Q: Do you support or oppose requiring hiring more women & minorities?
A: Strongly Oppose.
Source: E-mail interview on Kansas 2014 Senate race with OnTheIssues
, Sep 19, 2014
Indifferent to same-sex marriage
Q: Do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?
A: Indifferent.
Source: E-mail interview on Kansas 2014 Senate race with OnTheIssues
, Sep 19, 2014
Civil unions ok; let churches decide on same-sex marriage
Q: Should marriage only be between one man and one woman?
A: I think that religious institutions and companionships be able to regulate themselves. I don't think that the State nor the Federal Government be involved in any companionships between
individuals. Beneficiaries and Spouse rights regarding insurance should be administered through the free market.
Q: Should Kansas allow same-sex couples to form civil unions?
A: Yes.
Source: Kansas State Legislative 2010 PVS Political Courage Test
, Nov 1, 2010
State use of affirmative action ok, but not private
Q: Do you support the state's use of affirmative action?
Public affirmative action is necessary, however needs to have no recognition of race, creed, color, sex, veteran status, etc. Private industry [should] let the free market determine this.
Source: Kansas State Legislative 2010 PVS Political Courage Test
, Nov 1, 2010