Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2010 House campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Chris Murphy: Authored state's Stem Cell Investment Act.
Alan Nunnelee: Mississippi Values include sanctity of life.
Austin Scott: Life begins at conception; advocate for the unborn.
Bill Flores: Life begins at conception and every life has a soul.
Bill Huizenga: Passion for the unborn, beginning at conception.
Bill Johnson: Endorsed by Ohio Right to Life.
Billy Long: Oppose Freedom of Choice Act; reinstate Mexico City Policy.
Blake Farenthold: Life begins at conception.
Bob Gibbs: Protect life as one of our most precious resources.
Bobby Schilling: Abortion takes 1.2 million unborn babies' lives each year.
Bobby Schilling: Embryonic stem cell research takes life.
Chip Cravaack: Oppose embryonic stem cell research.
Chuck Fleischmann: Life begins at conception.
Dan Benishek: Life is sacred from conception to natural death.
Dan Webster: Extend Constitutional protections of life to the unborn.
David Cicilline: Full reproductive freedom is a woman's right.
David McKinley: I remain proudly Pro-life.
Frank Guinta: All human life is sacred and begins at conception.
Jeff Duncan: Life begins at conception.
Jeff Landry: Life is a gift from God; encourage adoption.
Jim Renacci: Protect the sanctity of life.
Jim Renacci: Opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
Joe Walsh: Pro-life without exception.
John Koster: Committed to the culture of life.
Justin Amash: Life begins at conception.
Kristi Noem: Protect life from miracle of conception to dignified death.
Larry Bucshon: Roe vs. Wade should be overturned.
Larry Bucshon: Adult stem cell research but not embryonic stem cells.
Lou Barletta: Legal protection for innocent human life.
Mark Critz: Pro-life; opposes taxpayer funding of abortion.
Marlin Stutzman: Stand up to the anti-life interests in Washington.
Martha Roby: Defend the sanctity of life.
Mary Fallin: Unborn have equal claim to right-to-life as the born.
Mick Mulvaney: Life begins at conception.
Mike Kelly: Protect sanctity of human life from conception.
Mike Keown: Pro-life and pro-family.
Mike Pompeo: Life begins at conception, with no exceptions.
Morgan Griffith: Consistently defend innocent life.
Paul Gosar: Protect the unborn; life begins at conception.
Quico Canseco: Life begins at conception.
Raul Labrador: Protect and defend innocent human life.
Reid Ribble: I believe firmly in the sanctity of human life.
Renee Ellmers: Life begins at conception.
Rich Nugent: Define marriage as union between one man and one woman.
Rick Berg: Pro-life strong social conservative.
Rob Woodall: Strongly pro-life; supporter of abstinence education.
Robert Hurt: Life begins at the moment of conception.
Robert Hurt: Oppose all efforts to end embryonic stem cell life.
Scott DesJarlais: Pro-life and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell: Promote a culture that values life.
Scott Tipton: Pro-life; no federal funding.
Sean Duffy: Right to life; no judicial activism.
Stephen Fincher: Judges should be strict constructionists.
Steve Southerland: Pro-family values includes rights of the unborn.
Steven Palazzo: Protect the right to life, beginning at conception.
Ted Deutch: Keep right to choose free from governmental intrusion.
Tim Griffin: Against abortion except for rape, incest, & maternal health.
Tim Huelskamp: 100% pro-life; defund Planned Parenthood.
Tim Scott: Fight for the rights of the unborn.
Tim Scott: No embryonic stem cell research.
Todd Young: Pro-life and pro-adoption.
Tom Marino: Our children, both born and those yet to be born, are a gift.
Trey Gowdy: Pro-life plus: revisit Roe v. Wade & incentivize adoption.
Vicky Hartzler: Rights endowed on all Americans, including the unborn.
Joe Walsh: Opposes human cloning & embryonic stem cell research.
Travis Childers: Consistently fought to protect the sanctity of life.
Steve Womack: Supports Hyde Amendment; limit public funds on abortion.
James Lankford: Abortion causes the unjust death of a human being.
John Garamendi: I am a strong pro-choice feminist.
Budget & Economy
Hansen Clarke: Create a state-operated tax-funded Bank of Michigan.
John Carney: Get spending under control and reduce the deficit.
Lou Barletta: Congress is addicted to spending.
Mike Fitzpatrick: Reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
Rick Crawford: Debt & overspending are single greatest threat to US.
Trey Gowdy: Spending must be brought under control.
Joe Walsh: TARP program and wasteful stimulus were spending spree.
Travis Childers: Invest in small businesses, schools, and infrastructure.
Bill Owens: More balanced budgets and less deficit spending.
Civil Rights
Alan Nunnelee: Mississippi Values include traditional marriage.
Andy Harris: Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.
Bill Flores: One definition of marriage: one man and one woman.
Bill Keating: Support marriage equality; end Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Billy Long: Define marriage as between a man and a woman.
Chuck Fleischmann: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
David Cicilline: Discrimination based on sexual orientation is wrong.
David Cicilline: Equal pay for equal work.
David McKinley: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Jeff Duncan: Define marriage as between one man and one woman.
Jeff Landry: Keep traditional marriage as one man and one woman.
Joe Walsh: Marriage can only exist between one man and one woman.
John Koster: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Jon Runyan: Civil unions but no same-sex marriage.
Justin Amash: Strongly support the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Quico Canseco: Traditional marriage should be only recognized marriage.
Raul Labrador: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Renee Ellmers: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Rick Berg: Protect traditional Judeo-Christian values like marriage.
Robert Hurt: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Scott DesJarlais: Pro-marriage and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell: Protect traditional marriage in our state Constitution.
Scott Tipton: Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Sean Duffy: Marriage is one man and one woman; but other contracts ok.
Stephen Fincher: Protect traditional marriage.
Steven Palazzo: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Ted Deutch: GLBT rights same as all, including marriage and adoption.
Ted Deutch: Ensure that women are provided equality of pay & opportunity.
Tim Griffin: Marriage should be between one man and one woman.
Tim Huelskamp: Protect sacred union between one man and one woman.
Tim Scott: Sanctity of traditional marriage: one man one woman.
Tom Graves: Defend traditional marriage & North Georgia values.
John Garamendi: GLBT marriage equality for all Californians.
Chip Cravaack: Business taxes deter job creation.
David McKinley: Fewer taxes, fewer lawsuits, and less regulation.
Jeff Denham: Started several successful agriculture-based businesses.
John Koster: With lower taxes, businesses can invest and create jobs.
Jon Runyan: Reduce the corporate tax rate to 25%.
Steven Palazzo: With less taxes and regulation small business will flourish.
Bill Owens: End tax breaks for companies that offshore jobs.
John Garamendi: 1990s: Served as California's first Insurance Commissioner.
John Garamendi: Value and nourish manufacturing.
Andy Vidak: I'm tough on crime--period.
Bill Keating: Go after sexual predators and prosecute sex crimes.
Cedric Richmond: Fewer resources on incarceration and more on education.
David Schweikert: Constitutional amendment establishing crime victim rights.
Diane Black: Crack down on sex offenders.
Frederica Wilson: Restore voting rights for felons.
Patrick Meehan: Formed the Route 222 Corridor Anti-Gang Initiative.
Chris Murphy: Strengthen our country's public school system.
Andy Vidak: Greater local control; reduce Department of Education.
Bill Huizenga: Parental Rights Amendment: freedom to educate.
Billy Long: Supports voluntary prayer in schools.
Bob Dold: Supports local control & growth-model testing.
Cedric Richmond: Don't treat all failing schools the same.
Charles Djou: Empower parental involvement; reduce bureaucracies.
David Cicilline: Provide students with strong public schools.
David McKinley: Improve quality by spending directly in the classrooms.
Frederica Wilson: Won on African-American curriculum & environmental justice.
Frederica Wilson: Vigilant supporter of quality public education.
Hansen Clarke: Improve our schools & keep them in use in summers.
Jeff Landry: Empower parents with home school, charters, & church schools.
Joe Walsh: Vouchers force competition & provide better education.
Justin Amash: Don't infringe right of parents to educate their children.
Martha Roby: Voluntary prayer in all schools, without restrictions.
Mick Mulvaney: Repeal No Child Left Behind.
Rob Woodall: Return power to parents to choose public or other school.
Scott Rigell: Defend freedom to send kid to private & alternative schools.
Steve Southerland: Federal government should exit the education business.
Ted Deutch: Increased funding for public schools & teachers.
Terri Sewell: Investing in public education with teacher incentives.
Tim Griffin: Support vouchers and other innovative options.
Tom Graves: Voluntary prayer in all schools.
Travis Childers: A good education is the best jobs program.
Bill Owens: Increased funding for higher education.
John Garamendi: Ensure that teachers have the resources they need.
John Garamendi: No greater responsibility than educating our children.
John Garamendi: Budget cuts directly lower school quality.
Energy & Oil
Chris Murphy: Oil & gas companies are prevent renewable energy development.
Adam Kinzinger: Explore nuclear, coal, off-shore oil, & oil shale.
Alan Nunnelee: Drill here & now; build more refineries.
Allen West: Invest in oil, natural gas, clean coal, & alternatives.
Andy Harris: The answer is drilling at home.
Andy Vidak: Promote clean coal; warming cycle source still unknown.
Austin Scott: Domestic oil production will foster energy independence.
Bill Flores: Explore, produce, and develop our rich oil and gas.
Bill Huizenga: No to the job killing "Cap and Trade" legislation.
Bill Johnson: Use our own natural resources, including clean coal.
Bill Keating: Supports Cape Wind and clean energy jobs.
Billy Long: Research clean coal; drill offshore; drill ANWR.
Blake Farenthold: Open up land and water for oil & gas exploration.
Bob Gibbs: No cap-and-trade; no National Energy Tax.
Charles Djou: Only environmentally-sound domestic oil, gas, & nukes.
Chip Cravaack: Harvest our abundance of coal, oil and natural gas.
Chuck Fleischmann: Drill ANWR; drill the Outer Continental Shelf.
Dan Benishek: Use our own coal, natural gas, and oil reserves.
David Cicilline: End reliance on fossil fuels with wind & solar.
David McKinley: Oppose cap-and-trade; the War on Coal must stop.
David Rivera: Repeal cap-and-trade; explore American energy.
David Schweikert: Drill offshore; drill ANWR; pursue clean coal.
Dennis Ross: Drill in the Gulf of Mexico, even post-BP spill.
Diane Black: More oil exploration; more nukes; more clean coal.
Jeff Landry: Drill here, drill now; not cap-and-trade.
John Carney: Prevent exploration and drilling off the coast of Delaware.
John Koster: Use our abundant and affordable oil & coal.
Jon Runyan: Focus on affordable energy, not cap-and-trade.
Justin Amash: No energy taxes, subsidies, or regulations.
Karen Bass: Nation's most advanced global warming law.
Larry Bucshon: Explore oil & lean coal instead of cap-and-trade.
Mark Critz: Protect coal; expand drilling; oppose cap-and-trade.
Marlin Stutzman: Cap and trade is a direct attack on Indiana's economy.
Michael Grimm: Be surer of global warming before we destroy jobs.
Mick Mulvaney: More oil & coal over baseless claims of global warming.
Mike Fitzpatrick: Supports clean coal & responsible offshore drilling.
Mike Kelly: Tap our rich natural resources, like Marcellus Shale.
Morgan Griffith: Cap and trade scheme will result in massive job cuts.
Nan Hayworth: Oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of our economy.
Paul Gosar: Drill more at home, for energy independence.
Quico Canseco: Energy production instead of energy punishment.
Randy Hultgren: Cap and Trade is an irresponsible policy.
Reid Ribble: Expand and balance our energy portfolio.
Renee Ellmers: Oppose cap-and-trade; support off-shore drilling.
Rick Berg: Develop our massive reserves of coal, oil, & renewables.
Rick Crawford: Ensure affordable, available energy to all Americans.
Sandy Adams: Gas, clean coal, solar, oil, wind, but no cap-and-trade.
Scott Rigell: Use our abundant fossil fuel, including off Virginia's coast.
Scott Tipton: Oppose the cap-and-tax legislation; increase gas exploration.
Stephen Fincher: Drill ANWR; we need to drill, drill, drill here at home.
Steve Southerland: Creative ways to increase energy supply, not cap-&-trade.
Steve Stivers: Embrace all options: green energy, nuclear, & clean coal.
Ted Deutch: Global warming is security, economic, & moral issue.
Terri Sewell: Invest to spur green manufacturing jobs.
Tim Griffin: Natural gas, nuclear, coal and oil; not cap-and-trade.
Tim Huelskamp: Drill ANWR & offshore, instead of cap-and-trade.
Todd Rokita: Cap & trade harms economy & constitutional rights.
Todd Young: Reducing domestic coal sends jobs overseas & raises costs.
Tom Marino: Clean coal; responsible offshore drilling; & renewable.
Tom Reed: Ween us from foreign oil with domestic natural gas.
Vicky Hartzler: Cap and Tax would destroy over 30,000 Missouri jobs.
Colleen Hanabusa: Use HI's solar, wind, wave, and other sustainable assets.
Ben Quayle: Don't CAP our economic growth and TRADE jobs overseas.
James Lankford: Encourage domestic drilling & refining of oil & gas.
Bill Owens: Promote investment in solar, wind, and biomass.
John Garamendi: Authored solar, wind and energy conservation tax credit law.
John Garamendi: Principle negotiator for the Kyoto Protocol.
Chris Lee: Increase American-made energy through exploration.
Chris Murphy: First political battle: protect fragile wetlands.
Ted Deutch: Proper environmental stewardship to protect the Everglades.
Trey Gowdy: Prosecute environmental crimes; but no private takings.
Bill Owens: Investigate milk prices so producers get a fair price.
John Garamendi: Safeguard our environment for future generations.
John Garamendi: Garamendi Process: balanced water needs with protection.
Families & Children
Mary Fallin: Apply faith & family values to public service.
Joe Walsh: Foster and protect integrity of the traditional family.
James Lankford: Defend marriage as an institution.
Foreign Policy
Tim Griffin: I believe in the concept of American Exceptionalism.
Ted Deutch: Rebuild alliances to destroy and dismantle al Qaeda.
John Garamendi: Moral and strategic interest in strong & secure Israel.
John Garamendi: Resolved long-standing issues between Guam and US government.
John Garamendi: Protect Congo's national parks while negotiating peace.
John Garamendi: Diplomacy should always be our first mission abroad.
Free Trade
Chris Murphy: Rebuild manufacturing with Buy-American laws.
Billy Long: Don't obstruct the free operation of the market.
Bob Dold: Support free trade with South Korea, Panama and Colombia.
Hansen Clarke: Buy from American businesses and not foreign suppliers.
John Koster: One-sided international trade agreements handicap America.
Mark Critz: Trade deals like NAFTA send jobs overseas.
Stephen Fincher: Free & fair trade is essential to continued economic growth.
Tim Griffin: Pass new trade agreements, with labor & enviro standards.
Bill Owens: Entice Canadian business to manufacture in New York.
Government Reform
Bill Flores: Eliminate all earmarks and the culture of vote-buying.
Bill Keating: Forced MA Senate President to accept term limits.
Charlie Bass: Earmarks are abused to fund wasteful pork projects.
Dan Benishek: The 4 R's: Read It; Reduce It; Repeal It; Reform It.
David McKinley: No earmarks; no campaign-style "constituent" mailings.
Dennis Ross: Open vetting for earmarks, with competitive bidding.
Jon Runyan: Pledges to self-term-limit to 8 years in House.
Trey Gowdy: Read the 9th and 10th Amendments; stick to enumerated powers.
Gun Control
Adam Kinzinger: Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Alan Nunnelee: Right to bear arms is an individual right.
Andy Vidak: Preserve the right to purchase, possess and use firearms.
Austin Scott: Second Amendment is one of most important in Bill of Rights.
Ben Quayle: Defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
Bill Flores: 2nd Amendment is as fundamental as rest of Constitution.
Bill Huizenga: Interstate right-to-carry needed for an armed citizenry.
Bill Johnson: Protect concealed carry laws and expand states' reciprocity.
Billy Long: Government should not impede upon the Second Amendment.
Bob Gibbs: Protect our right to keep and bear arms.
Bobby Schilling: Elected officials must uphold Second Amendment.
Charles Djou: Constitution gives individual citizens right to bear arms.
Chip Cravaack: Second Amendment is unambiguous.
Chris Gibson: Outspoken supporter of the right to bear arms.
Chuck Fleischmann: Limiting gun rights is unconstitutional.
Dan Benishek: Vigorously defend the Second Amendment.
Dan Webster: Individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
David McKinley: I pledge to defend right to bear arms.
David Rivera: Protect the right to bear arms.
David Schweikert: Strong defender of right to keep and bear arms.
Diane Black: Extend right-to-carry laws across state lines.
Jeff Duncan: Protect the right to keep and bear arms.
Jeff Landry: Fight to preserve and protect the Second Amendment rights.
Jim Renacci: Staunch supporter of Second Amendment Rights.
Joe Heck: Supports 2nd Amendment & rights of sportsmen.
Joe Walsh: Supports right to own hand guns & to carry concealed weapons.
John Koster: Don't undermine the right to keep and bear arms.
Jon Runyan: Always stand up for the rights of hunters & shooters.
Justin Amash: No restrictions on purchase, transport, or possession.
Kristi Noem: Individual right to keep and bear arms.
Larry Bucshon: Right to bear arms will not be infringed on my watch.
Lou Barletta: Individual right to keep, own, and use firearms.
Mark Critz: Don't infringe basic rights of 2nd Amendment.
Marlin Stutzman: Don't dilute the meaning of the 2nd Amendment.
Martha Roby: Second Amendment is under constant attack.
Mary Fallin: Gun ownership is a constitutionally protected right.
Mike Kelly: Right to bear arms is an unassailable right.
Mike Keown: Long-time supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
Morgan Griffith: Repeal restrictions imposed on law-abiding gun owners.
Nan Hayworth: I support the entire Bill of Rights.
Paul Gosar: Don't interfere with the rights of gun ownership.
Quico Canseco: Protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Raul Labrador: Strong supporter of rights guaranteed by 2nd Amendment.
Reid Ribble: Unwavering defender of personal gun rights.
Renee Ellmers: Right to bear arms is constitutionally protected.
Rich Nugent: Staunch defender of gun rights.
Rick Berg: Protect our second amendment freedoms.
Rob Woodall: Stand up for gun owners and against further restrictions.
Scott DesJarlais: Pro-gun and PROUD OF IT.
Scott Rigell: Gun control only penalizes law-abiding citizens.
Scott Tipton: Increase concealed carry permits; decease other restrictions.
Sean Duffy: Protect our Constitutional right to bear arms.
Steve Southerland: Teach kids to be next generation for 2nd Amendment rights.
Steve Stivers: Strong defender of our Second Amendment.
Steven Palazzo: Second Amendment provides an individual right.
Ted Deutch: Renew the assault weapon ban.
Tim Griffin: 10+ year member of the National Rifle Association.
Tim Huelskamp: 100% pro-gun voting record.
Tim Scott: Second Amendment is cornerstone of our democracy.
Todd Rokita: Defend the 2nd Amendment.
Todd Young: Repeal Assault Weapons Ban & most gun control laws.
Tom Marino: Individual right to keep and bear arms.
Trey Gowdy: Sufficient federal gun laws in place already.
Vicky Hartzler: Staunch supporter of our Second Amendment.
James Lankford: No micro-stamping; more guns means less crime.
Health Care
Chris Murphy: Right to health care, not just sick care.
Adam Kinzinger: Oppose ObamaCare; it does not address costs.
Alan Nunnelee: Government-run healthcare is not the answer.
Andy Harris: Increased competition instead of government mandates.
Andy Vidak: Defund ObamaCare; use fiscal responsibility instead.
Ann Marie Buerkle: ObamaCare is so fundamentally flawed that it can't be fixed.
Austin Scott: Defund, repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Bill Flores: Tort reform & cross-state insurance.
Bill Huizenga: Repeal Obamacare; institute market reforms.
Bill Johnson: Robust health savings accounts, tort reform, and competition.
Billy Long: No government takeover of healthcare.
Blake Farenthold: Cross-state insurance & health savings accounts.
Bob Dold: Common-sense amendments: tort reform; cross-state markets.
Bob Gibbs: Repeal & de-fund Obamacare; focus on tort reform instead.
Bobby Schilling: Obamacare destroys greatest system of care in the world.
Charles Djou: Tort reform is long overdue; $250,000 malpractice cap.
Charlie Bass: No massive government takeover of health care.
Chip Cravaack: Don't scrap a system that 85% are happy with.
Chris Gibson: Competition, tort reform, and insurance cooperatives.
Chris Gibson: Interstate competition & malpractice liability reform.
Chuck Fleischmann: Eliminate frivolous lawsuits; but choose own doctor.
Dan Benishek: Repeal ObamaCare and replace it with market reforms.
Dan Webster: De-fund and repeal the Obama health care plan.
David Cicilline: Give every American access to quality, affordable care.
David McKinley: Strengthen the existing private market system.
David Rivera: Repeal ObamaCare; it taxes the middle-class.
David Schweikert: Nationalized healthcare blows a massive hole in budget.
Dennis Ross: Repeal, replace, & de-fund Obamacare.
Diane Black: Fight to repeal Obamacare.
Frank Guinta: Pooled insurance & tort reform; not federally-run care.
Jaime Herrera: Control costs by cross-state insurance and tort reform.
Jeff Landry: Nationalized care reduces quality and increases costs.
Jim Renacci: Increased competition instead of government takeover.
John Carney: Plan for increased research and prevention.
John Koster: Portability, tort reform, & Health Savings Account.
Jon Runyan: Market-driven solutions, not big government takeover.
Justin Amash: Don't require purchase of government-approved insurance.
Karen Bass: Prevented dis-enrolling 600,000 kids from Healthy Families.
Kevin Yoder: Repeal and defund ObamaCare.
Kristi Noem: Repeal the trillion dollar health care bill.
Larry Bucshon: Tort reform, HSAs, and cross-state insurance, not ObamaCare.
Lou Barletta: Cross-state insurance; develop wellness programs.
Martha Roby: Cross-state insurance & medical liability reform.
Michael Grimm: Socialized medicine has failed everywhere it's been tried.
Mick Mulvaney: More government control is not the answer.
Mike Fitzpatrick: Don't put government between patients and their doctors.
Mike Kelly: Repeal Obamacare; advocate for market driven solutions.
Mike Keown: Repeal the takeover of healthcare.
Mo Brooks: Committee who wrote ObamaCare doesn't understand it.
Morgan Griffith: Replace ObamaCare with market-based reforms.
Quico Canseco: Market-based reforms instead of government-run plans.
Randy Hultgren: More transparency & competition; fewer lawsuits.
Renee Ellmers: Obamacare is the wrong way to improve health care.
Rich Nugent: Common sense solutions instead of government takeover.
Rick Berg: Tort reform & competition instead of nationalized healthcare.
Rick Crawford: Repeal & replace ObamaCare.
Sandy Adams: Allow Floridians to opt out of the new federal system.
Scott DesJarlais: Fight for market based reforms, not for bureaucrats.
Scott Tipton: ObamaCare is toxic; empower the individual instead.
Sean Duffy: Insurance cooperatives; cross-state insurance; & tort reform.
Stephen Fincher: Less government interference in medical decisions.
Steve Stivers: Health savings accounts& small business insurance pools.
Steven Palazzo: Fight to repeal & defund Obamacare.
Ted Deutch: Drive down premiums from private insurance companies.
Terri Sewell: Coverage should include a robust public option.
Tim Griffin: Repeal & reform with free market solutions.
Tim Scott: Fight against government takeover of health care.
Todd Rokita: Market-driven plan over Obama Plan.
Todd Young: Tort reform & cross-state insurance.
Tom Marino: Eliminate junk lawsuits; allow cross-state insurance.
Tom Reed: Repeal & replace Obamacare.
Trey Gowdy: Threat of a national takeover is looming.
Vicky Hartzler: ObamaCare is worse than bad; support real reform.
Colleen Hanabusa: We finally joined the rest of the industrialized world.
Ben Quayle: Repeal and replace Obamacare with private sector competition.
Steve Womack: ObamaCare is an example of what's wrong with Washington.
James Lankford: Federal control of healthcare is unconstitutional.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Require insurance companies to cover mammograms at age 40.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Require insurance companies to cover mammograms at age 40.
Bill Owens: Access to affordable health insurance for every American.
John Garamendi: Fight for robust public option; advocate for single-payer.
John Garamendi: 1970s: Pushed reimbursements for psychiatric health.
Chris Lee: Develop market-based approach to affordable healthcare.
Homeland Security
Allen West: American Exceptionalism requires growing armed forces.
Andy Harris: Ensure the best-equipped and best-trained military.
Andy Harris: No rights for terrorists.
Ann Marie Buerkle: No Miranda rights and expensive trials for terrorists.
Charles Djou: America must maintain its strong military.
David Schweikert: Make sure our military has every necessary resource.
Dennis Ross: Try terrorists in military tribunals; no tax-funded lawyers.
Dennis Ross: Deploy BMD; maintain America's qualitative edge.
Diane Black: Protecting our citizens requires state-of-the-art military.
Frank Guinta: Keep national defense the strongest force in the world.
Jaime Herrera: Keep Gitmo open; don't try terrorists in civilian courts.
Jaime Herrera: Support a robust U.S. military to defeat terrorism.
Jeff Denham: Enlisted at age 17; served in Iraq & Somalia.
Jeff Landry: End the war on terrorism by winning the war.
Jim Renacci: Keep Guantanamo Bay open to avoid civilian courts.
John Koster: Strong military that is well funded and second to none.
John Koster: No Miranda rights for terrorists.
Jon Runyan: Give military all needed tools; keep bases open.
Lou Barletta: Deny air travel to those who want to destroy our way of life.
Mark Critz: 1.9% pay raise for troops; and extend TRICARE coverage.
Marlin Stutzman: Use our strength against despotism, tyrants, & radical Islam.
Marlin Stutzman: Focus on defeating enemies instead of enemies' legal rights.
Martha Roby: Maintain military installations as tip of our nation's spear.
Michael Grimm: Keep the Patriot Act in full force.
Mike Pompeo: Commit to strong national defense.
Mo Brooks: Fully fund military; most important federal responsibility.
Nan Hayworth: Overwhelming force is surest guarantor against war.
Patrick Meehan: Established model Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council.
Renee Ellmers: Keep Gitmo open; try terrorists in military courts.
Robert Hurt: Fully fund our anti-terrorism efforts at home and abroad.
Sandy Adams: From military family; served in USAF; supports NASA.
Scott Tipton: Provide our troops with the best equipment.
Sean Duffy: Support our troops by fully funding their efforts.
Stephen Fincher: A strong America is the best hope for peace.
Stephen Fincher: Oppose terrorists' civilian trials & closing Guantanamo Bay.
Steve Southerland: Increase the overall military budget; keep US powerful.
Steve Stivers: Strong national defense; give troops all the tools necessary.
Steve Womack: Commanded battalion in Multinational Force in Sinai.
Steven Palazzo: Don't give terrorists rights they are intent on destroying.
Tim Scott: Keep Guantanamo Bay open; keep military tribunals.
Todd Young: Invest in military to keep it strong.
Tom Reed: Fully arm our troops as they defend liberty.
Vicky Hartzler: Ensure that the best military in the world remains the best.
Colleen Hanabusa: Spending on wars reduces resources at home.
Kevin McCarthy: Unambiguously support our troops.
Tom Graves: Fight and win the War on Terror.
Ben Quayle: Provide resources and support to our armed forces.
James Lankford: Protect our bases; prioritize national security.
Bill Owens: Obligation to care for veterans when they come home.
Bill Owens: Invest in job training for veterans.
Mike Quigley: Declare Fair and Equal County for Immigrants.
Adam Kinzinger: First and foremost, secure our borders.
Alan Nunnelee: Secure the borders; enforce existing laws.
Allen West: Enforce laws already on the books; & strengthen the border.
Andy Harris: Enforce our borders & enforce employment rules.
Andy Vidak: No to amnesty; yes to guest worker program.
Austin Scott: Secure our borders; enforce our existing laws.
Bill Flores: Control our borders with physical and virtual barriers.
Bill Huizenga: Seal our border; then create a guest worker program.
Bill Keating: Opposes amnesty; enforce our laws; secure our borders.
Billy Long: Oppose amnesty efforts; it's a national security issue.
Bob Gibbs: Oppose subverting current policy; absolutely oppose amnesty.
Bobby Schilling: Immigration laws must be respected and enforced.
Chip Cravaack: Presence of millions of illegal aliens hurts Americans.
Chuck Fleischmann: Complete the fence; more border enforcement agents.
Dan Benishek: Illegal immigration is a national security issue.
Dan Webster: Secure our borders; strengthen penalties on illegals.
David Cicilline: Secure our border and send illegals to the back of the line.
David McKinley: No amnesty; no healthcare to illegal immigrants.
David Rivera: Control our borders and strengthen existing penalties.
David Schweikert: Real border security and no amnesty.
Dennis Ross: No to amnesty; yes to guest workers.
Jaime Herrera: Secure our borders; oppose amnesty.
Jeff Duncan: Strengthen the borders; oppose any form of amnesty.
Jeff Landry: Enforce existing laws to close our borders.
Jim Renacci: No amnesty; no legal benefits for illegals.
Joe Heck: Border security is a key issue for national security.
Joe Walsh: Secure our borders using the National Guard.
John Koster: Secure our borders; revamp guest worker program.
Jon Runyan: Secure our borders; send illegals back home.
Justin Amash: Secure our borders; stop lawbreakers at the border.
Kevin Yoder: Secure our borders; eliminate incentives; increase H1B visas.
Kristi Noem: Porous borders and unchecked illegal immigration are threats.
Larry Bucshon: No amnesty; enforce laws; fund the border fence.
Lou Barletta: Crack down on fraudulent immigration documents.
Martha Roby: Secure America's borders; no amnesty.
Michael Grimm: Stopping illegal immigration protects lives & jobs.
Mick Mulvaney: Begin with securing our borders; not an amnesty deal.
Mike Kelly: First, secure our borders.
Mike Keown: Secure our borders; never support amnesty.
Mike Pompeo: Secure our borders; stop rewarding lawbreakers.
Mo Brooks: Remove illegal aliens from America; then stop luring them in.
Nan Hayworth: Border security & strict observation of laws.
Paul Gosar: Secure our border and oppose amnesty.
Raul Labrador: Strengthen border security; redouble our efforts.
Reid Ribble: Secure the border; fix the broken legal immigration system.
Renee Ellmers: Oppose amnesty; enforce immigration laws.
Rich Nugent: Secure our borders; never support amnesty.
Rick Berg: First and foremost, oppose amnesty.
Rob Woodall: Without a secure border we lose our sovereignty.
Sandy Adams: Prevent those here illegally from receiving benefits.
Scott DesJarlais: Plan for illegals: one way ticket out of US.
Scott Tipton: Secure our borders; punish employers who hire illegals.
Stephen Fincher: Illegal immigration undermines our law & our labor force.
Steve Southerland: We're the great melting pot; but need secure borders.
Steven Palazzo: Enforce laws against illegal immigration; it costs $25M/year.
Tim Griffin: Secure the borders; no amnesty.
Tim Huelskamp: Secure the border; no amnesty.
Tom Marino: Strengthen our borders and enforce the immigration laws.
Joe Walsh: Secure our borders with latest technology and National Guard.
Kevin McCarthy: Secure our borders by deploying advanced technologies.
Travis Childers: Secure our borders; enforce our laws.
Trey Gowdy: Secure the border; it's respect for the rule of law.
James Lankford: Illegal immigrants are illegal, period.
Mike Fitzpatrick: Opposes "card check" legislation.
Bill Owens: Helped create Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation.
Principles & Values
John Kasich: Kasich rhymes with Basic.
John Kasich: Host of weekly news show, "Heartland with John Kasich".
Steve Womack: Elected mayor of Rogers in 1998.
James Lankford: Shariah law is major threat; Islam not like other religions.
James Lankford: Council on American Islamic Relations is linked to terrorism.
Social Security
Adam Kinzinger: No privatization; no retirement age increase.
Andy Harris: No privatization; keep our promises.
Austin Scott: Safeguard the agreement with seniors; no privatization.
Bill Huizenga: Make reforms soon, including personal retirement accounts.
Bill Keating: Bad idea to privatize; or to raise retirement age.
Bob Gibbs: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Bobby Schilling: No privatizing; no raising the retirement age.
Chris Gibson: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Chris Gibson: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Dan Benishek: Give young option of investing in retirement accounts.
Dennis Ross: Workers under 55 invest in historically-safe funds.
Jaime Herrera: Keep our promise; no privatization.
Jim Renacci: Don't privatize; don't raise taxes.
Jon Runyan: No privatization; no raising retirement age.
Kevin Yoder: No privatization; keep our promises.
Kristi Noem: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Larry Bucshon: No privatization; honor our commitments.
Martha Roby: No privatization; no raising the retirement age.
Mike Fitzpatrick: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Mike Kelly: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Nan Hayworth: Investment and savings options to prepare for retirement.
Reid Ribble: Personalize accounts & stop raiding the Trust Fund.
Rick Berg: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Robert Hurt: Keep our promise; no privatization.
Sandy Adams: Protect benefits; keep promise; no privatization.
Scott Rigell: No cutting benefits; no privatizing.
Sean Duffy: No raising retirement age; no privatization.
Stephen Fincher: No privatization; keep contract with seniors.
Steve Southerland: Protect benefits; don't raise retirement age.
Steve Stivers: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
Tim Griffin: No privatization; no raising retirement age.
Tom Marino: Don't privatize; don't raise the retirement age.
John Garamendi: Never allow Wall Street to touch Social Security.
Tax Reform
Adam Kinzinger: Act immediately to make the tax cuts permanent.
Allen West: American Exceptionalism depends on flattening our tax code.
Andy Harris: Tax cuts expand government revenue.
Andy Vidak: We cannot tax and regulate our way to financial stability.
Ann Marie Buerkle: Lower taxes, less government spending.
Austin Scott: Lower taxes & reduce regulatory burden of government.
Bill Flores: Cut taxes to help families and small businesses.
Bill Huizenga: Flat tax to simplify system & stop draining our spirit.
Bill Johnson: Tax code penalizes wealthy & keeps poor on entitlements.
Billy Long: Always support tax relief & simplification.
Blake Farenthold: Supports tax simplification; ok with both flat tax & FairTax.
Bob Dold: Repeal the death tax; lower the corporate tax rate.
Cedric Richmond: No tax-cut windfall for the richest 1%.
Chris Gibson: Tax rates are too high.
Chris Gibson: To cut taxes, must also cut spending.
Chuck Fleischmann: Taxation--the ultimate form of invasion of privacy.
Dan Benishek: Reduce oppressive taxation & our-of-control government.
Dan Webster: Eliminate death tax and capital gains tax.
David Rivera: Extend the tax cuts for all Americans & businesses.
David Schweikert: Reduce the tax burden; cutting taxes is fundamental!
Dennis Ross: FairTax or Flat Tax; abolish the IRS.
Diane Black: Lower corporate income tax rates & capital gains taxes.
Frank Guinta: Stop the wasteful spending spree in Washington.
Jeff Denham: Commitment to protect taxpayers.
Jeff Duncan: Crusade against big government and higher taxes.
Jim Renacci: Repeal the death tax & keep capital gains tax at 15%.
Jon Runyan: Cut marginal tax rates across the board by 15%.
Justin Amash: Leave tax rates low for everyone.
Karen Bass: Expand Earned Income Tax Credit; close yacht-owner loophole.
Larry Bucshon: Reduce both business & individual tax rates.
Mark Critz: Tax cuts for the middle class, not the wealthy.
Marlin Stutzman: No death tax; no tax increases.
Martha Roby: Americans are overtaxed; abolish the IRS as we know it.
Mike Kelly: Fight hard to lower taxes.
Mike Keown: Simplify the tax code; but no raising taxes.
Mo Brooks: Some candidates talk the talk; Mo Brooks fights the fight.
Morgan Griffith: Higher taxes kill jobs.
Patrick Meehan: Fight any effort to increase taxes.
Paul Gosar: Oppose Congress' tax and spend ways.
Quico Canseco: Tax hikes affect middle-class; especially "hidden taxes".
Randy Hultgren: Repeal the estate tax; reduce tax burden.
Randy Hultgren: Simpler rules; faster filing; lower rates.
Raul Labrador: Oppose any and all efforts to increase taxes.
Reid Ribble: Flat tax would reduce hopeless complexity.
Renee Ellmers: Cut taxes and cut spending.
Rich Nugent: Simplify the tax code; don't raise taxes.
Rick Berg: Keep the tax cuts; repeal the death tax.
Rob Woodall: I believe in the FairTax.
Sandy Adams: Make marginal income tax cuts permanent.
Scott DesJarlais: Tennesseans are taxed too much already.
Sean Duffy: Reduce marginal tax rate on individuals & businesses.
Steve Southerland: Join me in saying ENOUGH to the tax burden.
Tim Griffin: Tax relief encourages sustainable economic growth.
Tim Huelskamp: American citizens & businesses are overtaxed.
Todd Young: Replace system with consumption-based tax or a flatter tax.
Tom Reed: Keep income tax & capital gains cuts.
Vicky Hartzler: New taxes need to be stopped in their tracks.
James Lankford: Lower taxes, lower spending, simplified tax system.
Bill Owens: Let Bush tax cuts expire.
Bill Owens: $5M estate tax exemption, to protect family farms.
Chris Lee: Taxes are too high, too burdensome & too complex.
Bill Owens: Construct I-98; improve Port of Oswego.
John Garamendi: High speed rail is critical infrastructure.
John Garamendi: Expand bike paths and bike lanes.
War & Peace
Chris Murphy: Refocus on Afghanistan, not Iraq.
Adam Kinzinger: Stay engaged in Iraq for training & support.
Allen West: Radical Islam is on the march; stay on the offensive.
Bob Dold: More troops to Afghanistan, with no timetable for withdrawal.
Bobby Schilling: Continue to defeat terrorists in Afghanistan & Iraq.
David Cicilline: Time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
Dennis Ross: Win the war in Afghanistan; take the fight to terrorists.
Jim Renacci: Stay on offense in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Joe Heck: Volunteered to serve in Iraq.
Jon Runyan: Fight against radical Islamic extremists as War on Terror.
Michael Grimm: No unrealistic timelines nor early troop withdrawals.
Mick Mulvaney: Decide after receiving Defense Secretary report in December.
Paul Gosar: American weakness is dangerous; strength wins war on terror.
Steve Southerland: Our rules of engagement endanger troops & prolong conflict.
Ted Deutch: Time for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq.
Tim Griffin: Leave Iraq & Afghanistan in positions to govern themselves.
Tom Reed: There is still much to do in Iraq.
Colleen Hanabusa: Iraq can be self-sufficient; Afghanistan cannot yet.
John Garamendi: Strategic interest in a strong, secure and viable Israel.
John Garamendi: Iraq War was an unnecessary war of choice sold on mistruths.
John Garamendi: Continued American presence in Afghanistan.
John Garamendi: Embargo refined oil products into Iran if they keep nukes.
Welfare & Poverty
John Kasich: Chaired committee which overhauled the welfare system.
Stephen Fincher: Churches provide charity at 1/3 of government's cost.
John Garamendi: Broaden the availability of food stamps.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2010 House campaign websites.