John James:
For Trump's Middle East peace proposal, two state solution
James endorsed Trump's Middle East peace proposal, describing the plan as a "solid step in the right direction."
"But supporting a two-state solution is something that requires two willing partners," he added. "One of the biggest barriers that we
continue to see is that Israel continues to be a willing partner, but the Palestinian Authority fails to demonstrate a willingness for a peaceful two-state solution, and they've rejected peace proposals time after time."
Source: The Jewish Insider on 2020 Michigan Senate race
Jun 29, 2020
Gretchen Whitmer:
Supports anti-boycott bill against anti-Israel BDS movement
Her stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a relevant topic that may alienate potential voters. In a statement that is no longer available on her campaign website, Whitmer listed resolutions in favor of Israel that she sponsored when
she was a lawmaker. "I strongly support the bipartisan anti-boycott legislation that was signed into law by Governor [Rick] Snyder last year and will do everything in my power to uphold it as Michigan's next governor," she said.
Source: Middle East Eye on 2022 Michigan Gubernatorial race
Sep 19, 2018
Marcia Squier:
End our interventionist strategies, and welcome refugees
Q: Do you support "American Exceptionalism "? Generally those who support American Exceptionalism mean they support sending American troops abroad to keep the world safe for democracy. You posted on Facebook on Memorial Day that you "Support our
Veterans" by "bring[ing] home our Troops." Domestically, those who support American Exceptionalism generally support a moratorium on refugees and support stricter immigration rules too, but you responded to our
VoteMatch question that you support a "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens". So do you support "American Exceptionalism"?
A: I do not support it. I want to end our interventionist strategies and bring our troops home.
I do support giving immigrants a more welcoming path to citizenship, and we need to end the refugee crisis by working towards a ceasefire in the Middle East.
John James:
More military influence on the foreign policy team
James said he supports Donald Trump, praising the president for nominating Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and for stocking his foreign policy team with
military generals. "There's not enough combat veterans in government "who understand the consequences of failed policies," he said.
Source: The Detroit News on 2018 Michigan Senate race
Jul 18, 2017
Marcia Squier:
We need to support our troops by bringing them home
On this Memorial Day, 2017, I am thinking about all those who died so that we might live. I am also thinking about all those who joined the military simply because of a lack of better career opportunities.
I envision a time when our military is, at most, half of its current size and Peace breaks out all over the world through education and communication. Support our Veterans, and bring home our Troops.
Source: Facebook posting for 2018 Michigan Senate race
May 19, 2017
Gary Peters:
Be actively engaged in the Middle East
Creating peace and security in the Middle East must be one of our nation's top foreign policy objectives. To accomplish this, the U.S. must be a strong ally and supporter of Israel. Our nation must be actively engaged in the region, more so than we have
been in the last eight years, and I will work to ensure that happens.
Responsibly Ending the War in Iraq: I support the President's plan to responsibly withdraw our troops and turn over the task of securing Iraq to the Iraqis.
Peace and
Security for Israel and the Middle East: I believe Israel's security is enhanced by a strong U.S. engagement in the region and that a secure Israel, with recognized and defensible borders, and a peaceful resolution to the conflict is in the long-term
interest of all parties.
I am a strong supporter of sanctions against Iran, and I have cosponsored legislation such as the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act and the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act.
Peter Hoekstra:
China is a nation that cheats and steals; no MFN
Hoekstra did not address his television ad, which has since been replaced, instead taking his closing time to explain why he has sided with unions occasionally, which included opposing giving preferred trading status to China. "China cheats.
That is a great place to put American workers. Provide the most favorable nation status to a nation that cheats and steals intellectual secrets as part of their strategy," Hoekstra said.
Candidate Glenn, who has been gaining momentum among Tea Party supporters, went after Hoekstra for his voting record for supporting the TARP bailout and supporting the spending during the Bush administration. "Pete Hoekstra voted for the
Wall Street bailout and the supplemental stimulus package and the bridge to nowhere. He voted five times to raise the debt ceiling." Glenn said, continuing to list legislative votes by the former Congressman he opposed.
Source: Petoskey News on 2012 Michigan Senate debate
Feb 20, 2012
Fred Thompson:
Relationship with Canada important for economy & security
Q: Canada is our strongest trading partner. But they don�t share our foreign policy. Tell me about the prime minister of Canada, and how we can get along?
A: Prime Minister Harper.
Q: What are relations going to be? We always ignore that relationship
A: Well, I�ve never met him, but our relationship is fine.
Q: My point is, our friends don�t get much attention.
A: Well, our friends ought to get plenty of attention. I mean, the challenges that we�re going to face internationally, especially in
the future, are going to require our working better with our allies and realizing, for example, that in the global war on terror, this is the forces of civilization against the bad guys. And everybody�s got a stake in it, whether they realize it or not.
So, certainly we ought to work with Canada economically. We get more oil from them, I guess, than anybody. And they have more potential oil to sell than an awful lot of people. So they�re important economically, and for our national security.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
Oct 9, 2007
Alan Keyes:
Africa: No money for AIDS, because money won�t cure AIDS
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: The premise of your question [is that we] measure compassion is by how much money we�re going to
throw at some problem, regardless of whether the problem is susceptible to being dealt with by all the money. After all, asking whether we should spend $300 million to cure an incurable disease is kind of an academic point, and you should realize that.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
Gary Bauer:
Africa: Needs better governments, not bailouts
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: As president I would. use that surplus first to help the American people, and then to help whoever else we can. The suffering people of Africa ultimately will not
be bailed out by us on this or any other thing. They must get governments in Africa that promote economic growth, that treat people as human beings. That is the long-term answer for Africa, not reaching further into the hands of the American taxpayer.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
George W. Bush:
Entrepreneurial China trade differs from totalitarian Cuba
BUSH [to Bauer]: Capital that goes into Cuba will be used by the Castro government to prop itself up. Dollars invested will end up supporting this totalitarian regime.. It�s in our best interest to keep the pressure on Castro until he allows free
elections, free press & free the prisoners.
BAUER: You just made the case for withdrawing MFN status from China. Everything that you just said about Cuba applies to China.
BUSH: There is a huge difference between trading with an entrepreneurial class
like that which is growing in China and allowing a Castro government to skim capital monies off the top of capital investment.
BAUER: Tell the people rotting in the prisons of China that there�s any difference between Castro�s Cuba & Communist China.
There is none.
BUSH: If we turn our back on the entrepreneurial class that is taking wing in China, we�re making a huge mistake.
BAUER: They are using that money for a massive arms buildup that our sons will have to deal with down the road.
Source: (cross-ref to Bauer) GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
George W. Bush:
Cuba: No trade, since investments prop up Castro regime
Capital that goes into Cuba will be used by the Castro government to prop itself up. Dollars invested will end up supporting this totalitarian regime. It�s in our best interests for us to promote freedom in the island right off the coast of Florida.
It�s in our best interest to keep the pressure on Castro until he allows free elections, free press and free the prisoners. Those that believe that trade with Cuba will cause Castro to become less totalitarian, in my judgment are naive and wrong.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
George W. Bush:
Africa: Rally world to help AIDS, but not with US funds
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: Oftentimes we�re well-intended when it comes to foreign help. but the money never makes it to the people that we�re trying to help. And so I think before we
spend a dime, we want to make sure that the people we�re trying to help receive the help necessary. But this is a compassionate land. And we need to rally the people of compassion in the world to help when there�s terrible tragedy like this in Africa.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
John McCain:
Africa: Money for AIDS would be lost to corruption
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: I would do anything in my power to stop this terrible affliction. But we have corrupt governments; we have organizations that don�t treat the people. So before
I spent our taxpayers� money on that, I would have to make sure that it would go to the recipients and those of these poor people who are afflicted with this terrible disease. Frankly, in a lot of parts of Africa today, I do not have that confidence.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
Orrin Hatch:
Africa: Helping with AIDS is our duty as a great nation
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: I�m the author of 3 AIDS bills that have given a quality of life to millions of people. I raised the first million dollars net for the Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
We need to do everything we can to help people with their health care problems. We have a lot of nonprofit organizations that would gladly go over there and help our brothers and sisters in Africa. If we don�t do that, we�re not a great nation anymore.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
Steve Forbes:
Africa: Unshackle drug companies, not US aid, to fight AIDS
Q: Should we appropriate $300 million out of the surplus to help fight AIDS in Africa? A: Too often foreign aid, not only to Africa but other parts of the world, have just gone to kleptocracies and not
helped those it was meant to help. Almost 99% of it has been wasted. In terms of Africa itself, I think it is key that we not shackle our own pharmaceutical industry so that they come up with cures to these and other hideous diseases.
Source: GOP Debate in Michigan
Jan 10, 2000
The above quotations are from State of Michigan Politicians: Archives.
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