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State of Georgia Archives: on Homeland Security

Allen Buckley: Reduce excessive foreign military bases

I would do everything I could to eliminate a lot of foreign military bases, and not all of them, but we don't need 800. The rest of the world combined has 30. We don't need 800. We could get rid of most of them; we'd be fine.
Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

Allen Buckley: We don't need 800+ foreign bases; rest of world only has 60

We need to keep the strongest military, by far, but we don't need 800+ foreign bases, when the rest of the world combined has approximately 60 foreign bases.
Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate Nov 3, 2020

Amanda Swafford: Superior nuclear arsenal is not necessary

Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.

Swafford: Disagree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Georgia Senate race Sep 30, 2014

Amanda Swafford: Oppose private prison industry and domestic wiretapping

In a lively Georgia Senate debate, Democrat Michelle Nunn and Republican David Perdue squared off--with a rare appearance from a third candidate, libertarian Amanda Swafford, who joined them onstage.

Swafford has a chance to play a spoiler in this race, if her share of the vote prevents either Perdue or Nunn from surpassing 50 percent.

Swafford made the case that neither party has offered effective governing solutions.

The panel of questioners, journalists covering the race in Georgia, asked Wafford questions about the traditional Libertarian set of issues, and she responded in kind, raising issues like the private prison industry and domestic wiretapping--"How long did the NSA spying program go on?" Wafford asked, before the American people knew about it--while pitching herself as a small-government alternative to Republicans and Democrats. "Have you really heard anything different tonight from these two parties?" Wafford asked in her closing remarks.

Source: ABC News on 2014 Georgia Senate debate Oct 7, 2014

David Perdue: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal

Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.

Perdue: Strongly Agree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Georgia Senate race Sep 30, 2014

David Perdue: US must address global security crisis with strong defense

Perdue said America is facing a "global security crisis" in which allies distrust the U.S. and enemies do not fear it. A nuclear deal with Iran will leave that nation with a "breakout time down to zero" in 10-15 years for obtaining a nuclear weapon. "To address this global security crisis and create a new beginning, we must have a consistent and strong foreign policy," he said. "However, to have a strong foreign policy we must have a strong defense."
Source: Albany Herald on 2020 Georgia Senate race Apr 27, 2015

Derrick Grayson: Reform VA care for veterans to reduce suicides and shootings

In light of the recent tragedy at Fort Hood in Texas, Derrick Grayson is renewing his ongoing concern for America's veterans. "We need to honor our promises to our service members," read a press release from Grayson's office "No service member should come home damaged and fight for treatment, sometimes for years."

Grayson expressed his concern for the number of recent suicides at Ft. Hood: 22 in 2010, 10 in 2011 and 19 in 2012, claiming that the high rates are completely unacceptable. Grayson suggested that reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs--especially the way it handles the medical records of military members--could offer a solution to the problems that cause shootings such as this one. "Veterans' biggest complaint was it could take years to get the care they needed," he said. "VA records need to be computerized. Remove the adversarial review board that routinely denies care after service benefits. Give veterans priority in transitional services. I will fight for our veterans."

Source: Communities Digital News on 2016 Georgia Senate race Apr 6, 2014

Derrick Grayson: Stop borrowing money to fight unjust, undeclared wars

Source: 2016 Georgia Senate campaign website, Oct 9, 2015

Derrick Grayson: Give veterans priority for treatment and services

Source: 2016 Georgia Senate campaign website, Oct 9, 2015

Doug Collins: Protect citizenry from terrorists while respecting rights

Q: Do you support targeting suspected terrorists outside of official theaters of conflict?

A: Protecting our citizenry from any threat--foreign or domestic--is an obligation the federal government must uphold; however, it should do so without violating the basic rights every member of our citizenry has been granted under the Constitution.

Source: Georgia Congressional Election 2012 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2012

Drew Ferguson: Released Gitmo detainees behind various attacks against US

The Truth About Gitmo: It's believed that about a dozen detainees released from the detention center in Guantanamo Bay are behind various attacks against the United States or our allied forces in Afghanistan. The result? The loss of six American lives.

Why haven't we heard of this previously? Because all of the information involving the released detainees has been classified. President Obama is keeping information from Congress and from the American people. We deserve the FULL truth from the White House when our national security is at risk. Upon their release, these dangerous terrorists are not likely to simply fade into the background of society. They aren't going to stop killing people just because the administration hopes they will.

We desperately need, and rightfully deserve, new leadership in the White House who will not withhold the truth from the American people. We cannot stand to have our national security at risk, but when it is, we have the right to know.

Source: 2016 Georgia House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Drew Ferguson: Imperative for our military to be at full troop strength

Strengthening Our Military: Our world is filled with threats. That's why now, more than ever before, it is imperative for our military to be at full troop strength. There is no way to predict what risks the future may hold, so we must be fully prepared and fully equipped to face our enemies at a moment's notice--whenever and wherever that might be.

The U.S. Army is currently experiencing its lowest number of active-duty soldiers since World War II. This is not due to lack of patriotism, but rather lack of proper funding from Washington.

Today, we face countless dangers that threaten American safety and the ability to defend our homeland. We must work to strengthen our military--NOT weaken it. Downsizing is the LAST thing that we need do! We have the best military in the world, but we can only keep it that way if the men and women of our armed forces are given the resources and equipment required to do the job. Adequate funding must be a priority. There is no national security without it.

Source: 2016 Georgia House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Herschel Walker: I believe in smaller government & a strong military

[campaign video] I'm a conservative not because someone told me to be. I'm a conservative because I believe in smaller government, a strong military, personal responsibility and making sure all people have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. That's an America worth fighting for. My name Herschel Walker and I'm running for the United States Senate. I'm a kid from a small town in Georgia who's lived the American dream.
Source: Sean Hannity on FOX News on 2022 Georgia Senate race Aug 25, 2021

Herschel Walker: Invest heavily in our military to ensure we have the best

Herschel has seen firsthand the tremendous sacrifices that our men and women in uniform make and will always put American interests first at home and abroad. He believes that we must invest heavily in our military to ensure we have the best personnel and equipment, can never negotiate with terrorists, and should never leave any American behind.
Source: 2022 Georgia Senate campaign website Apr 20, 2022

Jim Barksdale: Protect our military installations from BRAC closures

Whether it's addressing the Tri-State River Wars, agriculture subsidies for our hardworking farmers, or protecting our military installations and the economic impacts on local economies from the Base Relocation Alignment Commission, Jim will put Georgia's interests first in the U.S. Senate.

Those who put on a uniform to protect our values and our freedom need a country that shows its gratitude by honoring them with timely high quality health care. Our Veterans should never be used as political pawns in the games the Washington crowd plays, and the failures of the Veterans Administration must be addressed in a straightforward and fair way.

Georgia's 752,000 Veterans and their families--including many that live in rural counties without easy transportation options to VA facilities--need to be able to get timely high quality health care where they live. Jim will work with the VA and hospitals to find a fair and equitable way to get Veterans the health care they've earned.

Source: 2016 Georgia Senate campaign website Aug 8, 2016

Jon Ossoff: Don't undermine private communications & strong encryption

Jon is a former national security professional who understands the threats America faces and the complexity of international politics.

When he was a national security staffer on Capitol Hill, Jon held a top secret security clearance and worked with our military and intelligence community to keep Georgians safe.

Jon will oppose legislation or executive action that undermines Americans' access to private communications and strong encryption.

Source: 2017 Georgia House campaign website, Apr 21, 2017

Kandiss Taylor: Determine if military bases are vital before closing them

When it comes to the idea of closing any of Georgia's military bases Taylor says it's important first to determine what purpose they're serving. Are the operations vital, she asks? She says "we don't need to waste money," since taking on more debt will destabilize the dollar, but adds that it's important to support our military. Taylor says, "I do want to support the military, 100 percent. We need them. We need their protection and we need to protect our soldiers."
Source: Albany Herald on 2022 Georgia Gubernatorial race Aug 8, 2020

Kelly Loeffler: Voted for Defense bill renaming bases honoring Confederates

Loeffler often mentions she has a 100% voting record with Trump. While this sounds great for Sen. Loeffler, it is not 100 percent true. What Loeffler would love GOP voters to forget, is that she went against President Trump and voted for NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act] legislation that would rename military bases named after Confederate generals. Trump was very vocal in his opposition to renaming the military bases.
Source: on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Oct 19, 2020

Latham Saddler: Georgia senators are usually experts on national security

[On priorities in the Senate]: "Georgia has a proud tradition, as you know, of having very strong senators who are experts on national security. Sam Nunn was a fantastic one. We had Saxby Chambliss and of course, we had Sen. [David] Perdue. This is the first time ever since the middle of the 20th Century that we don't have a U.S. Senator on the Armed Services Committee," said Saddler. "As you know, Georgia's a huge pro-military state with 11 military [installations]."
Source: Fox-5 Atlanta on 2022 Georgia Senate race Apr 16, 2021

Latham Saddler: Work to ensure our common defense as a top priority

America is safest when it is at its strongest. Latham will work to ensure our common defense is a top priority for our government. Because of his experiences in the military and on the National Security Council, he knows America's strength means more peace, stability and security at home and across the globe. Georgia is home to several military installations. Latham will ensure that those bases remain keys to our national security mission and essential community partners across our state.
Source: 2022 Georgia Senate campaign website Dec 27, 2021

Paul Broun: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal

Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.

Broun: Strongly Agree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Georgia Senate race Jul 2, 2014

Raphael Warnock: Ensure our military remains the strongest in the world

Reverend Warnock understands the importance for a strong national defense. He will work across the aisle to ensure that America's military remains the strongest in the world and keeps our country and its people safe. To stay strong at home, we must properly man, train, and equip the Armed Forces and Coast Guard.

He is committed to improving the functionality and efficiency of the VA, especially those facilities here in Georgia. He understands the evolving health care needs of today's veterans, such as behavioral health and issues arising from PTSD, MST, TBI. Reverend Warnock is committed to strengthening the use of telehealth, which is direly needed for Georgia's veterans who live in rural communities where health care access has declined.

Source: 2021 GA Senate campaign website Oct 11, 2021

Rick Allen: Maintain a larger nuclear arsenal than our adversaries

Q: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries?

Allen: Agree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Georgia Senate race Sep 30, 2014

Rick Allen: Do everything to keep greatest military in world history

America has the greatest military in world history and I believe we must do everything possible to make sure this continues. We must provide our troops with the necessary funding to do their jobs and protect the lives of our citizens and allies.
Source: 2014 Georgia House campaign website, Nov 4, 2014

Shane Hazel: Abolish the Veterans Administration

Q: What would be your top three priorities, if elected?
  1. Oppose all Spending & Tax Increases, Abolish the IRS and replace with one single consumption based tax, Defund Planned Parenthood, Repeal not replace Obamacare and Audit the Fed.
  2. Stop the welfare magnet that incentivizes illegal immigration, secure the border and always put the Constitution first.
  3. Abolish the VA and have the DOD pick up the cost where Veterans can choose the healthcare they want in the private sector.
Source: Ballotpedia Candidate Connection on 2020 Georgia Senate race Aug 1, 2020

Sonny Perdue: US military has kept America free for over 200 years

Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement in recognition of Veteran's Day: "The men and women of the United States military have kept America free for over 200 years. Through their sacrifice, they have earned our lasting gratitude and inspired new generations of Americans with their time-honored virtues of patriotism, duty, honor, and courage. With our brave soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are reminded that these times test our resolve in upholding the enduring values that our veterans risked their lives to defend. Each and every veteran is an inspiration to our troops fighting to defeat terrorism and advance peace around the world. Mary and I join today in saying 'thank you' to our veterans. Thank you for your service to this nation and your fellow citizens. May God bless each veteran, their families, and may God bless the great state of Georgia."
Source: Georgia voting records: Recognition of Veteran's Day Nov 10, 2004

Stacey Abrams: Give military base residents tuition & teaching certificates

Source: 2018 campaign website on Georgia voting record HB 222 Mar 30, 2017

Valencia Stovall: Increase defense spending with accountability

Q: Do you support increasing defense spending?

A: Yes. There should be accountability on the spending and the benefits to the American people for how their tax dollars are being spent.

Q: Do you support the protection of government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?

A: No. I believe the lawsuits should go through the judicial process and should not be automatically exempted.

Source: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate PVS Political Courage Test Oct 10, 2020

Vernon Jones: Military tribunals ok; domestic spying not ok

Q: Do you support using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical?

A: Yes.

Q: Should law enforcement agencies have greater discretion to monitor domestic communications, to prevent future terrorist attacks?

A: No.

Q: Do you support the creation of a federal identification card system?

A: No.

Q: Should the United States hold foreign states accountable for terrorists who operate in their country?

A: Yes.

Source: Georgia Congressional Election 2008 Political Courage Test Jul 2, 2008

Vernon Jones: Supports missile shield & pre-emptive military strikes

Q: Should the federal government increase funding to states and cities for homeland security?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support pre-emptive military strikes against countries deemed to be a threat to United States national security?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support long-term use of National Guard troops to supplement the armed forces in assignments overseas?

A: Yes.

Q: Should the United States expand its missile defense shield?

A: Yes.

Source: Georgia Congressional Election 2008 Political Courage Test Jul 2, 2008

Vernon Jones: Find the terrorists no matter where they are

LANIER: [to Jones]: You said you voted for George Bush in 2000 and again in 2004. I just want to ask you what it is you liked about George Bush. Was it the $1 trillion tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans or the $400 million a day in Iraq?

JONES: We needed to find the terrorists no matter where they were. Most people felt like we should keep George Bush as president because we were in the middle of a war. We needed to maintain that consistency.

Source: Georgia 2008 Democratic Senate Primary Debate Jun 30, 2008

  • The above quotations are from State of Georgia Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Homeland Security.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Homeland Security:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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