Intervention in Iraq based on same nonsense as in past
Ravenel blasted Lindsey Graham for "warmongering and fearmongering" in regard to the ongoing US military intervention in Iraq. "John McCain spouted the same nonsense in 2008," Ravenel said. "Nobody bought it then, and nobody's buying it now."
said this week that if America didn't step up its military intervention in Iraq, he envisioned "an American city in flames."
Ravenel invoked Syria in pointing out the hypocrisy of Graham's calls for additional military strikes against ISIS. "I'm
confused by Senator Graham's statements," Ravenel said. "Didn't his buddy John McCain recently pose with ISIS fighters that our government supported in Syria? How exactly does he square that? Why would we support ISIS in one country yet bomb it in
Ravenel has challenged McCain to debate him on foreign policy since Graham is "too afraid" to appear in a series of 11 televised town hall debates proposed by Ravenel. McCain, like Graham, has not responded to the challenge.
Ravenel cautioned the U.S. military is over-involved overseas and called for changes to foreign policy that put the military's focus on national defense, not intervention in other countries' conflicts or humanitarian missions, he said. He did not
explain how that kind of policy would affect local installations. "One of the goals of terrorists is to induce the victim state to overreact," Ravenel said. "Al-Qaida basically induced two conventional wars that cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion."
Source: The Island Packet on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
, Jul 21, 2014
Republicans are pro-invading this or that country
With nothing left to lose and no one else to fear offending, Ravenel is ready to unload on the Republican Party, incumbent politicians, the ballooning federal debt, and what he sees as a dangerous and unprecedented expansion of the federal government
into the lives of Americans.
"As a Republican, if you're not anti-gay, anti-immigrant, pro-war and pro-invading this or that country, you get the cold shoulder," he said from his Mt. Pleasant, S.C. real estate office. "At some point you
rationalize certain viewpoints, cognitive dissonance notwithstanding, and you adopt that platform. And the Democrats do the same thing on their side."
He also speaks of the overarching need for Americans to reevaluate their relationship with their
government, "We need to ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for yourself and where necessary, what you can do for others."