- Date: Saturday 07.07.2018 at 10:00 PM ET
- Promotion: Ultimate Fighting Championship
- Venue: T-Mobile Arena
- MMA Bouts: 11
Fight Card
UFC Heavyweight Championship KO/TKO, Punches 4:33 Round 1 of 5Professional MMA
"DC" Nickname +175
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -200
(Moderate Favorite)Challenger
HeavyweightTitle Champion
+3 mos, 2 wks, 3 daysAge at Fight 35
+10 mos, 2 wks, 4 days246.0 lbs
(111.6 kgs)Weigh-In Result 242.5 lbs
(110.0 kgs)5'11"
(181cm)Height 6'4"
(184cm)Reach 80.0"
(203cm) -
Decision, Unanimous 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA
"The Black Beast" Nickname "The Predator" +265
(Moderate Underdog)Betting Odds -295
(Moderate Favorite)33
+5 mosAge at Fight 31
+10 mos, 2 days264.5 lbs
(120.0 kgs)Weigh-In Result 253.0 lbs
(114.8 kgs)6'3"
(191cm)Height 6'4"
(201cm)Reach 83.0"
(211cm) -
Decision, Split 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA
"Platinum" Nickname "The Irish Dragon" +135
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -155
(Slight Favorite)26
+9 mos, 3 wks, 1 dayAge at Fight 34
+2 mos, 1 week, 5 days170.5 lbs
(77.3 kgs)Weigh-In Result 170.0 lbs
(77.1 kgs)5'10"
(178cm)Height 5'11"
(180cm)Reach 70.5"
(179cm) -
Submission, Triangle Armbar 0:52 Round 2 of 3, 5:52 TotalProfessional MMA
"Showtime" Nickname "Maverick" +165
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -175
(Slight Favorite)31
+5 mos, 1 week, 3 daysAge at Fight 30
+7 mos156.0 lbs
(70.8 kgs)Weigh-In Result 157.5 lbs
(71.4 kgs)5'10"
(177cm)Height 6'1"
(185cm)Reach 75.5"
(192cm) -
KO/TKO, Punches 1:36 Round 1 of 3Professional MMA
"The War Horse" Nickname "The Rebel" +125
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -135
(Slight Favorite)28
+5 mos, 1 dayAge at Fight 34
+8 mos, 2 wks, 4 days205.0 lbs
(93.0 kgs)Weigh-In Result 206.0 lbs
(93.4 kgs)6'1"
(185cm)Height 6'0"
(194cm)Reach 73.0"
(185cm) -
KO/TKO, Punches 2:36 Round 2 of 3, 7:36 TotalProfessional MMA
"The Eraser" Nickname "Prime Time" -280
(Moderate Favorite)Betting Odds +255
(Moderate Underdog)27
+2 mos, 2 wks, 2 daysAge at Fight 33
+11 mos, 6 days185.5 lbs
(84.1 kgs)Weigh-In Result 185.5 lbs
(84.1 kgs)6'1"
(185cm)Height 6'0"
(183cm)Reach 79.5"
(202cm) -
Decision, Unanimous 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA-140
(Slight Favorite)Betting Odds +120
(Near Even)35
+11 mos, 2 wks, 4 daysAge at Fight 31
+1 week, 5 days136.0 lbs
(61.7 kgs)Weigh-In Result 135.5 lbs
(61.5 kgs)5'5"
(165cm)Height 5'8"
(169cm)Reach 71.5"
(182cm) -
Decision, Unanimous 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA
Nickname "Groovy" +175
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -190
(Slight Favorite)30
+3 mos, 4 wksAge at Fight 26
+3 mos, 3 wks, 2 days156.0 lbs
(70.8 kgs)Weigh-In Result 156.0 lbs
(70.8 kgs)5'9"
(175cm)Height 5'9"
(178cm)Reach 71.0"
(180cm) -
Decision, Unanimous 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA
"Curtious" Nickname "Pain" -165
(Slight Favorite)Betting Odds +155
(Slight Underdog)30
+7 mos, 6 daysAge at Fight 32
+7 mos, 1 week, 1 day170.5 lbs
(77.3 kgs)Weigh-In Result 170.5 lbs
(77.3 kgs)6'2"
(188cm)Height 5'11"
(198cm)Reach 76.0"
(193cm) -
KO/TKO, Punches 2:28 Round 1 of 3Professional MMA
"The Hangman" Nickname "Durinho" -110
(Near Even)Betting Odds +100
(Near Even)28
+4 mos, 3 wks, 3 daysAge at Fight 31
+11 mos, 2 wks, 3 days155.5 lbs
(70.5 kgs)Weigh-In Result 155.5 lbs
(70.5 kgs)6'0"
(183cm)Height 5'10"
(192cm)Reach 71.0"
(180cm) -
Decision, Unanimous 3 Rounds, 15:00 TotalProfessional MMA
"Spitfire" Nickname "Love Boat" +165
(Slight Underdog)Betting Odds -175
(Slight Favorite)27
+1 month, 1 week, 6 daysAge at Fight 29
+3 mos, 2 wks, 6 days116.0 lbs
(52.6 kgs)Weigh-In Result 116.0 lbs
(52.6 kgs)5'5"
(165cm)Height 5'1"
(160cm)Reach 65.0"
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Event Production
- U.S. Broadcast: Pay Per View
- Preliminary Card: Fox Sports 1
- Promotion: Ultimate Fighting Championship
- Ownership: WME-IMG
- Venue: T-Mobile Arena
- Location: Last Vegas, Nevada, United States
- Enclosure: Octagon
- TV Announcers: Joe Rogan, Jon Anik, Dominick Cruz
- Ring Announcer: Bruce Buffer
- Post-Fight Interviews: Joe Rogan
- Ticket Revenue (live gate): $5,677,000
- Attendance: 17,464
- PPV Buys / Buyrate: 380,000 | TV Ratings: 668,000 avg. viewers (FS1 prelims)
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