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Six Feet Under 2.04
«Driving Mr. Mossback»
(Rapatriement de M. Mossback)
Écrit par Rick Cleveland
«Driving Mr. Mossback»
(Rapatriement de M. Mossback)
Écrit par Rick Cleveland
Notez l'épisode :
4 428 000
Nate retourne à Seattle pour récupérer un corps. Il demande à Claire de l'accompagner afin de lui faire oublier son histoire avec Gabe. L'occasion pour lui de revoir une ancienne amie. Alors que Ruth décide de changer sa façon de vire, Keith demande à David de s'occuper de sa nièce. De son côté, Brenda est appelée en urgence par sa mère.
Streaming et téléchargement
18 Comms
100 notes Graphiques
Acteurs de l'épisode | Acteurs Six Feet Under |
Citations de l'épisode
Ruth : "You have to be careful with children because their blueprints are being drafted by the adults in their lives. And this little girl... It seems to me that her foundation is probably unstable enough... without you bringing your..."
David : "My what?" Ruth : "Your relationship with her uncle, you have to admit... might be a little confusing to someone her age." David : "I'm happy for you if this whole plan thing of yours has enabled you to draft your own blueprint or patch up some of the cracks in your foundation. But just between you and me, you're starting to sound like a crazy person. I think it's time you kept that shit to yourself... and minded your own fucking business. Thank you." |
Taylor : "Sometimes my momma calls my Uncle Keith a punk-ass fudgepacker... cause he likes men instead of women. I guess that makes you a punk-ass fudgepacker, too, don't it?"
Ruth : "Have you met any nice men recently, David?"
David : "No one to speak of." Ruth : "I wish you'd put yourself out more. The door to your house only opens from the inside, you know." |
Citations Six Feet Under |
Épisodes de la saison 2
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La diffusion de cette série est actuellement terminée |
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