
Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
Jeff Burningham on Budget & Economy
Republican candidate for governor:
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- Eliminate onerous occupational licensing laws. (Jan 2020)
- Infrastructure planning critical to quality of life. (Jan 2020)
Spencer Cox on Budget & Economy
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Let some hotel tax revenue pay for infrastructure. (Jun 2019)
- Time to reevaluate our approach to tax incentives. (Jun 2019)
Gary Herbert on Budget & Economy
Republican Governor:
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- Efforts to develop rural Utah are paying off. (Jan 2020)
- Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012)
Greg Hughes on Budget & Economy
Utah Republican Governor:
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Jon Huntsman on Budget & Economy
Republican UT Governor:
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- Italy is too big to fail; shrink 6 US banks that are too big. (Nov 2011)
- Clear out the cobwebs; debt is a cancer. (Sep 2011)
- OpEd: Huntsman offers most pro-growth proposal ever. (Sep 2011)
- I'm gonna do for the US what I did for Utah. (Aug 2011)
- I stood up for debt ceiling increase and against default. (Aug 2011)
Aimee Winder Newton on Budget & Economy
Utah Democratic Governor:
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Chris Peterson on Budget & Economy
Democratic Governor Challenger:
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Mike Weinholtz on Budget & Economy
Democratic candidate for Governor:
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UT 2022: 2022 UT Senate race
Craig Bowden on Budget & Economy
Libertarian candidate for Utah U. S. Senate:
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- No stimulus; market forces tell us where money should go. (Feb 2018)
Misty Snow on Budget & Economy
Democratic candidate for Senate:
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Jonathan Swinton on Budget & Economy
Democratic Senate challenger:
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Jenny Wilson on Budget & Economy
Democratic candidate for Utah U.S. Senator:
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Rob Bishop on Budget & Economy
Republican Representative (UT-1):
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- Annual appropriations instead of omnibus bills. (Jun 2016)
- Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted NO on defining "energy emergency" on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)
- Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
- Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)
- Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
- Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011)
- Ban roadway signs indicating Recovery Act funding. (Dec 2011)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Feb 2014)
- Prioritize critical spending in case debt limit reached. (Feb 2013)
- End executive overreach; impose limits on spending. (Jun 2016)
John Curtis on Budget & Economy
Republican (District 3):
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- Balance the budget; run government like business. (Aug 2017)
- PVS:Don't promote economic growth via federal spending. (Aug 2018)
- Rated Voted NO on $900 billion COVID relief package. (Dec 2020)
Mia Love on Budget & Economy
Republican House Member (District 4):
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- Cut federal programs by more than $750 billion. (Sep 2012)
- Opposes stimulus spending, according to Faith2Action. (Jul 2014)
- Opposes stimulus spending, according to PVS rating. (Sep 2014)
Ben McAdams on Budget & Economy
Democrat (District 4):
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- Supports balanced budget amendment. (May 2020)
- CC:Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. (Jul 2018)
- Voted YES on $900 billion COVID relief package. (Dec 2020)
Chris Stewart on Budget & Economy
Republican (District 2):
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- Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Opposes federal stimulus spending. (Sep 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Apr 2013)
- Prioritize critical spending in case debt limit reached. (Jan 2013)
- Voted YES on $900 billion COVID relief package. (Dec 2020)
Former candidates & officeholders:
Rocky Anderson on Budget & Economy
Justice Party challenger for President:
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- More spending cuts than tax increases. (Feb 2012)
- Persistent fiscal responsibility to balance budget. (Jan 2007)
Vaughn Cook on Budget & Economy
Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
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Jonathan Johnson on Budget & Economy
Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
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- Kept $11M in gold coins in case of financial crisis. (Nov 2015)
Orrin Hatch on Budget & Economy
Republican Sr Senator (UT):
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- Re-elect me and I'll chair the Senate Finance Committee. (Jun 2012)
- Accused of "fiscal child abuse" by leaving debt for future. (Jun 2012)
- My 36 years in Senate could make me Finance Committee chair. (May 2012)
- My balanced budget bill failed by only one vote. (May 2012)
- OpEd: Federal debt increased rapidly on his watch. (Apr 2012)
- More $ for defense, research, Ag, Education, police. (Jan 2000)
- Balance the budget; but high priority to all spending. (Jan 2000)
- Prosperity based on Reagans tax cuts plus balanced budget. (Oct 1999)
- Bankruptcy has too many loopholes & costs society. (Apr 1999)
- No Chapter 7 bankruptcy for people with assets & income. (Apr 1999)
- Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (May 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on paying down federal debt by rating programs' effectiveness. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
- Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
- Voted YES on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
- Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
- Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Feb 2013)
Mitt Romney on Budget & Economy
Republican Challenger for UT Senator:
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- 2008: auto industry bankruptcy would force modernization. (Feb 2019)
- Trump's economic plan would cause prolonged recession. (Mar 2016)
- We must vitalize the economy by reducing debt and deficit. (Aug 2014)
- We have a choice of two paths: Obama or prosperity. (Oct 2012)
- My five-point plan will get this economy going again. (Oct 2012)
- Economy Tax: Middle-income families have lost $4,300. (Oct 2012)
- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were source of housing bubble. (Jan 2012)
- America needs less spending and more jobs. (Nov 2011)
- We need president who understands how economy works. (Oct 2011)
- Cap how much government can spend as a percentage of GDP. (Oct 2011)
- Obama economy hurt middle class the most, so help them first. (Sep 2011)
- Can't balance budget by cutting waste; must cut spending too. (Sep 2011)
- The country needs a turnaround, and that's what I do. (Sep 2011)
- Better that The Fed manages currency than Congress. (Sep 2011)
- I understand how the economy works because I lived in it. (Sep 2011)
- Let middle-income Americans save money tax-free. (Sep 2011)
- 7 principles for leadership on the economy. (Aug 2011)
- Don't ask "what can we cut" but "what should we keep". (Jun 2011)
- Our lack of vision led to financial collapse & loss of $12T. (Mar 2010)
- Strong economy makes superior defense AND citizen prosperity. (Mar 2010)
- This recession has cost $12 trillion in net worth. (Feb 2009)
- Apply Reaganomics to current recession: cut taxes & grow. (Jan 2008)
- Make sure that we rein in spending. (Jan 2008)
- Support some kind of national catastrophic fund. (Jan 2008)
- Only someone who worked in private sector can fix economy. (Jan 2008)
- Economic strength comes from people, not from Washington. (Dec 2007)
- Cut deficit via waste, like 342 different economic programs. (Dec 2007)
- Fundamentally change how Washington works, to reduce pork. (Nov 2007)
- Washington is broken; needs fundamental change. (May 2007)
- Balance state budget by removing waste and folderol. (Mar 2002)
Bailout + Stimulus
- In business you're either fiscally conservative, or bankrupt. (Feb 2012)
- Stimulus package declares war on free enterprise. (Nov 2011)
- Obama's policies made economy & stock market worse. (Nov 2011)
- Let foreclosures happen; let the market reboot. (Nov 2011)
- QE2 didn't work; focus on jobs & higher growth. (Sep 2011)
- Bailout program wasted money; let companies go bankrupt. (Jun 2011)
- US didn't bail out Wall St.; we prevented financial failure. (Mar 2010)
- CC:Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. (Jul 2018)
Jason Chaffetz on Budget & Economy
2012 Senate Challenger; Republicam House member (UT-3):
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- Annual appropriations instead of omnibus bills. (Jun 2016)
- No earmarks in any bills. (Jan 2010)
- Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
- Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010)
- Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010)
- Member of House Budget Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011)
- Ban roadway signs indicating Recovery Act funding. (Jan 2011)
- Apply all remaining stimulus funds to budget deficit. (Feb 2011)
- Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Jan 2013)
- End executive overreach; impose limits on spending. (Jun 2016)
- Reclaim all bonuses paid to AIG executives & employees. (Mar 2009)
Jim Matheson on Budget & Economy
Democratic Representative (UT-2):
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- Voted NO on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted YES on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on defining "energy emergency" on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
- Voted YES on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)
- Retire half the public debt by 2006. (May 2001)
- Truth in Spending: show actual costs vs. planned costs. (Jul 2010)
- Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011)
Mike Leavitt-Gov on Budget & Economy
Former Republican Governor (1993-2003); Sec. HHS and EPA:
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Olene Walker on Budget & Economy
Former Republican Governor (2003-2004):
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Merrill Cook on Budget & Economy
2010 Republican challenger (lost primary):
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Merrill Cook on Budget & Economy
Former Republican (until 2001) (District 2):
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Paul Van Dam on Budget & Economy
2004 former Democratic challenger:
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- The national debt is damaging Social Security and Medicare. (Oct 2004)
Enid Waldholtz on Budget & Economy
Republican Former (1994-) (District 2):
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- Supports balanced budget amendment & line item veto. (Sep 1994)
Pete Ashdown on Budget & Economy
Democratic challenger:
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- Reverse trend of other countries surpassing US innovation. (Jan 2006)
Robert Bennett on Budget & Economy
Republican Jr Senator (UT):
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- Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (May 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted NO on paying down federal debt by rating programs' effectiveness. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
- Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
- Voted YES on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
- Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
Jason Chaffetz on Budget & Economy
2012 Senate Challenger; Republicam House member (UT-3):
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- Annual appropriations instead of omnibus bills. (Jun 2016)
- No earmarks in any bills. (Jan 2010)
- Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
- Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010)
- Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010)
- Member of House Budget Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011)
- Ban roadway signs indicating Recovery Act funding. (Jan 2011)
- Apply all remaining stimulus funds to budget deficit. (Feb 2011)
- Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Jan 2013)
- End executive overreach; impose limits on spending. (Jun 2016)
- Reclaim all bonuses paid to AIG executives & employees. (Mar 2009)
Sam Granato on Budget & Economy
2010 Democratic challenger:
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- Balanced Budget Amendment leads to irresponsible tax policy. (Jul 2010)
James Hansen on Budget & Economy
Republican (District 1):
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- Supports balanced budget amendment & line item veto. (Sep 1994)
Scott Howell on Budget & Economy
2000 Democratic Challenger for Senate (UT):
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Dan Liljenquist on Budget & Economy
Republican Primary Challenger (2012):
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- Vocal supporter of cut, cap and balance. (May 2012)
- TARP (bank bailout) was wasteful spending. (May 2012)
Chris Cannon on Budget & Economy
Republican Representative (UT-3):
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- Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
- Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)
Mike Lee on Budget & Economy
Republican Jr Senator:
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- Balanced Budget Amendment with supermajority to circumvent. (Jul 2011)
- Our economy cannot survive this ruinous level of debt. (Jul 2011)
- Congress wants praise; incapable of fiscal responsibility. (Jul 2011)
- A balanced budget amendment is essential. (Jul 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for balanced budget. (Jul 2010)
- Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010)
- Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010)
- Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Feb 2013)
- Supports constitutional amendment for balanced budget. (Nov 2016)
- Rated Voted NO on $900 billion COVID relief package. (Dec 2020)
- Liberty Candidate: End the Federal Reserve. (Sep 2010)
Blake Moore on Budget & Economy
Republican (District 1):
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- Rely on state and local stakeholders for recovery parameters. (Dec 2020)
- Pro-COVID relief, according to PVS survey. (Sep 2020)
Burgess Owens on Budget & Economy
Republican (District 4):
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