Support Hydro Quebec, efficient appliances, and LED lighting
Adopt a reasonable and effective statewide energy policy:
Support Hydro Quebec as a renewable energy source. Hydro Quebec has significant potential to provide Massachusetts with clean, renewable power that will expand the state's energy portfolio
while reducing the cost of electricity for ratepayers.
Focus on energy efficiency. Given that only a limited amount of electricity can be generated within Massachusetts, the state should focus more heavily on energy efficiency as a way to lower
energy costs.
Waive sales tax on energy efficiency appliances and upgrades. This will encourage homeowners and businesses to purchase energy efficient appliances and technologies.
LED lighting rebate program. LED lighting is extremely energy
efficient but is still cost prohibitive to many homeowners and businesses. The state should offer a rebate program for businesses and homeowners to encourage the transition from traditional lighting to LED lighting.
Renewable energy is an important investment in our future
I'm concerned about the effects of climate change on our environment. I also believe that a strong economy is crucial to our ability to invest in solutions which will not only benefit our natural environment, but also improve our economic environment.
Renewable energy is an important investment in our future [but] renewable energy generation has to deliver measurable cost savings. Wind, biomass, and solar all have a role to play in reducing demand for fossil fuels, but the price of these energy
sources cannot make Massachusetts' already uncompetitive energy picture even worse.
Promoting energy efficiency programs is also a cost effective way to reduce current energy costs and shield our economy from future energy shocks. Our approach to
renewable energy must be supplemented by aggressive, public support for energy/electricity efficiency.
We need a balanced approach to energy policy that includes a reliable, cost-effective portfolio of conventional and renewable energy sources.
2010: questioned global warming; 2014: yes, it's manmade
(Boston Globe, 2/7/2010): Asked whether he agrees with the "scientific majority" that climate change is caused by human activities, Baker ducked: "What I do believe is that our overreliance on foreign oil is a big problem for national security and an
economic point of view." He told the Globe, "You're asking me to take a position on something I don't know enough about. I absolutely am not smart enough to believe I know the answer to that question."
(BostInno, 1/15/2014):
Baker did go on to say in that same interview from 2010, however, that "we should all rely on the fact that most of the science agrees that temperatures are rising, CO2 levels are rising and it'd probably be a good idea to do something about that."
Indecision, not denial.
(State House News Service, 6/2/2014): Baker flip-flopped to state that "I certainly think the rise in carbon dioxide is a man-made, generated, activity that plays a role in all of this."
Helped gather signatures to repeal gas tax increase
Leaders of a movement to repeal automatic increases in the gasoline tax took time out to celebrate their latest success. A group of about 30 activists and candidates for office gathered at Lafayette House in Foxboro to mark the occasion of going over the
top in collecting enough signatures to put the issue on the November ballot. The guest speaker at the event was Republican candidate for governor Charlie Baker. He told the audience when he helped them collect signatures at a supermarket, almost every
voter signed the petition once the automatic tax increase was explained to them. The increases are "a classic overreach" by the Legislature that is sure to be repealed by voters in November. Later, Baker said his main objection is to the automatic
increases in the future, not the immediate 3 cents a gallon hike called for in the bill. He also said in a brief interview that he is not targeting any tax cuts if elected, but is opposed to new tax increases. (Sun Chronicle, 6/20/2014)
Meeting our future energy needs requires cooperation with the other New England states because the region's energy infrastructure and supply is closely linked.
We have a growing solar industry, which we should continue to support, but not at prices two to three times more than every other option.
Cost competitive wind options are already available to us, and we should embrace them too.
But if we're serious about reducing our carbon footprint while maintaining a reliable energy grid and improving our competitive position, then we must significantly increase the supply of hydropower.
Reduce carbon footprint while maintaining supply of energy
Together [with the Legislature], we passed landmark legislation that will reduce our carbon footprint while maintaining a competitively priced and reliable supply of energy. And we've built on those efforts by issuing an Executive Order on
Climate Change that directs state government to work with local governments, business, and non-profits to develop plans to further protect our environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: 2017 State of the State address to Massachusetts Legislature
, Jan 24, 2017
$1 billion for climate resiliency by 2022
There's no dispute that the consequences of climate change are real and potentially devastating. We created the first Municipal Vulnerability Program in the country, so local communities would have the ability to address future threats before they
occur. More than 285 communities have joined us. We're committed to expanding this essential program to all 351 communities. And we'll bring this Administration's total investment in climate resiliency to just over $1 billion by 2022.
Massachusetts also leads the nation in procuring clean, renewable energy. I'm committing the Commonwealth to achieving an ambitious climate goal: net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. That is why we're working with our colleagues across
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states on a Regional Transportation and Climate Initiative. Unless we take on transportation, we won't meet our objectives.
We put forth a science-based roadmap to reach net zero emissions by 2050. We've spearheaded a first of its kind, multi-state program to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector. We've invested over $935 million in climate change mitigation
and adaptation. And we're on track to meet our commitment to invest $1 billion in climate action by 2022. Partnering with the Legislature, we secured historic clean energy procurements at the lowest price for rate payers.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to Massachusetts legislature
, Jan 26, 2021
Next-generation roadmap for climate policy
S.9: An Act creating a next-generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy.
Summary by WBUR (NPR 90.9-FM) 1/4/2021 : Massachusetts would adopt some of the most aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the country,
dial up thousands of more megawatts of cleaner offshore wind power, encourage natural gas utilities to explore other services they could provide in the future, and put an explicit emphasis on helping the most overburdened communities cope
with the effects of climate change under a compromise climate policy bill.
Legislative Outcome:
Passed Senate 39-1-0 Rollcall #19 on Mar/15/21; Passed House 145-14-1 on Mar/18/21; Signed by Governor Charlie Baker on Mar/26/21.