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Click on Signature bills below for Senate candidates' most important bill sponsorship....

Signature bills>>
2020 Voting records: 116th Congress
2020 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS/AFA
2018 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS
Excerpts from Trump Impeachment reports (December 2019)
Bill sponsorships, 2018-2020 (116th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2016-2018 (115th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 114th and 115th Congress (Non-profit groups' candidate evaluations)
Bill sponsorships, 2015-2016 (114th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2013-2014 (113th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 112th and 113th Congress (Non-profit groups' evaluations of voting records 2011-2014)
Early bills from 113th Congress. Bill sponsorships and letters from early in 2013 in the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Governors.
2013 incoming House Freshmen surveys. Newly elected U.S. House members from the 2012 elections, rated by numerous organizations. (Same without older survey comparisons)
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide. Newly elected candidates from the 2012 House, Senate, and Gubernatorial elections.
Bills and ratings from 111th Congress and earlier (Bills 2009-2010 and earlier)
Surveys 2011: Latest survey update through 2011.
Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide. From the 2010 Congressional and Gubernatorial elections.
2010 voter guide. From "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups."
2010 Project Vote Smart: Congressional Political Courage Test.
Contract From America: 2010 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.
Contract With America: 1994 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.some
Additional Surveys and Notebooks.

Older Notebook archives:
2008 Presidential contenders
2008 Senate Signature Issues
2001-2012 Caucus Memberships / Affiliations
2000-2006 Group Ratings
1999-2007 Congressional Member Surveys
1999-2004 Public Letters
1998-2001 Resolutions
1994-2005 Policy Reports
1992-2000 Court Rulings
1990s-2008 Bill Sponsorships

Bill Sponsorships by 2008 Presidential Contenders:
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R, MA)
No Apology
Rep. Paul Ryan (R, WI)
Young Guns
Pres. Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope
V.P. Joe Biden
Promises to Keep
Former Rep. Ron Paul
End the Fed

Former Pres. George W. Bush
Decision Points
Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R, AK)
America By Heart
Secy. of State Hillary Clinton
Living History
Former Pres. Bill Clinton
My Life
Gov. Jesse Ventura
American Conspiracies

Site Map
(Main page)
(Quotations organized by topic)
(Quotations organized by politician)
(Most recent quotation for each person)
Candidate Grid
(Summary by candidate of positions on each topic)

Following are "Signature bills" by each incumbent running for Senate in 2008.
International Issues  Domestic Issues   Economic Issues  Social Issues 
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Foreign Policy Gun Control Budget & Economy Education
Homeland Security Crime Government Reform   Health Care
War & Peace Drugs Tax Reform Abortion
Free Trade Civil Rights Social Security Families & Children
Immigration  Jobs Welfare & Poverty Corporations
Energy & Oil  Environment Technology Principles & Values

Signature bill sponsorhips by Senate contenders
  Republican Senate contenders Democratic Senate contenders
AK Stevens on VOIP: 08-S2919  
AL Sessions on energy security: 08-S3240
Sessions on border prosecution: 08-S2709
AR    Pryor on lead toy ban: 08-S2663
CO Schaffer on conserving grassland: 01-H1689  Udall on veteran mental health: 08-H6268
DE    See Biden's V.P. list
GA Chambliss on Reserve pay: 07-S2836  
IA    Harkin on veterans suicide: 08-S2899
ID    LaRocco on forest emergency: 93-HR229
IL    Durbin on Juneteenth: 08-SR584
 Durbin on Darfur Peace: 08-SR455
KS Roberts on Reserve feeding: 08-S3337  Slattery on water contaminants: 93-H3392
 Slattery on TV advisories: 93-SR122
 Slattery on super collider: 93-H1009
KY McConnell on offshore drilling: 08-S3202
McConnell on Burma trade ban: 07-SJR16
LA    Landrieu on Charter Schools: 07-SR556
 Landrieu on Youth Conference: S2771
MA    Kerry on ANC terrorism: 08-S2979
ME Collins on Seeds of Peace: 08-SR536
Collins on H-1B visas: 08-S2839
 Allen on veterans' PTSD: 08-H5448
 Allen on automatic IRAs: 08-S1288
MI    Levin on Great Lakes compact: 08-SJR45
MN Coleman on army chiropractors: 08-SCR75  
MS Wicker on fetus protection: 08-S3111
Wicker on traditional marriage: 08-SJR43
Cochran on Diabetes: 08-S2742
MT    Baucus on mental health: 08-S3101
NC Dole on English-only: 08-S2719  
NH Sununu on Internet tax ban: 07-S2128  
NJ Zimmer on Megan's Law: 95-H2137
Zimmer on luxurious prisons: 95-HR663
 Lautenberg on beach pollution: 08-S2844
NM Pearce on solar energy: 08-H5805
Pearce on child slavery: 08-H5652
 Udall on rare canids: 07-H1464
OR    Smith on condemning Iran: 08-SR449
RI    Reed on childhood cancer: 07-S911
SC Graham on veterans education: 08-S2938  
SD    Johnson on Argentine meat ban: 08-S3238
TN Alexander on bald eagles: 08-SR583  
TX Cornyn on troop voting: 08-S3073
Cornyn on estriol access: 08-SCR88
Cornyn on Syria sanctions: 08-S2917
WY Barrasso on CO2 sequestration: 08-S2614
Enzi on insurance pooling: 08-S2818
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 11, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Roger Wicker (R, MS)
Apply 14th amendment protections to pre-born fetuses
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 1. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 13
Independents: 0

Civil Rights
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 25, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Roger Wicker (R, MS)
Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 3. Democrats: 9
Republicans: 108
Independents: 0
on Jun 4, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Dick Durbin (D, IL)
Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 2. Democrats: 108
Republicans: 2
Independents: 2

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Feb 25, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Mark Pryor (D, AR)
Screen imports & ban lead in children's products
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 106
Republicans: 10
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jul 27, 1995
Sponsored by Rep. Dick Zimmer (R, NJ)
Megan's Law: public list of sexually violent offenders
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 9. Democrats: 3
Republicans: 23
Independents: 0
on Jan 24, 1995
Sponsored by Rep. Dick Zimmer (R, NJ)
Prevent luxurious conditions in prisons
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 9. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 26
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 1, 2007
Sponsored by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D, LA)
Support the goals and ideals of Charter Schools
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 7. Democrats: 3
Republicans: 15
Independents: 0

Energy & Oil
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jul 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R, AL)
Establish energy security strategy with domestic production
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 6
Independents: 0
on Jun 26, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, KY)
Open the Outer Continental Shelf for oil & gas leasing
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 44
Independents: 0
on Apr 15, 2008
Sponsored by Rep. Steve Pearce (R, NM)
Establish a solar energy program on federal lands
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 11
Independents: 0
on Feb 8, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. John Barrasso (R, WY)
Develop technology for carbon dioxide sequestration
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 6
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jul 25, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Pat Roberts (R, KS)
Allow critical feeding on Conservation Reserves
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 0
Republicans: 17
Independents: 0
on Jul 23, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI)
Inter-state compact for Great Lakes water resources
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 40
Republicans: 22
Independents: 0
on Jun 4, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R, TN)
Celebrate the recovery of the bald eagle
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 8
Republicans: 12
Independents: 0
on Apr 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D, NJ)
Grants for beach water pollution under Clean Water Act
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 47
Republicans: 6
Independents: 1
on Mar 9, 2007
Sponsored by Rep. Tom Udall (D, NM)
Promote conservation of rare felids & canids
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 73
Republicans: 20
Independents: 1
on May 2, 2001
Sponsored by Rep. Bob Schaffer (R, CO)
Establish a grassland reserve program to conserve grassland
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 11
Republicans: 8
Independents: 0
on Oct 27, 1993
Sponsored by Rep. Jim Slattery (D, KS)
Regulating 15 more contaminants under Clean Water Act
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 42
Republicans: 99
Independents: 1
on Jan 5, 1993
Sponsored by Rep. Larry LaRocco (D, ID)
Declare a forest health emergency on federal lands
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 11
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0

Families & Children
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 14, 2008
Sponsored by Rep. Steve Pearce (R, NM)
Increase penalties for child sexual slavery
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 9. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 15
Independents: 0
on Mar 13, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D, LA)
Call for a White House Conference on Children and Youth
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 52
Republicans: 15
Independents: 0
on Jun 18, 1993
Sponsored by Rep. Jim Slattery (D, KS)
TV shows should have explicit viewer advisories
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 4. Democrats: 17
Republicans: 10
Independents: 1

Foreign Policy
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 6, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. John Kerry (D, MA)
Remove African National Congress from terrorist list
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 15
Republicans: 2
Independents: 1
on Apr 28, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Susan Collins (R, ME)
Seeds of Peace: promote coexistence in regions of conflict
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 54
Republicans: 8
Independents: 1
on Feb 14, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Dick Durbin (D, IL)
Implement Darfur Peace Agreement with UN peacekeeping force
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 26
Republicans: 15
Independents: 1

Free Trade
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jul 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Tim Johnson (D, SD)
Ban Argentine meat imports to avoid foot & mouth disease
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 8
Republicans: 5
Independents: 0
on Jun 14, 2007
Sponsored by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, KY)
Extend trade restrictions on Burma to promote democracy
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 59
Republicans: 43
Independents: 1

Government Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 22, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn (R, TX)
Ensure delivery of absentee ballots for troops overseas
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 0
Republicans: 31
Independents: 0

Health Care
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn (R, TX)
Remove restrictions on estriol (menopause medication)
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 25
Republicans: 34
Independents: 0
on Jun 6, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Max Baucus (D, MT)
Include mental health services under Medicare
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 9
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Apr 3, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Michael Enzi (R, WY)
Support enhanced health insurance marketplace pooling
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 8
Independents: 0
on Mar 11, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Thad Cochran (R, MS)
Establish a National Diabetes Coordinator
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 21
Republicans: 3
Independents: 0
on Mar 19, 2007
Sponsored by Sen. Jack Reed (D, RI)
Establish a national childhood cancer database
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 183
Republicans: 108
Independents: 1

Homeland Security
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 12, 2008
Sponsored by Rep. Mark Udall (D, CO)
Improve mental health care benefits for returning veterans
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 15. Democrats: 14
Republicans: 15
Independents: 0
on Apr 29, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R, SC)
Improve educational assistance for veterans
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 1
Republicans: 51
Independents: 0
on Apr 22, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Tom Harkin (D, IA)
Study & address suicides among veterans
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 76
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Apr 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Norm Coleman (R, MN)
Appoint chiropractors as commissioned officers
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 18
Republicans: 9
Independents: 0
on Feb 14, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Tom Allen (D, ME)
Include post-traumatic stress disorder in vet's disability
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 21
Republicans: 4
Independents: 0
on Dec 19, 2007
Sponsored by Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R, GA)
Extend reserve retirement pay parity back to 9/11
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 15. Democrats: 42
Republicans: 57
Independents: 2

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 10, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Susan Collins (R, ME)
Increase limitations for H-1B, H-2B, and L-visas
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 7
Independents: 0
on Mar 5, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R, AL)
Zero tolerance for border crossing via increased prosecution
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 8
Independents: 0
on Mar 5, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Liddy Dole (R, NC)
Government services in English only
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Democrats: 4
Republicans: 58
Independents: 0

Social Security
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 6, 2008
Sponsored by Rep. Tom Allen (D, ME)
Require small businesses to allow automatic IRA deposits
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 8
Republicans: 4
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 24, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Ted Stevens (R, AK)
Require telecomms to transfer VOIP calls from other carriers
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 6
Republicans: 5
Independents: 0
on Oct 2, 2007
Sponsored by Sen. John Sununu (R, NH)
Permanent ban on state & local taxation of Internet access
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 96
Republicans: 170
Independents: 1
on Feb 18, 1993
Sponsored by Rep. Jim Slattery (D, KS)
Terminate funding for the superconducting super collider
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 26
Republicans: 26
Independents: 0

War & Peace
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 24, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn (R, TX)
Strengthen sanctions on Syria & assist democratic transition
Participating counts on VoteMatch question 17. Democrats: 28
Republicans: 136
Independents: 0
on Feb 12, 2008
Sponsored by Sen. Gordon Smith (R, OR)
Condemn Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad's anti-Israel statement
(Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 3
Republicans: 11
Independents: 0

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