VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) |
Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
topic 1: Abortion is a woman's right
(7 points on Social scale)
| Restrictive legislation does not lead to fewer abortions: Favors topic 1 Expand stem cell research: Favors topic 1 |
No opinion on
topic 2: Require companies to hire more women & minorities
(5 points on Economic scale)
| (No votes on which to base response) |
topic 3: Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws
(2 points on Social scale)
| Don't amend Constitution to outlaw gay marriage: Opposes topic 3 |
topic 4: Teach family values in public schools
(7 points on Social scale)
| Don't amend Constitution to outlaw flag burning: Opposes topic 4 |
topic 5: More federal funding for health coverage
(2 points on Economic scale)
| Balance affordability with universality: Favors topic 5 Opposes single-payer coverage because it's a liability: Opposes topic 5 Sever health care coverage from employment: Favors topic 5 |
topic 6: Privatize Social Security
(2 points on Economic scale)
| Don't make young people carry burden of solvency: Favors topic 6 Raise income ceiling for Social Security taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 6 |
topic 7: Parents choose schools via vouchers
(7 points on Social scale)
| Local communities can best react to education needs: Favors topic 7 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 8: Death Penalty
(10 points on Social scale)
| Eliminate the federal death penalty: Strongly Opposes topic 8 |
No opinion on
topic 9: Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws
(5 points on Social scale)
| (No votes on which to base response) |
No opinion on
topic 10: Absolute right to gun ownership
(5 points on Social scale)
| (No votes on which to base response) |
topic 11: Decrease overall taxation of the wealthy
(2 points on Economic scale)
| No estate tax repeal; no permanent Bush tax cut: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Bush tax cuts will be paid for by young people in the future: Strongly Opposes topic 11 National sales tax to replace the income tax: Favors topic 11 |
No opinion on
topic 12: Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
(5 points on Economic scale)
| Secure the border and enforce same-pay laws for immigrants: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Show me 50-foot border fence, I'll show you 51-foot ladder: Favors topic 12 Making bogeymen of illegal immigrants doesn't address issue: Favors topic 12 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 13: Support & expand free trade
(0 points on Economic scale)
| Opposes the Central American Free Trade Agreement: Strongly Opposes topic 13 |
Strongly Favors
topic 14: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties
(0 points on Social scale)
| Administration's power grab threatens 4th amendment rights: Strongly Favors topic 14 Legislate online data collection; support Net Neutrality: Favors topic 14 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 15: More spending on armed forces
(10 points on Economic scale)
| Reduce $ on missile defense; eliminate Homeland security $: Strongly Opposes topic 15 |
Strongly Favors
topic 16: Stricter limits on political campaign funds
(0 points on Economic scale)
| Lobbyist scandals and bribes threaten faith in democracy: Favors topic 16 Public taxpayer funding for federal campaigns: Strongly Favors topic 16 |
Strongly Favors
topic 17: Replace US troops with UN in Iraq
(0 points on Economic scale)
| It's time to get out of Iraq now: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iraq conflict can no longer be solved with military action: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iraq war being fought with other's people's children: Strongly Favors topic 17 We're experiencing mission-creep in Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17 |
Strongly Favors
topic 18: Replace coal & oil with alternatives
(0 points on Economic scale)
| Develop renewable energy by tax incentives & research funds: Strongly Favors topic 18 Encourage farmers to produce ethanol, biodiesel & wind power: Favors topic 18 Campaign bus runs on waste cooking oil: Strongly Favors topic 18 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 19: Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it
(10 points on Social scale)
| Eliminate war on drugs; decriminalize marijuana: Strongly Opposes topic 19 |
No opinion on
topic 20: Allow churches to provide welfare services
(5 points on Social scale)
| (No votes on which to base response) |