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Le meilleur des séries TV US et internationales
Citations de la série TV Californication
Hank :"Who says dreams don't come true?"
Californication saison 6 Episode 8
Charlie : "The time of my young life. I fingered a girl for the first time at the opening night party. Ooh. She was incredibly dry, Hank. I think I was hurting her. She cried."
Hank : "Nothing like a sweet, little Chuck Runkle coming-of-age story to make you want to stab yourself in the dick."
Californication saison 5 Episode 1
Carrie : "It's just you fucked me in the ass, Hank."
Hank : "Oh, are we speaking metaphorically? Because ..."
Carrie : "No, I gave up the butt for you. Do you think I would have let you sodomize me if I didn't think there was a future here?"
Hank : "You did say that you liked it more than you thought you would."
Carrie : "Well that's not the point."
Hank : "That's not the point."
Carrie : "This man's a monster. He likes to fuck women in the ass and then tell them that he just wants to keep it casual."
Californication saison 4 Episode 10
Hank : "I look like a fucking FBI agent."
Californication saison 4 Episode 4
Hank : "Well, look on the bright side. You inched closer to your magic number."
Runkle : "It was just the tip, Hank. It doesn't count.
Hank : "The tip counts."
Runkle : "You think?"
Hank : "Fucking-a. The tip always counts."
Californication saison 1 Episode 12
Cause believe me, once you've seen the love of your life hit in the face with another woman's ejaculate, your perspective cha
Californication |