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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


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State of New Hampshire Politicians: Archives

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from State of New Hampshire Archives (number of quotes indicated):
  • Andru Volinsky (10) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for governor
  • Ben Carson (1) HUD Secretary
  • Bernie Sanders (22) Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Bill O`Brien (12) Republican Senate Challenger New Hampshire
  • Carol Shea-Porter (1) Democrat U.S. Rep New Hampshire-1
  • Chris Sununu (5) New Hampshire Republican Governor
  • Colin Van Ostern (7) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for Governor
  • Dan Feltes (1) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for governor
  • Derek Dextraze (20) New Hampshire Independent 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Donald Trump (4) Republican Presidential incumbent
  • Frank Guinta (1) Republican House Member U.S. Rep New Hampshire-1
  • Hillary Clinton (26) Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Howard Dean (1) Democrat
  • Jeanne Shaheen (5) New Hampshire Former Democratic Governor (1997-2000); elected Senator 2008
  • Jeb Bush (1) Florida Former FL Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
  • Jim Rubens (1) Republican Senate Challenger New Hampshire
  • John Lynch (12) New Hampshire Former Democratic Governor (2005-2013)
  • John Sununu (3) Republican U.S. Rep New Hampshire-1
  • Jon Lavoie (18) New Hampshire Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Judd Gregg (2) Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) New Hampshire
  • Karen Testerman (2) New Hampshire Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
  • Kelly Ayotte (16) Republican Jr Senator New Hampshire
  • Maggie Hassan (22) New Hampshire Democratic Governor
  • Mark Connolly (9) New Hampshire Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Martin O`Malley (16) Maryland Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Mike Gravel (5) Democratic challenger for president
  • Molly Kelly (1) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for governor of New Hampshire
  • Paul Hodes (11) Democrat (until 2010) U.S. Rep New Hampshire-2
  • Steve Marchand (20) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for Governor
  • Ted Cruz (2) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

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    Andru Volinsky: Take politics out of funding targeted by extremists.
    Bill O`Brien: I will support a culture of life.
    Chris Sununu: Voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
    Derek Dextraze: Abortion is a woman's choice all the way.
    John Lynch: Emergency contraception without a prescription.
    Jon Lavoie: Private life is none of the government's business.
    Kelly Ayotte: Pro-life important for Supreme Court nominee, but not litmus.
    Mark Connolly: De-funding Planned Parenthood is bad for women's health.
    Steve Marchand: Proudly pro-choice.
Budget & Economy
    Bernie Sanders: The greed of the billionaire class is destroying our economy.
    Chris Sununu: Washington doesn't understand the concept of a budget.
    Derek Dextraze: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
    Hillary Clinton: Democrats would have paid off national debt in 2000s.
    Jeanne Shaheen: Lack of oversight caused financial crisis; regulation needed.
    Jeanne Shaheen: Bush-Sununu self-regulation policy led to financial meltdown.
    John Lynch: I erased a major budget deficit without new taxes.
    John Sununu: Sought more financial regulation; keep taxpayers off hook.
    John Sununu: Difficult to say that fundamentals of our economy are strong.
    John Sununu: Raising taxes is last thing needed during financial meltdown.
    Jon Lavoie: Stimulus is taking tax money and redistributing it.
    Karen Testerman: Not necessarily a revenue problem but a spending problem.
    Maggie Hassan: Balanced budget with no income tax nor sales tax.
    Martin O`Malley: Fix is neither socialism nor crony capitalism.
    Paul Hodes: Stimulus bill was needed to stabilize economic free fall.
    Paul Hodes: $800B stimulus was an emergency investment.
Civil Rights
    Andru Volinsky: Women are entitled to equal pay for equal work.
    Derek Dextraze: I attended NH's first gay pride parade.
    Colin Van Ostern: Keep NH as model for treating LGBTQ community with dignity.
    John Lynch: Consider civil unions for N.H.
    John Lynch: Encourage diversity without discrimination.
    Jon Lavoie: N.H. doesn't need affirmative action laws.
    Jon Lavoie: Comfortable with same-sex marriage.
    Kelly Ayotte: Repeal state gay marriage law; don't repeal DOMA.
    Maggie Hassan: Instrumental in passing marriage equality in NH.
    Mark Connolly: Fight for rights of our LGBT friends, families & neighbors.
    Steve Marchand: Lead movement towards LGBTQ equality.
    Bernie Sanders: Corporate America & Wall Street won't like President Sanders.
    Bernie Sanders: Let's create America that works for all, not handful on top.
    Hillary Clinton: FactCheck: Yes, hedge-fund billionaires run ads against her.
    Hillary Clinton: Monied interests spending money to defeat me.
    Howard Dean: AdWatch: "Hold corporations accountable"-but gave incentives.
    Kelly Ayotte: No tax increases on any business, including overseas jobs.
    Maggie Hassan: Business One Stop online; plus just one licensing system.
    Bernie Sanders: Police officers should not be shooting unarmed people.
    Bernie Sanders: Jobs and education, not jails and incarceration.
    Derek Dextraze: 25-year minimum prison sentences are effective.
    Colin Van Ostern: Restore matching funds for victims of domestic violence.
    Donald Trump: Police can't act due to disrespect; but weed out bad ones.
    Hillary Clinton: Rebuild trust between communities and police.
    Jeanne Shaheen: Broaden use of the death penalty.
    Jeanne Shaheen: Require truth in sentencing.
    John Lynch: Support NH's current death penalty.
    John Lynch: Maintain truth-in-sentencing law.
    Jon Lavoie: Treatment for some criminal offences instead of jail.
    Maggie Hassan: 15 more state troopers on state roads.
    Maggie Hassan: Provide capital funds to build a new women's prison.
    Martin O`Malley: Policing the police: more transparency on use of force.
    Bernie Sanders: Take marijuana out of the controlled substances list.
    Bernie Sanders: Treat addiction as a disease, not a crime.
    Bill O`Brien: Step one on opioids is to control Southern border.
    Colin Van Ostern: Decriminalize small amounts of marijuana.
    Derek Dextraze: Marijuana users do not go on to harder drugs.
    Hillary Clinton: $10B plan for opiate addiction over 10 years.
    John Lynch: Decriminalize marijuana once concerns are addressed.
    Jon Lavoie: Marijuana legalization has worked in Colorado.
    Maggie Hassan: $500,000 for drug task force teams, but drop 1 team out of 4.
    Maggie Hassan: Opioid recommendations: drug courts & access to treatment.
    Mark Connolly: Combat opioid epidemic with drug court & access to treatment.
    Mark Connolly: Would sign bill decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana.
    Martin O`Malley: Opioid addiction crisis comes from over-prescribing.
    Steve Marchand: Suite of services to those in midst of opioid recovery.
    Steve Marchand: Legalize marijuana; tax it and regulate it.
    Steve Marchand: Fully fund drug courts & rehab instead of incarceration.
    Steve Marchand: Marijuana is not a gateway drug to other drugs.
    Andru Volinsky: Fund schools fairly, teachers should be paid well.
    Andru Volinsky: Control college debt; provide alternatives to college.
    Bernie Sanders: Tax Wall Street and make public universities free.
    Colin Van Ostern: Increase young women and girls in STEM school programs.
    Derek Dextraze: Public money should stay in public schools.
    Hillary Clinton: New College Compact: federal match for state investment.
    Jeanne Shaheen: Goals 2000: Maintain national standards.
    John Lynch: Ensure every child the opportunity for a great education.
    Jon Lavoie: No vouchers: children should go to school where the live.
    Maggie Hassan: Our public schools are essential to best-trained workforce.
    Maggie Hassan: $4 million more for scholarships; $35M for state colleges.
    Maggie Hassan: Open new charter schools, & add to existing charter schools.
    Mark Connolly: Future of NH built on pillars of education & innovation.
    Martin O`Malley: Income-based college loan repayment plan for all students.
    Steve Marchand: Quality public education from pre-K to H.S. to college.
    Steve Marchand: $5M for debt-free college in needed programs.
    Steve Marchand: Prioritize public school districts and we will see results.
Energy & Oil
    Andru Volinsky: We need to be carbon net-zero as fast as we can.
    Bill O`Brien: Will not support socialist Green New Deal.
    Derek Dextraze: Prioritize green energy.
    John Lynch: 25% renewable sources by 2025.
    Jon Lavoie: Prioritize green energy.
    Maggie Hassan: Join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
    Mike Gravel: Immediately sign the Kyoto protocol.
    Steve Marchand: Gas tax isn't ideal, but use it for infrastructure.
    Andru Volinsky: Protect our natural resources and our tourist economy.
    Chris Sununu: Worked as engineer cleaning up hazardous waste sites.
    Derek Dextraze: EPA regulations aren't overly restrictive.
    Jon Lavoie: Ok to use animals for important medical procedures.
    Kelly Ayotte: Highway spending priority over commuter rail.
    Maggie Hassan: Restore $1M to Land & Community Heritage Investment Program.
    Paul Hodes: Extend Boston commuter rail to Nashua & Concord.
Families & Children
    Bernie Sanders: $1.61 a week for paid family & medical leave.
    Maggie Hassan: Restore funding for the Children in Need of Services program.
    Martin O`Malley: Universal national service option, to cut youth employment.
    Steve Marchand: Make NH the best state to start a family & start a business.
Foreign Policy
    Bernie Sanders: Think about what happens AFTER we get rid of dictators.
    Bernie Sanders: Not policeman of the world; focus on ISIS first.
    Bernie Sanders: I do not believe in unilateral action against terrorism.
    Bernie Sanders: Easy to overthrow a dictator but hard to control aftermath.
    Bill O`Brien: Opposes the failed Iran Nuclear Deal.
    Derek Dextraze: Multilateralism is more effective than unilateralism.
    Hillary Clinton: If the US does not lead, there is a vacuum.
    Kelly Ayotte: There are still terrorists who want to kill us.
    Martin O`Malley: Leave Cold War mentality to the older generation.
    Martin O`Malley: Make USAID a cabinet agency, to get more intel.
Free Trade
    Bill O`Brien: Protect our technology & intellectual property.
    Derek Dextraze: Support & expand free trade.
    Jon Lavoie: Support & expand free trade.
Government Reform
    Bill O`Brien: Help job creators by cutting red tape, streamlining agencies.
    Carol Shea-Porter: Campaign finance reform is a cornerstone of campaign.
    Derek Dextraze: Online voter registration, plus ID at the polls.
    Donald Trump: Hug 'em & kiss 'em & make deals, instead of executive orders.
    John Lynch: Restrinct campaign donations, but not campaign spending.
    Jon Lavoie: Corporations are buying seats for candidates.
    Judd Gregg: Earmarks legitimately direct money to worthy projects.
    Judd Gregg: Earmarks prioritize spending that bureaucrats would miss.
    Kelly Ayotte: Ban earmarks; Hodes voted for 9,000 of them.
    Kelly Ayotte: Make Congressional pay "performance-based".
    Kelly Ayotte: Praised Sen. Gregg for earmarks; but pledges against them.
    Maggie Hassan: Create commission on Government Innovation & Accountability.
    Mark Connolly: Fight against unregulated, unlimited campaign money.
    Mike Gravel: National Initiative to allow citizen law makers.
    Paul Hodes: Cut Congressional pay by 10% during recession.
    Paul Hodes: $122M in earmarks while in House; pledges none in Senate.
    Paul Hodes: No pay-to-play: earmarks without campaign contributions ok.
    Steve Marchand: Stop discouraging voter turnout.
    Ted Cruz: Executive orders abuse presidential power; undo them all.
Gun Control
    Bernie Sanders: I have shown courage against NRA on gun issues.
    Bernie Sanders: People have the right to buy guns, with sensible regulations.
    Bill O`Brien: Stand up for 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
    Colin Van Ostern: Background checks and maybe assault weapon ban.
    Derek Dextraze: More thorough background checks, but guns are fine.
    Hillary Clinton: I support Brady Bill and closing the Charleston loophole.
    Hillary Clinton: Arming more people is not appropriate response to terrorism.
    John Lynch: Keep N.H. gun laws unchanged.
    Jon Lavoie: Current background check is sufficient.
    Mark Connolly: State assault weapons ban if U.S. Congress fails to act.
    Martin O`Malley: FactCheck: Yes, ISIL made videos on buying assault weapons.
    Martin O`Malley: We need more principle, not more polls.
    Steve Marchand: Supports permits, background checks, and no big changes.
Health Care
    Andru Volinsky: Healthcare is a basic human right.
    Ben Carson: Health empowerment account for all on the day you're born.
    Bernie Sanders: The middle class will pay less with single payer health plan.
    Bernie Sanders: We spend more on care than countries with single-payer.
    Bill O`Brien: Protect people with pre-existing conditions, lower costs.
    Bill O`Brien: Opposes Medicare for All.
    Derek Dextraze: ObamaCare is a crap shoot.
    Hillary Clinton: The Affordable Care Act has had successes.
    Hillary Clinton: States that didn't extend Medicaid drive up costs still.
    Hillary Clinton: No easy answer on end-of-life; but open to listening.
    Jon Lavoie: Free market & competition instead of ObamaCare.
    Maggie Hassan: ObamaCare helps working families afford health insurance.
    Maggie Hassan: Repair our mental health system; take pressure off ERs.
    Steve Marchand: System should be stable, affordable, and accessible.
Homeland Security
    Derek Dextraze: Expand the military; it is just getting to small for me.
    Donald Trump: Bring back waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse.
    Hillary Clinton: FactCheck: No, ISIL doesn't cite Trump in recruitment videos.
    Hillary Clinton: Keep Syrian refugees; we're a nation of resolve, not of fear.
    Hillary Clinton: Reach out to Muslims, like George W. Bush did.
    Hillary Clinton: Libyans refused much of what US offered as help.
    Jeb Bush: Closing Guantanamo is a complete disaster; it keeps us safe.
    Martin O`Malley: We need to collect and share more intelligence.
    Martin O`Malley: Stop creating safe havens where ISIS can flourish.
    Martin O`Malley: Do not turn to unscrupulous leaders in times of fear.
    Mike Gravel: Cut US nuclear arsenal from 10,000 to a couple hundred.
    Mike Gravel: War on terror will fail like war on drugs & war on poverty.
    Mike Gravel: Fight terrorism with dogged global police work.
    Ted Cruz: Waterboarding isn't torture; but not for low-level officers.
    Bill O`Brien: On immigration: I simply believe Illegal is Illegal.
    Derek Dextraze: Come in the legal way.
    Jim Rubens: Halt immigration of Syrian refugees; reduce all immigration.
    Jon Lavoie: Enforce the laws & send back those here illegally.
    Kelly Ayotte: I support English as the language of our country.
    Kelly Ayotte: Supports Arizona law against illegal immigration.
    Martin O`Malley: Accept 65,000 Syrians now, and more later if needed.
    Steve Marchand: 1st-generation American; sees positive power of immigration.
    Steve Marchand: Aggressively pursue pro-immigration policies.
    Andru Volinsky: Investing in infrastructure creates jobs.
    Andru Volinsky: Raise minimum wage to $15; federal rate "starvation wage".
    Colin Van Ostern: Raise minimum wage to $12 an hour from $7.25.
    Derek Dextraze: Hire whoever is best, without affirmative action.
    Kelly Ayotte: Government won't create jobs; it's our small businesses.
    Kelly Ayotte: No minimum wage increase; no card-check; no mandatory leave.
    Maggie Hassan: Keep collective bargaining; oppose right-to-work laws.
    Maggie Hassan: Bring one well-regulated, high-end casino to NH.
    Mark Connolly: Ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
    Mark Connolly: Raise minimum wage to $10.50 an hour from $7.25.
    Paul Hodes: Raise minimum wage & index to cost-of-living.
Principles & Values
    Bernie Sanders: My spirituality: we are all in this together.
    Bernie Sanders: Progressives don't have SuperPACs with $15M from Wall Street.
    Chris Sununu: Vilifying pols is culturally ruining America.
    Chris Sununu: Our responsibility is to be selfish for our constituents.
    Dan Feltes: Transparency: tax returns, campaign expenses, contributions.
    Derek Dextraze: God should be left at church, not state.
    Hillary Clinton: President's job: keep families safe; make economy grow.
    Hillary Clinton: Turn to Bill for special missions, not White House china.
    Hillary Clinton: I plead guilty to being a moderate.
    Jon Lavoie: Indifferent on whether God applies to public sphere.
    Martin O`Malley: Don't give up our freedoms for a promise of security.
    Molly Kelly: Guided by principles of hard work and community service.
    Steve Marchand: Socially very progressive and fiscally very responsible.
Social Security
    Andru Volinsky: Joined with Labor to protect public pensions.
    Derek Dextraze: Oppose privatizing Social Security.
    Jon Lavoie: Money will dry up if nothing is done for Social Security.
    Kelly Ayotte: Open to raising the retirement age for younger workers.
    Paul Hodes: Grid header.
Tax Reform
    Bill O`Brien: Will fight tax increases & reduce fees wherever possible.
    Colin Van Ostern: Reduce property taxes by funding schools at state level.
    Derek Dextraze: Has no tax policy because no income tax in NH.
    Hillary Clinton: Single-payer care & free college will mean high taxes.
    Hillary Clinton: Millionaires should pay 30% tax rate instead of 0%-10%.
    Hillary Clinton: Pledge for no increase in middle tax taxes.
    John Lynch: I will veto any income or sales tax.
    Jon Lavoie: Flat percentage tax, same for rich and poor.
    Kelly Ayotte: Wrong philosophy to raise taxes during difficult economy.
    Kelly Ayotte: Keep zero federal estate tax; don't return to 50%.
    Maggie Hassan: NH can fund its priorities without a broad-based tax.
    Martin O`Malley: Tax capital gains the same as normal income.
    Paul Hodes: Estate tax of 35% after first $5 million.
    Paul Hodes: Fiscally irresponsible to allow tax breaks for the top 2%.
    Paul Hodes: Irresponsible to give $700B in tax cuts to wealthiest 2%.
    Steve Marchand: Oppose tax cuts for small number of large companies.
    Steve Marchand: No sales tax; no income tax; reduce property tax.
    Hillary Clinton: Partner with tech community on terrorist encryption.
    Maggie Hassan: Double funding for Research & Development tax credit.
    Maggie Hassan: Address "red list" of bridges in critical need of repair.
    Steve Marchand: Invest in NH infrastructure so businesses want to grow here.
War & Peace
    Bernie Sanders: End perpetual warfare in the quagmire of the Middle East.
    Bernie Sanders: I voted against 1st Gulf War, which led to 2nd Gulf War.
    Bernie Sanders: Tell Qatar and Saudi Arabia that they must fight ISIS.
    Bill O`Brien: Support innovation at VA; ensure military has needed tools.
    Derek Dextraze: Finish what we got ourselves into, and get the hell out.
    Donald Trump: Get rid of ISIS, quickly: dry up their oil & their money.
    Frank Guinta: Obama should skip vacation while ISIS is killing Christians.
    Hillary Clinton: 3-part plan to go after ISIS: territory; network; safety.
    Hillary Clinton: Support Sunni Arab and Kurdish forces against ISIS in Syria.
    Hillary Clinton: We won't have to shoot down Russians in Syrian no-fly zone.
    Jon Lavoie: I support staying out of the Middle East.
    Kelly Ayotte: Israel has right to defend itself, even with Gaza flotilla.
    Martin O`Malley: Constitution doesn't let us say when dictators must go.
Welfare & Poverty
    Karen Testerman: Not always government's responsibility to care for the poor.

The above quotations are from State of New Hampshire Politicians: Archives.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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