Hands On Network: help people begin their service journey
My work with Hands On network is to help people begin their service journey. I have led orientations for thousands of individuals who have decided to take the 1st step to make a difference. Their specific reasons for wanting to serve are as varied as
they are. But common themes emerge at every orientation: "I want to do something that is larger than myself, to make the community better, to find something that is truly meaningful in my life."
Or, "I want to get to know others in the community who share my values for giving back. I want to feel like I am a part of the community."
Everyone that I have spoken with has expressed passion and gratitude that they took that first step.
While you may begin with uncertainty, you will find confidence and fulfillment as you proceed. As one volunteer once said to me, "I am always glad I came."
Perhaps the most fundamental lesson of serving others is that it is a reciprocal experience. You might begin by thinking that you are doing something for others--and you are--but you will invariably find that you are getting a lot out of it too.
It is trite, but true, that in reaching out to serve others, you will often get more out of the experience than you give.
And there are myriad practical reasons to serve and work for change.
As a volunteer, you can take on unlimited leadership challenges and exercise aspects of your intellect and skills that you might not have an opportunity to apply anywhere else.
As we discover the fundamental rewards of service, we will rediscover ourselves, learning lessons of patience and courage that will help us overcome our fears and face the world bravely.