Waters identified himself as a conservative Democrat from Mashpee and said he is running for the Republican nomination to combat "50 years of liberal failure on poverty" and to "protect our American culture."
He explained he is conservative on many issues, including gun rights (he said he had his gun license in his pocket), abortion, and the idea of "sanctuary cities."
Source: Greenfield Recorder on 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial race
Jun 1, 2017
Ben Downing:
Supports AG on enforcing state assault weapons law
The goal of the 1998 Assault Weapons Ban was to restrict access to a certain type of firearm because of the particular lethality of these guns. The legislation recognized that simple changes to peripheral features could skirt the law.
Given that, I believe the actions of the Attorney General are in line with the original legislation's intent. Copycat assault weapons marketed as "state compliant" are designed specifically to circumvent the laws of the Commonwealth.
Source: 2022 Massachusetts Governor campaign site SenatorDowning.com
Oct 6, 2016
Brian Herr:
People have a right to defend themselves and their property
On gun control, Herr said people have a right to defend themselves and their property. But, he said, "When the Second Amendment was written 200 years ago, the weapons available today were not dreamed of." Herr would support banning assault
weapons and high capacity magazines. But he said Congress can explore other options--for example, allowing people to shoot assault weapons at a club or shooting range, where it can be done in a controlled environment.
Source: Springfield Republican on 2014 Massachusetts Senate race
Jan 30, 2014
Carla Howell:
Free gun ownership by peaceful citizens without exception
Q: What should be done in terms of guns and gun control?
A: Libertarians always put the Second Amendment first. The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to interfere with the private ownership of guns.
Gun control is gun prohibition. I support the Constitution. I will vote for the free ownership of guns by peaceful, law-abiding citizens without exception, every time.
Source: Eric Darbe, Massachusetts News
Jan 5, 2000
Carla Howell:
22,000 anti-gun laws haven�t worked-repeal them
Q: What about gun registration and waiting periods? Is there any middle ground for you on guns?
A: There are 22,000 anti-gun laws on the books in America. We need to repeal these laws
and make America freer and safer. There is no justification for these unconstitutional regulations. They don�t help anything. They make things worse. They let government infringe on personal liberty and property ownership.
Source: Eric Darbe, Massachusetts News
Jan 5, 2000
Charlie Baker:
Supports tough gun control laws
Baker and Tisei are arguably among the most radical Republican party-endorsed Governor or Lt. Governor candidates ever in Massachusetts. How bad are they? Off the charts. In any other state they would be left-wing Democrats.
Charlie Baker--Republican
candidate for Governor:
Left of Obama! Told the Boston Globe that he is "to the left of Obama" on social issues.
Gun control: Has stated that he supports tough gun control laws.
Supports expanded gambling in Massachusetts.
Big Dig boondoggle
Baker was Gov. Bill Weld's budget chief during the expansion of the "Big Dig"--the most expensive public works project in history.
Prop 2-1/2 override
Supported Prop 2-1/2 property tax override in his town, and was major donor for override effort.
Quinn Bill
Supports the Quinn Bill, a gift by the Legislature to the police unions, seen as a fiscal money pit by many conservatives.
Source: MassResistance.org on 2014 Massachusetts Governor's race
Aug 4, 2010
Charlie Baker:
Let local police chiefs decide who can get shotguns
Q: Do you own a gun?
A: I do not own a gun. Never needed to.
Q: Would you sign the new gun bill that the governor is going to sign today?
A: I had three wish-list items when the gun debate began. (1) that Massachusetts would connect on its
background process to the mental health registry. (2) that we would enhance the penalties for crimes committed with a gun. And (3) that we would finally get serious about dealing with illegal gun trafficking. By the way, the pepper spray bit is in there
too, and I support that. So I'm actually glad that we finally dealt with what I consider to be 3 of the major issues that we all face.
Q: People are concerned about the piece of the gun bill that allows police chiefs to control who can get a shotgun.
A: I actually think what they came up was actually a pretty artistic idea, which is they basically put the burden of proof on the police chief to make the case to a court that there was reason to deny someone access to a long arm permit. (WBUR)
Source: Mass IEPAC p.215, on 2014 Massachusetts gubernatorial debate
Aug 13, 2014
Charlie Baker:
Expand background checks; no gun unless mentally healthy
JIM BRAUDE: "Deval Patrick filed a bill at the legislature that has gone nowhere repeatedly that would limit the number of guns you can purchase to one a month. Would you support that?"
BAKER: "You had Democratic Representative William Strauss on your
show a couple of nights ago; he didn't call it a gimmick per se, but he said he didn't think it was a solution. And I actually think he is right on that."
BRAUDE: "Would you oppose that?"
BAKER: "Yeah, I don't think that solves that problem.
If you want to solve that problem we should talk about expanding our background checks, which is part of what the legislature plans to debate with respect to guns. I mean, obviously, we really have to find a way to get this mental health issue
dealt with, background check process, I think we have to make sure anyone with a mental health record cannot get access to a gun in Massachusetts.
Source: Mass IEPAC p. 31, on 2014 Massachusetts gubernatorial debate
Sep 25, 2013
Gabriel Gomez:
Start with expanded background check tied to mental health
Q: You say you are for expanded background check, but perhaps the issue that Markey has hit you hardest on is gun control.
[VIDEO CLIP] MARKEY: My opponent opposes an assault weapon ban. My opponent opposes a ban on high capacity magazines that attach
to those assault weapons that turn them into weapons of war.[END VIDEO]
Q: So that's his point. Yes, you may be for the expanded background check, but you are against the assault weapons ban, and the high capacity magazine ban.
GOMEZ: This is an example of Congressman Markey not knowing how to solve the problem. In order to need to solve the problem, we need to ban all weapons from the wrong people.
That's what's going to make our communities, our schools and our kids safer. In order to do that, we have to pass the expanded background check and tie it to mental health.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2013, on 2014 Massachusetts Senate race
Jun 23, 2013
Geoff Diehl:
Unwavering support for gun rights
Diehl is an unwavering supporter of the Second Amendment and Sportsmen's rights. He has a proven track record and has earned our support. We are under constant attack at the State House.
Last year when Speaker Robert DeLeo released a report with 44 so-called recommendations to tighten up gun laws, Geoff Diehl stood with us. He spoke at our rally to protect our rights and he did not bend due to political pressure.
Source: AmmoLand.com on 2018 Massachusetts Senate race
Oct 23, 2015
Heidi Wellman:
National gun license initiative
I have friends who live in Vermont who cannot carry guns across the border into Massachusetts. I plan to get a gun license myself and advocate in favor of our second amendment rights.
I believe that a licensed and trained gun owner should be able to cross state lines without having to be fluent in the gun laws of each state as it pertains to our federal rights.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website HeidiForSenate.com
Oct 15, 2017
Heidi Wellman:
Absolute right to gun ownership
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Absolute right to gun ownership"?
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Massachusetts Senate candidate
Mar 7, 2018
Jay Gonzalez:
Combating gun violence a priority
Massachusetts has a long history of national leadership on gun control. Our Commonwealth is widely recognized for having some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Massachusetts has the lowest rate of gun deaths among all states.
However, even one gun-related death is too many. Massachusetts needs to aim higher in its efforts to address the root causes of violence and reduce access to guns. I pledge to work hard to combat gun violence across our Commonwealth.
Jay Gonzalez:
Ban assault weapons and gun silencers
Stopping Gun Violence Before It Starts
Address the root causes of violence by investing in programs that provide stability in people's lives.
Support community policing efforts aimed at building strong neighborhood ties and engaging high-risk
Expand summer job programs for at-risk youth.
Partner with cities and towns to target gun violence hot spots, and revitalize high-crime neighborhoods
Reducing Access to Guns and Increasing Enforcement
Advocate for the
reinstatement of the federal assault weapons ban.
Support Attorney General Healey's enforcement of the state assault weapons ban, including "copycat" assault weapons.
Support innovative and proven programs to get guns off the streets,
such as buy backs.
Oppose legislation that would legalize gun silencers.
Promote development and advancement in "smart gun" technologies that restrict access to only a gun's legal owner.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign website jay4ma.com
Dec 12, 2017
Kevin O`Connor:
Supports right to bear arms and background checks
Kevin O`Connor supports a citizen's right to bear arms. Massachusetts has strong gun laws, including mandatory background checks for people who choose to own firearms.
Reducing gun violence is a crucial priority, and to that end Kevin supports full enforcement of safety standards and ownership regulations.
Source: 2020 Massachusetts Senate campaign website KOCforSenate.com
Oct 6, 2020
Lori Trahan:
Comprehensive background checks; no concealed carry
Lori believes we need to put an end to the cycle of gun violence that is taking too many lives in our schools and our communities. Ban and buy back all extended-capacity magazines. Broaden the definition of "domestic abuser".
Expanding the prohibition on gun ownership. Enhance gun storage laws. No-fly, No-buy. Comprehensive background checks at every point of sale. Oppose concealed carry reciprocity. Create a Select Committee on Gun Violence.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts 3rd House campaign website LoriTrahan.com
Oct 9, 2018
Maura Healey:
Hold gun dealers & manufacturers accountable for marketing
Healey and 14 other attorney generals have filed a brief stating that federal law does not shield gun manufacturers. "It is unacceptable for gun manufacturers and distributors to knowingly market their products in a way that facilitates the illegal
trafficking of weapons into the hands of dangerous individuals," said Healey. "We urge the court to recognize that gun dealers, manufacturers, and distributors may be held accountable under state laws for how they market and sell their products."
Source: MassLive.com on 2022 Massachusetts Gubernatorial race
Feb 1, 2022
Mike Lee:
Expanded background check first, not assault weapon ban
Q: You are for an expanded background check, but perhaps the issue that Markey has hit you hardest on is gun control.
(VIDEO CLIP) MARKEY: My opponent opposes an assault weapon ban. My opponent opposes a ban on high capacity magazines that attach
to those assault weapons that turn them into weapons of war.
GOMEZ: This is an example of Congressman Markey not knowing how to solve the problem. In order to need to solve the problem, we need to ban all weapons from the wrong people.
That's what's going to make our communities, our schools and our kids safer. In order to do that, we have to pass the expanded background check and ties to mental health. He's never had a history of reaching across the aisle. I can go down there with the
credibility to get more Republicans and conservative Democrats to pass this bill. That's how we're going to get our communities, our schools and our kids safer. That's the problem we need to solve.
Source: Fox News Sunday on 2013 Massachusetts Senate debate
Jun 23, 2013
Setti Warren:
Join 18 mayors in banning assault weapons
Mayor Setti Warren is among 19 Massachusetts mayors who have formed a coalition in support of Attorney General Maura Healey's enforcement of the assault weapons ban. The mayors signed a statement of support for Healey, writing:
In the wake of
incidents of violence against civilians and law enforcement in cities across the country, our positions demand that we speak out. We have called again and again for national solutions to gun violence, to increase mental health funding, and to end the
sale of military-style weapons to civilians, because our cities are not war zones. But we are as frustrated with inaction and empty words.
For this reason, we have come together to express our strong support for Attorney General
Maura Healey's recently announced effort to enforce the state's ban on the sale of assault weapons. Many more people, including gun owners, believe that sensible limits make our streets, our schools, our parks, and our workplaces that much safer.
Source: Newton Patch on 2018 Massachusetts governor race
Aug 10, 2016
Shiva Ayyadurai:
Protect constitutional gun rights
Most gun owners are law abiding citizens.
We must protect their constitutional rights. Chicago has America's strictest firearm laws and has record-breaking gun crime.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website shiva4senate.com
Oct 15, 2017
The above quotations are from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Politicians: secondary Archives.
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