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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

CNN "State of the Union" interviews during 2019
(Jake Tapper and Dana Bash interviewing candidates for 2019-2020 races)

(Click for external website)

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from CNN "State of the Union" interviews during 2019 (number of quotes indicated):
  • Amy Klobuchar (10) Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
  • Andrew Yang (10) Democratic candidate for President; CEO
  • Bernie Sanders (16) Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Beto O`Rourke (10) Texas Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from TX
  • Bill de Blasio (4) New York Democratic primary candidate and NYC mayor
  • Cory Booker (11) New Jersey Mayor of Newark; N.J. Senator
  • Donald Trump (2) Republican Presidential incumbent
  • Elizabeth Warren (3) Massachusetts Senator
  • Eric Swalwell (2) California Presidential candidate (withdrawn); U.S. Rep from CA-15
  • Jay Inslee (1) Washington Democratic Washington Governor
  • Joe Biden (5) Democratic V.P.
  • John Delaney (4) Maryland Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from MD-6
  • John Kasich (1) Ohio Republican Ohio Governor
  • Julian Castro (13) Texas Mayor of San Antonio; HUD Secretary
  • Justin Amash (1) Michigan Libertarian Presidential Challenger
  • Kamala Harris (8) California Democratic candidate for President; California Senator
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (1) New York Democratic candidate for President; New York Senator
  • Matt Lieberman (1) Democratic challenger for 2-year special election Georgia
  • Michael Bennet (1) Colorado Democratic candidate for President; Colorado Senator
  • Mike Pence (4) Indiana Republican Vice President
  • Pete Buttigieg (20) Indiana Democratic candidate for President; Mayor of South Bend, IN
  • Robert Foster (1) Mississippi Republican challenger for Governor
  • Seth Moulton (9) Massachusetts Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from MA-6
  • Steve Bullock (3) Montana Democratic Montana Governor
  • Tom Price (1) Georgia Secretary of Health and Human Services-2017
  • Tulsi Gabbard (6) Hawaii Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
    A long-standing political tradition is the Sunday morning talk show, beginning with "Meet the Press" in 1947. Currently, five separate "talking head" programs appear on five different TV stations every Sunday morning. excerpts all five of the shows, listed below, with their respective interviewing pundits and each pundit's political affiliation:
  • ABC This Week: (Martha Raddatz & George Stephanopoulos; liberal; from Bill Clinton's staff)
  • CNN "State of the Union": (Jake Tapper and Dana Bash; moderate liberal)
  • Fox News Sunday: (Chris Wallace and Bret Baier; conservative)
  • Meet the Press: (Chuck Todd; moderate)
  • CBS Face the Nation: (Margaret Brennan and John Dickerson; moderate) excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Bernie Sanders: Voted for spending bills with Hyde Amendment, but pro-choice.
    Bernie Sanders: Right to abortion applies to low income women as well.
    Steve Bullock: Women should decide, not government.
Civil Rights
    Matt Lieberman: We need a Voting Rights Act for the 21st century.
    Amy Klobuchar: We need environmental justice in this country.
    Pete Buttigieg: Black voters more interested in issues than his being gay.
    Julian Castro: Leaders should unite us, not feed bigotry and division.
    Amy Klobuchar: Gut punch from White House stopped election reform bill.
    Beto O`Rourke: Impeachment necessary to signal this can't happen again.
    Amy Klobuchar: Trump's failed to protect security of our elections.
    Tulsi Gabbard: My time in the military changed my anti-gay views.
    Tulsi Gabbard: I never personally supported gay conversion therapy.
    Tulsi Gabbard: Views on LGBT rights evolved; 100% rating from HRC.
    Andrew Yang: Set environmental standards for companies.
    Kamala Harris: Facebook is like a utility; needs to be regulated.
    Pete Buttigieg: Cut federal prison population, encourage states to follow.
    Bill de Blasio: Federal policies responsible for mass incarceration crisis.
    Amy Klobuchar: Fund treatment & mental health with opioid tax.
    Amy Klobuchar: Reduce sentences for non-violent drug offenders.
    Julian Castro: School curriculum should include climate change.
    Bernie Sanders: Save millennials by cancelling student debt.
    Bernie Sanders: Forgive student loans for both higher ed and trade school.
Energy & Oil
    Amy Klobuchar: Carbon neutral is goal; nuclear/coal during transition.
    Amy Klobuchar: Energy efficiency is low-hanging fruit.
    Andrew Yang: Energy companies only operate on the bottom line.
    Andrew Yang: Convert to all-electric cars, via "Clunker" buy-backs.
    Andrew Yang: Nuclear needs to be on table; new reactors use thorium.
    Bernie Sanders: Would reinstate LED lightbulb rule, encourage use.
    Bernie Sanders: Government loans to help people erect solar panels.
    Beto O`Rourke: Use cap and trade revenue to underwrite transition economy.
    Beto O`Rourke: Pay carbon cost, so we don't have to change what we eat.
    Cory Booker: Incentivize farmers that help them enrich environment.
    Elizabeth Warren: No more nuclear plants; get off nuclear energy by 2035.
    Joe Biden: Start on climate change now; do more as things change.
    Joe Biden: Credits Green New Deal, but it lacks specifics.
    Julian Castro: Carbon-free America by 2045, clean electricity by 2035.
    Kamala Harris: Shouldn't sell/lease public land for drilling.
    Pete Buttigieg: Federal investment in renewable tech for farms.
    Pete Buttigieg: Military can play huge role in solving climate change.
    Mike Pence: Climate change is not an emergency.
    Mike Pence: Fighting climate change should not increase utility rates.
    John Delaney: Bipartisan carbon tax bill, but not the Green New Deal.
    Pete Buttigieg: Green New Deal is a framework addressing climate & jobs.
    Andrew Yang: Constitutional amendment to safeguard environment.
    Andrew Yang: Help farmers modernize in sustainable way.
    Beto O`Rourke: Even conservatives want to protect public lands.
    Cory Booker: Get politics out of Federal aid for natural disasters.
    Julian Castro: Don't wait for natural disaster to move to sustainability.
    Julian Castro: Will appoint EPA administrator to crack down on polluters.
    Julian Castro: Injustice that 70% of HUD housing is near Superfund site.
    Kamala Harris: Take on interests with profit motive to pollute.
Families & Children
    Robert Foster: I made a vow to my wife to not be alone with another woman.
    Pete Buttigieg: Open to gay parenthood if elected president.
Foreign Policy
    Andrew Yang: US should lead the way on climate change.
    Beto O`Rourke: Let Puerto Rico determine its own future.
    Amy Klobuchar: Diplomacy with North Korea not easy; we need clear focus.
    Amy Klobuchar: Talking to North Korea good, working with allies better.
    Julian Castro: No preparation is why North Korea talks have done little.
    Pete Buttigieg: Isolationism is not right way for us to go.
    Kamala Harris: US stronger when working with allies.
    Cory Booker: Support our allies, not our enemies.
    John Delaney: Don't believe Putin about Russian 2016 election interference.
    Tulsi Gabbard: Defends meeting Syria's Assad; supports Trump on North Korea.
Free Trade
    Andrew Yang: Would not stand in way of fossil fuel exports from US.
    Elizabeth Warren: Climate adjustment fee on imports based on carbon use.
    Joe Biden: Use tariffs to get China to pay the price for pollution.
    Bernie Sanders: Trump's actions on trade destabilizing world economy.
    Pete Buttigieg: Americans pay the price for Trump's trade war with China.
    Bill de Blasio: Democrats should stand for workers not corporations.
    Bernie Sanders: Trade policies should focus on U.S. jobs & lifting the poor.
    Steve Bullock: Work with other nations to deal with China's practices.
    Kamala Harris: Trade agreements should address climate change.
Government Reform
    Andrew Yang: Democracy Dollars will wash out lobbyist cash.
    Pete Buttigieg: Constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United.
    Pete Buttigieg: Offer of foreign electoral help should lead to call to FBI.
Gun Control
    Pete Buttigieg: Much work to enact measures that vast majority supports.
    Beto O`Rourke: We should have a national gun licensing program.
    Cory Booker: Yes on red flag law, but nowhere near enough.
    Julian Castro: Whole slew of gun measures most Americans support.
    Julian Castro: Yes on gun licensing, but also red flag laws.
    Cory Booker: I'm bringing a fight against the corporate gun lobby.
    Cory Booker: Evidence-based laws can lower gun violence.
    Cory Booker: As with civil rights, we can build coalitions for gun laws.
    Kamala Harris: If Congress won't act on guns, I will, by executive action.
    Eric Swalwell: I want to lead on gun violence issues.
    Tom Price: Gun ownership protects those at scene of crime.
Health Care
    Andrew Yang: Medicare-for-All but with private insurance.
    Bernie Sanders: Cap annual costs for prescription drugs at $200.
    Bernie Sanders: Medicare for All: higher taxes but lower healthcare costs.
    Joe Biden: Would bring back the individual mandate.
    Bernie Sanders: Legalization of assisted suicide should be left to states.
    Seth Moulton: Provide troops and vets both physical and mental health care.
    Seth Moulton: Treat mental health like physical care with regular checkups.
    Seth Moulton: Expand mental care at VA, rest of country.
    Kamala Harris: Supports Medicare for All, even undocumented aliens.
    Cory Booker: Support Medicare for All but do what's possible now.
    Eric Swalwell: Support public option, but let people keep private care.
    Michael Bennet: Prefers public option to Medicare for All.
Homeland Security
    Seth Moulton: Needed courage to talk about post-traumatic stress.
    Seth Moulton: Veterans deserve the best health care in the world, period.
    Seth Moulton: Focus on cybersecurity to deal with real threats to US.
    Tulsi Gabbard: End this new cold war and nuclear arms race.
    Beto O`Rourke: Grant refuge to those severely impacted by climate change.
    Bill de Blasio: Undocumented folks core to our economy.
    Julian Castro: Supports L.A. & Chicago in non-cooperation with ICE.
    Julian Castro: Decriminalizing border crossings won't apply to smuggling.
    Julian Castro: Decriminalizing illegal crossings is way we used to do this.
    Mike Pence: Close asylum loopholes: 90% don't show up in court.
    Beto O`Rourke: Do not repeal law: keep illegal border crossings a crime.
    Beto O`Rourke: Most immigrants pose no danger, but keep illegal entry law.
    Pete Buttigieg: Should help stabilize Central America nations, not cut aid.
    Pete Buttigieg: Policies make things worse instead of solving problems.
    Bernie Sanders: Comprehensive immigration reform; stop attacking allies.
    Bernie Sanders: We need humane immigration policy, not demonization.
    Kirsten Gillibrand: Pathway to citizenship gets immigrants connected.
    Bernie Sanders: Help transition for miners: income for 5 years, & education.
    Joe Biden: Working on climate change can create 10 million jobs.
    Pete Buttigieg: Lots of job opportunity in green economy; not all high tech.
    Cory Booker: Supports $15 minimum wage; pays campaign staff at least that.
    Bill de Blasio: Put working people first, not wealthy corporations.
Principles & Values
    Justin Amash: People put up with Congress because economy is good.
    Beto O`Rourke: Impeach Trump to get facts & assure accountability.
    Bernie Sanders: Democratic socialism opposes concentration of wealth & power.
    Cory Booker: Trump undermines constitutional intent: no one above the law.
    Cory Booker: Supports impeachment investigation necessary to get to truth.
    Donald Trump: Mueller Report documents 77 lies by Trump campaign.
    John Delaney: Independently wealthy but grew up in a blue collar family.
    Pete Buttigieg: Yes, young, but more government experience than Pres. Trump.
    John Kasich: OpEd: moderate Republican who has been critical or Trump.
    Elizabeth Warren: I'm not a Democratic Socialist; we can gain from markets.
Tax Reform
    Steve Bullock: Many people not benefitting from economy.
    Kamala Harris: Tax credits for middle class & working families.
    Julian Castro: Raise the top marginal tax rate; negotiate the numbers.
    Amy Klobuchar: Users of social media should be able to control their data.
    Jay Inslee: Regulate internet to protect privacy & net neutrality.
    Donald Trump: Artificial Intelligence initiative: invest in the future.
War & Peace
    Pete Buttigieg: Make sure we have right kind of settlement in Afghanistan.
    Mike Pence: Iran will not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
    Pete Buttigieg: We've learned how hard it is to end a war.
    Pete Buttigieg: Deal with Iran; consult with intelligence.
    Bernie Sanders: US shouldn't favor Saudis or Iran; broker diplomatic answer.
    Seth Moulton: Against pushing us into war with Iran.
    Seth Moulton: A mistake for those who voted for Iraq war.
    Seth Moulton: Trump's "Chicken hawks" pushing us towards war in Iran.
    Pete Buttigieg: Don't let Iraq war supporters plan Venezuela invasion.
    Tulsi Gabbard: U.S. government lied to American people to launch Iraq War.
Welfare & Poverty
    John Delaney: Social justice is fine, but separate church and state.
    Pete Buttigieg: Scripture is about protecting the stranger and the poor.

    Click for quotations from other sources by:
  • Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democratic candidate for President; Minnesota Senator
  • Andrew Yang Democratic candidate for President; CEO
  • Bernie Sanders Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Beto O`Rourke Texas Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from TX
  • Bill de Blasio New York Democratic primary candidate and NYC mayor
  • Cory Booker New Jersey Mayor of Newark; N.J. Senator
  • Donald Trump Republican Presidential incumbent
  • Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts Senator
  • Eric Swalwell California Presidential candidate (withdrawn); U.S. Rep from CA-15
  • Jay Inslee Washington Democratic Washington Governor
  • Joe Biden Democratic V.P.
  • John Delaney Maryland Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from MD-6
  • John Kasich Ohio Republican Ohio Governor
  • Julian Castro Texas Mayor of San Antonio; HUD Secretary
  • Justin Amash Michigan Libertarian Presidential Challenger
  • Kamala Harris California Democratic candidate for President; California Senator
  • Kirsten Gillibrand New York Democratic candidate for President; New York Senator
  • Matt Lieberman Democratic challenger for 2-year special election Georgia
  • Michael Bennet Colorado Democratic candidate for President; Colorado Senator
  • Mike Pence Indiana Republican Vice President
  • Pete Buttigieg Indiana Democratic candidate for President; Mayor of South Bend, IN
  • Robert Foster Mississippi Republican challenger for Governor
  • Seth Moulton Massachusetts Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from MA-6
  • Steve Bullock Montana Democratic Montana Governor
  • Tom Price Georgia Secretary of Health and Human Services-2017
  • Tulsi Gabbard Hawaii Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2

The above quotations are from CNN "State of the Union" interviews during 2019
(Jake Tapper and Dana Bash interviewing candidates for 2019-2020 races).

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Jan 12, 2020

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