Q: Mr. Pederson, your current ads are pretty strong that we need to get out. From day 1, would you be pushing to get out of Iraq?
PEDERSON: I didn't say `get out'. We have a regional responsibility there. That region of the word, the entire Mideast,
presents the biggest threat to the US of any locale in the world. This administration has a deer-in-the-headlights look when it comes to any end-game regarding our activities in Iraq, and Sen. Kyl has gone along with the administration every step of the
way. The insurgents are gaining strength, and we're actually going backwards in Iraq.
KYL: My opponent just said he did not say `get out'. In one of his ads he says `I won't cut-and-run'. But he said on July 5, `Let's just retreat to a safe and secure
place.' If he's going to complain about the leadership in this war, imagine him saying that to Marines. That's not leadership calculated to win. He's got a plan to get out, but he doesn't have a plan to win.
Source: Arizona 2006 Senate debate at KPHO in Phoenix
Oct 15, 2006
Finish the job in Iraq and come home
Jim Pederson knows that our situation in Iraq is a mess. Night after night we turn on the television to see another young life lost - another son or daughter; another father and mother who is not coming home. It is only natural that people are
asking "Why?"
Iraq needs to be more than a political football. Jim wants to focus on what we can do now to help our troops finish the job - and come home. They're not being given the support they need to get the job done.
Source: Campaign website, www.pederson2006.com, "Issues"
May 2, 2006
Focus on hunting down Bin Laden and destroying al Qaeda
Jim Pederson believes that no job of a Senator is more important than protecting Americans from danger at home and abroad. That means refocusing America on winning the War on Terror. Four long years after September 11, Osama Bin
Laden remains at large and Al-Qaeda continues to plan terrorist attacks. Jim Pederson believes that we must refocus our national security efforts on hunting down Osama Bin Laden, destroying Al-Qaeda, and winning the War on Terror once and for all.
Source: Campaign website, www.pederson2006.com, "Issues"
Dec 11, 2005
Our situation in Iraq is a mess
Jim Pederson knows that our situation in Iraq is a mess. Night after night we turn on the television to see another young life lost - another son or daughter; another father and mother who is not coming home.
It is only natural that people are asking "Why?"
Iraq needs to be more than a political football. Jim wants to focus on what we can do now to help our troops finish the job - and come home.
There are more than 168,000 American soldiers - and 3,300 Arizonans - serving bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they're not being given the support they need to get the job done.
Jim will support our troops and give them the tools they need. He also knows we need to give our soldiers some relief from long deployments while giving battle commanders the flexibility they need.
Source: Campaign website, www.pederson2006.com, "Issues"
Dec 11, 2005