
Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
Daniel Biss on Social Security
Democratic candidate for Governor:
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- Help give retirement security to millions of workers. (Apr 2017)
- Alter public employee pensions to reduce state pension debt. (Mar 2017)
- Allow old age beneficiaries to also receive unemployment. (Mar 2015)
Jeanne Ives on Social Security
Republican Challenger for IL Governor:
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Chris Kennedy on Social Security
Democratic candidate for Governor:
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Ameya Pawar on Social Security
Democratic candidate for Governor:
Click here for Ameya Pawar on other issues.
J.B. Pritzker on Social Security
Democratic candidate for Illinois Governor:
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Pat Quinn on Social Security
Democratic Governor:
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- Balance budget by reforming our public pension systems. (Feb 2013)
Bruce Rauner on Social Security
Republican Governor:
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- Move state pensions towards a defined contribution system. (Nov 2014)
IL 2022: 2022 IL Governor's race
Mark Curran on Social Security
Republican Senate challenger:
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- Face hard truth to properly fund benefit programs. (Nov 2020)
- Local pensions invest the majority of money in the market. (Jan 2020)
Tammy Duckworth on Social Security
Democratic Senate candidate:
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- Oppose efforts to undermine Social Security. (Nov 2012)
- by NCPSSM indicating a pro-Social Security stance. (Jul 2012)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Richard Durbin on Social Security
Democratic Sr Senator (IL):
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- Simpson-Bowles got it right. put everything on the table. (Oct 2013)
- Voted NO on establishing reserve funds & pre-funding for Social Security. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999)
- Voted NO on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998)
- Voted NO on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998)
- Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Sharon Hansen on Social Security
Libertarian Challenger:
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- Privatize because government will raid the Trust Fund. (Dec 2013)
Napoleon Harris on Social Security
Democratic Senate candidate:
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- Allow old age beneficiaries to also receive unemployment. (Mar 2015)
Jim Oberweis on Social Security
Republican Senate Challenger:
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- Voted NO on increasing state employees' pension plans. (Mar 2013)
Anne Stava-Murray on Social Security
Democratic 2020 Senate Challenger:
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- Our state pension debt is underfunded. (Oct 2018)
Doug Truax on Social Security
Republican Senate Challenger (lost primary):
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Andrea Zopp on Social Security
Democratic Senate candidate:
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Mike Bost on Social Security
Republican House Member (District 12):
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- Opposes efforts to privatize, or increase the payroll tax. (Nov 2014)
- Opposes personal retirement accounts, rated by Faith2Action. (Jul 2014)
- Opposes personal retirement accounts, according to PVS rating. (Sep 2014)
Cheri Bustos on Social Security
Democrat (District 17):
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- Strongly oppose any attempt to privatize Social Security. (Nov 2012)
- Opposes personal retirement accounts. (Sep 2012)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 60% by ARA, indicating a mixed record on senior issues. (Jan 2013)
Sean Casten on Social Security
Democrat (District 6):
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- People with special needs losing Social Security. (Feb 2020)
Danny Davis on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-7):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Changing Social Security disproportionately affects women. (May 2001)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- No severe changes; no privatization. (Feb 2010)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
- Exclude Medicare and Social Security from deficit reduction. (Aug 2011)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Rodney Davis on Social Security
Republican (District 13):
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- Supports investing part of your payroll tax. (Oct 2012)
- Rated 10% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
Bob Dold on Social Security
Republican House Member (District 10):
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- Opposes personal retirement accounts, rated by Faith2Action. (Jul 2014)
- Opposes personal retirement accounts, according to PVS rating. (Sep 2014)
Bill Enyart on Social Security
Democrat (District 12):
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- Preserve Social Security and Medicare. (Oct 2012)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 80% by ARA, indicating a mixed record on senior issues. (Jan 2013)
Bill Foster on Social Security
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- by NCPSSM indicating a pro-Social Security stance. (Jul 2012)
- Rated 90% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Chuy Garcia on Social Security
Democrat (District 4):
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- Social Security is essential but needs wage limits increased. (Oct 2018)
Luis Gutierrez on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-4):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
- Exclude Medicare and Social Security from deficit reduction. (Aug 2011)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Randy Hultgren on Social Security
Republican (District 14):
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- Rated 0% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
Robin Kelly on Social Security
Democrat (District 2):
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- Oppose raising the eligibility age for receiving benefits. (Mar 2013)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (May 2013)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Adam Kinzinger on Social Security
Republican (District 16):
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- No privatization; no retirement age increase. (Nov 2010)
- Rated 7% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
Raja Krishnamoorthi on Social Security
Democrat (District 8):
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- Entitlements are under attack on ideological grounds. (Nov 2016)
- Opposes diverting some FICA into personal accounts. (Nov 2016)
Darin LaHood on Social Security
Republican House Member (District 18):
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Dan Lipinski on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-3):
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- Rated 92% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Mike Quigley on Social Security
Democrat (District 5):
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- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Mel Reynolds on Social Security
Democratic candidate (District 2):
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Peter Roskam on Social Security
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- Rated 9% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
Bobby Rush on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-1):
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- Voted NO on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Changing Social Security disproportionately affects women. (May 2001)
- Reject proposals for private saving accounts. (May 2002)
- Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
- Exclude Medicare and Social Security from deficit reduction. (Aug 2011)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 98% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Jan Schakowsky on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-9):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Changing Social Security disproportionately affects women. (May 2001)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Exclude Medicare and Social Security from deficit reduction. (Aug 2011)
- Sponsored keeping CPI for benefits instead of lower "Chained CPI". (Apr 2013)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
- Supported pension reform and tax credits for long-term care. (Jul 1999)
Brad Schneider on Social Security
Democrat (District 10):
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- Work tirelessly to prevent privatization of Social Security. (Nov 2012)
- Rated 80% by ARA, indicating a mixed record on senior issues. (Jan 2013)
John Shimkus on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-19):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 10% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
Lauren Underwood on Social Security
Democrat (District 14):
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Former candidates & officeholders:
Rod Blagojevich on Social Security
Democratic IL Governor; previously Representative (IL-5):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Changing Social Security disproportionately affects women. (May 2001)
Joe Walsh on Social Security
Republican presidential primary challenger:
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- Gradually raising the retirement age beyond 67. (Nov 2010)
- Individuals set aside portion of own income for retirement. (Feb 2010)
Tammy Duckworth on Social Security
Democrat (retiring 2016) (District 8):
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- Oppose efforts to undermine Social Security. (Nov 2012)
- by NCPSSM indicating a pro-Social Security stance. (Jul 2012)
- Rated 100% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Jesse Louis Jackson on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-2):
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- Voted NO on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
- Exclude Medicare and Social Security from deficit reduction. (Aug 2011)
Bobby Schilling on Social Security
Republican challenger 2014 (District 17):
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- No privatizing; no raising the retirement age. (Nov 2010)
Aaron Schock on Social Security
Republican (resigned 2015) (District 18):
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- Rated 7% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
George Ryan on Social Security
Former Republican Governor (1999-2002):
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- Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare. (Aug 2001)
James Thompson on Social Security
Former Republican Governor (1977-1990):
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Philip Crane on Social Security
Republican (Until 2004) (District 8):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
James Durkin on Social Security
2002 Former Republican Senate Challenger:
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Harris Fawell on Social Security
Republican Former (1994-) (District 13):
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- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Peter Fitzgerald on Social Security
Former Republican incumbent; retired 2004:
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- Earnings Limit Penalized Seniors. (Nov 2000)
- Voted YES on using the Social Security Surplus to fund tax reductions. (Jul 1999)
- Voted YES on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Mike Flanagan on Social Security
Republican Former (1994-) (District 5):
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- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Denny Hastert on Social Security
Republican (Retired 2007) (District 14):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Alan Keyes on Social Security
American Independent nominee for President; 2004 Republican challenger for IL Senate:
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- Keep promises but give choice of market investments. (Oct 2007)
- Personal retirement accounts allow investing in ones future. (Sep 2007)
- Keep promises but give future choice. (Sep 2004)
- Supports privatization & Lock-box. (Jan 2000)
- Keep our promises on Social Security benefits, guaranteed. (Nov 1999)
- Let people who earn their money invest their own money. (Nov 1999)
William Lipinski on Social Security
Democrat (Until 2004) (District 3):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Strengthen Trust Funds and take them off-budget. (May 2001)
- Rated 89% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Carol Moseley-Braun on Social Security
Former Democratic Senator (Until 1998):
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- Payroll tax is a regressive working mans tax. (Nov 2003)
- Our children must have same security as us. (Sep 2003)
- Voted YES on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998)
- Voted NO on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998)
- Voted NO on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes. (May 1996)
Barack Obama on Social Security
Democratic President (2009-2017); IL Senator (2004-2008):
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- MyRA: new savings bond for retirement. (Jan 2014)
- No new promises we can't keep; but keep promises we've made. (Feb 2013)
- Entitlements don't make us takers; they free us to take risk. (Jan 2013)
- Tweak Social Security like Reagan did, but keep entitlements. (Oct 2012)
- OpEd: Eliminating FICA ceiling means rich won't spend. (Apr 2010)
- Good health care and tax reform will save entitlements. (Oct 2008)
- 2007: Raise income cap to avoid future shortfall. (Aug 2008)
- What do we do with the losers of privatizing? (Jul 2008)
- Raise cap on payroll tax for 3% of earners over $102,000. (Apr 2008)
- Raise $97K cap on payroll tax exempting earnings under $250K. (Apr 2008)
- Must capture new revenue; no new Social Security Commission. (Apr 2008)
- Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security. (Feb 2008)
- FactCheck: Removing $97,500 cap would be $1.3T tax increase. (Nov 2007)
- Cutting benefits & raising retirement age are wrong answers. (Nov 2007)
- The wealthy should pay a bit more on the payroll tax. (Oct 2007)
- Privatization puts retirement at whim of stock market. (Sep 2007)
- Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security. (Aug 2007)
- No privatization; but consider earning cap over $97,500. (Jul 2007)
- Stock market risk is ok, but not for Social Security. (Oct 2006)
- Raise the cap on the payroll tax on wealthy individuals. (Jan 2006)
- $2000 tax credit for Working Families Savings Accounts. (Jul 2004)
- Voted NO on establishing reserve funds & pre-funding for Social Security. (Mar 2007)
Jack Ryan on Social Security
Former Republican Senate challenger (2004):
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Paul Simon on Social Security
Former Democratic Senator (Until 1997):
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- Base indexing on a lower inflation rate. (Jul 1996)
- Voted NO on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes. (May 1996)
Melissa Bean on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-8):
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- Opposes attempts to privatize Social Security or Medicare. (Nov 2004)
- Strengthen Trust Funds and take them off-budget. (May 2001)
Roland Burris on Social Security
Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2010):
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Cardiss Collins on Social Security
Democrat (1973-1996) (District 7):
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Jerry Costello on Social Security
Democratic Representative (IL-12):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 80% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
Kathy Cummings on Social Security
Green Challenger:
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- Absolutely opposes privatizing social security. (Aug 2008)
Rahm Emanuel on Social Security
Democratic Rep. (IL-5); Chief of Staff-Designee:
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- Help people build a nest egg outside Social Security. (Jan 2009)
- Create Retirement Savings Accounts. (Aug 2000)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Lane Evans on Social Security
Democrat (District 17):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Reject proposals for private saving accounts. (May 2002)
- Rated 100% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Thomas Ewing on Social Security
Republican (District 15):
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- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Alexi Giannoulias on Social Security
2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently State Treasurer:
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- Increase taxable wage base instead of raising retirement age. (Oct 2010)
- No greater safety net for seniors than social security. (Aug 2010)
- Gradual fixes: raising the cap; phase-down benefits for rich. (Feb 2010)
Debbie Halvorson on Social Security
Democrat (until 2010) (District 11):
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- Support and protect and oppose privatization. (Nov 2008)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
Phil Hare on Social Security
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- Total opposition to any type of privatizing. (Nov 2006)
- Reject privatization; don't raise the retirement age. (Aug 2010)
Henry Hyde on Social Security
Republican (District 6):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Create personal retirement accounts within Social Security. (Jul 2000)
- Rated 10% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Timothy Johnson on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-15):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 96% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Mark Kirk on Social Security
Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative (IL-10):
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- Honor our commitment to Americas seniors. (Sep 2000)
- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 5% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
- Supports individual savings accounts and work incentives. (Sep 1998)
Ray LaHood on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-18):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Invest surplus Trust Fund in market certificates. (Jan 2003)
- Rated 11% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Supports individual savings accounts and work incentives. (Sep 1998)
Donald Manzullo on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-16):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 10% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
David Phelps on Social Security
Democrat (District 19):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Strengthen Trust Funds and take them off-budget. (May 2001)
- Reject proposals for private saving accounts. (May 2002)
John Porter on Social Security
Republican (retired) (District 10):
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- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Glenn Poshard on Social Security
Democrat (District 19):
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Steven Sauerberg on Social Security
Republican Challenger:
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- Create more jobs to fund Social Security benefits. (May 2008)
- Ensure the solvency of the Social Security system. (May 2008)
Larry Stafford on Social Security
Libertarian challenger:
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- Social Security system as designed is fundamentally flawed. (Oct 2008)
- Sell SSA assets and replace system with private annuities. (Oct 2008)
- Privatize: control & operate your own plan. (Mar 2008)
Joe Walsh on Social Security
Republican (District 8):
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- Gradually raising the retirement age beyond 67. (Nov 2010)
- Individuals set aside portion of own income for retirement. (Feb 2010)
Jerry Weller on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-11):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings. (Sep 1994)
Sidney Yates on Social Security
Democrat (retired 1998) (District 9):
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Judy Biggert on Social Security
Republican Representative (IL-13):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Supports individual savings accounts and work incentives. (Sep 1998)
- Supported pension reform and tax credits for long-term care. (Jul 1999)
Rod Blagojevich on Social Security
Democratic IL Governor; previously Representative (IL-5):
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- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Changing Social Security disproportionately affects women. (May 2001)
Jeanne Ives on Social Security
Republican (District 6):
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Mark Kirk on Social Security
Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative (IL-10):
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- Honor our commitment to Americas seniors. (Sep 2000)
- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Rated 0% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 5% by ARA, indicating a pro-privatization stance. (Jan 2013)
- Supports individual savings accounts and work incentives. (Sep 1998)
Mary Miller on Social Security
Republican (District 21):
Click here for Mary Miller on other issues.
Marie Newman on Social Security
Democrat (District 3):
Click here for the full quote
OR click here for Marie Newman on other issues.
Jim Oberweis on Social Security
Republican (District 14):
Click here for the full quote
OR click here for Jim Oberweis on other issues.
- Voted NO on increasing state employees' pension plans. (Mar 2013)