Denise Majette on Tax Reform
A national sales tax is a tax increase to most Americans
MAJETTE: Majette criticized Isakson's support of a national sales tax. "Eighty percent of the people of Georgia would see an increase in their overall taxes if this plan goes into effect."
ISAKSON: I am one of these people that doesn't preclude any consideration from debate. I just want us to have the debate and move forward on meaningful reform in tax policy.
Source: GA Senate Debate, reported on 11Alive
Oct 20, 2004
Repeal the estate tax; don't penalize financial success
The estate tax should be repealed. Families should not be penalized for their financial success. Our policies should encourage, rather than discourage, financial success. When we allow families to build wealth, it strengthens the community
and insures that every generation leaves something more for the next generation. However, we should continue to provide incentives for estate beneficiaries to make large charitable contributions from estate proceeds.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues"
Oct 27, 2002
Voted NO on making permanent an increase in the child tax credit.
Vote to pass a bill that would permanently extend the $1,000 per child tax credit that is scheduled to revert to $700 per child in 2005. It would raise the amount of income a taxpayer may earn before the credit begins to phase out from $75,000 to $125,000 for single individuals and from $110,000 to $250,000 for married couples. It also would permit military personnel to include combat pay in their gross earnings in order to calculate eligibility for the child tax credit.
Reference: Child Credit Preservation and Expansion Act;
Bill HR 4359
; vote number 2004-209
on May 20, 2004
Voted NO on permanently eliminating the so-called marriage penalty.
Vote to pass a bill that would permanently extend tax provisions eliminating the so-called marriage penalty. The bill would make the standard deduction for married couples double that of single taxpayers. It would also increase the upper limit of the 15 percent tax bracket for married couples to twice that of singles. It also would make permanent higher income limits for married couples eligible to receive the refundable earned-income tax credit.
Reference: Marriage Penalty Relief;
Bill HR 4181
; vote number 2004-138
on Apr 28, 2004
Rated 23% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes.
Majette scores 23% by NTU on tax-lowering policies
Every year National Taxpayers Union (NTU) rates U.S. Representatives and Senators on their actual votesevery vote that significantly affects taxes, spending, debt, and regulatory burdens on consumers and taxpayers. NTU assigned weights to the votes, reflecting the importance of each votes effect. NTU has no partisan axe to grind. All Members of Congress are treated the same regardless of political affiliation. Our only constituency is the overburdened American taxpayer. Grades are given impartially, based on the Taxpayer Score. The Taxpayer Score measures the strength of support for reducing spending and regulation and opposing higher taxes. In general, a higher score is better because it means a Member of Congress voted to lessen or limit the burden on taxpayers.
The Taxpayer Score can range between zero and 100. We do not expect anyone to score a 100, nor has any legislator ever scored a perfect 100 in the multi-year history of the comprehensive NTU scoring system. A high score does not mean that the Member of Congress was opposed to all spending or all programs. High-scoring Members have indicated that they would vote for many programs if the amount of spending were lower. A Member who wants to increase spending on some programs can achieve a high score if he or she votes for offsetting cuts in other programs. A zero score would indicate that the Member of Congress approved every spending proposal and opposed every pro-taxpayer reform.
Source: NTU website 03n-NTU on Dec 31, 2003