Protect due process in any plan to keep America safe
On Fighting Terrorism: Has said any plan to keep America safe must also protect due process. She has touted her work as Middlesex County district attorney after the
Sept. 11 attacks to ensure that Muslims were not unfairly targeted by law enforcement.
Source: Nancy Reardon, Quincy Patriot-Ledger: 2010 MA Senate debate
, Jan 14, 2010
Would vote against Patriot Act as currently formulated
During the debate, Congressman Capuano questioned Attorney General Martha Coakley's view on the Patriot Act. Coakley says she would vote against it as it is currently formulated. Khazei and Pagliuca also would vote against it.
Source: NECN on 2009 MA Senate debate
, Dec 3, 2009
Help veterans receive the benefits they deserve
Massachusetts is home to almost half a million veterans. These brave men and women, as well as their families, friends, and communities, deserve quality care and steadfast support. Martha is committed to ensuring that we do not let
As Attorney General, Martha worked with other state officials to guarantee that veterans receive the benefits to which they are entitled. She required municipalities to document their compliance with state law requiring full- and p
service officers, which were at risk of being downsized because of the economic crisis.
Under Martha's guidance, in 2009, the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office launched a website and a resource guide for veterans to shepher
benefits appeals process and provide vital, tailored information about medical care, death benefits, financial assistance, education, housing, and employment rights.
Published guide and website for veteran's benefits
Attorney General Coakley's Office today unveiled a new section on its website dedicated to veterans and military families. The office will also release a comprehensive guide about resources available to veterans, military service members and
their families.
"The residents of Massachusetts owe a debt of gratitude to all of those who have sacrificed by serving our country," said Coakley. "We hope that this material will assist veterans and their families in easily informing themselves
about their benefits and rights and the help that is available if they find themselves in need."
The guide covers laws designed to protect veterans from discrimination in areas such as employment and medical care
and to help veterans avoid foreclosure and credit problems during their military service. It also offers tips on how veterans can maximize housing, healthcare, disability, employment and education benefits.
Source: Press release on Attorney General website,
, Nov 10, 2008