John James:
Fight China over soybeans now, or bullets later
James says that trade disputes have hurt his company's revenues, but he backs the president's approach. USMCA--the North American trade agreement approved by Congress in January--is "not a perfect deal, but it's much better than what we had."
He also thinks the time has come to confront China over its trade policies as well as its provocations in the South China Sea. "If we don't fight this conflict with soybeans now, we'll fight it with bullets later."
Source: National Review on 2020 Michigan Senate race
May 14, 2020
Gretchen Whitmer:
Important to continue traveling to Israel to support trade
Whitmer is embarking on her first trade mission as she leaves for a five-day trip to Israel. "I look forward to a number of productive conversations on how we can strengthen our ties with our partners overseas and also attract more businesses and
jobs to Michigan," she said. "It's important to continue the tradition of traveling to Israel which previous governors have done. It's an important relationship for our state with our mutual focus on water, cybersecurity, startups."
Source: The Detroit Free Press on 2022 Michigan Gubernatorial race
Nov 17, 2019
Bill Schuette:
Supports tariffs on China, to get a better deal
Q: Support Trump's imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and other products?
Bill Schuette (R): Yes. Believes Trump has his own "aggressive style" as he works to rebalance trade relationships. "In the end, I think it will be a good deal."
Gretchen Whitmer (D): No. Renegotiate trade deals but fears longlasting negative consequences from new tariffs & chaos caused by Trump's "disorderly rollout."
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Gretchen Whitmer:
Renegotiate trade deals, but no tariffs on China
Q: Support Trump's imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and other products?
Bill Schuette (R): Yes. Believes Trump has his own "aggressive style" as he works to rebalance trade relationships. "In the end, I think it will be a good deal."
Gretchen Whitmer (D): No. Renegotiate trade deals but fears longlasting negative consequences from new tariffs & chaos caused by Trump's "disorderly rollout."
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
John James:
Let master negotiator Trump re-work trade deals
Q: Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth? Support Trump's imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel & other products?
John James (R): Torn between adequately funding the military & working toward a balanced budget with less
debt. On tariffs, calls Trump "a master negotiator."
Debbie Stabenow (D): Supports major infrastructure spending. On tariffs, supports stopping Chinese dumping of certain products but calls for "a more thoughtful, targeted approach."
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Michigan Senate race
Oct 9, 2018
John James:
Free but fair trade, to keep jobs in Michigan
Michigan is a global leader in the agriculture and automotive industries. I support free, but fair trade.
We must ensure that our trade deals and federal regulations make sense, do not put Michigan-made goods at a disadvantage and keep jobs in Michigan.
Michigan's food and agricultural industry includes over 52,000 farms, employing over 900,000 Michiganders.
To remain a global leader in agriculture we must ensure that federal regulations make sense and do not put Michigan farmers on an unequal playing field with our competitors.
Source: 2018 Michigan Senate campaign website
Mar 2, 2018
Abdul El-Sayed:
Free trade deals favor elites over workers
Free trade agreements have harmed Michigan workers. They should be negotiated to benefit the real people who drive
America's economy rather than the elites who grow their profits at our expense.
Source: 2018 Michigan Gubernatorial website
Nov 1, 2017
Marcia Squier:
Replace free trade deals with zero export taxes
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Support & expand free trade"?
A: Oppose--I want zero export taxes and varying import taxes, depending on the percentage of American-made products.
Jack Bergman:
I support free and fair trade, not TPP
Trans-Pacific Partnership: I support free and fair trade because Michigan makes some of the best products in the world. When markets open and we compete on an even playing field, we export more of our goods. This increases wages and increases our
standard of living. The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, known commonly as TPP, however, does not fall under the category of free or fair trade. Instead, it undercuts our workers at home and weakens our national sovereignty in dealings abroad.
It should be opposed as is.
Every trade bill should be evaluated based on how it benefits American workers. Every member of Congress takes an oath to protect and guard the nation from forces that threaten it--both militarily and economically.
Every proposed trade agreement should ensure that Americans are competing on a level playing field. I know American businesses and labor will outwork any foreign competition and build a better product.
Source: 2016 Michigan House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Brenda Lawrence:
Oppose TPP, NAFTA, and similar trade deals
Q: Do you support deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Do they help create jobs in the U.S.? Why or why not?
Brenda Lawrence: I do not support any trade deals that take jobs out of the US, or allow currency manipulation to cheat the US.
While we do live in a global economy and we must resolve to balance the scales.
We should not enter into any agreement that would allow any other country or countries to be given an advantage in trade that will take jobs and financial benefits out of the US.
Marcia Squier (Green Party): I absolutely do NOT support the
TPP, the TTIP, the TISA, or any other similar trade deal! They will eliminate jobs, not create them. Those of us from the Motor City know how disastrous NAFTA was and is to the auto industry. The TPP is known as NAFTA on steroids.
Source: VotersGuide on 2016 Michigan House race
Nov 1, 2016
Marcia Squier:
Oppose TPP, NAFTA, and similar trade deals
Q: Do you support deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Marcia Squier: I absolutely do NOT support the TPP, the TTIP, the TISA, or any other similar trade deal! They will eliminate jobs, not create them. Those of us from the Motor City know how
disastrous NAFTA was and is to the auto industry. The TPP is known as NAFTA on steroids, especially since corporations will be able to sue municipalities for prevention of future profit, regardless of any environmental or human-rights violations.
Corporations should never be allowed to overrule the law of the land. If that happens, we will be powerless to stop human suffering and planetary destruction.
Rep. Brenda Lawrence (Dem.): While we do live in a global economy and we must resolve to
balance the scales. We should not enter into any agreement that would allow any other country or countries to be given an advantage in trade that will take jobs and financial benefits out of the US.
Source: VotersGuide on 2016 Michigan House race
Nov 1, 2016
Donald Trump:
I've been moving clothing-making from China to U.S.
Sen. Marco RUBIO: Trump can start tonight by announcing that all the Donald Trump clothing will no longer be made in China and in Mexico, but will be made here in the United States.
Q: Will you promise that you will move your clothing collection to the
US, the clothes that are made in China and Mexico?
TRUMP: I will do that. And by the way, I have been doing it more and more. But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what
they're doing. They devalue their currencies, and they make it impossible for clothing-makers in this country to do clothing in this country. The Trans-Pacific Partnership--which Marco is in favor of---they don't take into concurrence the devaluation.
They're devaluing their currency.
RUBIO: The answer is, he's not going to do it. And you know why? The reason why he makes it in China or Mexico is because he can make more money on it.
Source: 2016 Fox News GOP debate in Detroit Michigan
Mar 3, 2016
Terri Lynn Land:
Free trade agreements only with reciprocal market access
Trade policies from Washington all too often dramatically harm our state's economy and cost Michigan good-paying middle class jobs. I will only support trade agreements that put Michigan businesses and workers on a level playing field with other
Current Trade Negotiations:
Finalize U.S.-European free trade agreement (FTA): Trade agreements that are reciprocal, such as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), should become a high priority.
Once the respective standards have been harmonized, trade agreements that open up new markets for American-made products on equal terms should be implemented promptly.
Rewrite U.S.-Asian free trade agreement: Unless major changes are made
to ensure reciprocal market access in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), this FTA should not move forward. Unlike in the past, the U.S. should walk away from bad trade deals.
Source: 2014 Michigan Senate campaign website,
Aug 29, 2014
Rick Snyder:
Took 24 attempts to get New International Trade Crossing
Huge infrastructure projects are only beginning. The first one, it's a bridge. We are moving forward with the New International Trade Crossing. We are awaiting on a Presidential permit, but it's a great opportunity. There are no taxpayer dollars
involved. A huge accomplishment of something that had been 40 years in the making, this was attempt 24, and success happened. It is known as the Regional Transit Authority for Southeastern Michigan and it was a great effort of people working together
Source: 2013 State of the State Speech to Michigan Legislature
Jan 16, 2013
Rick Snyder:
Open new doors to global markets
Michigan is a clear winner with the free-trade agreements approved by Congress. As one of North America's top producer states, Michigan will benefit greatly by opening new doors to global markets.
This is our chance to show the world what we already know: Michigan's farmers and workers are the best in the world. As more foreign consumers see what Michigan has to offer, demand for our products will continue to climb.
Source: Michigan 2011 gubernatorial press release, #264012
Oct 13, 2011
Rick Snyder:
Increase Canada trade with new Detroit River bridge
To achieve success in today's world, it requires that we look beyond our borders. We must open ourselves to the promises and potential of the global marketplace. We must increase exports from Michigan farmers, manufacturers and entrepreneurs. Last year,
Canada was the top market for our products. In 2009, Michigan did roughly $4 billion in trade with Canada. We also know that one out of every eight jobs in Detroit is in the export industry. [We] widened approaches to the international bridge and major
improvements to ease the traffic flow in Port Huron. Global demand for our ports of entry is expected to increase steadily with no signs of slowing.
To satisfy growing demand, we must move forward towards building a new bridge from Detroit to Windsor, The Detroit River International River Crossing.
Source: 2011 Michigan State of the State Address
Jan 19, 2011
Rick Wade:
NEI: government-wide export-promotion strategy
The Commerce Department exists to make American businesses more innovative at home and more competitive abroad. And Commerce provides direct services to businesses to protect their intellectual property, make their processes more efficient, and help
them export around the world.
And the export part of our portfolio has become even more important of late with the announcement of President Obama's National Export Initiative (NEI), which aims to double American exports over the next five years
and support two million jobs here at home.
The NEI represents the first time the US will have a government-wide export-promotion strategy with. The NEI will be primarily focused on:
improving government trade promotion in all its forms;
expanding export credit to businesses--especially small and medium-sized ones; and
Increasing the government's focus on knocking down barriers that prevent U.S. companies from getting free and open access to foreign markets.
Source: Remarks at US Regional Business Tour, Battle Creek, Michigan
Apr 6, 2010
Jack Hoogendyk:
Mirror trade policy of other nations
I support free trade that mirrors trade policy of other nations.
I am opposed to any treaties that subordinate U.S. sovereignty to other nations.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website,, �Issues�
May 2, 2008
Duncan Hunter:
Reflect tariffs back at competitors
To all my colleagues who talk about the joy of free trade, that requires one thing: good business deals. We�ve made the only business deal in the world with 132 other competitors where they get to have a rebate on their taxes and then put a block up of
15% to 20% tariff against our goods, and we don�t get to do the same thing. That�s why we have a trade deficit with countries that have higher labor rates than the United States.
So we�re short on good businessmen, and
I would junk those bad trade deals, bring them back to the table, and I�d practice mirror trade. If a country wants to put a 15 percent tariff against the
United States, they�re going to see that reflected back at them. If they want to take it down to 1 percent, we�ll take it down to one, but there�s not going to be a one-way street any longer.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Fred Thompson:
Focus on protecting infrastructure for national security
Q: Should we allow a Dubai company to buy 20% of NASDAQ?
A: : The answer is yes. Dubai would own 20% of NASDAQ, but NASDAQ, under this deal, as I understand it, would gain more than 30% of the Dubai company.
It all depends on national security issues. Doesn�t seem to be one there. But we should look at all these deals carefully because we have a vast infrastructure. The great portion of it is in private hands.
There�s no way, frankly, we can protect it all.
So we need to do everything that we can to make sure that we�re doing all that we can to protect the infrastructure we�ve got and scrutinize these deals, number one, first and foremost, from a national security standpoint.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
John McCain:
Every time US went protectionist, we paid heavy price
I�m a student of history. Every time the United States has become protectionist and listened to the siren song that you�re hearing partially on this stage tonight, we�ve paid a very heavy price. The Smoot-Hawley
Tariff Acts in the 1930s were direct contributors to World War II. It sounds like a lot of fun to bash China and others, but free trade has been the engine of our economy. Free trade should be the continuing principle that guides this nation�s economy.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
John McCain:
Supports ethanol, but by exporting, not by subsidies
I have a glass of ethanol every morning before breakfast. (Audience laughter.) But I still don�t support the subsidies, and I don�t think we need them. And I think we ought to have sugarcane-based ethanol into this country, and I don�t think that
subsidies are the answer, because I�ll open up every foreign market to our agricultural products, who are the most productive & best & most effective agriculture in the world. All this bashing of free trade--Ronald Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Mike Huckabee:
We need fair trade because we�re losing jobs
The fact is, we don�t have fair trade. And that�s the issue we�ve got to address. Our real problem continues to be that an American company is having to pay an extraordinarily high tax on everything they produce, but the countries who are exporting to
us don�t have the same border adjustability that we do.
And that�s why we�re losing jobs here, and that�s what has to change. This party is going to have to start addressing it, or we�re going to get our britches beat next year.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Mitt Romney:
Open up markets to American goods and services
Q: Are you a Bush Republican on trade?
A: Well, I believe in trade, but I believe in opening up markets to American goods and services. And it�s been calculated that the average family in America is $9,000 a year richer because we have
the ability to sell products around the world, and a lot of people in this country make their living making products that go around the world. I want to make sure that the American worker gets a fair shake. We need to make sure that the
Chinese begin to float their currency, and they protect our designs and our patents and our technology. We need to make sure that the American workers don�t have to carry the burden of extra taxes as we sell our products around the world.
They come here without that tax embedded. We can do a better job, and I want to do a better job for the American worker.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Mitt Romney:
Businesspeople should negotiate trade, not politicians
The people who negotiate these agreements, the people who sit down with the Chinese and sit down with the Mexicans and others, are people, by and large, who�ve spent their life in politics, and the politicians come together and try and understand how the
economy works.
I think I�m probably the only guy on the stage who�s spent most of his career in the business world. I understand how the economy works. I understand how if you make a certain adjustment in the agreement, it�s going to have a huge impact
on the United States.
And so for instance, if we agree to sit down with China, I understand that if we don�t get real careful and protect patents and designs and technology, intellectual property is going to get stolen by the Chinese. I recognize
we�re going to have to have people who understand how the business world works, how the economy works, and make sure that the playing field really is level by having people that understand the economy and the business world being part of that effort.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Rudy Giuliani:
Good deals pending with Peru, Colombia, Panama, South Korea
Q: Has this country become protectionist, or are there serious, real national security concerns?
A: I think we�re on a verge of going in one direction or another. I mean, for example, if you want to get specific, the four trade deals with Peru,
Colombia, Panama, South Korea that are in front of Congress right now, which the Democrats are trying to block, would be good deals for the US. In 3 of the 4 of them, we would actually get to export more than we�re importing. Why they would want to
block this I can�t understand. We�re already importing about 98% from those countries. [Regarding protectionism], I think you got to almost separate them into two different categories. There�s economic protection, and then there�s protection for safety,
security and legal rights. And I don�t think we�ve done a particularly good job on the second. We can�t say because these agreements weren�t perfect, because they have problems, because they have issues, we�re going to turn our back on free trade.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Rudy Giuliani:
Balance foreign debt by selling more things overseas
Q: Hillary Clinton says that one of our biggest economic threats right now is how much of our federal debt is owned overseas by foreigners. Do you agree?
A: Actually, the way to balance that is to sell more things overseas.
That�s the usual Democratic pessimistic approach. How about we try an optimistic approach? The way to balance the books is sell more overseas. Sell energy independence. Sell health care. Let�s do it in a positive way.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Tom Tancredo:
Enforce trade & currency rules against China
There is one place where the federal government has a role in manufacturing, and that�s ensuring that everybody�s playing by the rules. Now, when Communist China devalues their currency by 40%, they undercut American products around the world. They
undercut them so low that we can�t even pay for the cost of materials and meet their prices. Now, that has put 1.8 million working Americans out of work, and that job, the job of enforcing those rules, is the president�s job. That�s what I intend to do.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Tom Tancredo:
CAFTA should be about trade; get rid of immigration parts
CAFTA was a bill over a thousand pages long to do what, to reduce tariffs between the six Central American countries and the United States? That was about a paragraph, right? But it�s over a thousand pages.
We�ve included all kinds of things in there that had nothing to do with trade.
In particular, of course, I�m talking about the immigration-related issues. I offered an amendment on the floor of the House during the debate on CAFTA, the
Central America Free Trade Agreement, to say that there will be no immigration issues contained inside of a trade package. It was defeated.
We are talking about trade issues that actually begin to impact our national sovereignty. There�s the problem.
We are reducing the importance of borders and increasing the threat to national sovereignty with the kind of trade programs that we put through up to this point in time.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Debbie Stabenow:
End trade agreements to keep jobs here
Q: Has NAFTA lost us jobs? Should trade agreements end and enter into new ones?
STABENOW: Yes. I supported tax cuts for businesses here to keep jobs here. We need to create a race to the top.
BOUCHARD: She�s voted for MFN status for China - but complains about China and Bush.
Source: 2006 Michigan Senate Debate in Grand Rapids
Oct 15, 2006
Mike Bouchard:
Trade agreements should be fair and enforceable
We need to negotiate trade agreements that are both fair and enforceable. While trade agreements that help open foreign markets to US goods are highly beneficial to the US economy, we haven�t always done all we can to ensure that our trade
agreements are fully verifiable and enforceable. I fully support trade where each party meets the obligations it freely undertook when it entered the agreement and can enjoy the benefits anticipated when the deal was agreed upon.
This requires that our trade agreements contain provisions to ensure that foreign markets are truly as open to US goods as they claim they will be.
The best trade deal in the world doesn�t benefit us if our partners
don�t keep their side of the agreement. We need to remain vigilant to ensure those trade agreements already in force are being monitored carefully and enforced vigorously.
Mike Bouchard:
Associates CAFTA with currency manipulation
CAFTA - Zandstra supports it, and spend much time defending it. Butler supports Free/fair trade and opposed CAFTA. Bouchard hinted being against CAFTA and mentioned currency manipulation.
Zandstra�s defense of CAFTA stated that it increases exports(including cars) by reducing tariffs on American manufactured goods.
Source: commentary on GOP debate
Dec 7, 2005
Gary Bauer:
Entrepreneurial China trade same as with totalitarian Cuba
BUSH [to Bauer]: Capital that goes into Cuba will be used by the Castro government to prop itself up. Dollars invested will end up supporting this totalitarian regime.. It�s in our best interest to keep the pressure on Castro until he allows free
elections, free press & free the prisoners.
BAUER: You just made the case for withdrawing MFN status from China. Everything that you just said about Cuba applies to China.
BUSH: There is a huge difference between trading with an entrepreneurial class
like that which is growing in China and allowing a Castro government to skim capital monies off the top of capital investment.
BAUER: Tell the people rotting in the prisons of China that there�s any difference between Castro�s Cuba & Communist China.
There is none.
BUSH: If we turn our back on the entrepreneurial class that is taking wing in China, we�re making a huge mistake.
BAUER: They are using that money for a massive arms buildup that our sons will have to deal with down the road.
Source: (cross-ref from Bush) GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
The above quotations are from State of Michigan Politicians: Archives.
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