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Bill Sponsorships
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Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

17-HRes11 on Jan 3, 2017

Bill Sponsorship: two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank
Source: Opposing UN Resolution 2334
Congressional Summary: S.Res.6/H.Res.11 objects to U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, which characterizes Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as illegal and demands cessation of settlement activities.
  • Calls for such resolution to be repealed or fundamentally altered and allows all final status issues toward a two-state solution to be resolved through direct bilateral negotiations between the parties.
  • Notes that granting membership and statehood standing to the Palestinians at the UN, its specialized agencies, and other international institutions outside of the context of a bilateral peace agreement with Israel would cause severe harm to the peace process.
  • Urges upholding the U.S. practice of vetoing all Security Council resolutions that recognize unilateral Palestinian actions or dictate terms and a time line for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Reaffirms that it is U.S. policy to seek a sustainable, just, and secure two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Opposing argument: (Cato Institute, Dec. 19, 2003): In principle, separation seems the best answer to stop the killing. For this reason, a security fence makes sense--if it actually separates Jew from Arab. Unfortunately, to protect a number of disparate Israeli settlements erected in the midst of Palestinian communities, Israel currently is mixing Jew and Arab and separating Arab from Arab. Thus are sown the seeds for conflict. After 36 years of occupation, the land remains almost exclusively Arab. The limited Jewish presence is the result of conscious colonization. The settlements require a pervasive Israeli military occupation, imposing a de facto system of apartheid. Separation offers the only hope, but separation requires dismantling Israeli settlements. Also see Senate version S.Res.6

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 14. Question 14: Support American Exceptionalism Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Foreign Policy
  • Headline: Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank (Score: 1)
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill supporting Israeli settlements on West Bank (Score: 2)

    Participating counts on AmericansElect question 5.
  • Headline: Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank (Answer: B)
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill supporting Israeli settlements on West Bank (Answer: A)
  • AmericansElect Quiz Question 5 on Foreign Policy: When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
    • A: The US should always act in its own interest regardless of what other countries think
    • B: The US should rarely listen to other countries
    • C: The US should listen to other countries more often than not
    • D: The US should always listen to other countries before pursuing its own interests
    • E: Unsure

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 17-HRes11

Brendan Boyle s1sPennsylvania Democratic House MemberJan 3, 2017
Robert Brady s1sPennsylvania DemocratJan 4, 2017
Jim Costa s1sCalifornia DemocratJan 4, 2017
Charlie Crist s1sFL Democratic Governor ChallengerJan 5, 2017
John Delaney s1sMaryland DemocratJan 4, 2017
Ted Deutch s1sFlorida DemocratJan 3, 2017
Eliot Engel s1sNew York Democrat/LiberalJan 3, 2017
Adriano Espaillat s1sNew York DemocratJan 3, 2017
Lois Frankel s1sFlorida DemocratJan 3, 2017
Vicente Gonzalez s1sTexas DemocratJan 4, 2017
Josh Gottheimer s1sNew Jersey DemocratJan 4, 2017
Gene Green s1sTexas DemocratJan 3, 2017
Alcee Hastings s1sFlorida DemocratJan 3, 2017
Derek Kilmer s1sWashington DemocratJan 3, 2017
Nita Lowey s1sNew York DemocratJan 3, 2017
Carolyn Maloney s1sNew York Democrat/LiberalJan 3, 2017
Grace Meng s1sNew York DemocratJan 3, 2017
Jerrold Nadler s1sNew York Dem./Lib./Working-FamiliesJan 3, 2017
Donald Norcross s1sNew Jersey Democratic House MemberJan 3, 2017
Tom O`Halleran s1sArizona DemocratJan 5, 2017
Kathleen Rice s1sNew York Democratic House MemberJan 3, 2017
Jacky Rosen s1sNevada DemocratJan 4, 2017
David Scott s1sGeorgia DemocratJan 4, 2017
Brad Sherman s1sCalifornia DemocratJan 3, 2017
Kyrsten Sinema s1sArizona DemocratJan 3, 2017
Albio Sires s1sNew Jersey DemocratJan 3, 2017
Darren Soto s1sFlorida DemocratJan 3, 2017
Juan Vargas s1sCalifornia DemocratJan 3, 2017
Marc Veasey s1sTexas DemocratJan 5, 2017
Filemon Vela s1sTexas DemocratJan 4, 2017
Debbie Wasserman Schultz s1sFlorida DemocratJan 3, 2017

Republicans participating in 17-HRes11

Ralph Abraham s1sLA Republican challenger for GovernorJan 3, 2017
Rick Allen s1sGeorgia Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Mark Amodei s1sNevada RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Jim Banks s1sIndiana RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Andy Barr s1sKentucky RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Gus Bilirakis s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Mike Bishop s1sMichigan Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Vern Buchanan s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Ken Buck s1sCO Republican Challenger (withdrawn)Jan 5, 2017
Michael Burgess s1sTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Bradley Byrne s1sAL Republican 2020 Senate ChallengerJan 5, 2017
Ken Calvert s1sCalifornia RepublicanJan 4, 2017
John Carter s1sTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Steve Chabot s1sOhio RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Jason Chaffetz s1sUT Former Republican Challenger (2011)Jan 4, 2017
Barbara Comstock s1sVirginia Republican House MemberJan 5, 2017
Paul Cook s1sCalifornia RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Ryan Costello s1sPennsylvania Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Carlos Curbelo s1sFlorida Republican House MemberJan 5, 2017
Scott DesJarlais s1sTennessee RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Mario Diaz-Balart s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Jeff Duncan s1sSouth Carolina RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Neal Dunn s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 3, 2017
John Faso s1sNew York RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Bill Flores s1sTexas RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Virginia Foxx s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Matt Gaetz s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Mike Gallagher s1sWisconsin RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Samuel Graves s1sMissouri RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Tom Graves s1sGeorgia RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Morgan Griffith s1sVirginia RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Glenn Grothman s1sWisconsin Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Andy Harris s1sMaryland RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Vicky Hartzler s1sMissouri RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Jaime Herrera s1sWashington RepublicanJan 5, 2017
George Holding s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Richard Hudson s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Randy Hultgren s1sIllinois RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Duncan Hunter s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008)Jan 4, 2017
Evan Jenkins s1sWest Virginia Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Lynn Jenkins s1sKansas RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Bill Johnson s1sOhio RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Mike Johnson s1sLouisiana RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Sam Johnson s1sTexas RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Dave Joyce s1sOhio RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Mike Kelly s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Peter King s1sNew York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-LifeJan 4, 2017
Adam Kinzinger s1sIllinois RepublicanJan 5, 2017
David Kustoff s1sTennessee RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Doug LaMalfa s1sCalifornia RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Frank LoBiondo s1sNew Jersey RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Mia Love s1sUtah Republican House MemberJan 5, 2017
Blaine Luetkemeyer s1sMissouri RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Kenny Marchant s1sTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Tom Marino s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Brian Mast s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Tom McClintock s1sCA03 Former Republican Challenger (2003)Jan 5, 2017
Martha McSally s1sArizona Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Mark Meadows s1sNorth Carolina RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Luke Messer s1sIN Republican candidate for Indiana U.S. SenatorJan 5, 2017
John Moolenaar s1sMichigan Republican House MemberJan 3, 2017
Alex Mooney s1sWest Virginia Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Dan Newhouse s1sWashington Republican House MemberJan 3, 2017
Devin Nunes s1sCalifornia RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Pete Olson s1sTexas RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Scott Perry s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Ted Poe s1sTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
John Ratcliffe s1sTexas Republican House MemberJan 5, 2017
Phil Roe s1sTennessee RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Todd Rokita s1sIN Republican candidate for Indiana U.S. SenatorJan 5, 2017
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Peter Roskam s1sIllinois RepublicanJan 4, 2017
David Rouzer s1sNorth Carolina Republican House MemberJan 5, 2017
Steve Russell s1sOklahoma Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
David Schweikert s1sArizona RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Pete Sessions s1sTexas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Christopher Smith s1sNew Jersey RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Lamar Smith s1sTexas RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Chris Stewart s1sUtah RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Steve Stivers s1sOhio RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Scott Taylor s1sVA Republican 2020 Senate ChallengerJan 5, 2017
Claudia Tenney s1sNew York RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Glenn Thompson s1sPennsylvania RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Ann Wagner s1sMissouri RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Mimi Walters s1sCalifornia Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Randy Weber s1sTexas RepublicanJan 5, 2017
Joe Wilson s1sSouth Carolina RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Kevin Yoder s1sKansas RepublicanJan 3, 2017
Ted Yoho s1sFlorida RepublicanJan 3, 2017
David Young s1sIowa Republican House MemberJan 4, 2017
Don Young s1sAlaska RepublicanJan 4, 2017
Lee Zeldin s1sNew York Republican House MemberJan 3, 2017

Independents participating in 17-HRes11

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 31
Republicans: 92
Independents: 0

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