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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

03-S1493 on Jul 30, 2003

Bill Sponsorship: the Fair Tax Act to abolish the IRS
Source: Bill sponsored by 2 Senators and 55 Reps
A bill to promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States. The Fair Tax Act of 2003 amends the Internal Revenue Code to repeal subtitle A (Income Taxes), B (Estate and Gift Taxes), and C (Employment Taxes) of the Internal Revenue Code. Imposes a tax on the use or consumption of taxable property or services. Sets the tax rate at 23 percent for the calendar year 2005. Sets the rate, for years after 2005, at the combined sum of the general revenue rate (14.91 percent), the old-age survivors and disability rate, and the hospital insurance rate. Senate bill S.1493 is identical to House bill HR.25.

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 11. Question 11: Higher taxes on the wealthy Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Tax Reform
  • Headline: Abolish IRS--replace income tax with national sales tax (Score: -2)

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 03-S1493

Ralph Moody Hall s1oTexas Democrat 
Zell Miller s1oGA Former Democratic Senator; retired 2004 
Collin Peterson s1oMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 

Republicans participating in 03-S1493

Todd Akin s1oMissouri Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Richard Hugh Baker s1oLouisiana Republican (Resigned 2008) 
Roscoe Bartlett s1oMaryland Republican 
Bob Beauprez s1oColorado Republican 
Michael Bilirakis s1oFlorida Republican (Retired 2006) 
Henry Bonilla s1oTexas Republican 
Kevin Brady s1oTexas Republican 
Max Burns s1oGeorgia Republican (Until 2004) 
Dan Burton s1oIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
John Carter s1oTexas Republican 
Saxby Chambliss s1iGA Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Barbara Cubin s1oWyoming Republican (Retiring 2008) 
John Culberson s1oTexas Republican 
Nathan Deal s1oGA Republican Governor 
Tom DeLay s1oTexas Republican 
Jim DeMint s1oSC Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
John Doolittle s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Jimmy Duncan s1oTennessee Republican 
Jeff Flake s1oArizona Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Trent Franks s1oArizona Republican 
Phil Gingrey s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Porter Goss s1oFlorida Republican (Until 2004) 
Kay Granger s1oTexas Republican 
Samuel Graves s1oMissouri Republican 
Gil Gutknecht s1oMinnesota Republican 
Joel Hefley s1oColorado Republican 
Jeb Hensarling s1oTexas Republican 
Peter Hoekstra s1oMI Republican Challenger 
Johnny Isakson s1oGA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
Walter Beaman Jones s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Ric Keller s1oFlorida Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Steve King s1oIowa Republican 
Jack Kingston s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Jerry Lewis s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Scott McInnis s1oColorado Republican (Until 2004) 
Candice Miller s1oMichigan Republican 
Gary Miller s1oCalifornia Republican 
Jeff Miller s1oFlorida Republican 
Randy Neugebauer s1oTexas Republican 
Charlie Norwood s1oGeorgia Republican 
Butch Otter s1oID Republican Governor 
Steve Pearce s1oNew Mexico Republican 
Pete Sessions s1oTexas Republican 
John Shadegg s1oArizona Republican 
Nick Smith s1oMI Former Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep 
Cliff Stearns s1oFlorida Republican (Lost 2012 primary) 
Tom Tancredo s1oColorado Republican Governor challenger 
Charles Taylor s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Mac Thornberry s1oTexas Republican 
Pat Toomey s1oPA Republican Jr Senator 
Joe Wilson s1oSouth Carolina Republican 
Don Young s1oAlaska Republican 

Independents participating in 03-S1493

Mac Collins s1oGA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
John Linder s1iGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010) 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 3
Republicans: 52
Independents: 2

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