State of Oregon Archives: on Homeland Security
Bud Pierce:
Enlisted in Marines to see if he was tough enough
Dr. Pierce has always been an adventurer who relishes new and difficult challenges. After his second year of medical school, he took a leave of absence from graduate school. Six years later, he graduated with a Ph.D. in experimental pathology from UCLA.
During that time, he wanted to serve in the military; he wanted to find out if he was tough enough to be a Marine. So he enlisted and went to boot camp, graduated, and served as an active Marine Reservist during his six years of graduate school.
Source: Oregon Oncology biography for 2022 Oregon Governor race
Jan 6, 2021
Jo Rae Perkins:
Veterans earned right to choose their medical care
Veterans: Our US Armed Forces have earned the right to choose
and receive the best medical care possible.
Source: 2020 Oregon Senate campaign website
Aug 17, 2020
Paul Romero:
Support strong military & vets
Let's keep this simple--- Strong Military and Taking Care of our Veterans
- Pro 2nd Amendment
- Ten years honorable service in the US Navy
Source: 2020 Oregon Senate campaign website
Dec 23, 2019
Jo Rae Perkins:
Make sure our military is fully funded
When I am elected ,I will 1. Sponsor legislation to overturn Doe v Bolton. - no cost 2. Make sure our military is fully funded, equipment is in top shape and service men and women well paid. This includes making sure our Veterans have the best in medical
Source: Vote Smart Oregon Congressional 2018 NPAT
Nov 1, 2018
Bud Pierce:
State duty to honor the sacrifice of those who've served
A Message From Bud to Veterans: "Being an American Veteran means that you are a man or a woman with a warrior's heart, not seeking war, but willing to fight if necessary, to defend your land, your people, and your way of life. This is the ultimate
expression of public service."Bud Pierce Supports Veterans. He believes:- Taking care of our veterans is a core function of state government, not an afterthought or line in a Veterans' Day speech.
- He knows what it means to serve with honor, and
he knows that the state government has a solemn duty to honor the sacrifice of those who've served with honor.
- Returning veterans need a place in our state's workforce. They have unique skills and strengths they learned in the military.
Vets deserve quality health care--both physical and mental.
- Bud Pierce knows this, because he's lived it--while serving in the Marines and serving vets with cancer in his work at the Veteran's Administration hospital in Portland. He's one of us.
Source: 2016 Oregon Gubernatorial campaign website
Mar 28, 2016
Kevin Stine:
Wasteful defense spending is rampant
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand the military"?
A: Oppose. We have a strong military, and should always have a strong military, but the wasteful spending is rampant. We need better efficiency and less waste.
Source: Email interview on 2016 Oregon Senate race with OnTheIssues
Jan 1, 2016
Mark Callahan:
Strongly support veterans & active duty military personnel
Pro-Military: I support & sincerely thank our military & veterans for their service. As a child of two parents who both served honorably in the United States Navy in the 1970's and again when my mother served in the 1990's, I strongly support our
veterans and active duty military personnel. My mother taught me about Honor, Integrity, and Character; traits that I internalize and embrace 100%.
Source: 2016 Oregon Senate campaign website,
Oct 9, 2015
Jeff Merkley:
Invest in working with our allies, not power of military
Jeff is committed to protecting America from those who would do us harm, and to making sure we do so in a way that is consistent with American values and our Constitutional rights. Indeed, Jeff firmly believes that the measure of our strength isn't
just the power of our military, but that the United States is safer and stronger when we honor our fundamental American values like respect for the rule of law and invest in the hard work of working with our allies. In a dangerous world, with global
threats ranging from terrorism to global warming to nuclear weapons proliferation, Jeff understands that we need to be able to work with other nations to confront these challenges together.Having worked as a national security analyst at the Pentagon
and at the Congressional Budget Office, Jeff has a unique understanding of national security policy. In both positions, he was immersed in the national dialogue on responsible management of nuclear weapons.
Source: on 2014 Oregon Senate incumbents
Oct 24, 2014
Monica Wehby:
Put the needs and care of our veterans first
Our nation's veterans are entitled to every gratitude and accommodation our country can afford to give them in honor of their special contribution to our nation's freedoms. As our soldiers return home from the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan, we must not lose sight of their sacrifice and the commitment our government owes them for their service. As our U.S. Senator, Monica will put the needs and care of our veterans first.
She would also work to revitalize and help streamline the VA medical system. She has a long history in medical policy and reform and will make that a special emphasis during her tenure as Oregon's U.S. Senator.
We must take exceptional care of those who have voluntarily put themselves in harm's way to protect and defend our country.
Source: 2014 Ore. Senate campaign website,
Mar 18, 2014
Monica Wehby:
Strengthening our armed forces protects our freedoms
Monica believes in the idea that the best way to keep America and the world safe is by keeping America's military strong and unrivaled. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Walk softly, but carry a big stick."
Dr. Wehby will do everything possible in her capacity as our U.S. Senator to strengthen our armed forces and protect our freedoms.
Source: 2014 Ore. Senate campaign website,
Mar 18, 2014
Jason Conger:
Opposes reduction in size of America's military force
[Wehby and Conger] held their first head-to-head debate on the opening night of the Dorchester Conference, the annual issues conference for Republicans.For the most part, both were quick to follow Republican orthodoxy. The two, for instance,
both insisted that the Russians were emboldened to take the Crimean Peninsula because of the weakness of President Barack Obama's foreign policy. And each opposed the Obama administration's plans to reduce the size of America's military force.
Source: The Oregonian on 2014 Oregon Senate debate
Mar 8, 2014
Monica Wehby:
Opposes reduction in size of America's military force
[Wehby and Conger] held their first head-to-head debate on the opening night of the Dorchester Conference, the annual issues conference for Republicans.For the most part, both were quick to follow Republican orthodoxy. The two, for instance,
both insisted that the Russians were emboldened to take the Crimean Peninsula because of the weakness of President Barack Obama's foreign policy. And each opposed the Obama administration's plans to reduce the size of America's military force.
Source: The Oregonian on 2014 Oregon Senate debate
Mar 8, 2014
Jeff Merkley:
Be slow to go to war and be fast to take care of veterans
On Iraq, Merkley noted that he was against the war from the start. I stood up two months before the war and said we should be sending diplomats into Iraq, not bombs,
Merkley said. Be slow to go to war and be fast to take care of our sons and daughters when they come home. We got it exactly backwards from the Bush administration.
Source: 2008 Oregon Senate Debate reported in Statesman Journal
Oct 14, 2008
Bruce Broussard:
More funding for First Responders
Bruce Broussard will work hard to secure the continuing funding First Responders and increase federal funding to for Oregons firefighters, police officers,
and EMS workers who must be trained and equipped to respond in the face of terrorism and other emergencies.
Bruce Broussard strongly supports the National Cyber Security Division of Homeland Security to examine cyber-security incidents, track attacks, and coordinate responses.
Finally, Bruce Broussard will make certain that our state has the legislation and funding in place to give law enforcement agencies access to the best information available so they can continue to protect the safety of all of us.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website,
Aug 11, 2004
Bruce Broussard:
Support more comprehensive information sharing programs
Broussard strongly supports more comprehensive information sharing programs, techniques & technologies. He will work hard to assure that the constitutional rights of the diverse citizenry are not trampled upon. He will work hard to secure the continuing
funding First Responders and increase funding for firefighters, police officers, and EMS workers. He strongly supports the National Cyber Security Division of Homeland Security to examine cyber-security incidents, track attacks, and coordinate responses.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website,
Mar 2, 2004
Page last updated: Oct 14, 2021