OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bernie Sanders: Voted for spending bills with Hyde Amendment, but pro-choice.
Bernie Sanders: Right to abortion applies to low income women as well.
Steve Bullock: Women should decide, not government.
Civil Rights
Matt Lieberman: We need a Voting Rights Act for the 21st century.
Amy Klobuchar: We need environmental justice in this country.
Pete Buttigieg: Black voters more interested in issues than his being gay.
Julian Castro: Leaders should unite us, not feed bigotry and division.
Amy Klobuchar: Gut punch from White House stopped election reform bill.
Beto O`Rourke: Impeachment necessary to signal this can't happen again.
Amy Klobuchar: Trump's failed to protect security of our elections.
Tulsi Gabbard: My time in the military changed my anti-gay views.
Tulsi Gabbard: I never personally supported gay conversion therapy.
Tulsi Gabbard: Views on LGBT rights evolved; 100% rating from HRC.
Andrew Yang: Set environmental standards for companies.
Kamala Harris: Facebook is like a utility; needs to be regulated.
Pete Buttigieg: Cut federal prison population, encourage states to follow.
Bill de Blasio: Federal policies responsible for mass incarceration crisis.
Amy Klobuchar: Fund treatment & mental health with opioid tax.
Amy Klobuchar: Reduce sentences for non-violent drug offenders.
Julian Castro: School curriculum should include climate change.
Bernie Sanders: Save millennials by cancelling student debt.
Bernie Sanders: Forgive student loans for both higher ed and trade school.
Energy & Oil
Amy Klobuchar: Carbon neutral is goal; nuclear/coal during transition.
Amy Klobuchar: Energy efficiency is low-hanging fruit.
Andrew Yang: Energy companies only operate on the bottom line.
Andrew Yang: Convert to all-electric cars, via "Clunker" buy-backs.
Andrew Yang: Nuclear needs to be on table; new reactors use thorium.
Bernie Sanders: Would reinstate LED lightbulb rule, encourage use.
Bernie Sanders: Government loans to help people erect solar panels.
Beto O`Rourke: Use cap and trade revenue to underwrite transition economy.
Beto O`Rourke: Pay carbon cost, so we don't have to change what we eat.
Cory Booker: Incentivize farmers that help them enrich environment.
Elizabeth Warren: No more nuclear plants; get off nuclear energy by 2035.
Joe Biden: Start on climate change now; do more as things change.
Joe Biden: Credits Green New Deal, but it lacks specifics.
Julian Castro: Carbon-free America by 2045, clean electricity by 2035.
Kamala Harris: Shouldn't sell/lease public land for drilling.
Pete Buttigieg: Federal investment in renewable tech for farms.
Pete Buttigieg: Military can play huge role in solving climate change.
Mike Pence: Climate change is not an emergency.
Mike Pence: Fighting climate change should not increase utility rates.
John Delaney: Bipartisan carbon tax bill, but not the Green New Deal.
Pete Buttigieg: Green New Deal is a framework addressing climate & jobs.
Andrew Yang: Constitutional amendment to safeguard environment.
Andrew Yang: Help farmers modernize in sustainable way.
Beto O`Rourke: Even conservatives want to protect public lands.
Cory Booker: Get politics out of Federal aid for natural disasters.
Julian Castro: Don't wait for natural disaster to move to sustainability.
Julian Castro: Will appoint EPA administrator to crack down on polluters.
Julian Castro: Injustice that 70% of HUD housing is near Superfund site.
Kamala Harris: Take on interests with profit motive to pollute.
Families & Children
Robert Foster: I made a vow to my wife to not be alone with another woman.
Pete Buttigieg: Open to gay parenthood if elected president.
Foreign Policy
Andrew Yang: US should lead the way on climate change.
Beto O`Rourke: Let Puerto Rico determine its own future.
Amy Klobuchar: Diplomacy with North Korea not easy; we need clear focus.
Amy Klobuchar: Talking to North Korea good, working with allies better.
Julian Castro: No preparation is why North Korea talks have done little.
Pete Buttigieg: Isolationism is not right way for us to go.
Kamala Harris: US stronger when working with allies.
Cory Booker: Support our allies, not our enemies.
John Delaney: Don't believe Putin about Russian 2016 election interference.
Tulsi Gabbard: Defends meeting Syria's Assad; supports Trump on North Korea.
Free Trade
Andrew Yang: Would not stand in way of fossil fuel exports from US.
Elizabeth Warren: Climate adjustment fee on imports based on carbon use.
Joe Biden: Use tariffs to get China to pay the price for pollution.
Bernie Sanders: Trump's actions on trade destabilizing world economy.
Pete Buttigieg: Americans pay the price for Trump's trade war with China.
Bill de Blasio: Democrats should stand for workers not corporations.
Bernie Sanders: Trade policies should focus on U.S. jobs & lifting the poor.
Steve Bullock: Work with other nations to deal with China's practices.
Kamala Harris: Trade agreements should address climate change.
Government Reform
Andrew Yang: Democracy Dollars will wash out lobbyist cash.
Pete Buttigieg: Constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United.
Pete Buttigieg: Offer of foreign electoral help should lead to call to FBI.
Gun Control
Pete Buttigieg: Much work to enact measures that vast majority supports.
Beto O`Rourke: We should have a national gun licensing program.
Cory Booker: Yes on red flag law, but nowhere near enough.
Julian Castro: Whole slew of gun measures most Americans support.
Julian Castro: Yes on gun licensing, but also red flag laws.
Cory Booker: I'm bringing a fight against the corporate gun lobby.
Cory Booker: Evidence-based laws can lower gun violence.
Cory Booker: As with civil rights, we can build coalitions for gun laws.
Kamala Harris: If Congress won't act on guns, I will, by executive action.
Eric Swalwell: I want to lead on gun violence issues.
Tom Price: Gun ownership protects those at scene of crime.
Health Care
Andrew Yang: Medicare-for-All but with private insurance.
Bernie Sanders: Cap annual costs for prescription drugs at $200.
Bernie Sanders: Medicare for All: higher taxes but lower healthcare costs.
Joe Biden: Would bring back the individual mandate.
Bernie Sanders: Legalization of assisted suicide should be left to states.
Seth Moulton: Provide troops and vets both physical and mental health care.
Seth Moulton: Treat mental health like physical care with regular checkups.
Seth Moulton: Expand mental care at VA, rest of country.
Kamala Harris: Supports Medicare for All, even undocumented aliens.
Cory Booker: Support Medicare for All but do what's possible now.
Eric Swalwell: Support public option, but let people keep private care.
Michael Bennet: Prefers public option to Medicare for All.
Homeland Security
Seth Moulton: Needed courage to talk about post-traumatic stress.
Seth Moulton: Veterans deserve the best health care in the world, period.
Seth Moulton: Focus on cybersecurity to deal with real threats to US.
Tulsi Gabbard: End this new cold war and nuclear arms race.
Beto O`Rourke: Grant refuge to those severely impacted by climate change.
Bill de Blasio: Undocumented folks core to our economy.
Julian Castro: Supports L.A. & Chicago in non-cooperation with ICE.
Julian Castro: Decriminalizing border crossings won't apply to smuggling.
Julian Castro: Decriminalizing illegal crossings is way we used to do this.
Mike Pence: Close asylum loopholes: 90% don't show up in court.
Beto O`Rourke: Do not repeal law: keep illegal border crossings a crime.
Beto O`Rourke: Most immigrants pose no danger, but keep illegal entry law.
Pete Buttigieg: Should help stabilize Central America nations, not cut aid.
Pete Buttigieg: Policies make things worse instead of solving problems.
Bernie Sanders: Comprehensive immigration reform; stop attacking allies.
Bernie Sanders: We need humane immigration policy, not demonization.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Pathway to citizenship gets immigrants connected.
Bernie Sanders: Help transition for miners: income for 5 years, & education.
Joe Biden: Working on climate change can create 10 million jobs.
Pete Buttigieg: Lots of job opportunity in green economy; not all high tech.
Cory Booker: Supports $15 minimum wage; pays campaign staff at least that.
Bill de Blasio: Put working people first, not wealthy corporations.
Principles & Values
Justin Amash: People put up with Congress because economy is good.
Beto O`Rourke: Impeach Trump to get facts & assure accountability.
Bernie Sanders: Democratic socialism opposes concentration of wealth & power.
Cory Booker: Trump undermines constitutional intent: no one above the law.
Cory Booker: Supports impeachment investigation necessary to get to truth.
Donald Trump: Mueller Report documents 77 lies by Trump campaign.
John Delaney: Independently wealthy but grew up in a blue collar family.
Pete Buttigieg: Yes, young, but more government experience than Pres. Trump.
John Kasich: OpEd: moderate Republican who has been critical or Trump.
Elizabeth Warren: I'm not a Democratic Socialist; we can gain from markets.
Tax Reform
Steve Bullock: Many people not benefitting from economy.
Kamala Harris: Tax credits for middle class & working families.
Julian Castro: Raise the top marginal tax rate; negotiate the numbers.
Amy Klobuchar: Users of social media should be able to control their data.
Jay Inslee: Regulate internet to protect privacy & net neutrality.
Donald Trump: Artificial Intelligence initiative: invest in the future.
War & Peace
Pete Buttigieg: Make sure we have right kind of settlement in Afghanistan.
Mike Pence: Iran will not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
Pete Buttigieg: We've learned how hard it is to end a war.
Pete Buttigieg: Deal with Iran; consult with intelligence.
Bernie Sanders: US shouldn't favor Saudis or Iran; broker diplomatic answer.
Seth Moulton: Against pushing us into war with Iran.
Seth Moulton: A mistake for those who voted for Iraq war.
Seth Moulton: Trump's "Chicken hawks" pushing us towards war in Iran.
Pete Buttigieg: Don't let Iraq war supporters plan Venezuela invasion.
Tulsi Gabbard: U.S. government lied to American people to launch Iraq War.
Welfare & Poverty
John Delaney: Social justice is fine, but separate church and state.
Pete Buttigieg: Scripture is about protecting the stranger and the poor.