State of Massachusetts secondary Archives: on Immigration
Allen Waters:
Opposes sanctuary cities
Waters identified himself as a conservative Democrat from Mashpee and said he is running for the Republican nomination to combat "50 years of liberal failure on poverty" and to "protect our American culture." He explained he is conservative on many
issues, including gun rights, abortion, and the idea of "sanctuary cities," a term used to describe a community that limits its cooperation with the federal government when it comes to enforcing immigration laws.
Source: Greenfield Recorder on 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial race
Jun 1, 2017
Ayanna Pressley:
No compromise: no funding for border wall
Pressley and Capuano did not disagree on much substantive policy. Where they did disagree, however, was on funding President Donald Trump's long-promised wall at the
U.S.-Mexico border, which Capuano said he could support if it was tucked into a broader immigration reform package. Pressley claimed she wouldn't compromise on the issue.
Source: The Daily Beast on 2018 Massachusetts 7th House race
Sep 2, 2018
Ayanna Pressley:
No funding in any bill for Trump's hate wall
U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano and Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley, who have rarely differed on issues during their race for the 7th congressional district, offered different stances in their final televised debate on criminal justice, police protests
and funding for a proposed border wall.
Pressley criticized Capuano for expressing a willingness to compromise on an omnibus immigration bill, which included funding for what she called "Trump's hate wall"--a reference to President Donald
Trump's proposed wall on the southern border.
"That was not a clean DREAM Act," she said. "I will sit at the table and compromise and work with anyone in the name of progress, but there are things I'm unwilling to
compromise and to negotiate on and that [includes] the rights of immigrants."
Capuano countered, saying that almost every Democrat voted for a comprehensive immigration bill that had some money for a border wall.
Source: WGBH 89.7 FM Radio on 2018 Massachusetts 7th House race
Aug 15, 2018
Beth Lindstrom:
Against sanctuary cities
Lindstrom is starkly against sanctuary cities. "I support legal immigration; it makes our country rich and diverse,"
she said. "But I also believe there should be no sanctuary for anyone hiding from our immigration laws, and least of all for violent felons living in so-called 'sanctuary cities.'"
Source: The Lowell Sun on 2018 Massachusetts Senate race
Oct 15, 2017
Bob Massie:
Support Safe Communities over Trump's abhorrent ICE policies
I support the Safe Communities Act. Until that passes at the state level, I will support all local referenda that implement Safe Communities Act protections; keeping our law enforcement officers focused on local issues and not supporting the abhorrent
practices of President Trump's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
I was pleased by a recent Superior Court ruling that Massachusetts officers [cannot] arrest an individual solely on the basis of a Federal civil immigration detainer.
But we need to do more.
My mother is a first-generation Swiss immigrant. I have not forgotten my immigrant roots. We are all immigrants here. It's time we started treating all immigrants with respect and giving them our support.
Unlike Governor Baker, who jumped on the anti-Muslim bandwagon and blocked Syrian women and children entry to Massachusetts, my values regarding immigrants echo those emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial website,
Dec 19, 2017
Brian Herr:
Create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
He wants to create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, over a period of time, as long as they register and pay taxes on their wages. "I believe putting 10 million,
12 million people on a boat and saying off you go is absolutely the wrong approach," Herr said. "It's not going to solve problems. It's not the right thing, the humane thing to do."
Source: Springfield Republican on 2014 Massachusetts Senate race
Jan 30, 2014
Charlie Baker:
Open to ideas from Latino advisers on sanctuary state
Gov. Baker, not wanting to undercut a brand-new Latino advisory panel, said he would be a "hard sell" on making Massachusetts a sanctuary state, but admitted it wouldn't be the first time he's changed his mind.
The bill, known as the Safe Communities
Act, would prohibit local police from asking about a person's immigration status or arresting someone solely because of their immigration status. "I've said many times that I think that decision should be made at the local level,"
Baker said at a press conference where he established a new Latino Advisory Committee.
Baker thus far has been consistent in his opposition to the bill, and reiterated that he gets "very nervous" about the idea of taking away the ability for local
officials to make decisions on law enforcement for their own communities. "That said, you don't put together a commission like this if you don't expect them to address some difficult issues, and I look forward to their recommendations," Baker said.
Source: Boston Metro on 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial race
Jul 12, 2017
Charlie Baker:
Revoke MA National Guard on border due to family separation
Citing federal government actions that are "resulting in the inhumane treatment of children," Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has revoked his offer to send National Guard helicopters and personnel to the Southwestern border.
Baker had previously
pledged a UH-72 Lakota helicopter and two military analysts to the border on June 1 and were expected to be deployed at the end of the month. The Massachusetts National Guard has sent personnel and resources to the border in the past under previous
administrations, including for Presidents Obama and Bush.
Democrats, who have sought to tie Baker to Trump with little success so far in his reelection campaign, argued that the governor's reversal on National Guard resources doesn't go far
enough. "Governor Baker should have never offered our state's resources to enforce Donald Trump's inhumane immigration policy in the first place," said Jay Gonzalez, one of the Democrats seeking the party nomination.
Source: on 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial race
Jun 18, 2018
Dan Sullivan:
Shift military funding to build border wall
Casting aside the convictions of his freshman year in D.C., Sullivan began voting in virtual lockstep with the President. His vote to deprive Alaska's military bases of $100 million in funding in order to support Trump's asinine
Mexican border wall, was the most obvious proof, but certainly not the only evidence that Sullivan had gone over to the Dark Side. [OpEd by Sullivan opponent Al Gross].
Source: Anchorage Press on 2020 Massachusetts Senate debate
Jan 22, 2020
Ed Markey:
Would not trade protecting DACA for wall
Asked if he would entertain a deal that was once on the table from Trump that included money for the president's proposed border wall in exchange for protecting so-called Dreamers -- those brought to the United States as children by their
undocumented parents, Markey said he wouldn't. "Here's what I would trade. I would trade presidents," Markey said.
Source: Fall River Herald News on 2020 Massachusetts Senate debate
Feb 18, 2020
Ed Markey:
Supports comprehensive immigration reform
What unites us in the Massachusetts and across America is the unshakable belief that no matter where you come from, no matter your circumstances, you can achieve the American Dream.
The immigration system we have now doesn't reflect those values:
it hurts our economy and hurts our national security. Ed backs President Obama's goals for improving our immigration system.
He'll fight in the Senate to pass comprehensive immigration reform that encourages individuals who were educated here to
innovate here, cracks down on employers who hire undocumented workers, lays out a path to citizenship for the eleven million undocumented immigrants who are already here and allows the
DREAM Act's "dreamers": those individuals who were brought here at a young age: to earn citizenship by serving in the U.S. military or pursuing higher education.
Source: on 2020 Massachusetts Senate race
Oct 23, 2014
Protecting our borders is about protecting our future. Illegal immigration jeopardizes national security and is costing us billions of tax dollars.
Geoff Diehl supports building the wall, requiring employer verification, withholding funds to sanctuary cities, and prohibiting illegal aliens from receiving taxpayer-funded government benefits.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website
Oct 1, 2017
Geoff Diehl:
Get undocumented processed as citizens as quickly as we can
Diehl differs from other Republicans on the status of undocumented people. He said there should be a faster process to naturalize people. He said when people are undocumented they have trouble getting things such as driver's licenses and legal jobs
and can become dependent on government services. "Rather than just continue the misery, let's try to just nip it in the bud and get them processed as citizens as quickly as possible. That's something I'd like to see us as a state take a lead in."
Source: The Patriot Ledger on 2022 Massachusetts Gubernatorial race
Jul 7, 2021
Heidi Wellman:
Refugees must be vetted for threats
Why are the majority of immigrants arriving as refugees single men of military age?
We need to give our departments resources and authority to do their job.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website
Oct 15, 2017
Heidi Wellman:
Oppose pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Massachusetts Senate candidate
Mar 7, 2018
Jay Gonzalez:
No round-up of immigrants by National Guard
Gonzalez believes it's important for our Governor to make clear that Massachusetts would not participate in any plan now or in the future to round up undocumented immigrants. "Immigrants in our country are under attack by President Trump.
Now more than ever, we need a Governor who is going to stand up for every single person and make it crystal clear that hate and discrimination will not be tolerated," Gonzalez said.
"I call on Governor Baker to make clear that
Massachusetts will not participate if President Trump seeks to authorize the National Guard to round up undocumented immigrants in Massachusetts. Massachusetts has always stood for the values of inclusion, diversity, and compassion, and
Governor Baker should reassure our immigrant families today that he would not allow our National Guard to serve as an arm of President Trump's deportation forces."
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Governor campaign website
Mar 11, 2017
Jay Gonzalez:
Safe Communities: no Muslim registry; no state enforcement
Jay Gonzalez urged Governor Baker to support the proposed Safe Communities Act and oppose federal efforts that would limit immigrant access to Massachusetts communities and would discriminate against immigrants and refugees based on religion and
national origin. The Safe Communities Act would:
Ensure Massachusetts does not aid in the creation of a Muslim registry by prohibiting the federal government from accessing state databases to use in any federal registry program based on
religion or national origin;
Ensure anyone detained in the state is informed of their rights;
Ensure that state, local, and campus police would not be forced to conduct immigration enforcement activities on behalf of the federal government.
Gonzalez said. "Massachusetts has a proud history of welcoming immigrants and refugees to our state. I am asking Governor Baker to fight back against President Trump's discriminatory immigration policies."
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Governor campaign website
Mar 11, 2017
Jay Gonzalez:
Opposes Trump's Muslim ban
On Challenging Baker: "Gov. Baker is a manager who manages, I think, small scale problems and tries to move things forward incrementally, kind of baby steps. But we have deep structural problems in Massachusetts that require us to be honest, face them,
and address them. There are problems with our democracy and defending our democracy from the attacks by the White House. So there are many, serious problems and he has not demonstrated a willingness to take them on.
"Gov. Baker has just taken down his periscope and gone under water. He didn't show up at the Women's March. He didn't go to the airport at the time of the Muslim ban. He didn't go to the Copley Square defense of our constitutional rights.
He didn't go to the Science March. I doubt he's going to the Climate March. He's doing whatever he can to keep his head low, and as a result I think he's actually betraying our politics and our citizens."
Source: on 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial race
May 8, 2017
Jay Gonzalez:
No MA National Guard on border due to inhumane policies
Citing federal government actions that are "resulting in the inhumane treatment of children," Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has revoked his offer to send National Guard helicopters and personnel to the Southwestern border.
Baker had previously
pledged a UH-72 Lakota helicopter and two military analysts to the border on June 1 and were expected to be deployed at the end of the month. The Massachusetts National Guard has sent personnel and resources to the border in the past under previous
administrations, including for Presidents Obama and Bush.
Democrats, who have sought to tie Baker to Trump with little success so far in his reelection campaign, argued that the governor's reversal on National Guard resources doesn't go far
enough. "Governor Baker should have never offered our state's resources to enforce Donald Trump's inhumane immigration policy in the first place," said Jay Gonzalez, one of the Democrats seeking the party nomination.
Source: on 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial race
Jun 18, 2018
Jesse Gordon:
Protecting DACA and DAPA is a good start
Q: Undocumented workers are reviled by some for political gain and shunted into the shadows. It is time for this disgraceful situation to end. We must pave the way for a swift legislative path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants and
protect programs like DACA and DAPA.
A: Agree.
Candidate's position on this issue: DACA and DAPA are a good start. I would support a legislative path to citizenship but I also support executive amnesty as a simpler and faster method.
Source: ORMA questionnaire for 2017 local Massachusetts endorsements
Jul 31, 2017
Jesse Gordon:
Supports sanctuary cities, and states, and nations
Q: The inhumane deportation machine must be dismantled by ending deportation programs, closing down private detention centers, offering humane treatment and asylum to victims of violence and minors fleeing from dangerous circumstances.
A: Agree.
Candidate's position on this issue: I support sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, and would prefer to make America a sanctuary nation, as our history supports.
Source: ORMA questionnaire for 2017 local Massachusetts endorsements
Jul 31, 2017
Joe Kennedy III:
Kennedy promises to fight for DACA recipients
On DACA: "For the DREAMers seated at the table with us today, pursuing our shared American dream has required immense struggle and sacrifice that few understand," said Rep. Kennedy. "Bravely embracing the only home they have ever known, these students
and young professionals represent the very best our country has to offer and are deeply committed to their communities. My colleagues & I will fight even harder to protect them and their 800,000 fellow Dreamers from President Trump's dangerous policies."
Source: MIRA Coalition on 2020 Massachusetts Senate race
Oct 16, 2017
John Kingston:
Support Dreamers; expel others
We must reform our immigration system but we have to accept that there are many here who, through no fault of their own, have been raised in our country, and we must accept them as our fellow Americans.
I support sensible border security, increased interdiction and swift repatriation of those who arrive illegally. I oppose sanctuary cities and would vote to withhold federal aid to any city that seeks to defy federal law.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website
Oct 15, 2017
Karyn Polito:
Voted NO on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants
Mass. Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part V: LABOR; Clause 13: Immigrant rights. [State Rep. Polito, a Republican, voted NO].
This vote was on an amendment to a bill concerning in-state tuition rates. The amendment would allow
children of undocumented immigrants to access in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities rates provided they went to Massachusetts high school for three years, were in the process of becoming citizens or pledged to start the process once
they became eligible and could provide proof that they are state tax payers. Voting YES indicates support of more equal treatment for children of undocumented immigrants.
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is Part V. LABOR, clause 13:
We believe that refugee and immigrant workers should have the same rights and protections... as do United States citizens.
Bill H. 1230 lines 17-23; vote number H329
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via
Jan 11, 2006
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part II: Education:Excellence, Equality & Community. [State Rep. Polito, a Republican, voted NO].
Gov. Romney vetoed budget section 210, which says. "Section 4 of MGL chapter 71A is hereby
further amended to add:--"Foreign language classes for children who already know English, 2-way bilingual programs... shall be unaffected." [MGL chapter 71A requires English-only classroom teaching. Section 210 would exempt "2-way classes" in which some
students are native English speakers and some are non-native English speakers. A vote to override the Governor's veto would continue to allow that type of bilingual education although foreign-language classes without native English-speaking students woul
still be disallowed.]
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is "We reaffirm our support for classroom programs, including Special and Bilingual Education"
Source citation: Excellence, Equality and Community; Bill Section 209 ; vote number 266
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via
Jul 14, 2003
Kevin O`Connor:
Against sanctuary cities, enforce immigration laws
Strong borders mean a safer nation. "We're a nation of laws, and it's government's responsibility to enforce those laws," Kevin O`Connor says. "And it's Congress's responsibility to make laws that are fair and just."
Both Congressman Kennedy and Senator Markey support so-called "sanctuary" jurisdictions where immigration laws are ignored. If the system is broken, it's their job to fix it. "As your Senator, I'll work for strong, enforceable immigration law."
Source: 2020 Massachusetts Senate campaign website
Oct 6, 2020
Lori Trahan:
Work to fix broken immigration system & protect rights
Lori is committed to protecting the rights of immigrants. She will work to fix our broken immigration system and ensure that everyone, regardless of your origin, has a fair shot at citizenship and the American Dream. Lori, whose ancestors came to this
country from Portugal and Brazil, understands that we are a nation of immigrants. Lori will seek to reverse the current political rhetoric towards of tone of acceptance and one that treats those who come to our country with value and dignity.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts 3rd House campaign website
Oct 9, 2018
Martha Coakley:
Opposed services for illegal immigrants; now supports them
The five Democrats running for governor jousted over illegal immigration during a debate that also reflected broader philosophical agreements on many issues facing the candidates. Attorney General Martha Coakley faced several barbs from her rivals
over her previous opposition to driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants and her office's decision to disqualify a potential ballot question that would repeal the state's casino law.
All five Democrats said they supported Somerville Mayor
Joseph Curtatone's recent decision to sign an executive order limiting the city's cooperation with the Secure Communities program, which partners local police with federal authorities to hold undocumented immigrants for possible deportation. Coakley
said the program was designed to help federal authorities remove threats to public safety from communities. "We know it's gone far too far," she said, by targeting many undocumented immigrants with no criminal background.
Source: WWLP 22-News on 2014 Massachusetts gubernatorial debate
Jun 10, 2014
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part II: Education:Excellence, Equality & Community. [State Rep. Walsh voted YES].
Gov. Romney vetoed budget section 210, which says. "Section 4 of MGL chapter 71A is hereby
further amended to add:--"Foreign language classes for children who already know English, 2-way bilingual programs... shall be unaffected." [MGL chapter 71A requires English-only classroom teaching. Section 210 would exempt "2-way classes" in which some
students are native English speakers and some are non-native English speakers. A vote to override the Governor's veto would continue to allow that type of bilingual education although foreign-language classes without native English-speaking students woul
still be disallowed.]
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is "We reaffirm our support for classroom programs, including Special and Bilingual Education"
Source citation: Excellence, Equality and Community; Bill Section 209 ; vote number 266
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via
Jul 14, 2003
Marty Walsh:
Voted YES on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants
Mass. Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part V: LABOR; Clause 13: Immigrant rights. [State Rep. Walsh, a Democrat, voted YES].
This vote was on an amendment to a bill concerning in-state tuition rates. The amendment would allow
children of undocumented immigrants to access in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities rates provided they went to Massachusetts high school for three years, were in the process of becoming citizens or pledged to start the process once
they became eligible and could provide proof that they are state tax payers. Voting YES indicates support of more equal treatment for children of undocumented immigrants.
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is Part V. LABOR, clause 13:
We believe that refugee and immigrant workers should have the same rights and protections... as do United States citizens.
Bill H. 1230 lines 17-23; vote number H329
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via
Jan 11, 2006
Maura Healey:
Fought Muslim travel ban & family separation at border
Healey went to court to fight--among other issues--the travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries, family separation at the United States--Mexico border, a push to let some employers deny health insurance coverage for contraception, multiple
attempts to weaken protections involving student loans, multiple attempts to weaken regulation of environmentally damaging emissions by power plants and motor vehicles, and the attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census.
Source: WGBH (NPR Radio) on 2022 Massachusetts Gubernatorial race
Feb 3, 2022
Maura Healey:
End state involvement in federal immigration matters
Ensuring that eligible undocumented residents can receive a driver's license, regardless of immigration status.
Ending state and local law enforcement's involvement in federal immigration matters.
Expanding the state's capacity to meet the
language access needs of our communities.
Providing health care coverage for children regardless of their or their parents' immigration status.
At the federal level, providing a meaningful pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Source: 2022 Massachusetts Governor campaign website
Jun 7, 2022
Mike Lee:
I will make the "gang of eight" into a "gang of nine"
Q: When John Kerry left the Senate in January. you wrote a letter to the governor of Massachusetts in which you asked him to appoint you to the Senate on an interim basis. On immigration reform, you wrote, "I support the positions that President Obama
has taken on these issues."
GOMEZ: I am for the immigration reform bill. That's the "gang of eight" [who support bipartisan comprehensive reform]. I want to make it a "gang of nine." I hope Senator Warren joins me and makes it a "gang of ten."
Source: Fox News Sunday on 2013 Massachusetts Senate debate
Jun 23, 2013
Richard Tisei:
Opposed two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part II: Education:Excellence, Equality & Community. [State Sen. Tisei, a Republican, voted NO].
Gov. Romney vetoed budget section 210, which says. "Section 4 of MGL chapter 71A is hereby
further amended to add:--"Foreign language classes for children who already know English, 2-way bilingual programs... shall be unaffected." [MGL chapter 71A requires English-only classroom teaching. Section 210 would exempt "2-way classes" in which some
students are native English speakers and some are non-native English speakers. A vote to override the Governor's veto would continue to allow that type of bilingual education although foreign-language classes without native English-speaking students woul
still be disallowed.]
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is "We reaffirm our support for classroom programs, including Special and Bilingual Education"
Source citation: Excellence, Equality and Community; Bill Section 209 ; vote number 266
Source: Massachusetts Senate voting record via
Jul 14, 2003
Scott Brown:
Opposed two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part II: Education:Excellence, Equality & Community. [State Sen. Brown, a Republican, voted NO].
Gov. Romney vetoed budget section 210, which says. "Section 4 of MGL chapter 71A is hereby
further amended to add:--"Foreign language classes for children who already know English, 2-way bilingual programs... shall be unaffected." [MGL chapter 71A requires English-only classroom teaching. Section 210 would exempt "2-way classes" in which some
students are native English speakers and some are non-native English speakers. A vote to override the Governor's veto would continue to allow that type of bilingual education although foreign-language classes without native English-speaking students woul
still be disallowed.]
The relevant part of the MassDems Platform is "We reaffirm our support for classroom programs, including Special and Bilingual Education"
Source citation: Excellence, Equality and Community; Bill Section 209 ; vote number 266
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via
Jul 14, 2003
Setti Warren:
Make City Hall an immigrant sanctuary to lead sanctuary city
Newton Mayor Setti Warren vows to open his own city hall as a safe haven for illegal immigrants if President Trump steps up deportations. "If in fact there are draconian measures taken by the federal government and people feel unsafe and they need
places to go, of course I would," Warren said. "I think that's who we are, that's who our values are. I think you'd find a lot of people in my city who would open their doors."
Despite threats from the Trump administration to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, Warren continues to stand behind Newton's
Welcoming City Ordinance, saying it "demonstrated who we are and what we're trying to do--that we are welcoming to all people. It's really the effort we're making, and who we are, and our values, and how we do community policing."
Source: Boston Herald on 2018 Massachusetts gubernatorial race
Mar 30, 2017
Setti Warren:
Local police shouldn't enforce immigration law
Police in Massachusetts should not be a part of Donald Trump's deportation force. The Commonwealth is already seeing the real life outcomes of President Trump's war on immigrants. Communities all over Massachusetts are living in fear that a knock on
their door in the middle of the night could mean losing a family member. Our neighborhoods are less safe when people who feel like they have to live in the shadows are afraid to talk to the police when they need help or witness a crime.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Gubernatorial website
Aug 31, 2017
Setti Warren:
Support sanctuary cities; oppose summary deportations
Fighting Trumps Immigration policy
Passing and Defending Newton's Welcoming City Ordinance (from Newton Wicked Local): "Mayor Setti Warren pulled no punches in his response to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' statement
Monday that reaffirmed the Trump administration's vow to withhold federal funding from so-called "sanctuary cities."
Slamming Governor Baker's Unconstitutional Deportation Bill: (from "Gov.
Baker doesn't believe undocumented people deserve the due process rights guaranteed by the U.S. and Massachusetts state constitutions.
I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law."
See my Facebook video on support for Safe Communities Act
Source: ORMA questionnaire on 2018 Massachusetts governor race
Dec 20, 2017
Shiva Ayyadurai:
We need secure borders & clear enforcement
We need secure borders that safeguard our citizens and those that came here legally.
Without borders and clear enforcement, we don't have a country.
Source: 2018 Massachusetts Senatorial website
Oct 15, 2017
Shiva Ayyadurai:
Path to citizenship for those here with clean records
On immigration, he says the country must have a system based on law and order -- a common Republican refrain --
but also wants to see a path to citizenship for those who have been living in the country under a broken immigration system, as long as they have broken no laws.
Source: MetroWest Daily News on 2020 Massachusetts Senate race
Oct 22, 2018
Shiva Ayyadurai:
Borders need to be strong, laws need to be enforced
Career politicians neither want real security for
Americans nor do they want to discover the root causes of violence. Borders need to be strong, laws need to be enforced, and policies to stop violence must come from real research to ensure lasting and real solutions.
Source: 2020 Massachusetts Senate campaign website
Jun 24, 2020
Sonia Chang-Diaz:
Proposed path for in-state college tuition for undocumented
Under the latest legislation filed by Democrats Rep. Michael Moran of Brighton and Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz of Jamaica Plain, an undocumented resident must have attended a
Massachusetts high school for at least three years and graduated or achieved similar results in a Bay State adult education program to qualify for in-state tuition.
Source: MetroWest Daily News on 2022 Massachusetts Governor race
Jun 20, 2021
Steve Grossman:
Local police helping deport illegals is a "blunt instrument"
All five Democrats said they supported Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone's recent decision to sign an executive order limiting the city's cooperation with the Secure Communities program, which partners local police with federal authorities to hold
undocumented immigrants for possible deportation.
Grossman described Secure Communities as a "blunt instrument," but quickly pivoted to knock Coakley for opposing drivers' licenses for undocumented immigrants, which he called a public safety issue.
Grossman said he would support drivers' licenses and in-state tuition rates for undocumented immigrants.
Source: WWLP 22-News on 2014 Massachusetts gubernatorial debate
Jun 10, 2014
The above quotations are from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Politicians: secondary Archives.
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