
Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
David Baria-x on Education
Democratic candidate for governor:
Click here for David Baria-x on other issues.
Phil Bryant on Education
Republican Governor:
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- Teachers deserve first pay raise since 2014. (Jan 2019)
- Parents should have school choice. (Jan 2018)
- Remove barriers to charter schools. (Jan 2016)
- Loosen regulations around associate degrees. (Jan 2016)
- Supports "effective" public schools but not Initiative 42. (Nov 2015)
- Privately funded Opportunity Scholarship for failing schools. (Jan 2013)
- $15M for literacy; and merit pay for teachers. (Jan 2013)
- Close failing districts & implement charters. (May 2011)
Robert Foster on Education
Republican challenger for Governor:
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- Make pay raise for teachers a priority in Jackson. (Apr 2019)
- Too much emphasis on trying to send every kid to college. (Mar 2019)
- No free community college; focus on vo-tech. (Feb 2019)
- School choice has its place, but we must be very careful. (Dec 2018)
- Allow autonomy for school districts to experiment. (Dec 2018)
- Why build duplicate private schools and public schools? (Dec 2018)
Jim Hood on Education
Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Increase teacher pay until state reaches regional average. (Apr 2019)
- Keep students here by keeping college debt down. (Apr 2019)
- Statewide, universal, public pre-kindergarten program. (Dec 2018)
Trent Lott on Education
Republican Jr Senator (MS):
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- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
- Voted YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
- Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
- Voted NO on national education standards. (Feb 1994)
- Rated 18% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
Tate Reeves on Education
Republican candidate for governor:
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- Job training lifts people out of poverty, into proud work. (Jan 2021)
- Ensure parental choice to save children from bad districts. (Jan 2021)
- Have invested more than $10 billion in education programs. (Jan 2021)
- Let's pay our teachers as much as we can possibly afford. (Jan 2020)
- $2 million for a private school vouchers. (Jul 2019)
- Public charter schools in failing districts. (Mar 2018)
Howard Sherman on Education
Democratic candidate for governor:
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Bill Waller on Education
Republican Gubernatorial candidate:
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- Pay raise for good teachers & to attract new ones. (May 2019)
- Community colleges teach job skills at high schools. (Mar 2019)
MS 2020: 2020 MS Senatorial race
David Baria on Education
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator:
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- Opposes vouchers for private schools with public money. (Oct 2018)
- Make 2-year colleges tuition free. (Oct 2018)
- Must invest in programs & tools needed by all students. (Jun 2018)
Jensen Bohren on Education
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator:
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- Double teacher's pay and public education budget. (Feb 2018)
- Put the focus on educating the students, not on profits. (Dec 2017)
Travis Childers on Education
Democratic Senate challenger:
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- A good education is the best jobs program. (Nov 2010)
- Voted YES on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
Mike Espy on Education
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator:
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- Public dollars should go toward public schools--period. (Jun 2020)
- Increase teacher pay; fund teacher training programs. (Jun 2020)
- Expand apprenticeship/job training programs. (Jun 2020)
- Protect students from predatory for-profit schools. (Oct 2018)
Cindy Hyde-Smith on Education
Republican Mississippi U. S. Senator:
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- Supported federal grants to rural charter schools. (Oct 2020)
- Revise Obama big-government rules on US waters. (Dec 2018)
- Sees agri-tourism as a great tool in educating the youth. (Dec 2014)
- Opposed restoring budget cuts to Adequate Education Program. (Feb 2010)
Chris McDaniel on Education
Republican challenger:
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- No role for government in education, not even funding it. (Oct 2018)
- Oppose nationwide Common Core standards. (Jul 2014)
- Give students right to organize religious groups at school. (Mar 2013)
- Increase number of charter schools statewide. (Jan 2013)
- Opposed restoring budget cuts to Adequate Education Program. (Feb 2010)
Roger Wicker on Education
Republican Jr Senator; previously Republican Representative (MS-1):
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- Support tax-free savings accounts for private school costs. (Oct 2018)
- Opposes refinancing student loans at lower rates. (Oct 2018)
- Voted NO on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted YES on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Let schools display the words "God Bless America". (Oct 2001)
- Rated 17% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Denounce the Common Core State Standards. (Feb 2014)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Michael Guest on Education
Republican (District 3):
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- Rated Voted NO on private lawsuits for school race discrimination. (Sep 2020)
Gregg Harper on Education
Republican (District 3):
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- Voted YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted NO on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
- A-PLUS lets states escape No Child Left Behind. (Jul 2015)
- Vouchers break link of low-income and low-quality schools. (Oct 2015)
Trent Kelly on Education
Republican House Member (District 1):
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- A-PLUS lets states escape No Child Left Behind. (Jul 2015)
- Vouchers break link of low-income and low-quality schools. (Oct 2015)
- Rated Voted NO on private lawsuits for school race discrimination. (Sep 2020)
Steven Palazzo on Education
Republican (District 4):
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- Voted YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program. (Mar 2011)
- A-PLUS lets states escape No Child Left Behind. (Jul 2015)
- Vouchers break link of low-income and low-quality schools. (Oct 2015)
Gene Taylor on Education
Democratic Representative (MS-4):
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- Voted NO on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted YES on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Voted YES on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer. (Mar 1994)
- Let schools display the words "God Bless America". (Oct 2001)
- Supports requiring schools to allow prayer. (Jan 2001)
- Rated 50% by the NEA, indicating a mixed record on public education. (Dec 2003)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Bennie Thompson on Education
Democratic Representative (MS-2):
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- Voted NO on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted YES on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Voted NO on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer. (Mar 1994)
- Reduce class size to 18 children in grades 1 to 3. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 100% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Rated No-strings-attached block grant will kill transparency. (Jul 2015)
- Rated Oppose private and religious school voucher programs. (Oct 2015)
- Make two years of community college free. (Jul 2016)
- Voted YES on private lawsuits for school race discrimination. (Sep 2020)
Former candidates & officeholders:
Robert Gray on Education
Democratic 2015 Gubernatorial Nominee:
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- Supports Initiative 42 & full public school funding. (Oct 2015)
- Supports MAEP, the Mississippi Adequate Education Program. (Aug 2015)
Vicki Slater on Education
Democratic 2015 Gubernatorial candidate (lost primary):
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- Constitutional provision to fully fund public schools. (Jul 2015)
- Vouchers drain money from the public schools. (Jun 2015)
Tate Reeves on Education
Lt. Gov; Republican possibility for 2018 special US Senator:
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- Job training lifts people out of poverty, into proud work. (Jan 2021)
- Ensure parental choice to save children from bad districts. (Jan 2021)
- Have invested more than $10 billion in education programs. (Jan 2021)
- Let's pay our teachers as much as we can possibly afford. (Jan 2020)
- $2 million for a private school vouchers. (Jul 2019)
- Public charter schools in failing districts. (Mar 2018)
Alan Nunnelee on Education
Republican (deceased 2015) (District 1):
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- Voted YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program. (Mar 2011)
- Supports voluntary prayer in public schools. (Aug 2010)
- $110M per year to teach abstinence in public schools. (Mar 2013)
- Denounce the Common Core State Standards. (Feb 2014)
Roger Wicker on Education
Republican Jr Senator; previously Republican Representative (MS-1):
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OR click here for Roger Wicker on other issues.
- Support tax-free savings accounts for private school costs. (Oct 2018)
- Opposes refinancing student loans at lower rates. (Oct 2018)
- Voted NO on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted YES on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Let schools display the words "God Bless America". (Oct 2001)
- Rated 17% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Denounce the Common Core State Standards. (Feb 2014)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Haley Barbour on Education
Former Republican Governor (2004-2012):
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- Expand charter schools; expand dual enrollment. (Jan 2011)
- Opposed restoring budget cuts to Adequate Education Program. (Feb 2010)
- Continued large increases in funding higher education. (Jan 2008)
- Spending $8,500 per student is enough--no increase this year. (Jan 2008)
- Extra pay for experienced teachers and for mentoring. (Jan 2008)
- More local control over schools. (Jan 2007)
- Give parents vouchers so they can choose kids' schools. (Apr 1996)
- Supports charter schools as a means to local control. (Apr 1996)
- Vouchers apply unlimited market forces to education. (Apr 1996)
- School prayer restores moral awareness to our schools. (Apr 1996)
Kirk Fordice on Education
Former Republican Governor (1992-1999):
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Ronnie Musgrove on Education
2008 Senate challenger; previously Democratic MS Governor:
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- Worked with Congress creating No Child Left Behind. (Aug 2003)
- Require public schools to display In God We Trust motto. (Mar 2001)
- Remove the 5% cap on teacher pay. (Jan 2001)
- Universities: settle the Ayers Case. (Jan 2001)
- Improve and invest in public schools. (Aug 2001)
Haley Barbour on Education
Former Republican challenger (2006), Governor:
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OR click here for Haley Barbour on other issues.
- Expand charter schools; expand dual enrollment. (Jan 2011)
- Opposed restoring budget cuts to Adequate Education Program. (Feb 2010)
- Continued large increases in funding higher education. (Jan 2008)
- Spending $8,500 per student is enough--no increase this year. (Jan 2008)
- Extra pay for experienced teachers and for mentoring. (Jan 2008)
- More local control over schools. (Jan 2007)
- Give parents vouchers so they can choose kids' schools. (Apr 1996)
- Supports charter schools as a means to local control. (Apr 1996)
- Vouchers apply unlimited market forces to education. (Apr 1996)
- School prayer restores moral awareness to our schools. (Apr 1996)
Bill Bowlin on Education
Former Democratic Challenger (2006):
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- More funding for school infrastructure & college. (May 2006)
Ronnie Musgrove on Education
2008 Senate challenger; previously Democratic MS Governor:
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OR click here for Ronnie Musgrove on other issues.
- Worked with Congress creating No Child Left Behind. (Aug 2003)
- Require public schools to display In God We Trust motto. (Mar 2001)
- Remove the 5% cap on teacher pay. (Jan 2001)
- Universities: settle the Ayers Case. (Jan 2001)
- Improve and invest in public schools. (Aug 2001)
Travis Childers on Education
Democrat (until 2010) (District 1):
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- A good education is the best jobs program. (Nov 2010)
- Voted YES on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
Erik Fleming on Education
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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- Supports charters, vouchers, and home-schooling. (Jul 2008)
- Supports charters & tuition tax credits, but not vouchers. (Mar 2008)
- Fully fund No Child Left Behind. (Feb 2006)
- Tax credits for private schools ok, but not vouchers. (Feb 2006)
- Not opposed to charter schools. (Feb 2006)
Trent Lott on Education
Republican Jr Senator (MS):
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- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
- Voted YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
- Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
- Voted NO on national education standards. (Feb 1994)
- Rated 18% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
Charles Pickering on Education
Republican Representative (MS-3):
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- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
Chip Pickering on Education
Republican challenger, U.S. Rep.:
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- Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted YES on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Supports requiring schools to allow prayer. (Jan 2001)
- Rated 18% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Ronnie Shows on Education
Democrat (District 4):
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OR click here for Ronnie Shows on other issues.
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Let schools display the words "God Bless America". (Oct 2001)
- Reduce class size to 18 children in grades 1 to 3. (Mar 2001)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Gene Taylor on Education
Democratic Representative (MS-4):
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OR click here for Gene Taylor on other issues.
- Voted NO on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted YES on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Voted YES on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer. (Mar 1994)
- Let schools display the words "God Bless America". (Oct 2001)
- Supports requiring schools to allow prayer. (Jan 2001)
- Rated 50% by the NEA, indicating a mixed record on public education. (Dec 2003)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Thad Cochran on Education
Republican Sr Senator (MS):
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OR click here for Thad Cochran on other issues.
- Support statewide pre-kindergarten education in Mississippi. (Aug 2008)
- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
- Voted YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
- Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
- Voted YES on national education standards. (Feb 1994)
- Rated 27% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Denounce the Common Core State Standards. (Feb 2014)
- Block funding for Common Core; it's too heavy-handed. (Apr 2014)
- Don't count combat pay against free school lunch. (Mar 2009)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
Albert N. Gore on Education
Democratic Challenger:
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