Ed Markey
(Dem. (Elected to Senate 2013), district 5)
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Ed Markey on Abortion
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OR background on Abortion.
- Champion of woman's ability to make her own decisions. (Oct 2014)
- Endorsed by Planned Parenthood; supports abortion rights. (Jun 2013)
- Litmus test for Supreme Court nominees on abortion. (Jun 2013)
- Voted NO on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011)
- Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
- Voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
- Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mothers life. (Oct 2003)
- Voted NO on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
- Voted NO on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
- Voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)
- Voted NO on barring transporting minors to get an abortion. (Jun 1999)
- Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)
- Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services. (Nov 2013)
- Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions. (Jan 2015)
- Keep federal funding for family planning clinics. (Mar 2017)
- Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion. (Feb 2020)
- Protect the reproductive rights of women. (Jan 1993)
- Ensure access to and funding for contraception. (Feb 2007)
- Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception. (Jan 2009)
Ed Markey on Budget & Economy
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OR background on Budget & Economy.
- Home mortgage deduction should not be on the table. (Jun 2013)
- Sequestration is another word for mindless cuts. (Apr 2013)
- 1994 to 2008: defeated in attempts to regulate derivatives. (Sep 2011)
- Voted NO on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
- Voted NO on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
- Voted YES on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
- Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
- Voted YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on defining "energy emergency" on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
- Voted YES on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)
- Increase debt limit from $14.3 trillion to $16.7 trillion. (Jul 2011)
- Reform mortgage rules to prevent foreclosure & bankruptcy. (Feb 2008)
- Ban abusive credit practices & enhance consumer disclosure. (Feb 2009)
Ed Markey on Civil Rights
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OR background on Civil Rights.
- History of voting for women's rights. (Apr 2013)
- Voted YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. (Feb 2013)
- Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
- Voted NO on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration. (Jun 2003)
- Voted NO on banning gay adoptions in DC. (Jul 1999)
- Voted NO on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. (May 1998)
- Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 87% by the ACLU, indicating a pro-civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)
- Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks. (Dec 2005)
- Rated 100% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
- Rated 100% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
- ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays. (Jun 2009)
- Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights. (Jun 2011)
- Prohibit sexual-identity discrimination at schools. (Mar 2011)
- Ratify CEDAW (Discrimination Against Women). (Jan 2011)
- Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights. (Aug 2012)
- Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools. (Apr 2013)
- Sponsored removing deadline for ratification of the ERA. (Jun 2013)
- Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender. (Feb 2013)
- Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools. (Sep 2013)
- Maintain LGBT health info on federal websites. (Apr 2018)
- Provide benefits to domestic partners of Federal employees. (Dec 2007)
- Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment. (Mar 2007)
- Honor the 100th anniversary of the NAACP. (Jan 2009)
Ed Markey on Corporations
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OR background on Corporations.
- 90% tax on executive bonuses at companies receiving TARP. (Sep 2011)
- Voted NO on more funding for nanotechnology R&D and commercialization. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on allowing stockholder voting on executive compensation. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on replacing illegal export tax breaks with $140B in new breaks. (Jun 2004)
- Voted NO on Bankruptcy Overhaul requiring partial debt repayment. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 20% by the US COC, indicating an anti-business voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 100% by UFCW, indicating an anti-management/pro-labor record. (May 2012)
- Sponsored enforcing against corporate offshore tax haven banking. (Apr 2013)
- Restrict corporate use of consumer mandatory arbitration. (Aug 2016)
Ed Markey on Crime
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OR background on Crime.
- Voted YES on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes. (Apr 2009)
- Voted YES on expanding services for offenders' re-entry into society. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons. (Jun 2000)
- Voted NO on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime. (Jun 1999)
- Voted YES on maintaining right of habeas corpus in Death Penalty Appeals. (Mar 1996)
- Voted NO on making federal death penalty appeals harder. (Feb 1995)
- Voted YES on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment. (Apr 1994)
- Rated 78% by CURE, indicating pro-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
- Moratorium on death penalty; more DNA testing. (Mar 2001)
- More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Apr 2001)
- Require DNA testing for all federal executions. (Mar 2001)
- Increase funding for "COPS ON THE BEAT" program. (Jan 2007)
- Harsher sentencing for "pill mill" operators. (Mar 2011)
Ed Markey on Drugs
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OR background on Drugs.
- Supports medical marijuana & marijuana banking. (Jul 2019)
- Voted YES on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs. (Jun 2008)
- Voted NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism. (Sep 2001)
- Voted NO on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC. (Oct 1999)
- Voted NO on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests. (Sep 1998)
- Rated +20 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Dec 2006)
- Allow rehabilitated drug convicts get student loans. (Jan 2008)
- Rated 75% by NORML, indicating a pro-legalization stance. (Jan 2014)
- Rated C+ by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
- Criminalize imports of opioid precursors. (Feb 2017)
Ed Markey on Education
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OR background on Education.
- Voted NO on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on $40B for green public schools. (May 2009)
- Voted YES on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 2006)
- Voted YES on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror. (Nov 2001)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- Voted NO on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer. (Mar 1994)
- Reduce class size to 18 children in grades 1 to 3. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 92% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Sponsored extending subsidized federal student loan rates until 2015. (Apr 2013)
- Make employee educational assistance tax-deductible. (Jan 1993)
Ed Markey on Energy & Oil
Click here for 26 full quotes on Energy & Oil
OR background on Energy & Oil.
- More offshore wind and solar--but no Green New Deal. (Nov 2019)
- Simply unneeded to subsidize oil industry. (Jun 2013)
- Voted NO on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling. (May 2011)
- Voted NO on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. (Apr 2011)
- Voted YES on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on tax credits for renewable electricity, with PAYGO offsets. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on tax incentives for energy production and conservation. (May 2008)
- Voted YES on tax incentives for renewable energy. (Feb 2008)
- Voted YES on investing in homegrown biofuel. (Aug 2007)
- Voted YES on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC. (May 2007)
- Voted YES on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. (Jan 2007)
- Voted YES on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on scheduling permitting for new oil refinieries. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on authorizing construction of new oil refineries. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on passage of the Bush Administration national energy policy. (Jun 2004)
- Voted NO on implementing Bush-Cheney national energy policy. (Nov 2003)
- Voted YES on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels. (Aug 2001)
- Voted YES on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR. (Aug 2001)
- Regulate wholesale electricity & gas prices. (Mar 2001)
- Preserve Alaska's ANWR instead of drilling it. (Feb 2001)
- Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances. (Feb 2005)
- Rated 100% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence. (Dec 2006)
- Extend through 2016 the renewable energy tax credit. (Nov 2011)
- Member of House Committee on Energy and Commerce. (Mar 2011)
- Sponsored Green New Deal: 10-year national mobilization. (Feb 2019)
- Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards. (Jan 2008)
Ed Markey on Environment
Click here for 18 full quotes on Environment
OR background on Environment.
- Nuclear power is a very expensive way to boil water. (Nov 2019)
- Voted YES on $2 billion more for Cash for Clunkers program. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on protecting free-roaming horses and burros. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on environmental education grants for outdoor experiences. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on $9.7B for Amtrak improvements and operation thru 2013. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on increasing AMTRAK funding by adding $214M to $900M. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on barring website promoting Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species. (Sep 2005)
- Voted NO on speeding up approval of forest thinning projects. (Nov 2003)
- Prohibits commercial logging on Federal public lands. (Apr 2001)
- Rated 100% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes. (Dec 2003)
- Regulate all dog breeders down to kennels of 50 dogs. (Feb 2011)
- Leader of House Natural Resources Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Prohibits breeding or possessing Big Cat species. (Apr 2012)
- Rated 100% by HSLF, indicating a pro-animal welfare voting record. (Jan 2012)
- Sponsored enforcing against illegal ocean fishing. (Jan 2013)
- Endorsed Endorsed by LCV; supports conservation efforts. (Aug 2014)
- Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting. (Jan 2007)
Ed Markey on Families & Children
Click here for 5 full quotes on Families & Children
OR background on Families & Children.
- Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
- Voted NO on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 7% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
- More funding & services for victims of domestic violence. (Jan 2013)
Ed Markey on Foreign Policy
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OR background on Foreign Policy.
- Voted YES on supporting democratic institutions in Pakistan. (Jun 2009)
- Voted NO on cooperating with India as a nuclear power. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on deterring foreign arms transfers to China. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on reforming the UN by restricting US funding. (Jun 2005)
- Voted YES on keeping Cuba travel ban until political prisoners released. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on withholding $244M in UN Back Payments until US seat restored. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on $156M to IMF for 3rd-world debt reduction. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. (May 2000)
- Voted YES on $15.2 billion for foreign operations. (Nov 1999)
- Allow Americans to travel to Cuba. (May 2000)
- Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine. (Apr 2001)
- Seeds of Peace: promote coexistence in regions of conflict. (Apr 2008)
- Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
- Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel. (Jan 2015)
- Enforce humanitarian aid access to South Sudan. (Feb 2017)
- Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of the early 1900s. (Mar 2007)
- Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, as official US policy. (Mar 2009)
- Allow travel between the United States and Cuba. (Feb 2009)
Ed Markey on Free Trade
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OR background on Free Trade.
- Voted NO on promoting free trade with Peru. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement. (Jul 2004)
- Voted NO on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement. (Jul 2003)
- Voted NO on implementing free trade agreement with Chile. (Jul 2003)
- Voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO. (Jun 2000)
- Voted NO on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements. (Sep 1998)
- Rated 50% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues. (Dec 2002)
- Impose tariffs against countries which manipulate currency. (Feb 2011)
- Sponsored imposing import fee on countries with undervalued currency. (Apr 2013)
- Declare Turkish rebar subject to anti-dumping duties. (Apr 2014)
- Fight Chinese predatory trade practices on car tires. (Sep 2014)
- $25B more loans from Export-Import Bank. (Mar 2015)
- Rated 38% by the USAE, indicating support for trade sanctions. (Dec 2012)
- No MFN for China; condition trade on human rights. (Nov 1999)
Ed Markey on Government Reform
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OR background on Government Reform.
- Ok with outside PAC ads, if positive ads. (Feb 2020)
- Authored laws on Telecomm, insider trading, and Alzheimers. (Jun 2013)
- Voted YES on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted YES on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures. (Feb 2012)
- Automatic voter registration for all citizens. (May 2015)
- Voted YES on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Ed Markey on Gun Control
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OR background on Gun Control.
- Expand background checks; ban assault weapons; fight NRA. (Jun 2013)
- Fight the NRA for broader gun control measures. (Jun 2013)
- Voted NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse. (Apr 2003)
- Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
- Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales. (May 2009)
- Ban "fire sale" of firearms after delicensing closure. (Jan 2013)
- Ban large-capacity ammunition. (Jan 2013)
- Stricter regulation on gun show firearm sales. (Jan 2013)
- Co-sponsored background check for every firearm sale. (Jan 2019)
Ed Markey on Health Care
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OR background on Health Care.
- Expand online clinical trials registry. (Oct 2014)
- Supported ObamaCare but would repeal aspects of it. (Mar 2013)
- Voted NO on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts. (Apr 2011)
- Voted NO on repealing the "Prevention and Public Health" slush fund. (Apr 2011)
- Voted YES on regulating tobacco as a drug. (Apr 2009)
- Voted YES on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program. (Jan 2009)
- Voted YES on overriding veto on expansion of Medicare. (Jul 2008)
- Voted YES on giving mental health full equity with physical health. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids. (Jan 2008)
- Voted YES on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility. (Oct 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D. (Jan 2007)
- Voted NO on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay. (Feb 2006)
- Voted NO on limiting medical malpractice lawsuits to $250,000 damages. (May 2004)
- Voted NO on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. (Nov 2003)
- Voted YES on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs. (Jul 2003)
- Voted NO on small business associations for buying health insurance. (Jun 2003)
- Voted NO on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits. (Mar 2003)
- Voted NO on allowing suing HMOs, but under federal rules & limited award. (Aug 2001)
- Voted NO on banning physician-assisted suicide. (Oct 1999)
- Voted NO on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts. (Oct 1999)
- MEDS Plan: Cover senior Rx under Medicare. (Jan 2001)
- Rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record. (Dec 2003)
- Establish a national childhood cancer database. (Mar 2007)
- Establish a National Diabetes Coordinator. (Mar 2008)
- Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit. (Apr 2013)
- Keep ObamaCare's prevention, treatment, & recovery services. (Feb 2017)
- Expand the National Health Service Corps. (Mar 2009)
- Make health care a right, not a privilege. (Nov 1999)
Ed Markey on Homeland Security
Click here for 29 full quotes on Homeland Security
OR background on Homeland Security.
- Don't compromise innocent haystack looking for guilty needle. (Jun 2013)
- Voted NO on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
- Voted YES on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on Veto override: Congressional oversight of CIA interrogations. (Mar 2008)
- Voted NO on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad. (Aug 2007)
- Voted YES on restricting no-bid defense contracts. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)
- Voted NO on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists. (Feb 2005)
- Voted NO on continuing military recruitment on college campuses. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on supporting new position of Director of National Intelligence. (Dec 2004)
- Voted NO on adopting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. (Oct 2004)
- Voted YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Apr 2003)
- Voted NO on permitting commercial airline pilots to carry guns. (Jul 2002)
- Voted YES on $266 billion Defense Appropriations bill. (Jul 1999)
- Voted NO on deploying SDI. (Mar 1999)
- Take US nuclear missiles off high alert. (Aug 2001)
- End the use of anti-personnel mines. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 100% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Sponsored bill for increased security of radiation sources. (May 2005)
- Give higher priority to rail security. (Jul 2005)
- Establish a Department of Peace and Nonviolence. (Feb 2007)
- Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays. (Mar 2010)
- Defund nuclear-armed aircraft and nuclear R&D or testing. (Apr 2013)
- Non-proliferation includes disposing of nuclear materials. (Aug 2014)
- End bulk data collection under USA PATRIOT Act. (Oct 2013)
- Exempt Veterans Affairs from federal hiring freeze. (Jan 2017)
- Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror. (Jun 2007)
- School assistance to survivors of injured federal police. (Oct 1996)
Ed Markey on Immigration
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OR background on Immigration.
- Would not trade protecting DACA for wall. (Feb 2020)
- Supports comprehensive immigration reform. (Oct 2014)
- Voted NO on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment. (May 2004)
- Voted YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers. (Sep 1998)
- Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 0% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance. (Dec 2006)
- Welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees now, and more later. (Sep 2015)
- Terminate national emergency at the Southern border. (Mar 2019)
Ed Markey on Jobs
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OR background on Jobs.
- Lead petitioner on ballot question mandating sick time. (Nov 2013)
- $10 an hour minimum wage is just a first step. (Jun 2013)
- Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Oct 2008)
- Voted YES on overriding presidential veto of Farm Bill. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on restricting employer interference in union organizing. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on increasing minimum wage to $7.25. (Jan 2007)
- Voted NO on end offshore tax havens and promote small business. (Oct 2004)
- Voted NO on $167B over 10 years for farm price supports. (Oct 2001)
- Voted NO on zero-funding OSHA's Ergonomics Rules instead of $4.5B. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 100% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-union voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Allow an Air Traffic Controller's Union. (Jan 2006)
- Form unions by card-check instead of secret ballot. (Mar 2009)
- Rated 0% by CEI, indicating a pro-worker rights voting record. (May 2012)
- Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016. (Mar 2013)
- Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016. (Jan 2014)
- Let Senate cafeteria workers organize their own union. (Nov 2015)
- Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue. (Jan 2009)
- Stronger enforcement against gender-based pay discrimination. (Jan 2009)
Ed Markey on Social Security
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OR background on Social Security.
- Opposes privatizing, or any changes that reduce benefits. (Oct 2014)
- Oppose Bush's Social Security benefit cut. (Oct 2008)
- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Reject proposals for private saving accounts. (May 2002)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Ed Markey on Tax Reform
Click here for 17 full quotes on Tax Reform
OR background on Tax Reform.
- Higher-income people should pay their fair share of taxes. (Jun 2013)
- Voted YES on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes. (Dec 2007)
- Voted NO on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Dec 2005)
- Voted NO on providing tax relief and simplification. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on making permanent an increase in the child tax credit. (May 2004)
- Voted NO on permanently eliminating the marriage penalty. (Apr 2004)
- Voted NO on making the Bush tax cuts permanent. (Apr 2002)
- Voted NO on $99 B economic stimulus: capital gains & income tax cuts. (Oct 2001)
- Voted NO on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"). (Apr 2001)
- Voted NO on eliminating the "marriage penalty". (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business. (Mar 2000)
- American People's Dividend: Give $300 to every person. (Feb 2001)
- Rated 25% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)
- Minimum tax rate of 30% for those earning over $1 million. (Apr 2012)
Ed Markey on Technology
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OR background on Technology.
- Voted NO on terminating funding for National Public Radio. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on delaying digital TV conversion by four months. (Mar 2009)
- Voted NO on retroactive immunity for telecoms' warrantless surveillance. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on $23B instead of $4.9B for waterway infrastructure. (Nov 2007)
- Voted YES on establishing "network neutrality" (non-tiered Internet). (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on increasing fines for indecent broadcasting. (Feb 2005)
- Voted NO on promoting commercial human space flight industry. (Nov 2004)
- Voted NO on banning Internet gambling by credit card. (Jun 2003)
- Voted NO on allowing telephone monopolies to offer Internet access. (Feb 2002)
- Promote internet via Congressional Internet Caucus. (Jan 2001)
- Sponsored bill requiring text on TV for visually-impaired. (Apr 2005)
- Facilitate nationwide 2-1-1 phone line for human services. (Jan 2007)
- Popularize Electronic Signatures with ESIGN Day. (Jun 2010)
- Apply copyright inheritance to same-sex couples. (Jan 2015)
- Support Lifeline program for low-income broadband. (Feb 2017)
Ed Markey on War & Peace
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OR background on War & Peace.
- 2003 Iraq war vote was a mistake; 2013 Syria vote was not. (Feb 2020)
- No coherent strategy for exiting from Iraq. (Oct 2008)
- Voted NO on banning armed forces in Libya without Congressional approval. (Jun 2011)
- Voted YES on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan. (Mar 2011)
- Voted YES on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on approving removal of Saddam & valiant service of US troops. (Mar 2004)
- Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq. (Oct 2002)
- Voted NO on disallowing the invasion of Kosovo. (May 1999)
- Solidarity with Israel in its fight against terrorism. (Apr 2002)
- Member of the Out-of-Iraq Congressional Caucus. (Jan 2007)
- Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment. (Mar 2012)
- Defund US military presence in Afghanistan. (Jan 2013)
- Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection. (Mar 2014)
- Hold Assad accountable for slaughter of civilians. (Feb 2017)
- No military force against Iran without Congress approval. (Feb 2020)
- Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program. (Apr 2009)
Ed Markey on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 9 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty
OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
- Voted NO on maintaining work requirement for welfare recipients. (Mar 2013)
- Voted YES on instituting National Service as a new social invention. (Mar 2009)
- Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on promoting work and marriage among TANF recipients. (Feb 2003)
- Voted NO on treating religious organizations equally for tax breaks. (Jul 2001)
- Voted NO on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations. (Nov 1999)
- Sponsored maintaining SNAP nutrition assistance program. (Mar 2013)
- Fully fund Head Start; Job Corps; and WIC food program. (Apr 1993)
- Reduce the concentration of wealth & wage inequality. (Nov 1999)
VoteMatch Responses
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Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
Strongly Favors
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Champion of woman's ability to make her own decisions: Strongly Favors topic 1 Endorsed by Planned Parenthood; supports abortion rights: Strongly Favors topic 1 Litmus test for Supreme Court nominees on abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance: Strongly Favors topic 1 Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services: Strongly Favors topic 1 Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions: Strongly Favors topic 1 Keep federal funding for family planning clinics: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion: Favors topic 1 Protect the reproductive rights of women: Strongly Favors topic 1 Ensure access to and funding for contraception: Favors topic 1 Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception: Favors topic 1 NO on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1 NO on barring transporting minors to get an abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1 NO on banning partial-birth abortions: Favors topic 1 NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad: Favors topic 1 NO on Unknown roll call for 2001-89: Favors topic 1 NO on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info: Favors topic 1 NO on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mothers life: Strongly Favors topic 1 NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime: Favors topic 1 NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions: Strongly Favors topic 1 YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research: Favors topic 1 YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines: Favors topic 1 |
Strongly Favors
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| History of voting for women's rights: Strongly Favors topic 2 Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender: Strongly Favors topic 2 Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks: Favors topic 2 Rated 100% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance: Strongly Favors topic 2 Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights: Strongly Favors topic 2 Ratify CEDAW (Discrimination Against Women): Strongly Favors topic 2 Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights: Strongly Favors topic 2 Sponsored removing deadline for ratification of the ERA: Strongly Favors topic 2 More funding & services for victims of domestic violence: Strongly Favors topic 2 Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender: Strongly Favors topic 2 Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment: Strongly Favors topic 2 Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue: Favors topic 2 Stronger enforcement against gender-based pay discrimination: Favors topic 2 Honor the 100th anniversary of the NAACP: Favors topic 2 YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act: Favors topic 2 NO on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions: Favors topic 2 YES on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges: Strongly Favors topic 2 |
Strongly Favors
topic 3:Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(+5 points on Social scale)
| More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes: Strongly Favors topic 3 Rated 100% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance: Strongly Favors topic 3 ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays: Favors topic 3 Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays: Favors topic 3 Prohibit sexual-identity discrimination at schools: Strongly Favors topic 3 Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools: Strongly Favors topic 3 Enforce against anti-gay discrimination in public schools: Strongly Favors topic 3 Apply copyright inheritance to same-sex couples: Strongly Favors topic 3 Maintain LGBT health info on federal websites: Strongly Favors topic 3 Provide benefits to domestic partners of Federal employees: Strongly Favors topic 3 NO on banning gay adoptions in DC: Favors topic 3 NO on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3 NO on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman: Strongly Favors topic 3 YES on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation: Strongly Favors topic 3 YES on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes: Favors topic 3 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 4:Keep God in the public sphere
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Rated 7% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 4 NO on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer: Strongly Opposes topic 4 NO on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations: Opposes topic 4 NO on treating religious organizations equally for tax breaks: Strongly Opposes topic 4 NO on allowing school prayer during the War on Terror: Strongly Opposes topic 4 NO on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration: Opposes topic 4 NO on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance: Opposes topic 4 YES on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance: Opposes topic 4 |
Strongly Favors
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Expand online clinical trials registry: Favors topic 5 Supported ObamaCare but would repeal aspects of it: Opposes topic 5 MEDS Plan: Cover senior Rx under Medicare: Favors topic 5 Rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record: Strongly Favors topic 5 Establish a National Diabetes Coordinator: Favors topic 5 Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit: Favors topic 5 Expand the National Health Service Corps: Strongly Favors topic 5 Make health care a right, not a privilege: Strongly Favors topic 5 YES on giving mental health full equity with physical health: Favors topic 5 YES on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids: Strongly Favors topic 5 NO on repealing the "Prevention and Public Health" slush fund: Strongly Favors topic 5 NO on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts: Favors topic 5 NO on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts: Favors topic 5 YES on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs: Favors topic 5 NO on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits: Favors topic 5 NO on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients: Favors topic 5 NO on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay: Strongly Favors topic 5 YES on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D: Favors topic 5 YES on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility: Favors topic 5 YES on overriding veto on expansion of Medicare: Favors topic 5 YES on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program: Favors topic 5 YES on regulating tobacco as a drug: Favors topic 5 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Opposes privatizing, or any changes that reduce benefits: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Oppose Bush's Social Security benefit cut: Opposes topic 6 Reject proposals for private saving accounts: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI": Strongly Opposes topic 6 Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance: Strongly Opposes topic 6 YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox: Opposes topic 6 NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits: Opposes topic 6 YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable: Favors topic 6 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Reduce class size to 18 children in grades 1 to 3: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Rated 92% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Sponsored extending subsidized federal student loan rates until 2015: Opposes topic 7 NO on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program: Strongly Opposes topic 7 NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools: Strongly Opposes topic 7 NO on allowing vouchers in DC schools: Opposes topic 7 YES on $40B for green public schools: Opposes topic 7 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 8:Fight EPA regulatory over-reach
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Nuclear power is a very expensive way to boil water: Favors topic 8 Prohibits commercial logging on Federal public lands: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Rated 100% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Regulate all dog breeders down to kennels of 50 dogs: Opposes topic 8 Prohibits breeding or possessing Big Cat species: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Sponsored enforcing against illegal ocean fishing: Opposes topic 8 Endorsed Endorsed by LCV; supports conservation efforts: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting: Strongly Opposes topic 8 NO on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species: Strongly Opposes topic 8 YES on environmental education grants for outdoor experiences: Opposes topic 8 YES on protecting free-roaming horses and burros: Opposes topic 8 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Rated 78% by CURE, indicating pro-rehabilitation crime votes: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Moratorium on death penalty; more DNA testing: Opposes topic 9 Require DNA testing for all federal executions: Opposes topic 9 Increase funding for "COPS ON THE BEAT" program: Opposes topic 9 YES on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment: Strongly Opposes topic 9 NO on making federal death penalty appeals harder: Strongly Opposes topic 9 YES on maintaining right of habeas corpus in Death Penalty Appeals: Opposes topic 9 NO on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime: Opposes topic 9 YES on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons.: Strongly Opposes topic 9 YES on expanding services for offenders' re-entry into society: Opposes topic 9 |
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Expand background checks; ban assault weapons; fight NRA: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Fight the NRA for broader gun control measures: Strongly Favors topic 10 Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales: Opposes topic 10 Ban "fire sale" of firearms after delicensing closure: Opposes topic 10 Ban large-capacity ammunition: Opposes topic 10 Stricter regulation on gun show firearm sales: Opposes topic 10 Co-sponsored background check for every firearm sale: Strongly Favors topic 10 NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1: Strongly Opposes topic 10 NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse: Strongly Opposes topic 10 NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers: Strongly Opposes topic 10 |
Strongly Favors
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Higher-income people should pay their fair share of taxes: Strongly Favors topic 11 American People's Dividend: Give $300 to every person: Favors topic 11 Rated 25% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes: Strongly Favors topic 11 Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation: Strongly Favors topic 11 Minimum tax rate of 30% for those earning over $1 million: Strongly Favors topic 11 Sponsored enforcing against corporate offshore tax haven banking: Favors topic 11 Make employee educational assistance tax-deductible: Favors topic 11 Reduce the concentration of wealth & wage inequality: Favors topic 11 NO on eliminating the "marriage penalty": Favors topic 11 NO on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business: Favors topic 11 NO on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years: Favors topic 11 NO on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years: Favors topic 11 NO on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"): Favors topic 11 NO on making the Bush tax cuts permanent: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on providing tax relief and simplification: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends: Strongly Favors topic 11 YES on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes: Strongly Favors topic 11 YES on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income: Opposes topic 11 |
Strongly Favors
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Would not trade protecting DACA for wall: Strongly Favors topic 12 Supports comprehensive immigration reform: Strongly Favors topic 12 Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration: Strongly Favors topic 12 Rated 0% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance: Strongly Favors topic 12 Terminate national emergency at the Southern border: Favors topic 12 YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers: Favors topic 12 YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules: Favors topic 12 NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment: Strongly Favors topic 12 NO on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project: Strongly Favors topic 12 NO on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Favors topic 12 |
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Rated 50% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues: Neutral on topic 13 Impose tariffs against countries which manipulate currency: Opposes topic 13 Sponsored imposing import fee on countries with undervalued currency: Opposes topic 13 Declare Turkish rebar subject to anti-dumping duties: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Fight Chinese predatory trade practices on car tires: Strongly Opposes topic 13 $25B more loans from Export-Import Bank: Strongly Favors topic 13 Rated 38% by the USAE, indicating support for trade sanctions: Opposes topic 13 No MFN for China; condition trade on human rights: Neutral on topic 13 NO on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NO on Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NO on withdrawing from the WTO: Strongly Favors topic 13 NO on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NO on implementing free trade agreement with Chile: Strongly Opposes topic 13 NO on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Opposes topic 13 NO on end offshore tax havens and promote small business: Favors topic 13 NO on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade: Strongly Opposes topic 13 YES on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization: Opposes topic 13 NO on promoting free trade with Peru: Opposes topic 13 |
topic 14:Support American Exceptionalism
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel: Favors topic 14 Welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees now, and more later: Strongly Opposes topic 14 Enforce humanitarian aid access to South Sudan: Opposes topic 14 Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror: Opposes topic 14 Allow travel between the United States and Cuba: Opposes topic 14 YES on Veto override: Congressional oversight of CIA interrogations: Opposes topic 14 YES on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad: Strongly Opposes topic 14 YES on withholding $244M in UN Back Payments until US seat restored: Strongly Favors topic 14 NO on reforming the UN by restricting US funding: Strongly Opposes topic 14 NO on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight: Opposes topic 14 NO on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad: Strongly Opposes topic 14 |
topic 15:Expand the military
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Take US nuclear missiles off high alert: Opposes topic 15 Rated 100% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Establish a Department of Peace and Nonviolence: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Defund nuclear-armed aircraft and nuclear R&D or testing: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Non-proliferation includes disposing of nuclear materials: Opposes topic 15 Exempt Veterans Affairs from federal hiring freeze: Favors topic 15 YES on $266 billion Defense Appropriations bill: Favors topic 15 NO on deploying SDI: Opposes topic 15 YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 15 NO on continuing military recruitment on college campuses: Opposes topic 15 YES on restricting no-bid defense contracts: Strongly Opposes topic 15 |
Strongly Favors
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge: Strongly Favors topic 16 Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures: Strongly Favors topic 16 Automatic voter registration for all citizens: Strongly Favors topic 16 YES on banning soft money and issue ads: Favors topic 16 NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties: Opposes topic 16 YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions: Favors topic 16 NO on restricting independent grassroots political committees: Favors topic 16 YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations: Strongly Favors topic 16 |
topic 17:Avoid foreign entanglements
(+2 points on Social scale)
| 2003 Iraq war vote was a mistake; 2013 Syria vote was not: Opposes topic 17 No coherent strategy for exiting from Iraq: Favors topic 17 Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine: Strongly Favors topic 17 Member of the Out-of-Iraq Congressional Caucus: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Defund US military presence in Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection: Opposes topic 17 Hold Assad accountable for slaughter of civilians: Opposes topic 17 No military force against Iran without Congress approval: Strongly Favors topic 17 Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program: Opposes topic 17 YES on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 17 NO on banning armed forces in Libya without Congressional approval: Opposes topic 17 YES on authorizing military force in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17 NO on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date: Strongly Favors topic 17 YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days: Strongly Favors topic 17 YES on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq: Favors topic 17 |
Strongly Favors
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| More offshore wind and solar--but no Green New Deal: Strongly Favors topic 18 Simply unneeded to subsidize oil industry: Strongly Favors topic 18 Preserve Alaska's ANWR instead of drilling it: Favors topic 18 Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances: Strongly Favors topic 18 Rated 100% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence: Favors topic 18 Extend through 2016 the renewable energy tax credit: Strongly Favors topic 18 Sponsored Green New Deal: 10-year national mobilization: Strongly Favors topic 18 Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on tax incentives for renewable energy: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases: Favors topic 18 NO on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on authorizing construction of new oil refineries: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on scheduling permitting for new oil refinieries: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on investing in homegrown biofuel: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC: Favors topic 18 YES on tax incentives for energy production and conservation: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on tax credits for renewable electricity, with PAYGO offsets: Favors topic 18 YES on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution: Favors topic 18 YES on $2 billion more for Cash for Clunkers program: Favors topic 18 |
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Supports medical marijuana & marijuana banking: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Rated +20 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Allow rehabilitated drug convicts get student loans: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Harsher sentencing for "pill mill" operators: Strongly Favors topic 19 Rated 75% by NORML, indicating a pro-legalization stance: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Rated C+ by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19 Keep ObamaCare's prevention, treatment, & recovery services: Opposes topic 19 Criminalize imports of opioid precursors: Favors topic 19 NO on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests: Strongly Opposes topic 19 NO on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC: Strongly Opposes topic 19 NO on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism: Strongly Opposes topic 19 YES on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs: Favors topic 19 |
Strongly Favors
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Sequestration is another word for mindless cuts: Strongly Favors topic 20 90% tax on executive bonuses at companies receiving TARP: Strongly Favors topic 20 Increase debt limit from $14.3 trillion to $16.7 trillion: Favors topic 20 Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016: Favors topic 20 Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016: Favors topic 20 NO on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached: Favors topic 20 YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy: Strongly Favors topic 20 YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending: Strongly Favors topic 20 |
Ed Markey is a Hard-Core Liberal
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