin and Greek texts.
Maximianus, Elegiarum Liber - submitted by Otto Steinmayer (Malaysia) from the edition of Richard Webster (Princeton, 1900)
Melanchthon, Life of Luther - prepared by Dr. Steve Sohmer from the original edition of 1548 and posted at the Project Wittenberg.
Milton, John, In Quintum Novembris from the site of Dana F. Sutton (University of California, Irvine): The Philological Museum.
M. Minucius Felix, Octavius- submitted by Sally Winchester from an unidentified edition.
Naevius, Belli Poenici Fragmenta - submitted by Marco Molinelli,
Docente di Latino e Greco, Liceo Classico di Forlì (Italia) from an unidentified text.
Naugerius (1483-1529), Lusus, submitted by Alexander Smarius.
Nemesianus, Eclogae - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from Venatici et Bucolici Poetae Latini (Hanover, 1613).
Newton, Isaac - submitted by Steinar Midtskogen.
Nicene Creed - submitted by Prof. Constantine Gutzman, Department of History, Western Connecticut State University.
Nithardus, Historiarum Libri Quattuor- submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition.
Notitia Dignitatum, in partibus Orientis - submitted by Halstein Sjølie from Otto Seeck's 1876 edition. His Notitia Dignitatum Page has further information on the text.
Oratio Stephani de Varda, from the collection of texts of Gyula Mayer of the Catholic University of Hungary. The text is from the Bibliotheque Nationale Lat. 11414, 23-24vo.
Origo gentis Langobardorum, - from Georg Waitz (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Hannover 1878). Additional information on the text may be found at Quellen zur Langobardengeschichte.
Heroides - posted by David J. Califf from an original edition.
Ars Amatoria - posted by David J. Califf from an original edition.
Tristia ex Ponto - posted by David J. Califf from an original edition.
Fasti Liber III - submitted by Sally Winchester from from an unknown e-text.
Fasti Liber VI-submitted by Bodrog Zoltán (Hungary).
Owen, John (1564-1622), Epigrams, submitted by Brad Walton.
Papal Bulls, from The Franciscan Archive, with the permission of its webmaster. Visit the site for many more Papal documents having to do with the Franciscan order and for writings of St. Francis (and others) in the original Latin.
Pascoli, Giovanni, Carmina - from the edition posted by Augusto Vincinelli at Giovanni Pascoli, Poesie Latine.
Passerat, Jean, de nihilo - submitted by Otto Steinmayer.
Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis - posted by Eleanor Irwin from a Public Domain text converted to HTML by Peter Irwin.
Paul the Deacon, Historia Langobardorum - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of G.Waitz in Mon.Germ.Hist. (Hannover, 1878).
Fabulae - from an unidentified e-text.
Persius - posted by William Carey from Bucheler's text of 1893.
Pervigilium Veneris - submitted by Vittorio Barabino.
Petrarch, de viris illustribus - posted by Jean-Luc Brazeau at the University of Montreal.
Petronius, Satiricon submitted by Alain Canu. The text is based on Les Belles Lettres with many variant readings.
Phaedrus - posted at The White Trash Scriptorium from an unspecified text.
Piccolomini (1405-1464, Pope Pius II from 1458), Carmina Selecta - submitted by Alexander Smarius from Poeti Latini del Quattrocento, ed. F. Arnaldi, L.G. Rosa, L. Monti Sabia, Milano/Napoli, 1964.
Pico della Mirandola
Carmina posted by Jean-Luc Brazeau at the University of Montreal.
Oratio de hominis dignitate from the Progetto Pico/Pico Project, where translations, a chronology and further information may be found.
Plautus, Asinaria, Captivi, Cistellaria, Epidicus, Menaechmi, Stichus, Trinummus, and Truceulentus from the Leo edition of 1895-96 and Vidularia from an unidentified edition - submitted by Sally Winchester.
Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia Liber II - submitted by Bill Thayer from his Website on Pliny the Elder (part of the Lacus Curtius).
Pliny the Younger
Epistularum Libri Decem - submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition.
Panegyricus - submitted by Sally Winchester from Weise's edition
published by Otto Holtze (Leipzig, 1843).
Poggio Bracciolini, The Facetiae of Poggio posted from the White Trash Scriptorium (courtesy of its webmaster). Check there for further information on the life and works of Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459). The text is from The Facetiae of Poggio, vol. 1 (Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1879).
Pomponius Mela, de Chrorographia Libri Tres - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of G. Ranstand (1971).
Poree, Charles, Caecus Amor ou L'Amour aveugle - submitted by François Gregoire from the edition of 1749.
Praecatio Terrae - submitted by Vittorio Barabino.
Priapea, submitted by Harm-Jan van Dam of Leiden. It is an original text based on the edition of A. Baehrens, Poetae Latini Minores, Leipzig 1879, pp. 58-87.
Professio contra sectam Priscilliani, part of the proceedings of the Council of Toledo of 400 A.D., submitted by Angus Graham.
Propertius - posted by Konrad Schroder from L. Mueller, Sex. Propertii Elegiae (Leipzig: Teubner, 1898).
Prosperus of Aquitaine, Liber Sententiarum - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
Prudentius - posted at the Project Libellus by Jim O'Donnell from an unspecified edition.
Pseudo-Caecilius Balbus, - submitted by Angus Graham from Eduard Woelfflin,
Caecilii Balbi De Nugis Philosophorum quae supersunt (Basle 1855).
Quintilian, Declamationes Maiores - submitted by Sally Winchester from an unidentified e-text.
Regula ad Monachos, Regula ad Monachos sanctorum patrum Serapionis, Macarii, Paphnutii, et alterius Macarii & Regula orientalis ex patrum orientalium regulis collecta - submitted by Angus Graham from Caillau & Guillon, vol. 48, pp. 451-477 (1836).
Reposianus, De concubitu Martis et Veneris - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain).
Rimbaud, Arthur, Ver Erat- a poem written by the French poet Arthur Rimbaud when he was 14 years old, submitted by Steven A. Gustafson.
Rutilius Namatianus, De Reditu Suo - submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of V. Ussani. (Firenze 1921).
Sallust - posted by Andrew Gollan from an original edition. The Bellum Catilinae has been reposted in an original edition with appropriate archaisms to replace the classicizing version that had been posted. Submitted by Arno Au (Mannheim, Germany).
Sannazaro, Jacopo (1458-1530), de Partu Virginis and Lamentatio de morte Christi submitted by François Gregoire, Professeur agrégé de Lettres Classiques au lycée de Neufchâtel-en-Bray (Normandie).
Scaliger, Poema-submitted by Martin Baasten (Netherlands).
Scriptores Historiae Augustae - originally posted by Prof. Brazeau at the University of Montreal.
Sedulius, Carmen Paschale, Libri I-IV- submitted by Martin Baasten from J. Huemer (ed.), Sedulii opera omnia, accedunt excerpta ex Remigii Expositione in Sedulii Paschale carmen (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 10; Wien 1885). Liber V - submitted by "Ultimo" in Italy.
Senatus Consultum de Baccanalibus, submited by Juan José Marcos García, Profesor de Latín y Griego, Plasencia. España, from the edition of C.I.L. I 2.581 (Berlin 1862).
Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium- submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition and (the later books) by Sally Winchester from the Reynolds edition.
de Vita Beata submitted by Erich Schweizer-Ferrari in Luzern, Switzerland.
Medea from the Bibliotheca Augustana with the kind permission of its webmaster Ulrich Harsch.
Phaedra - posted by William Carey from an unknown edition.
Apocolocyntosis Divi Claudii - scanned by William L. Carey from the Loeb edition of 1913.
Seneca the Elder, Controversiae - submitted by Angus Graham from an unidentified e-text.
[Seneca], Liber Senecae De institutione morum from Eduard Woelfflin, Publilii Syri Sententiae (Leipzig: Teubner, 1869).
Sidonius Apollinaris, Epistularum Libri Novem - from the Luetjohann edition of 1887 (Mon.Germ.Hist., Auct.Ant. 8), posted at Joop van Waarden's comprehensive site Apollinaris Sidonius and mirrored here with his permission.
Sigebert of Gembloux, Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis - from an unidentified e-text.
Silius Italicus, - submitted by Sally Winchester from an unknown edition.
Spinoza, Ethica - submitted by Gilles Louïse (Paris, France). His Spinoza site has additional information on the work, as well as an extensive lexicon of Spinoza's Latin usage.
Divus Iulius - posted by William Carey from various editions, primarily the Loeb of J.C. Rolfe (in turn based on Ihm's text of 1907).
Divus Augustus - posted by William Carey from E.S. Shuckburgh, Divus Augustus (Cambridge University Press, 1896).
Nero- submitted by Gyula Mayer of the Catholic University of Hungary from the Loeb text. A copy is posted there as well.
Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian- submitted by David Camden, webmaster of the Forum Romanum.
de Grammaticis- submitted by Andrei V. Kitashov from the Roth's Teubner edition of 1904.
de Rhetoribus- submitted by Andrei V. Kitashov from the Roth's Teubner edition of 1904.
de Poetis - submitted by Sally Winchester from the Rolfe edition (1914).
Sulpicia, Carmina - posted by Ulrich Harsch at the Bibliotheca Augustana.
Sulpicius Severus, Vita Sancti Martini episcopi et confessoris - submitted by Hansulrich Guhl of Switzerland.
Syrus, Sententiae- from Eduard Woelfflin, Publilii Syri Sententiae (Leipzig: Teubner, 1869)
Annales - posted by William Carey from C.D. Fisher, Cornelii Taciti Annalium (Oxford 1906). Scanning provided pro bono publico by IKON Office Solutions. A number of the books were kindly submitted by John W. Thomas, Asst. Prof of Classical Studies Classical Studies, Iowa State University.
Germania - posted by James P. H. Fuller at LATIN ab INITIO from D. R. Stuart, The Germania (New York 1916).
Agricola - posted by John W. Thomas, Asst. Prof of Classical Studies Classical Studies, Iowa State University.
Dialogus de Oratoribus - posted by William Carey from the Loeb edition of Sir W. Peterson (1914), with various emendations from other editions.
Apologeticus- submitted by Sally Winchester.
de Spectaculis- from the Bibliotecha Augustana, with the permission of its web-master.
de Testimonio Animae- submitted by Sally Winchester.
ad Martyres- from The Tertullian Home Page, with the permission of its webmaster, Roger Pearse.
de Pallio- from The Tertullian Home Page, with the permission of its webmaster, Roger Pearse.
de Ieiunio- from The Tertullian Home Page, with the permission of its webmaster, Roger Pearse.
Adversus Praxean- from The Tertullian Home Page, with the permission of its webmaster, Roger Pearse.
de Baptismo & Adversus Valentinianos- submitted by Roger Pearse with permission of the copyright holders. de Baptismo is from the edition of E. Evans, Tertullian's Homily on Baptism (London, 1964). Adversus Valentinianos is from the edition of M.T. Riley, Tertulliani Adversus Valentinianos (Diss. Stanford University, 1971). The texts are presented here without critical appartus, which may be found at the original site: Tertullian Homepage.
de Paenitentia - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of J.G.Ph. Borleffs (1957). The original posting may be found at: Tertullian Homepage.
de Resurrectione Carnis - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of Ernest Evans (1960). The text, with apparatus, also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
Liber de Monogamia - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of V. Bulhart, CSEL 76 (1957). The text, with apparatus, also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
Liber adversus Hermogenem - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of J.H. Waszink (1956). The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
de Cultu Feminarum - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of Marie Turcan (1971). The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
Liber Scorpiace - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of A. Reifferscheid and G. Wissowa (1890). The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
ad Uxorem Libri Duo - submitted by Roger Pearse. The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
De Anima - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of J.H. Waszink. The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
De Patientia - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of Jean-Claude Fredouille. The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
De Fuga in Persecutione - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of V. Bulhart (1957). The full text and critical apparatus may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
De Exhortatione Castitatis - submitted by Roger Pearse from the edition of Claudio Moreshini, SC319, Paris: Cerf, 1985. The text also may be found at: The Tertullian Project.
Theganus, Life of Loius the Pious- submitted by Hansulrich Guhl (Frauenfeld, Switzerland) from an unidentified edition.
Theodosian Code - submitted by Alexandr Koptev from his site Ancient Rome & Law History.
Theophanes Prokopovic, Epigrammata - submitted by Andrei V. Kitashov, Ph.D.
Tibullus - posted by Konrad Schroder from J.P. Postgate, Tibulli aliorumque Carminum libri Tres (Oxford 1915).
Rerum Rusticarum de Agri Cultura- submitted by Sally Winchester.
de Lingua Latina- submitted by Sally Winchester.
Vegetius, from the site Epitoma Rei Militaris with the permission of its webmaster, Michael Bishop. The text is Lang's second edition of 1885.
Velleius Paterculus, submitted by Paoletti Paolo.
Venantius Fortunatus, Carmina - submitted by Sally Winchester from the edition of F. Leo in the Monumenta Germaniae Historiae (1881).
Vida, Marco Girolamo (1485-1566), Scacchia Ludus. Edited and submitted by François Gregoire, Professeur agrégé de Lettres Classiques au lycée de Neufchâtel-en-Bray (Normandie) from Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis, Albae Episcopi, Opera (Lyon 1559). (June 25, 1998)
Virgil - posted by Konrad Schroder from J. B. Greenough, Bucolics, Aeneid, and Georgics of Vergil (Boston: Ginn & Co., 1900).
Vita Sororis Agnetis, - submitted by Angus Graham from Walter W. Seton, Some New sources for the Life of Blessed Agnes of Bohemia (Aberdeen 1915). The original post, with additional information on the text, may be found here.
Vitruvius - submitted by Jim and Karen Diamond from an unidentified edition.
Waltarius, submitted by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia, Spain) from the edition of K. Langosch (Darmstadt 1967).
Walter of Châtillon, Carmina - submitted by "Ultimo" in Italy.
Zonaras, Excerpta - Book XII, chapter 12 (death of Geta, 211 A.D.) through the end of Book XII (accession of Constantine, 306 A.D.), submitted by John White from the 19th century Latin translation in Volume 134 of the Patrologiae Graecae (1864).
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