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Steve Pearce on VoteMatch



VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer
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Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Strongly Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-5 points on Social scale)
Ban abortion after 20 weeks; de-fund Planned Parenthood: Strongly Opposes topic 1
100% pro-life; stand up for life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Opposes federal abortion funding: Opposes topic 1
Prohibit federal funding for abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Sponsored prohibiting abortion information at school health centers: Opposes topic 1
Life and human rights begin at fertilization or cloning: Strongly Opposes topic 1
No family planning assistance that includes abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
No taxpayer funding of abortions via ObamaCare: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Ban abortion after 20 weeks, except for maternal life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment: Opposes topic 1
YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother�s life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime: Opposes topic 1
YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions: Strongly Opposes topic 1
NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research: Opposes topic 1
NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines: Opposes topic 1
Opposes topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Rated 28% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance: Strongly Opposes topic 2
Increase funding for occupational & physical therapy: Favors topic 2
YES on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act: Favors topic 2
NO on $84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges: Strongly Opposes topic 2
Strongly Opposes topic 3:
Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(-5 points on Social scale)
Opposes gay marriage but accepts it as settled law: Opposes topic 3
Stand up for traditional marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Supports banning homosexuals in the military: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Protect anti-same-sex marriage opinions as free speech: Strongly Opposes topic 3
State definition of marriage supersedes federal gay marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Rated Religious objections to GLBT services same as 1960s racism: Strongly Favors topic 3
YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Strongly Favors topic 4:
Keep God in the public sphere
(-5 points on Social scale)
Biblical values important for government: Strongly Favors topic 4
Protect our right to prayer & faith: Strongly Favors topic 4
Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Favors topic 4
$110M per year to teach abstinence in public schools: Favors topic 4
YES on constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration: Favors topic 4
YES on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance: Favors topic 4
NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance: Favors topic 4
Strongly Opposes topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Repeal & replace ObamaCare; no Medicaid without work: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Repeal & replace ObamaCare: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Safety is an issue for reimporting drugs: Opposes topic 5
Allow small businesses to group together for health plans: Opposes topic 5
Tax deduction for those who purchase their own insurance: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Rated 0% by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Opposes government-run healthcare: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Repeal any federal health care takeover: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Fully repealing ObamaCare is important, but not sufficient: Strongly Opposes topic 5
NO on giving mental health full equity with physical health: Opposes topic 5
NO on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids: Strongly Opposes topic 5
YES on repealing the "Prevention and Public Health" slush fund: Strongly Opposes topic 5
YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts: Opposes topic 5
NO on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs: Opposes topic 5
YES on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits: Opposes topic 5
YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients: Opposes topic 5
YES on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay: Strongly Opposes topic 5
NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D: Opposes topic 5
NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility: Opposes topic 5
Strongly Favors topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)
We must improve the rates of return on Trust Fund: Favors topic 6
Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record: Strongly Favors topic 6
Supports private retirement accounts: Strongly Favors topic 6
Rated 5% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance: Strongly Favors topic 6
Strongly Favors topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Vouchers break link of low-income & low-quality schools: Strongly Favors topic 7
Competition through choice helps schools: Strongly Favors topic 7
Rated 17% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes: Strongly Favors topic 7
A-PLUS lets states escape No Child Left Behind: Favors topic 7
Vouchers break link of low-income and low-quality schools: Strongly Favors topic 7
YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program: Strongly Favors topic 7
Favors topic 8:
Fight EPA regulatory over-reach
(-3 points on Social scale)
Burdensome regulations kill jobs, like logging industry: Strongly Favors topic 8
Strike a balance between the environment and the economy: Opposes topic 8
Rated 5% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes: Strongly Favors topic 8
Endorsed Targeted as "Dirty Dozen" for anti-environmentalism: Strongly Favors topic 8
No EPA expansion of regulated waters: Favors topic 8
YES on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species: Strongly Favors topic 8
YES on environmental education grants for outdoor experiences: Opposes topic 8
Favors topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-3 points on Social scale)
Increase penalties for child sexual slavery: Strongly Favors topic 9
Supports capital punishment for certain crimes: Strongly Favors topic 9
Rated 62% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues: Neutral on topic 9
YES on expanding services for offenders' re-entry into society: Opposes topic 9
Strongly Favors topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale)
I don't think Gun Control legislation works: Strongly Favors topic 10
Allow concealed guns across state lines: Strongly Favors topic 10
Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record: Strongly Favors topic 10
National cross-state standard for concealed carry: Strongly Favors topic 10
Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms: Strongly Favors topic 10
Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad: Favors topic 10
Interstate transportation of firearms is federally prote: Favors topic 10
Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC: Strongly Favors topic 10
YES on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse: Strongly Favors topic 10
YES on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers: Strongly Favors topic 10
Strongly Opposes topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Trump tax cuts are a shot in the arm to manufacturers: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Member of WasteWatchers: tax-&-spend is not the answer: Opposes topic 11
Abolish IRS--replace income tax with national sales tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Rated 61% by NTU, indicating "Satisfactory" on tax votes: Neutral on topic 11
Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Adopt a single-rate tax system: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Repeal tax hikes in capital gains and death tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Replace income tax & estate tax with 23% sales tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Repeal the death tax, immediately and with no expiration: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Replace income tax and IRS with FairTax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Death Tax is a pernicious double tax: Strongly Favors topic 11
YES on providing tax relief and simplification: Strongly Opposes topic 11
YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11
NO on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes: Strongly Opposes topic 11
NO on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income: Favors topic 11
Favors topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(+2 points on Social scale)
Supports earned path to citizenship over a 10-year period: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Need secure border, but human solutions: Opposes topic 12
Supports path to legalization for illegal immigrants: Strongly Favors topic 12
Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration: Strongly Favors topic 12
Rated 83% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Rated Voted to legalize DREAMer immigrants via military service: Strongly Favors topic 12
NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment: Strongly Favors topic 12
YES on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Favors topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Opposes tariffs because they hurt our businesses: Favors topic 13
Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade: Neutral on topic 13
YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile: Strongly Favors topic 13
NO on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Opposes topic 13
YES on end offshore tax havens and promote small business: Opposes topic 13
YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade: Strongly Favors topic 13
NO on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization: Favors topic 13
YES on promoting free trade with Peru: Favors topic 13
Strongly Favors topic 14:
Support American Exceptionalism
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Sponsored opposing the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty: Strongly Favors topic 14
NO on Veto override: Congressional oversight of CIA interrogations: Favors topic 14
NO on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad: Strongly Favors topic 14
YES on reforming the UN by restricting US funding: Strongly Favors topic 14
YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight: Favors topic 14
YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad: Strongly Favors topic 14
Strongly Favors topic 15:
Expand the military
(-5 points on Social scale)
Our military must be second to none: Strongly Favors topic 15
Rated 11% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record: Strongly Favors topic 15
YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 15
YES on continuing military recruitment on college campuses: Favors topic 15
NO on restricting no-bid defense contracts: Strongly Favors topic 15
Opposes topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(-3 points on Social scale)
Supports voter ID laws: Strongly Opposes topic 16
YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees: Opposes topic 16
YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations: Strongly Favors topic 16
Strongly Opposes topic 17:
Avoid foreign entanglements
(-5 points on Social scale)
Supports moving forward in Afghanistan: Opposes topic 17
If Iraq falls, so will other moderate regimes in the region: Strongly Opposes topic 17
NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan: Strongly Opposes topic 17
YES on banning armed forces in Libya without Congressional approval: Favors topic 17
YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date: Strongly Opposes topic 17
NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days: Strongly Opposes topic 17
NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq: Opposes topic 17
Strongly Opposes topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
No one believes the crap about climate change: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Must include fossil fuels as well as green energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Set aside 6.4M acres in New Mexico for solar panels: Strongly Favors topic 18
More domestic oil production & more nuclear power: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Nuclear energy is cheap, clean and ready now: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Rated 0% by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence: Opposes topic 18
Establish a solar energy program on federal lands: Strongly Favors topic 18
Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Cap-and-trade has no impact on global temperatures: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Explore proven energy reserves & keep energy prices low: Opposes topic 18
Drill the Outer Continental Shelf; & license new nuke plants: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on tax incentives for renewable energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases: Opposes topic 18
YES on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on authorizing construction of new oil refineries: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on scheduling permitting for new oil refinieries: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on investing in homegrown biofuel: Strongly Opposes topic 18
YES on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC: Favors topic 18
NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on tax credits for renewable electricity, with PAYGO offsets: Opposes topic 18
Strongly Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
Opposes recreational marijuana: Strongly Favors topic 19
Questions Colorado's model on pot legalization: Opposes topic 19
Rated -20 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
Rated D by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
YES on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs: Favors topic 19
Strongly Opposes topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans: Opposes topic 20
Prioritize critical spending in case debt limit reached: Opposes topic 20
NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy: Strongly Opposes topic 20

Steve Pearce is a Hard-Core Conservative
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Other candidates' VoteMatch: Steve Pearce on the issues:
NM Gubernatorial:
Deb Haaland
Gary Johnson
Gary King
Jeff Apodaca
Joe Cervantes
John Sanchez
Michelle Lujan-Grisham
Susana Martinez
NM Senatorial:
Ben Ray Lujan
Bob Walsh
Gary Johnson
Gavin Clarkson
Maggie Toulouse Oliver
Mark Ronchetti
Martin Heinrich
Mick Rich
Tom Udall

Incoming Republican Freshmen 2021:
AL-1: Jerry Carl(R)
AL-2: Barry Moore(R)
CA-8: Jay Obernolte(R)
CA-50: Darrell Issa(R)
CO-3: Lauren Boebert(R)
FL-3: Kat Cammack(R)
FL-15: Scott Franklin(R)
FL-19: Byron Donalds(R)
GA-9: Andrew Clyde(R)
GA-14: Marjorie Taylor Greene(R)
IA-2: Mariannette Miller-Meeks(R)
IA-4: Randy Feenstra(R)
IL-15: Mary Miller(R)
IN-5: Victoria Spartz(R)
KS-1: Tracey Mann(R)
KS-2: Jake LaTurner(R)
LA-5: Luke Letlow(R)
MI-3: Peter Meijer(R)
MI-10: Lisa McClain(R)
MT-0: Matt Rosendale(R)
NC-11: Madison Cawthorn(R)
NM-3: Teresa Leger Fernandez(D)
NY-2: Andrew Garbarino(R)
NY-22: Claudia Tenney(R)
OR-2: Cliff Bentz(R)
PR-0: Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon(R)
TN-1: Diana Harshbarger(R)
TX-4: Pat Fallon(R)
TX-11: August Pfluger(R)
TX-13: Ronny Jackson(R)
TX-17: Pete Sessions(R)
TX-22: Troy Nehls(R)
TX-23: Tony Gonzales(R)
TX-24: Beth Van Duyne(R)
UT-1: Blake Moore(R)
VA-5: Bob Good(R)
WI-5: Scott Fitzgerald(R)
Incoming Democratic Freshmen 2021:
CA-53: Sara Jacobs(D)
GA-5: Nikema Williams(D)
GA-7: Carolyn Bourdeaux(D)
HI-2: Kai Kahele(D)
IL-3: Marie Newman(D)
IN-1: Frank Mrvan(D)
MA-4: Jake Auchincloss(D)
MO-1: Cori Bush(D)
NC-2: Deborah Ross(D)
NC-6: Kathy Manning(D)
NY-15: Ritchie Torres(D)
NY-16: Jamaal Bowman(D)
NY-17: Mondaire Jones(D)
WA-10: Marilyn Strickland(D)

Republican takeovers as of 2021:
CA-21: David Valadao(R) defeated T.J. Cox(D)
CA-39: Young Kim(R) defeated Gil Cisneros(D)
CA-48: Michelle Steel(R) defeated Harley Rouda(D)
FL-26: Carlos Gimenez(R) defeated Debbie Mucarsel-Powell(D)
FL-27: Maria Elvira Salazar(R) defeated Donna Shalala(D)
IA-1: Ashley Hinson(R) defeated Abby Finkenauer(D)
MN-7: Michelle Fischbach(R) defeated Collin Peterson(D)
NM-2: Yvette Herrell(R) defeated Xochitl Small(D)
NY-11: Nicole Malliotakis(R) defeated Max Rose(D)
OK-5: Stephanie Bice(R) defeated Kendra Horn(D)
SC-1: Nancy Mace(R) defeated Joe Cunningham(D)
UT-4: Burgess Owens(R) defeated Ben McAdams(D)

Special Elections 2019-2020:
CA-25: Mike Garcia (R, May 2020)
GA-5: Kwanza Hall(D, Dec. 2020)
NC-3: State Rep. Greg Murphy (R, Sept. 2019)
NC-9: State Sen. Dan Bishop (R, Sept. 2019)
NY-27: Chris Jacobs(R,June 2020)
MD-7: Kweisi Mfume (D, April 2020)
PA-12: Fred Keller (R, May 2019)
WI-7: Tom Tiffany(R,May 2020)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Candidate Information:
Main Page
NM politicians

Contact info:
House Contact
Mailing Address:
Office 2432 RHOB, Wash., DC 20515
Phone number:

Page last updated: Jan 23, 2021
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