Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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State of Tennessee Politicians: Archives

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from State of Tennessee Archives (number of quotes indicated):
- ACLU (1)
- Al Gore (1) Democrat
- Bill Frist (1) Republican
- Bill Hagerty (30) Republican Senate challenger Tennessee
- Bill Haslam (30) Tennessee Republican Governor
- Bill Lee (70) Tennessee Republican Governor of Tennessee
- Bob Corker (6) Republican Jr Senator Tennessee
- Carnita Atwater (7) Tennessee Democratic challenger for Governor
- Daniel Cameron (1) Kentucky Republican challenger for Governor
- David Kustoff (12) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-8
- Diane Black (12) Tennessee Republican candidate for Tennessee Governor
- Don Sundquist (6) Former Republican Governor (1995-2002)
- Gordon Ball (21) Democratic Challenger Tennessee
- Howard Phillips (1)
- James Mackler (19) Democratic candidate for Tennessee Senator Tennessee
- Jason Martin (22) Tennessee Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- JB Smiley (13) Tennessee Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Joe Carr (12) Republican Challenger Tennessee
- Karl Dean (28) Tennessee Democratic candidate for Governor
- Lamar Alexander (8) Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2020) Tennessee
- Larry Crim (12) Republican candidate for Tennessee U.S. Senator Tennessee
- Manny Sethi (17) Republican 2020 Senate Challenger Tennessee
- Mark E. Green (1) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-7
- Mark Green (3) Tennessee Republican candidate for Governor
- Marquita Bradshaw (16) Democratic Senate Nominee Tennessee
- Marsha Blackburn (19) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-7
- Phil Bredesen (30) Tennessee Former Democrat Governor (2002-2010)
- Scott DesJarlais (1) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-4
- Steve Cohen (1) Democrat U.S. Rep Tennessee-9
- Terry Adams (4) Democratic Challenger Tennessee
- Tim Burchett (4) Republican U.S. Rep Tennessee-2
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill Hagerty: Vehemently opposes taxpayer funds for abortion.
Bill Hagerty: Possible exceptions for rape/incest, "challenging" situation.
Bill Lee: Against abortion: life begins at conception.
Bill Lee: Ban abortion, even for rape and incest.
Bill Lee: Seeing premature granddaughter strengthened my resolve.
Bill Lee: Ready to ban abortion if Roe v. Wade overturned.
David Kustoff: No exceptions for any circumstances.
David Kustoff: Life begins at conception.
Diane Black: Opposes funding of Planned Parenthood.
Gordon Ball: Opposes Amendment 1 banning abortion for rape & incest.
James Mackler: Woman's medical decisions should be between her & her doctor.
Jason Martin: Protect health and reproductive rights of women.
Jason Martin: Stop treating women like second-class citizens.
JB Smiley: Women have right to choose what's best for their own bodies.
Marsha Blackburn: Ban abortion; ban public funds for Planned Parenthood.
Karl Dean: Politicians shouldn't insert themselves in abortion decision.
Manny Sethi: A strong supporter of the Heartbeat Bill.
Manny Sethi: Opposed to exceptions for rape and incest.
Phil Bredesen: Keep abortion legal, but not high priority.
Tim Burchett: 100% rating from Tennessee Right to Life.
Terry Adams: Pro-choice.
Budget & Economy
Bill Hagerty: Work to get government out of the way of business.
Bill Hagerty: Won't raise taxes; committed to cutting spending.
Bill Hagerty: Democrats plan to undo Trump's economic success.
Bill Haslam: Balance budget without education cuts & tax decrease.
Bill Lee: Made hard decisions needed on company budget; it worked.
Bill Lee: Better to save for emergencies than spend now.
Bill Lee: Investment & incentives to support rural counties.
Bill Lee: Addressing maintenance the fiscally responsible thing to do.
Bob Corker: Adding $2T to deficit was fiscally irresponsible.
David Kustoff: Oppose tax-and-spend policies, as well as over-regulation.
Diane Black: Get government off the backs of job creators.
Gordon Ball: Balanced budget amendment to restore fiscal discipline.
James Mackler: Investment in infrastructure means jobs.
Jason Martin: Work with Feds to get tax dollars for infrastructure repair.
Jason Martin: GOP building up state cash reserves with no plans for it.
Jason Martin: Legalized cannabis would bring in millions in tax revenue.
Karl Dean: Economic development statewide instead of just Nashville.
Manny Sethi: Will fight out of control federal spending.
Marquita Bradshaw: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr; end "Right to Work".
Marsha Blackburn: Across-the-board federal spending cuts.
Phil Bredesen: Adjust our expenses to match our income, like family budget.
Civil Rights
ACLU: Fight to defend Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling.
Bill Haslam: Remove Confederate statues from state capitol.
Carnita Atwater: Time for African-American female governor: embrace diversity.
David Kustoff: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Diane Black: Confederate statues are part of history.
Gordon Ball: Pro-gay rights.
James Mackler: Fight for LGBT rights.
Jason Martin: We need to protect our LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans.
JB Smiley: Raise the bar for marginalized communities, not only Blacks.
Karl Dean: First in Tennessee to join Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.
Lamar Alexander: Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act: heal ugly scars of the past.
Mark E. Green: Overturn Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling.
Marquita Bradshaw: Against overturning rights, especially of LGBTQ+.
Marquita Bradshaw: Calling for unity without addressing racism is a band-aid.
Marsha Blackburn: Let people of faith withhold services to gay couples.
Phil Bredesen: Disallow withholding services to same-sex couples.
Terry Adams: Pro-gay rights.
Bill Hagerty: Stop the socialist agenda; cut corporate tax rate.
Bill Haslam: Revenue Modernization Act: level playing field for business.
Bill Lee: Get government out of the way; give jobs chance to flourish.
Bill Lee: Reduce the tax & regulatory burden for everyone.
James Mackler: Trump's tax cuts make it easier for jobs to move overseas.
Karl Dean: Used tax incentives to lure companies to Nashville.
Mark Green: Reapportion corporate excise tax to favor businesses in TN.
Phil Bredesen: Plan for robotic factories of the future.
Phil Bredesen: As mayor, enticed the NFL's Oilers to relocate to Nashville.
Phil Bredesen: Pay for corporate tax cuts by closing loopholes.
Terry Adams: Democracy is hijacked by corporations & special interests.
Bill Hagerty: Uphold the rule of law; stop ANTIFA.
Bill Hagerty: Supports death penalty for human trafficking.
Bill Hagerty: Use Insurrection Act against domestic terrorism.
Bill Lee: Men of Valor: re-entry program for former offenders.
Bill Lee: Sentences should be upheld and violent offenders prioritized.
Bill Lee: Electronic monitoring for low-risk offenders.
Bill Lee: Volunteer to mentor degree-seeking inmates.
Bill Lee: Increase penalties for firearm theft & reckless endangerment.
Bill Lee: Improve supervision; encourage hiring of former prisoners.
Bill Lee: Improved enforcement training for police cadets.
Bill Lee: Respect rule of law; reject defund the police movement.
Carnita Atwater: Reform prison system; I believe in a second chance.
Carnita Atwater: Reduce crime by investing in robust community policing.
Daniel Cameron: Can't appease anti-police movement sweeping this nation.
David Kustoff: Fight violent crime; advocated for death penalty.
Diane Black: Haley's Law: new criminal offenses on child abuse.
Gordon Ball: Where do the little people go for justice?
James Mackler: Prosecutor JAG in military, and in criminal law afterwards.
Jason Martin: Our criminal justice system is broken.
JB Smiley: Fought for transparency in the Memphis Police Department.
JB Smiley: Opposed added federal law enforcement presence in Memphis.
Marquita Bradshaw: We need restorative justice & overhaul of justice system.
Phil Bredesen: Haley's Law: new criminal offenses on child abuse.
Steve Cohen: Haley's Law: new criminal offenses on child abuse.
Tim Burchett: Haley's Law: new criminal offenses on child abuse.
Bill Haslam: Get tough on meth crimes.
Bill Lee: Raise penalties on drug traffickers, aid non-violent addicts.
Bill Lee: Opposes recreational marijuana; wait on medical marijuana.
Bill Lee: Fight Medicaid fraudulent distribution of opioid medications.
Bill Lee: Drug traffickers should fear Tennessee.
Carnita Atwater: Tennessee should join others states in legalizing marijuana.
James Mackler: Legalize medical marijuana for PTSD and chronic pain.
Jason Martin: Pass cannabis for recreational use. Period.
Phil Bredesen: Let states decide on marijuana legalization.
Karl Dean: Provide treatment for opioids while stepping up prosecution.
Karl Dean: Medical marijuana ok, but opposes recreational use.
Karl Dean: No recreational marijuana; decriminalize light medical use.
Lamar Alexander: Combat Meth Act: fund law enforcement crack down.
Manny Sethi: Let local officials have more authority on opioid crisis.
Manny Sethi: Wants to promote faith-based recovery programs for addicts.
Marquita Bradshaw: Support the full legalization of recreational marijuana.
Marsha Blackburn: Don't loosen federal regulations marijuana.
Marsha Blackburn: Stiffer penalties for deceptively trafficking in fentanyl.
Phil Bredesen: Get tough on opioid prescriptions from pain clinics.
Bill Hagerty: Shift education spending to block grants to states.
Bill Haslam: Remove 90-cap limit on charter schools.
Bill Haslam: Drive to 55: Increase college graduation to 55% by 2025.
Bill Haslam: Drive to 55: 55% get post-HS certificate or degree by 2025.
Bill Haslam: Tennessee Promise: two years of free community college.
Bill Haslam: $2.5M for SAILS program: math tutors for high school seniors.
Bill Haslam: Narrow score gaps for minority and female students.
Bill Haslam: STRONG Act: tuition-free public college for veterans.
Bill Haslam: Boost public education by $1.5B.
Bill Lee: Charter schools change lives of at-risk youth.
Bill Lee: Education, including vocational, is key to a bright future.
Bill Lee: Supports charter schools & vouchers.
Bill Lee: Fund school choice; competition via charters and ESAs.
Bill Lee: Schools must focus on acquiring job skills.
Bill Lee: Teach civics, with unapologetic American exceptionalism.
Bill Lee: 4% salary boost for teachers; make $40,000 minimum salary.
Bill Lee: Focus on new initiatives in teacher training.
Bill Lee: Expanding civics education with Civics Seal Initiative.
Bill Lee: Set aside money per child for the public school they attend.
Bill Lee: Informed patriotism and American exceptionalism at colleges.
Bill Lee: Shut down university group tied to Chinese Communist Party.
Carnita Atwater: State-of-the-art vocational training in every high school.
David Kustoff: Oppose Common Core; local folks know best.
Diane Black: Supports tax dollars for private schools.
Don Sundquist: Invest more in teachers and in early education.
Don Sundquist: We test students & rate schools; now invest in reading.
Don Sundquist: Invest in teachers: scholarships, mentors, merit pay.
Gordon Ball: I believe in public education.
James Mackler: Against vouchers, for accountability.
Jason Martin: Make sure that no school in Tennessee is underfunded.
Jason Martin: Support trade and vocational schools, technical training.
Jason Martin: Opposed state's school voucher program.
JB Smiley: Opposed defunding schools teaching critical race theory.
Joe Carr: Prohibit discrimination against college religious groups.
Karl Dean: Supports publicly financed, privately led charter schools.
Karl Dean: Expand school choice teacher accountability.
Karl Dean: Charters ok if non-profit, but vouchers not ok.
Karl Dean: Small city property tax increase to directed to education.
Karl Dean: Expand access to vocational training programs.
Karl Dean: Increase teacher pay; more resources for schools.
Karl Dean: Supports charters; opposes vouchers.
Karl Dean: Opposes vouchers & for-profit charter schools.
Lamar Alexander: COVID: direct some relief funding to school choice programs.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
Manny Sethi: Not government's role to wipe away college debt.
Marquita Bradshaw: Relieve current student debt, provide quality childcare.
Marsha Blackburn: Supports vouchers for private schools.
Marsha Blackburn: Don't lower student loan interest.
Phil Bredesen: New reforms: student achievement to evaluate teacher.
Phil Bredesen: $48M for state colleges for tuition, & $10M scholarships.
Phil Bredesen: Supports charter schools but "not wild about vouchers.
Phil Bredesen: Free community college tuition; lower student loan interest.
Energy & Oil
Bill Hagerty: Fight socialist fracking bans, repeal fuel standards.
Bill Lee: Nuclear power is clean energy that actually works.
Bob Corker: Promote fuel cells & alternatives to reduce oil dependence.
Diane Black: Rejects Paris climate change agreement.
Gordon Ball: Supports construction of the Keystone pipeline.
Gordon Ball: Transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean renewables.
Gordon Ball: Commercial solar & wind, and also clean coal.
Jason Martin: Make sure our state is at the forefront of green technology.
JB Smiley: Opposed pipeline threatening local aquifer, neighborhoods.
Karl Dean: Pledged to work toward reducing greenhouse gases.
Marquita Bradshaw: First Senate candidate in TN to sign Green New Deal Pledge.
Marsha Blackburn: Climate change isn't settled; withdraw from Paris Accord.
Phil Bredesen: Green energy growth: develop a Solar Institute.
Phil Bredesen: Green energy will be of vast importance and growth.
Bill Hagerty: Eliminate senseless EPA interference on farmers.
Bill Haslam: Haslam's Pilot company cited for 70 environmental violations.
Bill Haslam: 35 million visits annually to Tennessee State Parks.
David Kustoff: Help farming community's low commodity prices.
Don Sundquist: Supports new State Forest and 23 new natural areas.
Gordon Ball: Class-action lawsuits against paper companies' dumped waste.
Gordon Ball: No one has the right to pollute America's air and water.
Joe Carr: Rated 40% on voting record by Tennessee Conservation Voters.
Joe Carr: Require photographic evidence of animal abuse.
Karl Dean: Cuts to the EPA are unthinkable.
Marquita Bradshaw: Grew up near Superfund Site, can't afford to be sick.
Marquita Bradshaw: I'm an environmental justice activist at my core.
Marsha Blackburn: Cut budget of Environmental Protection Administration.
Phil Bredesen: $10M to partially restore cuts in land acquisition fund.
Phil Bredesen: Public-private foundation to preserve Cumberland Plateau.
Phil Bredesen: Supports environmental regulation by government.
Families & Children
Bill Haslam: Support services to 100% of former foster youth.
Bill Haslam: Response speed exceeds standard for Child Abuse Hotline.
Bill Haslam: Abstinence-only education in K-12 schools.
Bill Haslam: Declare pornography a public health crisis.
Bill Lee: Historical evidence: marriage is between a man and a woman.
Bill Lee: Marriage is between a man & a woman.
Bill Lee: Extend coverage for new moms, mental health for children.
Bill Lee: Pro-life includes improving lives of struggling families.
Diane Black: Claire's Law: hearing loss screenings for every newborn.
Jason Martin: Quality and affordable childcare, universal pre-K.
Joe Carr: Abstinence-only education in K-12 schools.
Karl Dean: Supports gay marriage.
Phil Bredesen: Claire's Law: hearing loss screenings for every newborn.
Tim Burchett: Claire's Law: hearing loss screenings for every newborn.
Foreign Policy
Bill Hagerty: Ensure our allies support us and enemies fear us.
Bill Hagerty: US has moral obligation to protect Israel.
Bob Corker: Russia a bad actor, not moral equivalent to US.
David Kustoff: Our allies don't respect us and our enemies don't fear us.
Diane Black: said Congressman Black.".
Gordon Ball: Promote human rights as cornerstone of US foreign policy.
James Mackler: Don't reduce funds for State Department nor reduce diplomacy.
Lamar Alexander: Russia out to destabilize western democracies.
Free Trade
Bill Frist: Increase trade by designating Tri-Cities as port of entry.
Bill Hagerty: Stand with Trump on being firm with China.
Bill Hagerty: Decrease our strategic dependency on China.
Bill Lee: Opposes Trump's tariffs on China.
Bob Corker: Break down trade barriers to give farmers a world market.
Bob Corker: Supports free trade, but anomalies need to be addressed.
Gordon Ball: Fair trade is vital; but don't ship jobs overseas.
James Mackler: Renegotiate NAFTA; it hurts American workers.
James Mackler: Trade war with China is a disaster.
Karl Dean: Opposes Trump's tariffs on China.
Lamar Alexander: Increase trade by designating Tri-Cities as port of entry.
Manny Sethi: Need a second Industrial Revolution to bring jobs back to US.
Marsha Blackburn: Trump's tariifs are a bad deal for Tennesseans.
Phil Bredesen: Trump's tariifs are same as a new tax on Tennesseans.
Government Reform
Bill Hagerty: Constitutionalist judges who won't legislate from the bench.
Bill Hagerty: Protect Constitution; support Congressional term limits.
Bill Haslam: We reduced wait times for licenses from 38 minutes to 18.
Bill Haslam: Increase campaign contribution limits but disallow lobbyists.
Bill Haslam: Require photo ID in order to vote.
Bill Lee: Term limits would bring in new leaders with new ideas.
Diane Black: Require paper ballot trail on voting machines.
James Mackler: Doesn't accept corporate PAC contributions.
Jason Martin: Ensure every eligible voter can access the ballot box.
JB Smiley: Initiated sending voter registration with utility bills.
Joe Carr: Reduce crossover voting in Tennessee primary elections.
Joe Carr: Increase campaign contribution limits but disallow lobbyists.
Joe Carr: Require photo ID in order to vote.
Karl Dean: Nonpartisan redistricting; no voter ID.
Lamar Alexander: The Era of the 1,000-Page Bill Is Over.
Marquita Bradshaw: Overturn Citizens United; outlaw gerrymandering.
Marsha Blackburn: Require presidential candidates to show birth certificates.
Phil Bredesen: Require paper ballot trail on voting machines.
Tim Burchett: Require paper ballot trail on voting machines.
Gun Control
Bill Hagerty: The threat to gun rights is real.
Bill Lee: Law-abiding citizens have a right to guns; don't punish them.
Bill Lee: Oppose any attempt to ban an entire class of weapons.
Bill Lee: Reintroducing concealed carry legislation.
Bill Lee: Mass shooting, concealed carry law "separate issues".
David Kustoff: Unequivocal right to keep and bear arms.
Gordon Ball: Second Amendment protects Americans from tyranny.
Jason Martin: Uphold 2nd Amendment rights; support bipartisan gun laws.
Jason Martin: Repeal permitless carry; don't penalize responsible owners.
JB Smiley: One priority is to overturn permitless carry legislation.
JB Smiley: High standards for gun ownership critical to public safety.
Joe Carr: 30,000 people respond to raffling off a Beretta 92A1.
Joe Carr: Permit the possession of firearms in restaurants and bars.
Karl Dean: Strong background checks; ban bump stocks.
Manny Sethi: Red-flag laws are unconstitutional.
Marquita Bradshaw: For background checks, red flag laws, CDC research on guns.
Marsha Blackburn: Get background checks working, but no other gun regulations.
Phil Bredesen: Veto firearms permits in bars: guns and alcohol don't mix.
Phil Bredesen: Close gun show loophole & ban bump stocks.
Health Care
Bill Hagerty: Return health care to patient choice in free market.
Bill Hagerty: Trump administration did a great job on COVID-19.
Bill Hagerty: Government run health care model failed in China.
Bill Haslam: Must provide health coverage, if not Insure Tennessee.
Bill Lee: Out-of-box approach to healthcare: create your own system.
Bill Lee: ObamaCare will not expand in Tennessee under my watch.
Bill Lee: Community/faith-based care, not big government.
Bill Lee: Expand funding for mental health treatment.
Bill Lee: Create K-12 Mental Health Trust Fund for teachers & students.
Bill Lee: Extend postpartum coverage under TennCare to 12 months.
Bill Lee: Tennessee first state to get Medicaid block grant waiver.
Bill Lee: Defies judges; lets parents opt out of mask mandates.
Carnita Atwater: Ensure access to health care no matter where people live.
Carnita Atwater: Should Democrats focus on COVID response in uphill race?
David Kustoff: Work to dismantle convoluted and expensive ObamaCare.
Diane Black: Repeal ObamaCare;need market-based solution.
Diane Black: Patients should respect their doctors' religious beliefs.
Don Sundquist: We must save TennCare, for children & the needy.
Gordon Ball: ObamaCare is over the top, but keep the good parts.
James Mackler: Keep rural hospitals, to serve thousands of Tennesseans.
James Mackler: Healthcare is a right.
Jason Martin: Led fight for Tennessee's healthcare in rural communities.
Jason Martin: We are breaking our families with medical debt.
JB Smiley: Pro-vaccination/pro-mask mandate, shouldn't be political.
Karl Dean: Expand Medicaid for low-income families.
Karl Dean: Support ObamaCare; expand Medicaid.
Larry Crim: Constituents should have a seat at the table on health care.
Larry Crim: Constituents should have a seat at the table on health care.
Manny Sethi: We need less government involvement in healthcare, not more.
Manny Sethi: Against government required vaccinations.
Marquita Bradshaw: Medicare for All is a good place to start.
Marsha Blackburn: Health savings accounts instead of ObamaCare.
Phil Bredesen: Support ObamaCare, with fixes, and some Medicare-for-All.
Homeland Security
Bill Hagerty: Give military tools to complete their missions; repair VA.
Bill Haslam: Only 1% of our country serves to keep the rest of us free.
Bill Haslam: ObamaCare costs TN $350M; cut but preserve rural hospitals.
Bill Lee: Adjust budget to include benefits, services veterans earned.
Gordon Ball: Ensure our troops receive the support & resources they need.
James Mackler: Against privatization of VA.
James Mackler: Allow transgender people to serve in the military.
James Mackler: Let immigrants serve in military, as they always have.
Larry Crim: Provides spiritual counseling to help America's Veterans.
Larry Crim: We honor our veterans by keeping their care a priority.
Larry Crim: We honor our veterans by keeping their care a priority.
Manny Sethi: Agrees with Trump that Antifa is terrorist organization.
Marsha Blackburn: Supported military spending bills in Congress.
Scott DesJarlais: Prohibit transgender people from serving in the military.
Terry Adams: Men & women in uniform are victims of catastrophic neglect.
Bill Hagerty: Opposes amnesty, DACA, and sanctuary cities.
Bill Haslam: College tuition break for in-state undocumented immigrants.
Bill Lee: Benefits for illegal immigrants is the wrong strategy.
Bill Lee: Build the border wall built and forbid sanctuary cities.
David Kustoff: Secure the border & enforce laws already on the books.
Gordon Ball: Fair and just path to citizenship.
James Mackler: Don't separate kids from parents crossing border illegally.
Jason Martin: Provide support for our immigrant and refugee communities.
Joe Carr: AdWatch: Border crisis was created by giving amnesty to 11M.
Karl Dean: Immigrants are part of community; college tuition break ok.
Karl Dean: Earned path to citizenship; they are Tennesseans.
Manny Sethi: We're giving away our nation.
Manny Sethi: We need a merit-based system to admit immigrants.
Manny Sethi: End birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Marquita Bradshaw: Support DACA, pathway to citizenship for undocumented.
Marsha Blackburn: No amnesty for DREAMers; it makes illegal immigration surge.
Phil Bredesen: Deporting DREAMers would be un-American.
Bill Haslam: Created 80,000 jobs by making TN a good place for capital.
Bill Lee: Helped faith communities connect people with job services.
Jason Martin: Oppose "right to work" amendment to state constitution.
JB Smiley: On choice of jobs or higher wages, I'm going to choose jobs.
Marsha Blackburn: Minimum wage is a federal mandate; let competition decide.
Phil Bredesen: Minimum wage should keep pace with inflation.
Principles & Values
Al Gore: Take your souls to the polls.
Bill Hagerty: Endorsed by President Trump for nomination.
Bill Hagerty: Must stand up to radical liberals and their socialist agenda.
Bill Hagerty: America, greatest country, at risk from radical Left.
Bill Haslam: Tennessee--America at Its Best: we are a model to the nation.
Bill Lee: Faith would influence my decisions as governor.
Bill Lee: We accomplished my vision at granddad's company.
Bill Lee: Former chairman of the Tennessee Prayer Breakfast.
Bill Lee: Religious liberty is guaranteed to us by the constitution.
Bill Lee: Faith-based & community initiatives better than government.
Bill Lee: Through times of trial we become more purposeful.
Bill Lee: Called critical race theory is "un-American".
Bill Lee: Proclaimed statewide Day of Prayer & Fasting.
James Mackler: Wife is a rabbi at Congregation Ohabai Sholom.
James Mackler: Change broken system with Jewish tradition "Tikkun Olam".
Jason Martin: Instilled values of hard work, family, faith, and community.
Jason Martin: Thinks of himself a moderate "peacemaker," less red and blue.
JB Smiley: Organized community prayer service over youth gun violence.
Joe Carr: Endorsed by Tea Party Patriots on anti-amnesty grounds.
Karl Dean: Pro-business centrist: good things happen in the middle.
Lamar Alexander: Declined to debate in Republican primary.
Manny Sethi: Work to fight for our Christian values.
Marquita Bradshaw: One job away from middle class, one loss away from poverty.
Marquita Bradshaw: Lost election but will continue to build grassroots movement.
Marquita Bradshaw: Lost but will continue to build grassroots movement.
Phil Bredesen: 1960s scholarship to Harvard; millionaire businessman at 43.
Social Security
Bill Hagerty: Don't "cut" social programs, make them more efficient.
Bill Haslam: TN named the best state in the country to retire in 2013.
Gordon Ball: No scare tactics: system is solvent for next 20 years.
Larry Crim: Don't touch Social Security funds.
Tax Reform
Bill Hagerty: Trump's tax cuts are working; for balanced budget amendment.
Bill Haslam: TN thinks differently: don't spend money; give back taxes.
Bill Lee: Halve professional privilege tax, it's arbitrary and unfair.
Diane Black: Flatter, simpler tax needed.
Gordon Ball: Simplify and streamline the tax code with flat tax.
Howard Phillips: Eliminate income tax, corporate tax, & estate tax.
JB Smiley: Tax increases need will of the people to support it.
Karl Dean: Raised city property taxes, but after Great Recession.
Manny Sethi: Reduce regulation; cut taxes for long-term growth.
Larry Crim: Lower tax rates; close loopholes.
Mark Green: Eliminate Hall tax: 6% on unearned interest and dividends.
Marsha Blackburn: Support President Trump's tax cuts.
Bill Hagerty: Work with both parties to close digital divide in Tennessee.
Bill Haslam: Tools to be successful: good roads and broadband access.
Bill Lee: Infrastructure needs repairs, stop kicking can down the road.
Bill Lee: One-time investment of $200 million in broadband expansion.
Don Sundquist: Wire government plus libraries and schools.
Gordon Ball: We send too little on infrastructure.
Joe Carr: Cell phone ban should be addressed by airlines, not feds.
Karl Dean: Increase gas tax to fund local transportation infrastructure.
Lamar Alexander: No cell phone conversations on planes; email and texting ok.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
Marsha Blackburn: Opposes Net Neutrality; it's government-controlled internet.
Phil Bredesen: Memphis Research Consortium: life science research center.
Phil Bredesen: Empower TVA to bring rural broadband internet access.
Phil Bredesen: Supports Net Neutrality: equal access for everyone.
War & Peace
Bob Corker: Countries must pony up for NATO; alliance is important.
David Kustoff: Take the fight to ISIS and other terrorists.
Gordon Ball: Time for our service members to come home from Afghanistan.
Gordon Ball: Critical to avoid nukes in North Korea and Iran.
Larry Crim: Oppose President Obama's disastrous Iran Deal.
Manny Sethi: Improve VA hospitals; provide quality mental health care.
Mark Green: Don't forget soldiers who made capturing Saddam possible.
Marsha Blackburn: Iran nuke deal puts future security in jeopardy.
Welfare & Poverty
Bill Lee: Recruit business to locate in distressed, at-risk counties.
The above quotations are from State of Tennessee Politicians: Archives.