Fight UN gun ban treaty, & fight bans on guns or ammunition
The National Rifle Association blanketed its home state--the group's HQ is in Fairfax County--with direct-mail material touting Ed Gillespie. Gillespie, the mailer says, is the antidote to the "Obama/Bloomberg gun control agenda." And more are expected.
The ad could have unintended consequences for Gillespie, who secured the nomination in part by courting tea party conservatives--but who is now trying to woo more-moderate general-election voters. Gillespie risks alienating the electorate in vote-rich
Northern Virginia who may be turned off by Second Amendment rhetoric, especially after mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.
[In the NRA flyer], a smiling Gillespie appears alongside his pledge
to "strongly oppose and fight against" Obama's "anti-gun nominees for the US Supreme Court," a UN gun ban treaty, any bans on guns and ammunition, a federal gun registration database and government approval for gun sales among friends and family.
I believe the Second Amendment right to bear arms should be no more revered than the First Amendment right to due process, but it should not be any less revered, either.
That doesn't make me a "gun nut," by the way. I don't even own a gun. It makes me someone who treasures the Constitution.
Source: Winning Right, by Ed Gillespie, p.248-249
, Sep 5, 2006