I fully support the actions that our state leaders are pushing, including the creation and operation of the Institute of Aeronautical Technology, legislations to qualify military families for low in-state college tuition rates, waivers of 1/3 of the
state gasoline tax sold on our military bases in exchange for the military spending the savings on quality-of-life enhancements for troops and their families, and establishment of a new center to help local companies learn how to win military contracts.
Source: Bowles Jobs Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Bring more defense contracts and defense-related businesses
Our lack of a fair share in defense-related businesses has been a pattern where the Midwest and West - not the South - have been home to larger industrial suppliers. But today this is an outdated regional stereotype. One problem is the discrimination
against local small businesses that I observed and fought against as head of the Small Business Administration. I will be uniquely positioned to demonstrate that good small firms have the flexibility to meet more of our nation's defense contracting needs
Source: Bowles Jobs Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Cover civilian jobs and active duty service pay differences
Senator Murray has introduced a plan to reimburse companies that pay reservists the difference in salary would receive 100 percent of the difference as a tax credit up to up to $12,000 a year per reservist. In addition, the federal government would
cover the difference in salary for federal employees called up to active duty up to $12,000 a year. Bowles will fight for this measure to cover the vast majority of reservists who loose money during active duty, and help high-income reservists as well.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Fix the administrative payroll problems
Because of outdated payroll and activation processes and the unprecedented level of guard activation, 94 percent of guardsmen reported problems with getting a timely and accurate payroll. Bowles would require the Department of Defense to audit
its payroll system, streamline pay processes, and improve administrative training and staffing. Bowles would cut the bureaucratic red tape so that reserve and guard families can count on a steady paycheck - on time and for the amount they are owed.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Double the Child Tax Credit for activated guardsmen
Families of deployed soldiers are eligible for child care programs at or near a military installation. But many of those programs are full, and many families live far away and cannot afford to pay for child care themselves.
Bowles would double the already-existing $1,000 child tax credit for activated reservists and guardsmen. This extra money will help families cover the additional costs of having only one parent at home.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Support Military Family Readiness Groups
Bowles will support Family Readiness Group and will seek funding for the expansion of an NC Family Readiness Group, including a single, full-time employee who will coordinate the group's services. Fund an interactive website with reserve benefits,
access to medical center locations, online counseling resources, transportation information, and childcare resources. In addition, free email addresses will be provided; and families will be informed in a more timely manner about changes in deployment.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Assess options for early retirement for reservists
As the role of the National Guard and Reserve units expands, and as we demand more from them, the nation must be willing to provide them services that are equal to the sacrifice. Expanding retirement options for reservists is a challenge for Congress and
for any administration, but it is one that must take priority. Bowles wants to ensure reservists are treated fairly when it comes to retirement and will work with Democrats and Republicans to draft a proposal that is fair and fiscally responsible.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
Support Military Family Readiness Groups
Hines felt that additional staff support was needed to improve the capability of the military Family Readiness Groups. Bowles original plan would provide a paid staffer and resources
to help family readiness groups in North Carolina, but more assistance is needed. Erskine proposes creating full time regional paid staffers across the country to provide more effective services.
Source: Bowles Homeland Security Plan
Jul 5, 2004
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